Indonesian show


Summary: Extensive coverage of international, national and local news and current affairs, including interviews with Indonesian community leaders and other cultural programs.

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 Parental Leave | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Thousands of pregnant women will lose money under a government crackdown on paid parental leave.   (Ribuan ibu hamil akan kehilangan dana bantuan dibawah tindakan keras pemerintah terhadap pemberian dana cuti orang tua.  )

 Caring Through Speech Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As an example of the role of young people caring for the elderly, Nick Jackson, a Masters student in Speech Therapy at Monash University, talks about the joy he gets from caring for different types of patients in the practical part of his course.

 Solar Farming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The next time you buy tomatoes from your local supermarket, take a moment to look where they have come from. They might be among the first batch to go on sale from a unique farming operation set up in an area of Australia traditionally thought... (Lain kali Anda membeli tomat dari supermarket lokal Anda, luangkan waktu untuk melihat dari mana asal nya. Mereka mungkin adalah bagiandari kelompok pertama dari sayuran yang mulai dijual sebagai hasil operasi pertanian yang unik yang didirikan di daera Australia yang secara tradisionil dianggap terlalu kering untuk menanam sayuran dan buah2an.    )

 Travel Arrest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says there have been an increasing number of calls to Australian embassy staff to help Australians arrested overseas.       (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade DFAT mengatakan telah terjadi peningkatan jumlah panggilan staf kedutaan Australia untuk membantu warga Australia yang ditangkap di luar negeri.        )

 Emotional Abuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Emotional abuse is recognised as a damaging element of family violence. Experts stress the need to understand the culture in order to provide support for victims of emotional abuse.   (Pelecehan seacara emosional diakui sebagai salah satu unsur kekerasan dalam keluarga.   Para ahli menekankan perlunya memahami kebudayaan si korban untuk memberikan dukungan korban pelecehan emosional    )

 ABCC - Australian Building and Construction Commission | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Federal Government's negotiating skills with the Senate crossbench are set to be put to the test sooner rather than later. The potential reinstatement of the Australian Building and Construction Commission, or ABCC, is headed for debate in ... (Keterampilan negosiasi Pemerintah Federal dengan para Senator crossbenchers telah mendapat ujian lebih awal dalam potensi pemulihan badan Australian Building and Construction Commission, or ABCC. Pemerintah menegaskan bahwa ada mandat yang jelas untuk menyingkirkan apa yang mereka sebut sebagai sektor premanisme.    )

 Bob Day Quits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Homes are left unfinished and customers contemplating insurance claims after the failure of Bob Day's building empire.   The former Senator has resigned after his building group went into liquidation.    ... (Bob Day telah mengundurkan diri dari jabatan Senatornya pada hari Senin lalu setelah kelompok perusahaan bangunan jatuh ke dalam likuidasi.   Banyak rumah yang masih belum selesai dan para pembeli mengajukan klaim asuransi setelah perusahaan bangunan milik Bob Day jatuh bangkrut.    )

 Emilia Lisa Sterjova - The Candidate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Emilia Lisa Sterjova, a candidate in the council elections for the City of Whittlesea and President of BISA (The Association of Students of Indonesian Language) at La Trobe University talks about her reasons for standing for election to the North ... (Emilia Lisa Sterjova, kandidat pemilihan konselor untuk North Ward Whittlesea City, mahasiswa dan Presiden Bahasa Indonesia Student Association (BISA) Universitas La Trobe, berbicara tentang alasannya mencalonklan diri dalam pemilihan di North Ward, Whittlesea City, VIC.  )

 Zufaidah Juri - Chaffey Candidate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Zufaidah Juri, a candidate in the council elections for the City of Wyndham, Chaffey Ward, VIC talks about her electoral goals and aspirations and the competition she faces in the election.   (Zufaidah Juri, kadidat dalam pemilihan di Whyndham City untuk Caheffy Ward VIC, berbicara tentang apa yang ingin dicapai untuk elektoralnya, aspirasi dan kompetisi yang dihadapinya dalam pemilu ini.  )

 Fisheries - Abdul Halim | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview with Abdul Halim, General Secretrary of People Coalition for Fair Fisheries - Koalisi Rakyat untuk Keadilan Perikanan (KIARA) regarding the highly priased performance of Minister Susi Pudjiastuti in the Jokowi's Cabinet. (Wawancara dengan Abdul Halim, Sekretaris Jendral Koalisi Rakyat untuk Keadilan Perikanan (KIARA) mengenai kiprah Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, Susi Pudjiastuti yang merupakan salah satu menteri dengan prestasi paling baik di Kabinet Kerja Presiden Jokowi  )

 Health - Medicare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Australian Medical Association has renewed its calls for G-Ps to raise consultation fees to keep up with the rising costs of running a practice.     (Australian Medical Association menyerukan kembali agar para dokter umum menaikkan biaya konsultasinya untuk menutup ongkos membuka praktek yang semakin meningkat.      )

 Poverty report in Australia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The federal government has defended proposed welfare changes in the face of rising poverty rates in Australia.     (Pemerintah federal telah membela perubahan kesejahteraan yang diusulkan demi menghadapi tingkat kemiskinan yang terus meningkat di Australia.    )

 Small Business Secrets: Thank You Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Water is an everyday staple that most can take for granted but globally, around 700 million people lack access to it.   (Air merupakan bahan pokok sehari-hari yang penting, namun sekitar 700 juta orang tidak memiliki akses ke dalam hal ini.  )

 Extortion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Zainal Abidin lecturer in psychology at Pajajaran University, examines the likelihood of the Indonesian Government being able to eliminate the collection illegal fees or pungli to get things done in daily life.   (Dr Zainal Abidin, dosen psikologi di Universitas Pajajaran (UNPAD) membahas kemungkinannya Pemerintah Indonesia akan berhasil dalam memberantas pungutan liar atau pungli, agar masalah-masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari itu dapat diselesaikan.  )

 Visa 417 - Backpachers Exploited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

According to a recent report from the Fair Work Ombudsman, what kinds of exploitation and abuse are some holders of Working Holiday visas experiencing in Australia? Why are some of those workers reticent to complain about their mistreatment? Thi... (Menurut laporan Fair Work Ombudsman baru-baru ini, ekploitasi semacam apa yang dialami di Australia oleh pemegang Visa Working Holiday? Mengapa sebagian dari dari para pekerja itu segan mengeluh akan perlakuan yang tidak benar terhadap mereka? Laporan ini membahas isu-isu tersebut dan mencari kemungkinan jalan keluarnya.  )


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