Receive Your Life show

Receive Your Life

Summary: Do you feel in your heart and soul that there is more to life than what you are experiencing? If so, you are probably dancing with divine discontent. We experience divine discontent when we are living as our compromised self rather than our authentic self. In each episode of this program, the focus will be on how and why you compromise yourself and how to get back into the flow of your life. You are perfectly designed to live a purposeful and prosperous life. Anything less is an indication that you misunderstand your value. Your relationship with yourself-where you are living from in consciousness-impacts all areas of your life, including your finances, career, relationship with your partner, kids, family, friends, colleagues, weight, health, and so on. Join us weekly on Receive Your Life as Janice shares practical tools to support you in living soul-satisfying success. The Receive Your Life online radio show is sponsored by The Receive Your Life Company. Become a fan of Receive Your Life on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 A Glimpse of Your Value | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The world you inhabit is the world of your consciousness. Every time you get a glimpse of your value, your world expands. You live inside a reality that expands with an awareness of your value and contracts with the misunderstanding of your value. Initially it may appear as if others are withholding your good from you; yet it is impossible to receive more than what you believe you deserve. On today's show we will discuss how you can access your power to expand and allow your heart's desire.

 There Is Nothing Wrong With You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

How did we ever get on the track of believing there is so much to fix about ourselves? It is one thing to release our false self and become more of who we are, and yet it's quite another to believe there is something inherently wrong with us. With one, you are always striving and have the frustration of never arriving. With the other, you celebrate, embrace, and share who you are. We are going to discuss tools you can use so less of your time is spent attempting to self-improve and more of your time is spent celebrating who you are.

 Growing Your Garden of Desires | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Where do desires come from, why do some of them manifest and others don't, why do you give up on your desires? At the end of today's show you will have greater clarity on your relationship with desires. Instead of hoping and wishing something will show up in your life, you will understand your role in the unfoldment of your desires. Just as nurturing a garden takes focus, discernment, and action, the same is true with your garden of desires.

 Why Measuring for Results Can Be Misleading | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

We often think of measuring for results as positive, something that keeps us on our toes, focused and on purpose. But focused and on purpose with what? What are we really measuring? Are we using these outside measurements to measure our worthiness? If so, we're measuring for something that doesn't have the capacity to deliver what we truly desire. On today's show we are going to discuss why using outside measurements to validate our worth distracts us from achieving soul-satisfying success.

 Loving the Relationship You Attracted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

New relationships feel so fresh and exciting, filled with possibility, but then very often reality sets in. Why does it often feel that the people we are in relationship with lose their lustre over time? And does it have to be that way? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she explores the topic of reality and how you can revive and enjoy a deeply satisfying relationship with the person you attracted into your life.

 Attracting the Relationship of Your Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Are you tired of wanting and not receiving? A romantic relationship can feel like it is in a category of its own, but it's not. The law of attraction works the same in all areas of our life. On today's show we are going to focus specifically on romantic relationships. If you've been frustrated around that aspect of your life, you will enjoy this episode. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses why being in a great relationship has less to do with luck and more to do with being very aware of your relationship with the law of attraction. Understanding and clarity lead to traction in realizing your desires.

 Claiming Your Desires | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

You are designed to live your heart's desires. However, before you can do it, you must be able to recognize and claim them. So often we follow or chase what we believe we should want or we go after what we believe will magically transport us to our desires. This path can become exhausting and frustrating as we travel in circles chasing what continues to elude us. On today's show we are going to discuss how to claim your desires directly without feeling like you have to go through the middleman to realize them.

 Untangling Your Mixed Messages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Mixed messages occur when our thoughts, words, and actions are not in alignment with our knowing, our authentic self. When we are in the middle of a mixed message, we feel stuck, frustrated, and powerless. It's not a good feeling. On today's show, we are going to break down the components causing our mixed messages and also identify the symptoms pointing us to our mixed messages. Equipped with this information, you will be able to disentangle yourself from your mixed messages and get back into the flow of your life.

 You May Be Working Too Hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Let me complete that sentence. You may be working too hard for what you don't want. Albert Einstein says, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If we're working hard and still our desires elude us, something is off. With awareness, we don't have to keep repeating the same futile patterns, hoping something will change. Even though the patterns may be useless, the desires in the pattern are not. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses how to release the efforts that don't bring the results you want so you are available to receive what you do want.

 Why Do My Desires Feel So Far Away? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Have you had the same desires year after year, and they continue to elude you? If so, you may be on a track that is incapable of delivering your desires to you. On today's show we are going to discuss how to get off the hamster wheel of chasing your desires. Once the chasing subsides you will be happy to discover your desires are not as far away as you may have thought.

 Breaking the Compromise Cycle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

What stands between you and your heart's desire are compromises. Without even knowing it, we often compromise who we are and what we want, and then we're surprised with what shows up around us. If you are sending out mixed messages, saying and pretending to want what you believe you should want or what you think will lead you to what you want, you won't get what you want. The law of attraction doesn't play favorites, it just is. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses how to approach your desires directly, which will in turn break the compromise cycle.

 You Are Not Crazy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

You may feel crazy wanting what you want or not wanting what you have. Maybe you feel crazy and frustrated because you don't know what you want. On today's show we are going to explore the intricacies of desires and why our relationship with our desires often leaves us feeling conflicted. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she connects the dots with your desires, your giving, your resentment, and your freedom.

 Allow Passion to Take You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

On today's show we are going to be using the Mexican fisherman story to demonstrate the connection between passion and satisfaction. What inspires each one of us is different. However, the path to satisfaction has a common theme. To live a life of success and satisfaction, it is important that you acknowledge and follow the passion living within you. Following the "shoulds" just won't take you where you want to go. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses how to recognize and follow your passion and your path.

 It’s Not Too Late For You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you ever find yourself engaging in the thought, It's too late? It's too late to do or have what you want. If so, notice how it feels. Does it conjure up feelings of regret, scarcity, or hopelessness? On today's show we are going to discuss how resistance to the phrase it's too late actually means "it's not true, it's not too late for you." Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she explores the topic of missing out and how it's not really possible to miss out on your heart's desire.

 Are You a Rebel or a Conformist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Throughout your day you may bounce back and forth depending upon the activity you are engaged in, and yet is that really who you are? On today's show we are going to explore how being a rebel and/or a conformist is really two sides of the same scarcity coin. Both the rebel path and the conformist path have us turning away from our true desires. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses why we rebel and/or conform and how that prevents us from experiencing soul-satisfying success.


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