Logical Weight Loss Podcast show

Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help. Additional episodes are available at the website.

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 Leanness Lifestyle Univeristy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:45

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Weight Loss Motivation Snippets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:03

I was at the Pinterest page for Lose it and found some great quotes. I think my favorite it "I really regret that work out - No One Ever." 12 Things That Successful People Do Today we look at what successful people are doing. If we can incorporate their efforts into our lives then soon we will have more success. Lose it! 2.0 Is Out I really like the new version of Lose it!. They still have PLENTY of free stuff, but now I can track many more personal goals, and measurements (like my blood pressure and body measurements - time to dust off the myotape). There are challenges (so they have really boosted the social aspect of the site, they had a great active forum before so t his is great). Before you could sync your fitbit to Lose it with a free account, this is no longer the case but SO worth the $15 a YEAR (not a month). I'm a big fun of the team over there. I've loved their site, they listen to their community, and their site is bombarded with tons of advertisement. Mentioned on this Episode Lose it on Pinterest Lose it Website Diet Power Software

 Weight Loss Motivation Snippets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:04

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 New November Weight Loss Challenges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:41

I have set up three new weight loss challenges to get us moving as we head into the Holiday season. Free Fitclick Challenge This free (get ready for lots of ads on their site) challenge is set to put each other up to se who has the great est weight loss percentage. JOIN $10 Earndit Challenge - Start November 11 I love earndit as you earn rewards for moving. If you have a garmin GPS, a fitbit, or nike trackers you can join. The person with the most points wins. JOIN $15 Dietbet This is a fun challenge as you pay $15 to enter and anyone who loses 4% of their body weight in 28 days splits the pot. It is a challenging but could be very rewarding. This challenge will require you taking a picture of your feet on the scale when we start and end.  JOIN

 New November Weight Loss Challenges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:42

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Hey That Exercise was FUN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:59

I've been walking around trying to get my 10,00 steps in a day. But I haven't really been exercising. I've been ACTIVE, but not doing a sweat producing, heavy breathing exercise (always consult your doctor). So I tried my wife's stationary bike (they even fold up now how cool!). Here is what I found: It was conformable. I could multi-task (in my case read, but I could see watch videos etc). The print out kept me motivated It automatically adjusted the routine to do intervals. After 20 minutes I was really feeling it. The next day I got up and the scale had taken a nice move downward. This wasn't due to one exercise session, but I'm sure that session had something to do with it. The great thing was I actually was having FUN. I'm looking forward to doing it again tomorrow night. What is the best exercise? The one YOU DO. Now I know (being human), this may get boring in a month or so, but for now I'm going to enjoy this exercise. If you have tried an exercise and it didn't do anything for you, it doesn't mean you stop trying exercises. It means you try a different one until you find something that you enjoy and burns enough calories to make the scale move. If riding bikes are not for you, then try something else. Keep trying. Mentioned in this Episode BODYBUGGSP personal calorie management system: GREYNew Fitbit Zip $59 and the Fitbit One ($99) Bodybugg SP (now only $99)

 Hey That Exercise was FUN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:00

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 New Affordable Fitbit Fitness Gadgets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:18

If you've been listening to the Logical Weight Loss podcast, you know I'm a big fan of my fitbit, and my striiv. Now the fitbit has answered the call for people who wanted the features - without the $99 price tag. Introducing the new Fitbit Zip Tracks steps, distance, calories Wireless connects to computers and smartphones No cable - all syncing via USB and blue tooth Runs on watch battery Water resistant Does not track sleep or stairs New Fitbit zip sells for $59 and their website is FREE. Coming Soon Fitbit One The fitbit one is an updated version of the fitbit ultra. This is like an updated version of the fitbit ultra. It tracks: Distance Steps Calories Stairs and sleep. It is  now been updated so that it also syncs without a cable (USB and bluebtooth). It will sync to your Smartphone via bluetooth. New Fitbit one sells for $99 and their website is FREE. They are taking preorders as I write this on 9/17/12. New Social Features Added to Boost Our Competitive Spirit Most humans have a competitive spirit. Now you can connect on their free fitbit.com website and "friend" people. During the day you can see who is the most active. As people can now update via their phone they don't have to wait to get back home to have their information updated. If you don't have a smartphone, you can sync with your computer by plugging a small USB port into your computer (no more cables). Making DietPower a Web Based Application for Free Diet Power is one of he best nutrition tracking software. It tracks every kind of nutrient you want. It is the only software I know that guarantees that if you follow it's advice you will meet your goals. That's the good news. The thing that had me stop using it was I had to be in front of my computer to use it. Meanwhile other smartphones allowed me to scan bar codes and have the information entered. While you still have to enter (once) your food (assuming that its not in the huge database), you CAN use DietPower as a web based software by using the website www.logmein.com Most people are familiar with GotoMyPC. Well this is familiar except it's free (and you can't hear the sound from the remote computer -but you don't need that to enter your food). I was successful when I used DietPower and this could be a way to use it again. There is even a (not free) app that you can use on your android phone to access your computer for more information go to dietpower.com ($27)  

 New Less Expensive Fitbit Zip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:19

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Working New Habits Into the Weight Loss Picture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:14

Today you find me down a bit from last week. I have some tips from the latest weight watchers meeting and some insights into the book 10-second diet. Planning Empowers You Many successful weight losers start Sunday by preparing meals for the week. This sets them up for success. You can even cook dinners that you know will produce left-overs. This makes it easy to pack your lunch. Did you know that 65% of workers eat at their desk or don't even take a break during the day? This is just wrong. We need to give our brain a break. When we wear ourselves down we overload on stress and leads to emotional eating. Replacing Bad Habits I've said this in previous episodes: You don't lose bad habits - you replace them with better habits. This requires you to identify the band habit, then figure out what you are getting from that bad behaviour, and see what GOOD habit can deliver that same result. Backup Your ENTIRE Hard Rive Using My PC Backup What if you computer crashed today? Would you lose all your music? Would you lose all of your photos? Would you lose important business documents? Try it free today. Unlimited files, unlimited storage at at mypcbackup.com

 Working New Habits Into the Weight Loss Picture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:15

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Inside the 10 Second Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:56

I met the author of the book the 10 Second Diet and today we take a peak inside the first few chapters. I think the key to this is to 1. SLOW DOWN 2. Think (instead of feel). In seems like in today's society if we feel something we HAVE to do it, and that is not the case. If we STOP and THINK we can take a few seconds to realize that what we are doing is not going to help us achieve our goals. The book talks about acknowledging the mental, psychological, and physical needs when it comes to eating. I can do this It will work Just STOP THINK!   Also mentioned in this episode was Marc Gungor

 Inside the 10 Second Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:57

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Test Your Beverage IQ and Get Up And Move | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:38

Today I'm in a hotel with LOTS of echo (sorry), but we are talking about how many calories we drink every day. Then we sit, and sit some more. Awful. Start looking at ways to work your way to either diet soda (a better bad choice) or water (great choice) . Then look at ways you can get up and move more (direct communication instead of email etc). Stay focused and keep up the good work.    

 Test Your Beverage IQ and Get Up And Move | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:38

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.


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