The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: Are you tired of struggling with your weight? Frustrated with poor results despite following the advice of other experts? Are you dealing with a health challenge or obstacle and having a hard time getting started? No matter what stage you are at, The Dr. Rob Show, featuring weight loss expert, Dr. Robert Maki, will provide you with up to date, cutting-edge information and support to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. For the last several decades, the information and advice we have received about weight loss is wrong. We have to get away from the typical “diet” mentality all together, especially in the stressful 21st century. Losing weight is more complicated than just reducing calories, but it does not have to be impossible as long as you have the right information and take the proper approach. The goal of The Dr. Rob Show is to provide practical solutions you can incorporate into your life to ensure you reach your goals and get the body and health you deserve.

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 DRS 39 | What Is The Best Exercsie for Burning Fat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss the recent launch of Dr. Rob’s eBook titled The Perfect Weight Loss Solution and describe each of the 3 phases of this weight loss system.  We also discuss the best exercise for burning fat, and talk about a recent hiking adventure to describe the ideal form of exercise.  In the past, the concept of the “fat burning zone,” which is long duration, low intensity aerobic, or “cardio” based exercise, such as jogging is not effective for burning fat and can actually have a detrimental impact on the body.  A recent study conducted in Taiwan found that people who engaged in as little as 15 minutes of moderate to intense exercise daily, reduced their risk of death by 14% and added 3 years to their lifespan.   In regards to effectively burning fat, the same holds true.  Exercising with more intensity and shorter duration is the ideal way to burn fat.  Dr. Rob mentions some colleagues of his who have a company called Metabolic Effect, and they promote “rest-based training,’ which is based on high intensity and short duration exercise.  Short duration, high intensity exercise is a better strategy to encourage the body to effectively burn fat.   Dr. Maki also mentions another practitioner, Dr. Al Sears and discusses his new book titled PACE, which aligns with this approach to fitness. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the launch of The Perfect Weight Loss Solution Discuss the benefits of high intensity, short duration exercise Hiking video on YouTube Discuss Metabolic Effect Discuss PACE Discuss the optimal amount of sleep Discuss the benefits growth hormone for fat loss What Do You Think? What is your favorite kind of exercise? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 38 | Does Losing Weight Prevent Cancer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss the difficult topic of cancer.  We discuss how the type, quality and the amount of certain foods can contribute to the development of certain cancers.  We talk about T. Colin Campbell and The China Study, which was an important study that concluded eating higher amounts of animal protein and fat increased the risk of developing certain cancers.  In the study, this difference was seen between the rural and urban populations in China.  The rural population tended to eat more vegetables and less animal protein, and therefore had a lower incidence of cancer.  Whereas the urban population consumed more animal protein and less vegetables and had a higher incidence of cancer.  In Dr. Rob's opinion, there is probably some other variable in the urban population that was not accounted for such as the consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates or alcohol.  Researchers have been trying to blame heart disease and cancer on the consumption of protein and fat for 50 years.  As a country, Americans are consuming less fat on a daily basis, but the incidence of cancer is increasing.  The more likely culprit is the ever increasing consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates in our society. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss 'The China Study,' conducted by T. Collin Campbell Discuss nutrition and cancer Discuss how the type, quality and amount of food contributes to cancer Discuss weight loss and cancer Discuss the term "Epigenetics," which is how our environment affects our genes Discuss foods that prevent cancer and other chronic disease What Do You Think? Do you have a family history of a particular cancer?  What measures are you taking to protect yourself? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 37 | Why Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss the differences between men and women and losing weight.  As we all  know men seem to lose weight faster than women in most cases.  Dr. Rob talks about the different hormones in both men and women and how they affect  weight loss.   Men usually lose weight  in a gradual consistent pace, where as women tend to lose weight in more of a step pattern.  Dr. Rob provides an explanation as to why women experience this plateau effect and give some tips for women to overcome this common frustration.   In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss why men lose weight faster than women Discuss hormone differences between men and women Discuss the "plateau effect" What Do You Think? Have you struggled with over coming the "plateau effect"? What did you do? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS SE | Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this special edition episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we review the ABC TV Show, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.  The show is currently in its second season and has Jamie taking on the Los Angeles Unified School District.   He tries to make some healthy changes to school lunches, but runs into many obstacles along the way.  Also, in the episode, we discuss Dr. Rob's recent interview with the Marathon Training Academy podcast.   They asked Dr. Rob about his approach to weight loss and have him answer some questions from some of their listeners.   Finally, in the episode, Charlie and Dr. Rob talk about the upcoming launch of his new eBook, which is called The Perfect Weight Loss Solution and will be released on July 20th, 2011.   In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and the poor nutrition in schools Discuss Dr. Rob's interview with the Marathon Training Academy podcast Discuss the launch of Dr. Rob's eBook, The Perfect Weight Loss Solution What Do You Think? How do you feel about the poor food served in our hospitals and schools? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 36 | How to Start Losing Weight at Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we discuss losing weight at home and the struggles we face with our day to day routines and how our loved ones can  sabotage our weight loss process.  Charlie talk's about his own recent struggles with falling back into bad habits and gaining weight.  Dr. Rob shares some expert advice to help those of you who are having trouble losing weight at home to stay on track and focused. Losing weight is not about being perfect, consistency over time is what will get you to reach your goal.     In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss struggles of losing weight at home Discuss personal struggles with gaining weight Discuss our weight being "sabotaged" by outside influences What Do You Think? What do you think is the biggest struggle for you losing weight at home? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Post a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 35 | Are Your Friends Making You Fat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have any of your friends or family members tired to sabotage your weight loss efforts?  In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss a recent study that  suggests having overweight friends can increase your risk of gaining weight.  The study attributed the increased risk of weight gain to eating more food and exercising less, but that explanation seems a bit too simple.   There certainly has be some deeper psychological forces that influence people within a particular social group.  Is it due a need for conformity?  Is the influence by friends and family intentional, or is it again, more of an unconscious reaction based personal insecurities?  Unfortunately, many of us have been victims of weight loss sabotage by friends or family.   Losing weight is hard enough, you certainly do not need any negative influence from your loved ones.  The proper support is essential to your weight loss success.   We give tips on how to over come weight loss sabotage. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the problem with overweight friends and weight loss Discuss tips on overcoming issues with your friends and weight loss Discuss the philosophy of mental struggles and weight loss What Do You Think? Do you feel like its harder for you to loose weight because of your social circle? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 34 | Does Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about low testosterone levels in men and some of the associated symptoms such as low sex drive, fatigue, depression and weight gain.  We reference DRS episode 21 where we discussed female hormones and how that compares to testosterone in men.  Dr. Rob talks about low testosterone levels and the dangers associated with it, as well as having too much testosterone. We discuss treatment options for low testosterone.  Dr. Rob also talks about the differences between conventional testosterone treatment and bio-identical testosterone treatment.   If you suspect you have low testosterone, you can answer a quick questionnaire to find out, so click here. In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss Testosterone Discuss the difference between low and high testosterone Discuss treatment options for low and high testosterone What Do You Think? Do you have low testosterone or know someone who does? Take a short questionnaire to see if you have low testosterone, click here Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 33 | Probiotics For Weight Loss? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss the popular topic of Probiotics and how they may have a positive impact on your weight loss goals.   In the human body, we have approximately 100 trillion bacterial organisms in the colon, which have a major impact on overall healthy and wellness.  Of the trillions of organisms in the colon, there are roughly 400 different species of bacteria.  When this balance of bacteria is upset due to factors such as anti-biotic use and stress, it is called Dysbiosis and can contribute to many health conditions.  Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can be taken orally as a supplement to re-establish the proper balance of bacteria in the colon.  Probiotic supplements have long been used for many digestive complaints and conditions, but to use specifically as a weight loss supplement is a fairly new concept.  Recent research done at Stanford University found that gastric bypass surgery patients who were given Probiotics lost more weight then the control group.   This is an interesting finding that certainly needs more investigation, but gives more evidence that weight and obesity is more complex then just eating less calories and exercising more.   In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the popular topic of probiotics for weight loss Discuss the fact that there is roughly 100 trillion bacterial organisms in the human colon Discuss recent research from Stanford University that used Probiotics with gastric bypass patients There are 3 proposed mechanisms how gut bacteria can contribute to weight gain Gut bacteria consume calories Gut bacteria promote fat deposition Gut bacteria increase systemic inflammation Dr. Maki's favorite probiotic company is Klaire Labs What Do You Think? Do you think using Probiotics is beneficial?  Are you taking them now? Take Action We want to hear your feedback Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 32 | How Does Gluten Affect Your Weight Loss Goals? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the intriguing topic of gluten, which has certainly gained a considerable amount of awareness over the last few years.  Dr. Rob explains what gluten is, where it comes from and how it relates to weight loss and overall health.  Dr. Rob also talks about a gluten related condition called Celiac disease, which is when a person has a complete intolerance to gluten that actually causes damage to the lining of the small intestine.  Celiac disease can be diagnosed by a simple blood panel, which is listed below.   Celiac Panel: (Labcorp) Deamidated gliadin IgA Deamidated gliadin IgG Tissue transglutaminase IgA Tissue transglutaminase IgG; Endomysial Antibody, IgA Serum IgA quantitation In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the topic of gluten and Dr. Rob estimates that approximately 80% of the population has a gluten sensitivity. Discuss what gluten is and the common food sources Discuss some of the possible symptoms of a gluten sensitivity Discuss how gluten can lead to inflammation, which can cause water retention and weight gain. What Do You Think? Do you have a gluten sensitivity?  How have you handled being gluten free? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook    

 DRS 31 | Is The HCG Diet Plan Right For Everyone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we revisit a popular topic - HCG and weight loss.   We initially gave an HCG diet review in episode 15, but we again discuss how the old HCG diet (500 calories a day) does not work as a long-term weight loss strategy due to the restrictiveness and the potential dangers associated with such a low calorie approach.   We also talk about the need to modernize the HCG diet in order to meet the demands of the 21st century and how it can still produce great results without any of the potential dangers of the original HCG diet. Download the MP3   In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show... Revisit weight loss and HCG topic from episode 15 Discuss the many new HCG dose forms from injections to drops Discuss Dr. Robs new HCG Program in his own practice What do you think? Have you tried either the new or old HCG diet?  What was your experience?  Have you been able to keep the weight off? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and comments Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 30 | Benefits of Workplace Weight Loss Programs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about Dr. Rob's recent trip to the Sega Corporation in San Francisco to participate in a health fair. We discuss the potential financial and health benefits for workplace wellness and weight loss programs and why some employers find it to be a good investment, even in a down economy.  We also discuss how a wellness program implemented by an employer may produce better results than a weight loss program done on an individual basis outside of the workplace. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss Dr. Rob's participation in Sega's health fair Discuss the benefits of workplace wellness programs Discuss the conflict some employers have with workplace wellness What do you think? How do you feel about a workplace wellness program? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 DRS 29 | How To Detox For Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss detox for weight loss..  We address some of the common misconceptions and questions regarding detox and talk about some of the different methods of detoxifying the body.  Dr. Rob talks about how the foods we eat have a direct link to the way we feel and the vital role the liver plays in the detoxification process.  We also discuss how long your liver takes to process certain foods, particularly caffeine.  We also talk about different detox programs and products on the market and the benefits of these programs. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss the role the liver plays in detoxification Discuss food intake and the effects on the body Discuss detox programs What Do You Think? How do you feel about Detox? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 28 | I Used To Be Fat – MTV Show Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we review the MTV show,  "I Used To Be Fat."  We discuss both the positives and negatives of the strategies used to help the participants on the show lose weight.  Dr. Rob gives his opinion on the fact that even though excessive exercise has many benefits in addition to weight loss, incorporating this strategy into everyday life may be  difficult for the average person.  Dr. Rob also provides ways that you could incorporate some of the strategies used on the show to help you reach your weight loss goals without "killing" yourself. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Review the MTV show "I Used To Be Fat" Discuss the positives and negatives of the strategies used on the show Discuss ways to incorporate the tactics used in the show into your everyday life without "killing" yourself What do you think? What do you think about the tactics the MTV show uses to help the participants lose weight in such a short amount of time? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 27 | Carbs vs. Calories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss the differences between Carbs and Calories.  We go over some facts about both low carbohydrate diet plans and low calorie diet plans.  Dr. Rob gives his opinion on the negative side of both the low carb and low calorie plans.  We also discuss the difference between counting calories and being calorie aware as well as being carbohydrate aware.  Dr. Rob explains how carbohydrates cause a release of insulin in the body and how that can be detrimental to someone who is trying to lose weight. We also talk about the flawed philosophy of restricting both carbs and Calories and how these type of diet plans can be dangerous. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show ... Discuss the difference between low carb diet plans and low calorie diet plans Discuss why people have a hard time on these type of diet plans Discuss the dangers between the two plans What do you think? Have you tried either a low carb and/or a low calorie diet plan? What was your experience? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 26 | Good Carbs For Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss "good carbs" vs "bad carbs, " and the difference between them.  Dr. Rob discusses some specifics on what constitutes a "good carb" and a "bad carbs" and goes into detail on some foods that contain both.  We also discuss some of the misconceptions that people have when it comes to carbs and carb counting.  Dr. Rob gives some ideas  on ways to choose between the two, which will assist you during the weight loss process. Download the MP3 In this episode of  The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss the difference between "good carbs" and "bad carbs" Discuss some specific food examples of both good and  bad carbs Discuss some of the misconceptions surrounding carbs What do you think? Do you count carbs? What are some ways you decide between the carbs you consume? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook


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