Receive Your Life show

Receive Your Life

Summary: Do you feel in your heart and soul that there is more to life than what you are experiencing? If so, you are probably dancing with divine discontent. We experience divine discontent when we are living as our compromised self rather than our authentic self. In each episode of this program, the focus will be on how and why you compromise yourself and how to get back into the flow of your life. You are perfectly designed to live a purposeful and prosperous life. Anything less is an indication that you misunderstand your value. Your relationship with yourself-where you are living from in consciousness-impacts all areas of your life, including your finances, career, relationship with your partner, kids, family, friends, colleagues, weight, health, and so on. Join us weekly on Receive Your Life as Janice shares practical tools to support you in living soul-satisfying success. The Receive Your Life online radio show is sponsored by The Receive Your Life Company. Become a fan of Receive Your Life on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Progressive Courage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

When we see a new possibility for ourselves, we are often quick in making where we are wrong while trying to instantly jump to the new reality we see. When what we want doesn't manifest as quickly as we've hoped, it is easy to become discouraged and question the inspiration we are receiving. Moving from fear to faith is a process, a journey we travel on. On today's show, Janice Campbell, LUT, discusses signposts in your life that will serve as reminders that you are indeed on track to receiving your life.

 How to Be Authentically Happy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The happiness movement is gaining momentum and for good reason. Studies show happier people are more likely to have better health and longer life, more fulfilling relationships, higher incomes and financial success, and more altruism. The studies revealed it wasn't that better health and financial success caused people to be happier, although it helps, rather happiness preceded and predicted these outcomes consistently. Happiness matters, your happiness matters. Even though there is a lot of talk on the value of happiness, there is not much specific guidance on how to be authentically happy. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses specific steps you can follow to live an authentically happy life and how it it can be a permanent lifestyle and within your reach.

 Being on the Same Side as Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

To understand what it means to be on the same side as yourself, it may be easier to explain what it is not. When we are not on the same side as ourselves, we are in the midst of an adversarial relationship. We probably have all heard it said that we are our own worst enemy, but why is that? And does it have to be that way? It absolutely does not have to be that way and, in fact, very often our inner battles create much unnecessary suffering, both for ourselves and for others. However, before we can be on the same side as ourselves, it is important to explore the current relationship we have with ourselves, the relationship between the spiritual aspect of ourselves and the physical aspect. Is this relationship supportive, healthy, and harmonious or is it destructive, diminishing, and combative? On today's show, Janice Campbell, LUT, is going to explore the idea of practical spirituality, integrating both aspects of ourselves into our everyday life. She will discuss the strength, focus, and peace that's possible when we live an authentic and undivided life.

 Spiritual Parenting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

All of us have been parented in one way or another. It may have been positive, negative, or a mixture of both. However, even the best parenting by worldly standards is not spiritual parenting. Our guest for today's show, Betsy Otter Thompson, is the author of Loveparent. When I think of Betsy, the word wisdom comes to mind and her book Loveparent affirms that even more. The subtitle of her book is How to Be the Parent you Hope to Be. Whether you are thinking about having children, currently raising children, are a grandparent, or wish to spiritually parent yourself, you will find richness in today's show. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and author Betsy Otter Thompson as they discuss the journey of spiritual parenting.

 Choosing Happiness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

On today's show we are going to discuss our inner power to choose happiness. However, before we can choose happiness, we have to discern between surface happiness and authentic happiness. Surface happiness is fleeting and based on changing circumstances, while authentic happiness is being in harmony with our soul and living from the inside out. We will focus on the one thing, which is unique and personal to each person, that stands in the way of experiencing the ongoing happiness that is our natural state. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she explores how your relationship to happiness can shift from getting lucky to your natural disposition.

 You Don't Have to Compromise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Not only do you not have to compromise, but if you do compromise, very often you are actually repelling your good. It can sound so counterintuitive, especially if we have been taught to not rock the boat, keep the peace, and fit in. Those rules may be important if there was actually something to fear, but what if there isn't? What if it works better for everyone if we rock the boat? What if keeping the peace means watering down life's experience for us, and our family, or by trying so hard to fit in that we're actually abandoning ourselves? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, as she discusses the catch-22 of compromising and what options we have if we find ourselves no longer able, or willing, to compromise.

 Discerning the Wisdom of Your Inner Voices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Whether we like it or not, we are going to have ongoing conversations with our inner voices. Our part is to use our power of discernment to differentiate between the voice of Spirit and the voice of fear. We have a past, we live in a complex world, and we have a rich and satisfying life awaiting our receptivity. Becoming aware of what we are listening to and what we allow to guide our life is our first step to freedom, compassion, and love both for ourselves and for others. If we turn away too quickly, we may feel temporary relief, but the misunderstandings that cause our fears, anxieties, and shame to hang around have not been healed. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how you can use your power of discernment to commune with your higher self throughout the day.

 Reuniting With the Flow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Ah, that old familiar feeling. You know the one, when you feel separate and cut off from life, wondering what you are doing here and if anything matters. You don't have to hang out there longer than you desire. There are ways to shift your energy. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to get back in the flow when you have temporarily lost your way.

 The Wisdom in Our Doubts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

When we feel doubt creep in, we often think we have to chase it away before it taints our experience. What if doubt could be used as the canary in the mine alerting us of potential danger? The danger is not that we are doing or wanting something wrong or harmful, rather it alerts us that we are engaging in thoughts that are not aligned with our true self. There is wisdom in our doubts. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they explore the knowing that is available once we listen to and discern the communication of our doubts.

 Finding Your Balance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Finding balance is not a one-size-fits-all scenario nor is it a one-time event. It is an ongoing process of listening within to your inner guidance. Your balance, your alignment with Spirit, your happy place will be unique to you. Feeling out of balance is often an indication that we have drifted out of the flow of life. Very often what has us feeling separate and unbalanced are thoughts of scarcity, comparison, and misunderstanding of the truth of who we are. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss finding your balance through the awareness and prioritization of your values.

 Your Path Is Well Lit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

There is an energy within us that is always guiding us to our highest good. When we align with this energy, the energy of our true authentic self, we feel ourselves being pulled into the flow of life. It sounds so simple. And yet, if that is how life works, why wouldn't we just surrender to the flow all day, every day? We live on the physical plane and with that comes a lot of noise and distractions vying for our attention all day, every day. It takes discernment to know which voice to listen to and follow. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as her guest shares how her life has changed by listening to and acting on her bigger yeses, the pulls, in her life.

 Scarcity Is a Choice (And So Is Abundance) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

And yet it doesn't always feel that way. Very often it feels as if scarcity comes at us from the outside world, and then we're left feeling depleted, exhausted, and powerless. On today's show we are going to discuss how you can shift your awareness from scarcity to abundance. Like Eric Butterworth says in Spiritual Economics, "You are never further than one idea away from all the wealth in the Universe." Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss what this statement means and how you can put it to practical use in your everyday life.

 Growing What's Working | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Sometimes being on a spiritual path can feel like you're laboring; monitoring your thoughts, watching your words, and questioning your actions. When your spiritual path starts to feel effortful, it's time to take a break. If you're feeling stressed, you're probably trying too hard, which is an indication that fear and anxiety are present. One way to relieve this condition is to shift your attention to what is already working well in your life. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to grow those moments to experience a joyful, peaceful, and abundant life. To learn more about Andoni and his singing, go to

 Waiting vs. Patience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

We have dreams we aspire to, inspiration we receive from Spirit; but what does it mean if our desires aren't manifesting? What if we're bouncing back and forth between worry and faith? What is our part in all this, how do we apply spiritual principles to our predicament? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss the difference between waiting and patience. Discerning between the two will free up your energy and bring peace of mind as you travel along your journey.

 Understanding Brings Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Jesus said, "The truth shall set you free" yet how do we know what the truth is? How do we know our truth? We often search outside ourselves looking for our truth. Yet it doesn't work that way. The truth, our truth, comes to us from within, through spiritual understanding. Today we're going to discuss how to discern between our "should" life and the life we have been given to live. Without a deep understanding of the gift that we are, it is easy to question whether or not we've wasted our life. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how spiritual understanding sheds light on the truth of who we are and sets us free to be at peace with where we've been, where we are, and where we're going.


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