The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: Are you tired of struggling with your weight? Frustrated with poor results despite following the advice of other experts? Are you dealing with a health challenge or obstacle and having a hard time getting started? No matter what stage you are at, The Dr. Rob Show, featuring weight loss expert, Dr. Robert Maki, will provide you with up to date, cutting-edge information and support to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. For the last several decades, the information and advice we have received about weight loss is wrong. We have to get away from the typical “diet” mentality all together, especially in the stressful 21st century. Losing weight is more complicated than just reducing calories, but it does not have to be impossible as long as you have the right information and take the proper approach. The goal of The Dr. Rob Show is to provide practical solutions you can incorporate into your life to ensure you reach your goals and get the body and health you deserve.

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 Can Hormone Therapy Cause Cancer? | DRS-83 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:19

 In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer a listener e-mail asking about wether or not hormone replacement therapy can increase cancer risk, specifically after a radical hysterectomy. Our listener who is in her early to mid 40's needed a hysterectomy to save her life from Endometrial cancer. Fast forward a couple years she is now experiencing menopausal symptoms. However her doctor does not want to put her on hormone replacement because of increased cancer risk. She asks Dr. Rob if he agrees with what they are telling her. We talk not only about hormones, but also how the liver can also play a big role in some of these related issues. The liver is a major detoxifier in the body and plays a huge role in many other dysfunctions. We talk about how optimizing liver function will help with most problems you may be dealing with. Dr. Rob explains how bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is not dangerous as far as cancer risk goes. He also talks about other options you can choose from if you don't want or need a hysterectomy.       In This Episode of The Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss Cancer risk from hormone therapy Discuss the connection between the liver and the rest of your body Discuss alternatives to a hysterectomy What do you think? Do you take hormone replacements? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Natural Weight Loss | DRS-82 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:53

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we go back to the weight loss topic. One of our listeners wrote in and mentioned how it is hard for him to "let go" of the caloric restriction mindset. We realize that many people may be having this issue. What Dr. Rob "preaches" is to let go of the typical caloric restriction mindset because it is detrimental to your long term weight loss success. As we start down our weight loss journey we typically set specific goals that we want to achieve by a certain time/date. It may be easy to achieve those short term goals, but as time goes on it seems harder and harder to hit those next short term goals we set for ourselves. When we get to that "plateau" point, we begin to get down on ourselves which can prevent us from continuing on. Dr. Rob explains why we can hit those goals in the beginning but have a harder time down the road. He explains that its not about manipulating the calories in calories out philosophy. The point is to focus on the food choices primarily. Its not about how much you eat, but what you eat that really matters. Its ok to look at calories, but not to focus on how many calories you consume in a day. If you eat less and exercise more, you will have failure in the long term sense. Our bodies gained weight over time. It takes time to lose the weight. In common society we are made to think we can lose 20 or 30 pounds in one month. This is completely the wrong information. Although it is possible to lose that much weight initially, it is unhealthy and it will kill your long term success. Dr. Rob teaches that weight loss is a lifestyle change not a diet. Diets are not meant to last, they can not last. There is a huge "learning curve" in changing your mindset from caloric restriction to lifestyle change. Once your able to get your mind on this new way of thinking is the first step. After that its all about what you eat not how much you eat. Show Note References: Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil (KIDS), Cod Liver Oil (ADULT) Vitamin C     In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show...... Discuss Weight loss Discuss caloric restriction Discuss lifestyle change What do you think? Do you have a difficult time "letting go" of the caloric restriction mindset? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Can Meat Cause Cancer? | DRS-81 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:24

 In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we read and talk about an article from the Huffington Post titled, 'Meat Consumption And Cancer Risk Varies By Race, Study Shows'. In short the article talks about how women can have an increased risk of cancer the more meat they consume on a weekly basis. Dr. Rob explains how meat consumption is NOT detrimental to your health and explains why this article isn't something you should be focusing on. As we have talked about in past podcasts, it is the sugar/carbohydrate consumption that increases your risk of certain types of diseases. We as humans are meant to consume more meats and fats and little carbohydrates. With our carbohydrate driven society, we are more prone to diet based diseases as apposed to infectious diseases you would see 100+ years ago. Dr. Rob explains why this article holds no value and also what types of food you should be eating in order to increase your chances of not obtaining diseases such as cancer and diabetes.       In This Episode of the Dr. Rob Show..... Discuss article from the Huffington Post Discuss meat consumption Discuss diabetes and cancer What do you think? Do you  consume meat on a regular basis? If so, have you noticed any problems with doing so? Take Action! Send us your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 The Hormone Hookup | DRS-80 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:06

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about Dr. Rob's success putting together a seminar in the high desert in Victorville, CA based on bio identical hormone replacement therapy. We also talk about an article Dr. Rob found, "Can Hormone Therapy Help Protect The Brain?"  After reading a few paragraphs from the article Dr. Rob talks about the different kinds of hormone therapy. Which types of therapy can help and which ones will do more damage than good. We also talk about, of course, how diet and sugar consumption can effect your body by raising insulin levels, which in turn can lead to disease such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's and dementia. Dr. Rob gives advise on steps you can take to help prevent if not reverse the causes of these types of diseases.           In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show....  Discuss bio identical hormone replacement therapy Discuss insulin and disease Discuss how to "handle" hormone therapy What do you think? Are you going through hormone replacement therapy? Take Action! Send us your your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Kill Your Cravings! | DRS-79 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:18

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we answer a listener question on how to curb those late night sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Our e-mailer mentions she is a marathon runner that is looking for her ideal marathon weight to be 115lbs. She has successfully gone from 125lbs to 117.8 after following phase 3 of Dr. Rob's E-book. However she finds herself wanting to snack later at night and does so from time to time. She asks us if there is anyway to get rid of these sugar and carb cravings at night. Dr. Rob explains what is at work in our body that makes us want to raid the fridge at night for a sugary snack and also gives advice on steps you can take to fight those cravings   Dr. Robs recommended products: Carb Craving Protocol Phosphatidylserine product (reduces cortisol levels)  Chromium Alpha Lipoic Acid product Show Note References: Peter Attia, MD's blog Gary Taubes, author of Good Calories / Bad Calories and Why We Are Fat Nutritional Sciences Initiative In This Episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss how to curb nighttime food cravings Discuss what to eat to help you not crave sugar and carbs Recommend solutions regarding night time food cravings and healthy eating in general What do you think? Do you struggle with nighttime food cravings? Take Action! Send us your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Childhood Obesity | DRS-78 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:15

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we start off talking about Charlie's experience attending the monday night Seahawks Vs. Packers game and the horrible officiating that lead the NFL to take action with the Referee Lockout. We also give some shout outs to our listeners that gave us a review on iTunes. In our main topic of discussion we talk about CHILDHOOD OBESITY based on an article Dr. Rob came across. We explain that, yes the parents to play a role in what their child is consuming. However, with all the misinformation out there regarding what we should eat and how much, it is hard for the parent to figure out what and how they should be eating, let alone what and how your child should be eating. Dr. Rob explains the hardships we all face when it comes to food consumption and exercise and how we can over come these issues. We reach out to our listening audience and ask you to send us the problems you face on a day to day basis in either obtaining or MAINTAINING YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. E-mail us at or reach us on Facebook explaining your hardships and what you feel you need help with the most.   In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show..... Discuss Childhood Obesity Discuss what parents can do to help their children Discuss all the hardships we face on a day to day basis What do you think? What are your biggest struggles with your weight and/or your children's weight? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Best Food For Weight Loss | DRS-77 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:36

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we start the show off talking about a scary situation that happened recently with Dr. Robs dog simon which ended in him having emergency surgery. We base our topic of discussion surrounding how to LOSE WEIGHT on any level. We also talk about how consuming GLUTEN and DAIRY can have a negative effect on your WEIGHT LOSS GOALS as well as certain hormonal dysfunctions you may have. Dr. Rob gives advice he has talked about many times but expands upon in this episode. More specifically, DONT COUNT CALORIES, DONT DRINK CALORIES, concentrate on the types of foods your eating and minimize your stress level. Visit for your supplemental and clinical needs. Contact Dr. Rob: Please leave us a review on iTunes!     In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss hormonal problems and food consumption Discuss how to lose weight healthily Discuss what you need to do specifically to lose those last unwanted lbs What do you think? Do you cater to the normal way of dieting by restricting calories or do you follow Dr. Robs advice? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Count Out Caloric Restriction! | DRS 76 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:37

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer some more listener e-mails based on CALORIC RESTRICTION and how RESTRICTING CALORIES is not good for you. You don't need to RESTRICT CALORIES in order to LOSE WEIGHT and feel great. One listener writes in and tells us how she has lost over 100 lbs over a year and a half ago. But she seems to have plateaued. For the last 5 months she CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT. Dr. Rob explains why this is and steps she can take in order to get her back on the "losing track". Another listener writes in referencing a previous episode where we talked about drinking OLIVE OIL to supplement your MARATHON TRAINING. Dr. Rob explains why this is a good idea and gives a recommendation on a product called 3FUEL to help you increase your MARATHON TRAINING. We also talk about how a HIGH FAT/ LOW CARB DIET will greatly improve your performance in both your TRAINING and COMPETITION. Don't forget to like us on Facebook and give us a review on iTunes, search for The Dr. Rob Show in the podcast section. Show Note Reference: TIM OLSEN     In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss CALORIC RESTRICTION Discuss DON'T COUNT CALORIES Discuss EATING AS MUCH AS YOU WANT Discuss HIGH FAT LOW CARB DIET What do you think? Have you remained successful for a long period of time after using a CALORIC RESTRICTION DIET? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Marathon Training Academy Interview | DRS 75 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:10

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we wrap up our 3 part series with an interview with Angie and Trevor from the Marathon Training Academy podcast. In our last 2 episodes we have been dedicating our topic of discussion to marathon training. We have gone over the diet aspect, what you should do and what you shouldn't do. When it came to the physical training for a marathon, we had our theories, but needed more advice. Angie and Trevor answer the questions that we couldn't.   Link to the video Dr. Rob referenced in the beginning of the podcast.         In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show... Interview the hosts of the Marathon Training Academy p0dcast Answer questions about marathon training What do you think? How do you train for a marathon? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Are Marathons Healthy? | DRS 74 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:43

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we expand on some topics from our last episode. More specifically, how exercising too much can be harmful to not only your body, but also to your health. Dr. Rob talks about how some marathon runners have collapsed and even in a few cases had died from heart attacks in which he believes to be from over training. Based on that Dr. Rob talks about some research he came across in which a study was conducted that showed after running a marathon there were signs of damage to the runners heart. We give more tips on how to achieve your marathon and/or over all physical goals in a healthy way, without doing damage to your muscles and joints, but also your heart. We are also reaching out to our audience. In response to recent e-mails we have been receiving from listeners we are asking you to reach out to us and let us know if your interested in participating in a coaching group. If you are send an e-mail to and in the subject line type coaching group. Send us your Name, age, height and weight, what you want to accomplish as well as what you struggle with. Based on your response we will determine a coaching group that will fit everyones needs.   In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss healthy ways to train for your marathon Discuss the harm over training can do to you Discuss heart research showing damage after running a marathon What do you think? How do you train for a marathon? Are you running too much? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 Maximize Your Marathon! | DRS-73 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about different ways you can increase your marathon training by actually doing less work. We incorporate how to lose those unwanted pounds into your weekly training schedule. Dr. Rob explains that eating less and exercising more is actually doing your body more harm than good. He also mentions that wether your training for a marathon or just working out on a normal schedule, you can be working out too much and lessen your training ability. Working out too much and limiting your calories primes your body to gain weight. So when you increase your caloric intake you will end up gaining weight, wether or not you are working out. Your body feels like it is being "starved" and as soon as you start consuming more food, your body puts the extra calories directly to fat storage. Dr. Rob tells us how to exercise less and eat more and watch your weight come off and have much more energy to run your marathon!       In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss how to maximize your marathon training Discuss how to shed unwanted pounds Discuss how to increase your energy level and exercise less What do you think? Are you hitting a wall in your marathon training? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Paleo Vs. Vegan | DRS-72 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:50

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we talk about the Paleo diet vs the vegan diet, what the differences are. What the benefits both types of lifestyles has as well as the negative aspect. A listener writes in asking Dr. Rob: I was wondering what the longer-term effects on hormones are that you have seen after being in ketosis for a period of time. I thought of this when listening about your experience with your wife being in ketosis in January. You were also making a lot of references to the study on caloric restrictive diets and the negative effects on hormone levels a year later. Based on the paleo diet concept, I am assuming that periods of ketosis at different times in the year is a natural state for the body. Dr. Rob answers this e-mail in detail and gives his personal opinion on ketosis as well how the paleo diet plays a role.     In this episode of the Dr. Rob show... Discuss the Paleo diet vs the Vegan diet Discuss the benefits and negatives of both Paleo and Vegan Discuss ketosis and the paleo diet What do you think? Are you more of a Paleo lifestyle or a Vegan lifestyle and why? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 Hardships With Hypoglycemia | DRS-71 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:12

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we start the show off talking about vigorous work outs and how it can be detrimental to your body in the long run. Dr. Rob talks about his personal experience with the Insanity workout. And we also talk about too much working out from a follow up e-mail received by a listener who's question we answered on our last show. And how working out too much increases carb and sugar cravings. We give some shout outs to the listeners who have given us a review on i-tunes. We also talk about hypoglycemia which is caused by high insulin levels. Dr. Rob explains what happens inside the body with hypoglycemia and what causes it as well as steps to take to prevent it. If you have downloaded our Fat Loss Report and have tried to click on the get started now link at the bottom, you'll notice the link doesn't work. We are working to solve this problem. If you want to take the next step for your weight loss goals e-mail us at with "Fat Loss Report" in the subject line. We apologize for the inconvenience.     Recommended Supplements: Chromium Adrenal Support Alpha Lipoic Acid In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show... Working out too hard Carb and Sugar cravings Hardships with Hypoglycemia What do you think? Do you suffer from Hypoglycemia? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Exercise and Supplements | DRS 70 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:50

In this episode we talk about frequency of exercise as well as the supplements you should take post work out. We answer some more listener generated e-mails asking questions about how and when we should exercise as well as what supplements we should take for our specific needs. Listener e-mails include: What are your thoughts on l-glutamine? I was wondering if Dr. Rob had any insight into why my lipid, fasting blood glucose and insulin levels have always tested normal (not even pre diabetic) before, during and after my weight loss. We also give some listener shout outs for their weight loss success and support for our show.   In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Exercise and Supplements Answer listener generated e-mails Shout out to our successful listeners What do you think? What supplements do you take? What exercise do you do? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Weight Loss and Diet | DRS 69 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:03

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about some of our listeners weight loss success. We also dive into the caloric restriction and metabolic syndrome topic. Dr. Rob explains his frustrations with the "typical modern" way most people do things and talks about the steps you need to take to successfully accomplish your goals. He explains something called the set point, which is the weight  your body wants to stay at, sort of as a default. He explains that how you treat your body will dictate the set point and how to change a "bad" set point. We also talk about certain supplements you can take to help with Charlie horses as well as what you can do to get your body to a point where it doesn't have to rely on medications. Dr. Rob's Recommendations: Omega 3 oil         In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show... Discuss Weight loss and diet Discuss Metabolic syndrome Discuss supplements beneficial to your health What do you think? Do you struggle with your weight? How do you manage it? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook


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