The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: Are you tired of struggling with your weight? Frustrated with poor results despite following the advice of other experts? Are you dealing with a health challenge or obstacle and having a hard time getting started? No matter what stage you are at, The Dr. Rob Show, featuring weight loss expert, Dr. Robert Maki, will provide you with up to date, cutting-edge information and support to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. For the last several decades, the information and advice we have received about weight loss is wrong. We have to get away from the typical “diet” mentality all together, especially in the stressful 21st century. Losing weight is more complicated than just reducing calories, but it does not have to be impossible as long as you have the right information and take the proper approach. The goal of The Dr. Rob Show is to provide practical solutions you can incorporate into your life to ensure you reach your goals and get the body and health you deserve.

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 DRS 25 | 7 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss the 7 main reasons why people have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off long term. With the beginning of the new year most of us have the resolution to lose weight in the upcoming months. By understanding these 7 reasons why you can't lose weight, you will have the upper hand on reaching your weight loss goals in 2011. Download the MP3 In This Episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss the 7 reasons why we cant loose weight Dr. Rob gives his opinion on these 7 reasons Discuss tips to your weight loss success What do you think? What are the reasons you think you can't loose weight? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 24 | Is Obamacare Unconstitutional? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we discuss President Obama’s healthcare reform bill and how the state of Virginia is standing up to the new healthcare bill because it is said to be unconstitutional. Dr. Rob voices his opinion on the matter and gives his personal opinion on why he thinks the new plan is not the best thing for the United States. We also discuss both the pro’s and con’s of the new bill and how it could possibly effect the US in the future. Download the MP3 In this episode of  The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss Obama's health care reform Discuss the state of Virginia rejecting the new bill Discuss the pro's and con's of the reform plan What Do You Think? What is your opinion of Obama's healthcare reform? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 23 | The New Weight Watchers Point System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we discuss the drastic change Weight Watchers has recently made to their point system.  For years, Weight Watcher's followed the philosophy that all calories are created equal, but now has changed their stance based on current research.   The new point system gives more priority to whole foods, such as lean sources of protein , vegetables and some fruits.  In addition, the new point system deemphasizes the consumption of refined and processed foods becasue of the distorted caloric density.  Eventhough the point system is still an intentional caloric restriction based program, Dr. Rob voices his opinion on the postive change made by the weight loss company. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the recent changes made by Weight Watchers to their point system Dicuss why an intentional caloric restriction approach to weight loss does not work Discuss Dr. Rob's expereince with patients and their relationship to food. What Do You Think? Do you have problems maintaining a diet based on caloric restriction? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 22 | Planning Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss how to plan for your New Year's Weight Loss Resolution, so you can reach your goals in 2011.  We talk about the importance of detailed planning and setting smaller, more realistic goals in the beginning.  Setting smaller, more obtainable goals  is a good way to improve confidence and motivation, which will increase the likelihood for long-term success.  We also discuss how women perceive themselves in regards to their weight.  Based on a recent study, there are some discrepancies with perceived weight and actual weight.  Women who were normal weight perceived themselves as being overweight; whereas women who were overweight, saw themselves as being normal weight.    Click here to read article In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss how women's perception of themselves is inaccurate The discrepancies between BMI and people’s actual weight Discuss New Year’s Resolutions Discuss tips on ways to achieve your New Year's goals. What Do You Think? Do you struggle with maintaining your New Year’s Resolutions? Take Action We Want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 21 | Does Menopause Cause Weight Gain? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we interview Dr. Valorie Davidson, who is an expert in women’s health issues, specifically Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and Menopause.  Dr. Davidson talks about the important role female hormones play in achieving and maintaining weight loss goals.  Dr. Davidson also talks about the different stages of a woman’s life from the reproductive years, to peri-menopause and eventual menopause and some of the symptoms associated with this transition.  Dr. Davidson also discusses the triad between female hormones, the thyroid and adrenal glands and the impact this has on a woman’s overall quality of life during this transition. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss some of the issues and complaints women have as they transition into menopause Discuss Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and the benefits it can provide to women in Menopause Discuss some of the misconceptions surrounding hormone replacement therapy Discuss briefly the male equivalent, Andropause, which has also been termed “Manopause.” What Do You Think? Are you struggling with symptoms of Menopause or Andropause? Would you consider BHRT as a possible solution? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 20 | McDonalds Happy Meal San Francisco | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show we discuss the recent ban by the City of San Francisco on McDonald’s Happy Meals.  The City’s Board of Supervisors recently passed an ordinance by a 8 to 3 vote that will not allow McDonalds to sell a toy with Happy Meals unless the meal meet specific nutritional guidelines.  These guidelines includes a total of 600 calories, a sodium level less than 640 mg and 35% or less of the meals calories can be from fat.  Also, we discuss a recent article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that concluded not eating breakfast over the long -term can contribute to obesity, increase cholesterol levels and eventually lead to heart disease . Skipping Breakfast Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the recent ordinance passed the City of San Francisco against McDonalds Discuss the nutrition guidelines proposed for Happy Meals Discuss whether or not this ordinance will have any impact on childhood obesity Discuss the importance of eating breakfast Discuss the common dietary pattern that millions of Americans fall into and how it contributes to weight gain and obesity What Do You Think? Does the City of San Francisco have the right to ban Happy Meals? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 19 | Forks Over Knives Documentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the upcoming release of the new documentary, “Forks Over Knives,” which will be released in March of 2011.  The documentary features T. Collin Campbell, who is most noted for his work with The China Study.   This feature film will examine how most if not all chronic, degenerative diseases that millions of people suffer with everyday are related our high animal product and processed food based diet.  Most of these diseases are preventable and in some cases reversible by adopting a plant based diet.   Forks Over Knives Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss how mass media, particularly TV and movies can influence millions of people Discuss how proper nutrition can have a positive impact on chronic and degenerative disease Discuss how proper nutrition can lower health care costs for individuals, employers and government Discuss former President Bill Clinton's transition to a plant based diet and how his health has improved Discuss the poor quality of nutrition in hospitals and schools across the country Discuss whether or not a plant based diet is realistic for most Americans What Do You Think? Is a plant based diet realistic for you? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on Social Media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 18 | Does Insulin Cause Weight Gain? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss a common pattern for millions of Americans, which we refer to as the “Thanksgiving Effect."  This effect does not just happen on holidays.  In fact, this response to eating a meal is happening on a daily basis for millions of people all across the country.  The "Thanksgiving Effect" is a direct indication that blood sugar regulation and insulin response is imbalanced, which leads to weight gain and can increase the risk of developing Type II Diabetes, heart disease and cancer.  Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the typical meal intake pattern for many Americans and how it contributes to weight gain and eventually Type II Diabetes. Discuss the fact that the amount of insulin released from the pancreas is related to the type and amount of food consumed. Discuss the fact that skeletal muscle and the heart prefers to use fat as an energy source as opposed to sugar. Discuss the "Pleasure Trap" and how it manifests in American lifestyle. What Do You Think? Do you get tired after you eat a meal?  You may be experiencing the Thanksgiving Effect. Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 17 | The Perfect Weight Loss Solution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss how Dr. Rob got started helping people to lose weight and his transition away from using a ketogenic program initially to his current approach.  Most weight loss programs focus on intentional caloric restriction, which produce short-term results.  However, by focusing only on calories, the results achieved on most "diets" and programs are not sustainable long-term.  The "restriction" based approach to weight loss is certainly outdated.  Both health care practitioners and even the general public desperately needs to change their mindset.  Instead of focusing on "restriction" as the key to weight loss, we need to realize that food is actually "information" to the body that communicates with several hormones and ultimately DNA.  It is more complicated then just reducing calories.  In fact, obesity in a sense is a form of starvation.  Not for macronutrients (carbs, fats and protein), but starvation of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients). Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss how Dr. Rob got started with weight loss Discuss the current caloric restriction based approach and why it needs to change Discuss the idea that obesity is actually a form of starvation of micronutrients Discuss the importance of daily behavior or habit change as the key to weight loss What Do You Think? Have you struggled with caloric restriction based diets or programs in the past? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 16 | Is My Thyroid Making Me Fat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the growing epidemic of thyroid issues in America.  The current estimates claim that approximately 12 million people or 6% of the US population have some type of thyroid condition, with hypothyroid diseases being the most common.  Unfortunately, with the stressful and toxic 21st century, there are probably millions more that have been undiagnosed.  This is partially due to lack of awareness and poor screening tests.  Hypothyroid issues are predominately a female related condition and the most common cause is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Disease.  Some of the common hypothyroid symptoms include fatigue, constipation, weight gain and hair loss. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss the growing epidemic of thyroid related issues Discuss some of the common symptoms associated with hypothyroid issues Discuss some of the common causes of hypothyroid issues Discuss the many different treatment options for hypothyroid issues What Do You Think? Do you have any possible hypothyroid symptoms? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 15 | Does The HCG Diet Really Work? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the validity and long-term efficacy of the HCG Diet. This new diet craze was introduced to the marketplace a few years ago by Kevin Trudeau in his book, "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About."   Trudeau’s book contained a protocol of Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, which involves a 500 calorie per day diet and daily injections of HCG. The very low calorie diet (VLCD) causes the body to go into a state of ketosis, which is when the body burns ketone bodies instead of glucose as a fuel source. The state of ketosis, along with the administration of the HCG hormone produces rapid weight loss in a relatively short period of time. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… Discuss how the HCG diet works Discuss the long-term efficacy of the HCG diet Discuss the weight loss drug Phentramine and appetite suppressants in general What Do You Think? Does the HGC diet seem like a viable option for weight loss? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 14 | Will Water Help Me Lose Weight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the importance of staying well hydrated and how critical it is for weight loss and overall health.  Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water, so we need to consume water consistently throughout the day to maintain a proper level of hydration.  However, with all of the choices available on the market today, we have a tendency not drink enough water throughout the day.  Also, many commercial beverages contain caffeine, sugar or sodium, which can compound the problem and have a negative impact on the body overtime as well.   A recent study found people who consistently drank water before meals, lost more weight than people who did not consume water as consistently overtime.   This study provides more evidence to support the benefits of drinking adequate water on a daily basis.  In addition, we also discuss another study conducted in Japan linking insulin resistance with Alzheimer’s disease. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… o   Discuss the importance of drinking water and the importance of staying hydrated o   Discuss why we should drink water before a meal, but not during or right after a meal o   Provide a simple rule for daily consumption o   Provide some simple ideas for flavoring water o   Encourage people to drink sparkling water instead of soda o   Discuss link between insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease What Do You Think? o   How much water do you consume on a daily basis? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 13 | Lack of Sleep and Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the importance of proper sleep and how critical it is to achieving and maintaining weight loss goals.  Many of the hormone imbalances that contribute to weight gain also contribute to sleep issues as well.  Also, the health of the liver plays a significant role in proper sleep.  Consuming too much caffeine, alcohol or medications can over burden the liver, which could affect someone’s ability to sleep. Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… o   Discuss the typical altered sleep patterns that people exhibit o   Discuss some of the hormones that are involved with sleep and weight o   Discuss the role caffeine and the liver play in sleep issues What Do You Think? o   Do you think Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 12 | Why Do People Gain Weight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the recent report released by the CDC, which says the obesity rate is still on the rise.  In fact, new data in the report shows that nine states have an obesity rate of 30% or higher in 2009.  The rate obesity is escalating faster than researchers could have ever imagined.  Over the last couple of decades, the rate has doubled for adults and tripled for children.   In addition we talk about another study that has found pregnancy weight gain increases the risk of childhood obesity.  (link to article) Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… o   Discuss the recently released annual report from the Center for Disease Prevention (link report) o   Discuss the role of how pregnancy weight gain may increase risk of childhood obesity. o   Discuss the affect food has on hormones, and the affect hormones have on genes as a possible explanation for this ever increasing rate of obesity. o   Discuss how processed foods have a similar effect on the brain as certain illicit drugs. o   Discuss the “21st Century Syndrome.” What Do You Think? o   Do you think is the major factor contributing to the rising rate of obesity? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts Make a comment here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 DRS 11 | Internet Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we discuss the potential role the Internet could play in helping people achieve their weight loss goals.  A recent study conducted by Kaiser Permanente found that people who utilized a specially designed website more frequently, had greater weight loss success and were better able to keep the weight off over a two year period of time, then people who used the website less often.  The author of the study attributed the success of the website to the fact that it provided both a source of accountability and sociability for the study participants.  Link to the article Download the MP3 In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show… o   Discuss the role the Internet plays in the weight loss process o   Discuss the positive story of Nancy Makin and her weight loss success using the Internet o   Discuss the role “community” plays in the weight loss process What Do You Think? Do you think the Internet can be a positive weight loss tool?  Do you belong to any online weight loss communities? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Make a comment hear on the blog Connect with us on Social Media Twitter Facebook


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