Logical Weight Loss Podcast show

Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help. Additional episodes are available at the website.

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 In Jesus Name We Train – Jimmy Pena | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:20

Today we have a guest, and not just any guest! Jimmy Pena is the founder of Prayfit and has worked with people like Mario Lopez, LL Cool J, and Tyler Perry to create National Best Selling Books and DVDs. Today we talk about his new DVD called its a great DVD that has you focusing on delivering your personal best for 33 Days for 33 minutes. Each workout contains challenges that last for 33 seconds. It will make you sweat. PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge utilizes the Christian faith to inspire those with weight loss goals and is a complete workout and motivational system designed to burn calories, build lean muscle and bolster your faith, helping to reshape your entire body in 33 minutes a day for 33 days.  Ideal for any fitness level, the workout includes a highly efficient 33-minute workout that combines cardio, strength and core moves for total body results in a limited amount of time, requiring no extra equipment.  The program works because it demands progression and challenges you to give your best effort. The key is to do more today than you did yesterday.  As Jimmy says, “Yesterday’s best is today’s quest.”  To encourage you to stay the course, Jimmy includes faith-based motivation throughout the workout and created weekly “PrayFit Minute” devotionals to inspire you to improve your life by honoring the one who made you.   We also talk about his book Prayfit: Your Guide to A Healthy Body and A Stronger Faith in 28 Days which churches are now using in combination with the DVD to create study groups, and bring the talk of taking care of the gift that is your body back into the church. We answer questions such as "If I'm doing both, should I do cardio or strength training first?" For daily inspiration, forums, nutrition, newsletters, swag, as well as videos check out www.prayfit.com Download the DVD  in iTunes  

 In Jesus Name We Train - Jimmy Pena | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:27

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 The Top Weight Loss Competition Sites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:44

I created an Excel spreadsheet a while ago that people can download and use to have a Biggest Loser Competition at work, church, home, etc. The "bad" news is you either have one person acting as the Manager of the competition (which can be a hassle ask...

 The Top Weight Loss Competitions Sites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:45

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Inspirational Quotes For Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:04

Inspirational Quotes God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. or... Grant me the serenity to accept the past I cannot change, the courage to change the future I can, and the wisdom to start today. "Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward." *Victor Kiam* The reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten. Sweat is fat crying. Pain is temporary, regret hurts forever. - Danny The Best Video Game That Burns Almost the Same Amount of Calories as Running An article (and video) at yahoo reports that when it comes to comparing the Wii with an Xbox with the kinect system, that there is no comparison. The test consisted of using a Heart Rate Monitor (I recommend Timex Heart Rate Monitors as you can replace the batteries) and see how many calories she burned running, and then compare it to the calories burned using the video games. She burned 259 calories in 20 minutes wen she was running. When she played the game Dance Central on the Xbox with the Kinect system she burned 251 calories. That's only 8 calories less, and it's FUN. The Kinect adventures had her jumping and ducking. She burned 216 calories, but her heart rate went thruogh the roof (its interval training basically). Compare these to the Wii Sword fighting game (149 calories - over 100 calories less than running), and you can see where the Wii isn't in the same league. She did like the Biggest Loser game even though she only burned 175 calroies in 20 minutes as it mixed cardio and strength training. The games are around $40. As of this writing the Xbox with the Kinect system goes for $258 at Amazon.com Other Items Mentioned Mountain Dew Story Earndit.com  

 Inspirational Quotes For Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:05

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 You Should’ve Listen To Your Mom When She Said Quit Slouching! | File Type: application/x-shockwave-flash | Duration: Unknown

A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help.

 Start off the Year with a Goal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We have a long road ahead. We need to go into this with both eyes open. One of the ways we will dodge failure is by setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic T = Timely Let’s look at those a little more...

 Start of the Year with a Goal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:54

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Get Healthy For Heaven’s Sake Reviewed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

I received a copy of Get Healthy for Heaven's Sake by Lisa Morrone P.T. I started reading the book, and then had to move. The book somehow didn't make the trip. I liked the book so much, I bought a second copy so I could finish it (it's around $10, and only $9 for the kindle version). Lisa is the author of Overcoming Overeating: It's Not What You Eat, It's What's Eating You! This book is doing a great job of making see food in a completely different light. The book hints that when you lose to fulfill a goal (fit into jeans, or see Grandchildren) that you may still miss what your lifelong task is, and thus the results may be temporary. The book states that what we should be focusing on is what God wants us to do, and realize his plans don't include the extra weight we are carrying. We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. EPHESIANS 2:10 In looking at our schedule, are the activities we partake in something that God wants us involved in? When someone asks you to do something, have you ever asked God if it's a good idea? Why you should take care of your body. The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 6:19: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? If my body is a temple for God, then what I put into it can be an act of worship. A way to obey God, and a way to put God first. Another great analogy in the books talks about how our bodies are on loan from God. What if your mother in-laws loaned you their prized family punch bowl. When you use this, you probably don't have any small children at the table. You handle it with care. You hand wash it. You make absolutely sure not to drop it or break it. Why? Because you know how much your mother in law values that piece. She also knows how hard it would be to replace. Corinthians 6:19 Paul lets us know that honoring the Lord with our physical being is a command: Therefore honor God with your body. We all know that we use food for fuel. We get hung up on how food makes US feel. This book made me change my complete outlook on fuel. Food and eating are now a way for me to praise God. It's a way to say thank you for my body. To appreciate the one of a kind gift that he has given me. Romans 12:1: I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Instead of worshipping food, food can be used to worship God. The book talks about the story of Nehemiah, and points out how his quest to rebuild Jerusalem. The same steps that Nehemiah took to rebuild the city, we can use to rebuild our bodies. Nehemiah built walls (to block bad things) and gates (to let in good things). She then breaks down the seven steps of rebuilding yourself. 1. Cry out to God. We have talked about accepting responsibility for you actions. Acknowledge what you've done, and realize that this won't be fixed over night. Cry out to God for the strength to rebuild your body. 2. Seek Forgiveness Proverbs mentions that gluttony is a sin. Take some time to identify the habits you have, and how these are not helping you take care of the gift that is your body. Ask God to forgive you. 3. Ask for Empowerment The author makes a great point here, "God Himself. God will always grant us the power to do that which is according to His will—and by now I hope you are convinced that your improved health is most certainly God’s will for you. And the wonderful thing is that all you have to do." The key to do this every morning, before temptation is in front of you. 4. Take an honest Assessment of your health I've said it before when you are getting directions to some place, the first piece of information is your current location so you can figure out how to get from HERE to THERE. Sit down with some quiet time with God, and take a good long look at yourself. 5.

 Get Healthy For Heaven's Sake Reviewed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Would You Lose Weight To Go Shopping? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:09

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Holiday Weight Gain - Is it True What They Say About 10 lbs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:29

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Halloween Aftermath - Truth About Eggs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:30

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Its fun to say Yamaguchi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:17

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.


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