The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: Are you tired of struggling with your weight? Frustrated with poor results despite following the advice of other experts? Are you dealing with a health challenge or obstacle and having a hard time getting started? No matter what stage you are at, The Dr. Rob Show, featuring weight loss expert, Dr. Robert Maki, will provide you with up to date, cutting-edge information and support to help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. For the last several decades, the information and advice we have received about weight loss is wrong. We have to get away from the typical “diet” mentality all together, especially in the stressful 21st century. Losing weight is more complicated than just reducing calories, but it does not have to be impossible as long as you have the right information and take the proper approach. The goal of The Dr. Rob Show is to provide practical solutions you can incorporate into your life to ensure you reach your goals and get the body and health you deserve.

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 I Can’t Stop Restricting Calories! | DRS-98 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we get back to basics. How many times have you noticed yourself gaining weight and resorting back to the caloric restriction mindset, maybe without even realizing it? We have received many, many e-mails from our listeners still struggling with the caloric restriction mindset. Killing yourself in the […]

 Q&A With Dr. Rob | DRS-97 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:55

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer a few listener e-mails that we haven’t had a chance to get to recently. Our first listener e-mail goes as follows: Hi, i am a fan from Essex UK… I have listened to your podcast for a couple of years now, and really enjoy it… […]

 Getting Inside The Mind Of The Meat Industry | DRS-96 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we interview Bartlett Durand (A.K.A. ‘The Zen Butcher’) owner of Black Earth Meats in Black Earth, WI. You may have recently seen him on the Travel Channels Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. We talk with Bartlett about the modern day meat industry and the problems we face […]

 How Do I Stop Taking Medication Without Getting Sick? | DRS-95 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:40

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we start off by talking about Dr. Rob’s pseudo celebrity moment in his office recently. We then branch off from our last episode with another e-mail from a listener asking us about how to get off anti-depression medication without getting sick. The e-mail reads: Hi Dr. Rob,  […]

 How Do I Handle Depression Symptoms When Medications Fail? | DRS-94 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:04

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we start off the episode by giving suggestions on Vitamin D supplements from our last episode. We then start off our main topic by reading one e-mail from a listener asking Dr. Rob’s opinion of DHEA and Tyrosynine. This e-mail transitions us to talk about another e-mail in […]

 Meal Plan at Work | DRS-93 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:47

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we read and answer an e-mail from a listener asking how to manage her eating schedule with her hectic work schedule. In her e-mail she asks 2 specific questions…. “I saw my doctor for a health check up the other day and they said I was vitamin […]

 How Do I Raise Fiber While Keeping Carbs Low? | DRS-92 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:52

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer an e-mail from one of our listeners. “I’m trying to eat as low carb as possible. I’ve done some calculations and realized that it’s near impossible to consume the 30g of fibre recommended when I eat like this. What are your thoughts, as I guess […]

 Do I Have Low Testosterone? | DRS-91 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we start off by answering a listener e-mail from one of our listeners who is an avid runner and indoor bicyclist. He is in his early 40’s and has been running long distances for many years. Now he has been getting some minor injuries that have been […]

 Do I Have A Thyroid Problem? | DRS-90 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:51

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we answer an e-mail from one of our listeners regarding problems with your thyroid, specifically Hashimoto Disease. Dr. Rob starts off by explaining what Hashimoto disease is. He also explains different types of thyroid problems. In our listeners e-mail, she talks about how she feels like her […]

 Why Can’t I Lose Weight? | DRS-89 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:45

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we talk about the difficulties that women face in losing weight, specifically menopausal women. One of our avid listeners wrote us and mentioned that she is more focused than ever on getting her body as healthy as ever. She asks us what she can do to start […]

 Are You Skinny Fat? | DRS-88 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:44

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer an e-mail from a listener seeking help in achieving her weight loss goals. Although she is in really good shape she still feels like she is lacking in certain areas. She tells us that %75 of her daily caloric intake was from sugar. After buying Dr. Rob's e-book, she had started changing her diet. However, after a couple of days she was starting to not feel good. She also has celiacs disease. Dr. Rob talks about which phase in his e-book she should start off with. He gives some advice on some foods to eat and also explains why people with celiacs disease have a difficult time with their health and weight. He gives some great advice for people not only with celiacs disease, but people that are of the marathon runner type. We especially give some advice to get you to help your marathon goals without needing to run as much. We talk about how making a radical change in your diet can make you feel ill can could make your progress even slower rather than starting off slow and taking "baby steps" to get to where you want to be. We also discuss the difference between Diet Soda and Regular Soda. Is diet soda better for you than regular soda? We answer this question and go into detail as to why. In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss health goals for marathon runners Discuss marathon training Discuss food intake to help your body Discuss food that doesn't help your body What do you think? Does your diet and/or your exercise help or not help your goals? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Does The Flu Vaccine Really Work? | DRS-87 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:01

In this episode of the Dr. Rob show we talk about the "Flu Epidemic" that is sweeping our country and wether or not the flu vaccine is effective. New's of the latest flu epidemic has been sweeping the headlines as of late. But is this really as big of a problem as the media is leading on? We are told to wash our hands and take the flu vaccine in order to avoid getting this horrible flu. However, there have been reports recently stating that the flu vaccine has little to no effect, but experts suggest we take it anyway. Dr. Rob goes into detail on how your immune system works naturally against a virus. He also talks about alternative ways to help avoid getting the flu without having to fall into relying completely on the flu vaccine. Referred Supplements: Vitamin A Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil EHB   In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss flu pandemic Discuss flu vaccine Discuss alternative methods in avoiding the flu What do you think? Do you rely on the flu vaccine every year? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook

 Low Carb and Paleo | DRS-86 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:17

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we welcome all our listeners into a brand new year. One of our listeners writes in on facebook and tells us she recently had gullbladder surgery and is now suffering from heart burn and asks Dr. Rob what is causing it and what she can do about it. Dr. Rob explains what causes most types of heart burn and what you can do to alleviate your symptoms if not stop them all together. In our main topic we discuss an article written by Robb Wolf called "Low Carb and Paleo: My thoughts". In this article he writes that the low carb approach doesn't work for everyone. Depending on your activity level you may need to take a different approach dietarily. Dr. Rob explains why a specific "diet" may be more appropriate for some people, but not for others. We talk about how insulin plays more of a role than calories do, as well as how your activity level can dictate what you should be consuming. Taking the wrong approach for your specific activity level could cause problems for you down the road. Dr. Rob tells us what we can do to make sure we are taking the right approach for the fitness goals we are setting for ourselves.   Products to help with heart burn: Liver function: Dose - take 2 capsules, twice per day. Digestive Enzymes: Dose - take 1-3 capsules before each meal.  Take more for bigger meals and less for smaller meals. Betaine HCL: Dose - take 1-3 capsules before each meal.  Take more for bigger meals and less for smaller meals. In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show.... We welcome in the new year Discuss heart burn Discuss how to alleviate heart burn Discuss low carb and paleo approach    What do you think? Why type of dietary approach works best for your goals? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 Exercising and Health | DRS-85 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:49

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we talk about the A4M conference that Dr. Rob had recently attended. In this conference they talked a lot about what we have been discussing on the last few episodes. Especially how high endurance exercise can possibly cause health problems in the future, some of which can be fatal. Dr. Rob talks about how the old way of thinking as far as diet and exercise is definitely a hard mindset to get out of. He talks about how even some physical trainers, although they appear to be in great shape, they turned out to have the same symptoms that their clients they are training were having, such as food cravings, insomnia and even cardiovascular problems. We talk about how extreme exercise cant solve all your health and weight problems and may cause actual health issues. There are many hormonal and metabolic issues that can arise that no amount of exercise can fix.   Show Note Supplement Reference For Cold/Flu: EHB           In This Episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss A4m conference Discuss endurance fitness Discuss health problems caused by endurance fitness What do you think? Do you think you have done damage to your body by working out "too much"? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook  

 Glycogen and Exercise | DRS-84 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:17

In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer questions sent to us from a few of our listeners ranging from glycogen depletion time and exercise to what you should do to lose those last 10 or 20 lbs. We received an e-mail from one of our listeners who is 18 y/o, who is having similar issues most of us in our latter years are having issues with such as exercise and weight loss and carbohydrate intake and cholesterol. Dr. Rob gives some great advice for both the young audience as well as our older listeners. We give some shout outs to a few of our listeners and talk about some of the new and exciting things to come in the near future. Please give us a review on iTunes!!!!   Product recommendations: Buffered Vitamin C Powder   In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show.... Discuss glycogen levels and exercise Discuss diet Discuss losing weight What do you think? What is your main struggle for losing weight? Take Action! Send us your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook


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