Logical Weight Loss Podcast show

Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: A no nonsense approach to weight loss. This down to earth delivery from the "Average Joe" trying to lose weight like you. The community around this show is awesome as we share insights into what is working in fitness, diet, and nutrition. You can lose weight, and we can help. Additional episodes are available at the website.

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 Both Sides of ONLY ONE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:21

When we are being tempted we tell ourselves, "Well it's ONLY ONE."  So we eat the one doughnut, drink the one mountain dew, the one double cheesburger, the one piece of cake. We practice doing the wrong thing, getting better and better at it. There is another way to look at this phrase. My ex-wife used a tool to quite smoking. It measured how often you smoked, and then told you when to smoke by expanding the time between cigarettes until you eventually were smoking  ONLY ONE cigarette a day. It is then believed that at this point if you are down to ONLY ONE - you can quit. It's not like you're asked to give every ounce of money you have, it's asking for a dollar. It's not asking you to quit eating, it's asking you to quit eating one item. So quit thinking, "It's only one, it's not that bad." Instead think, "Since it's only one, I can skip it." I'm on the Mountain Dew wagon. I was challenged by Dr. David Marlow of Slice Your Life to "just quit." So I did. As I write this I'm on day three of no dew. At my worst (mid thirties) I would drink a six pack a day. It looked like this: Get up, and crack the "morning dew" Crack another one for the 45 minute drive to work. Get to work and crack a dew to start my day. So it's 8 am and I'm 36 ounces. I would have one at lunch, and another one around 3 pm. Then I would have one with dinner. Maybe one more if I was watching a movie with my wife It was routine to have at least six cans of mountain dew. People would buy me dew for birthdays. It was part of my identity. Fight the Good Fight I've been fighting it over the years. I know there is nothing nutritious about it. Nothing. I would be "on the wagon" and much like a smoker I would think, "well I'll have just one." That would lead to two, and once again I would practice doing the wrong thing, and get pretty good at it. "Just one" is a lie and I know it." Yesterday (day two of no dew) come 2 pm I was D R A G G I N G. Luckily, my new office has no vending machines (my old office had an endless supply of dew, chips, cookies, doughnuts). I thought of walking to Lowes (right next door) to have "Just one." I was soooo tired. Then it came to me. Instead of looking at it as "Just one" I thought, "If I'm truly going to have "just one" and I DON'T have it, I'm giving up ONLY ONE. I remember a device my ex-wife used to quit smoking. The first week it measured how many cigarettes you smoked, and then after that it would beep when it was time to smoke. Over time it stretched the amount of time between cigarettes until you were smoking one a day. At one a day, the thought was you can kick it. So with me drinking "only one" a day I can kick it. It was hard. I had to really fight. I got on the phone and called me wife instead. It distracted me, and soon I forgot all about it. I got off the phone and returned to something productive. You Can Do This: So if you think you're only going to have one of whatever it is you crave, if you choose to give it up you're only giving up one. You can skip one right?  

 Both Sides of ONLY ONe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:22

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Dr. Oz Gets Spanked – Spree Fitness Headband Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:22

Dr. Oz got pulled in front of congress to be held accountable for calling things "magic" and other misleading terms. We had talked about the "Oz effect" and how all he has to say is "It's true" and we all believe it because he can read off of a teleprompter. http://youtu.be/pkkNFhZkvRo Spree Headband - Getting You in the Zone I want to thank the people at Spree for sending me a review unit of their Spree headband. This headband is geared toward a number of things. 1. Comfort - no bulky chest strap. 2. All the information you can get in once device It tracks distance, heart rate, and a new ingrediant - body temperature. Sure the Bodybugg measures tempaerature, but not hear rate. Sure the Fitbit measures distance, but not heart rate. The spree is for the serious runner, and for the person who wants to make sure they are getting the most out of their workout. You no longer have to guess how hard your are working out. Between the temperature gauge, and the heart rate, you now know if you are exercising too light, or too hard. This is the main advantage of the spree. Can you get that from "just" a hear rate monitor? Well you can check to make sure you're heart is not going to explode. The spree is for the person who wants more details so they can KNOW what's going on with their body. When you get into GPS tracking, the price tag goes up close to $400. The Spree clocks in at $300. Fashion Concerns If you're worried about what you will look like wearing the spree (see above), there is a solution and that is the Spree SmartCap. From what I've seen that option is only available at their website (not on Amazon). Get in the Zone When both your temperature an heart rate are on target the spree logo turns yellow. When you first know start exercising it shows blue. If you are exercising too hard it would show red. As this is real time stats delivered via bluetooth, you can see what you need to adjust to mazimize your efforts without hurting yourself. This is cool. For me, I'd rather have some sort of audible notification so I don't have to look at my phone the entire time. http://youtu.be/vaNMGPXpyvA If you want a device that takes the idea of "a basic heart rate monitor" and blows if off the charts while keeping things simple, this is definitely worth a consideration. You can purchase it through Amazon, or directly from their website at http://spreesports.com/  Note: Dave Jackson is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com  

 Dr. Oz Gets Spanked - Spree Fitness Headband | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:23

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 The Motivational Power of Tough Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:47

Today I talk about some reviews we've received in iTunes. Sometimes its hard to hear negative things about you, but you need to stop and ask if there is any validity to comments. In some cases, there are. Here is the one that really got me. It was from Ellen. [powerpress] by EllenHenderson from USA on February 8, 2014 I like the guy - he seems like a really good person. However, for the entire time I've been listening to his podcasts, he has puttered around with about a 10 lb. range - this over 2 years or so. He is addicted to Mountain Dew and the entire gist of his shows is to review some web based food and exercise tracking systems or fitness "aids" or iPhone apps. The bottom line is, I need somebody that motivates me by example. Dave seems to be doing this podcast just to listen to himself talk. If that is the purpose of the podcast, I think there are plenty of others that have moved past the "eat less exercise more" mentality. And the difference between them and Dave is, their approaches actually work. I need a podcast that gives me REAL guidance for losing, and not someone going on and on about the fit bit or body media / body bug. Inspire me by actually using LOGIC, not gimmicks. And, inspire me by actually losing weight. If the eat less exercise more model works, why are you not losing weight? Eat healthier foods, not Mountain Dew and McDonalds. The body needs nutrients, not to be tricked by processed foods that you scan the barcode with some b/s ap on your iPhone. Quit buying into paid websites, apps, fitness gurus who want to sell you plans or supplements, and do your research. I hope the best for you, but what you are doing is not working - for you or for me. I've always try to be a person of integrity. I don't lie. I don't steal. I'm honest. Was I mad or hurt by this? Well, no. OK, maybe a little hurt. Then I read it again. This is a valid point. It is as simple (not easy) as eat less exercise more, but I'm not doing it. So I saw this last week, and I've really stepped up my game. I'm down two pounds this week. Thank you Ellen Henderson I really appreciate the kick in the pants. Tips from Someone Who Lost 80 Lbs Here is the video we were listening to http://youtu.be/REG9iKC0YcQ Mentioned in this Show Logical Losers Accountability Club (cheaper than weight watchers) Shakeology (Shakeology is so incredibly healthy, there's no other single food item out there that can supply you with all the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, and minerals in the amounts you need the way one delicious shake can.) [powerpress]

 The Motivational Power of Tough Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:47

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Don’t Settle For an Unhealthy Lifestyle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:43

If you want to lose weight you need to make your own food, and measure everything you eat. You eyes deceive you. One trick you can do is eat on smaller plates. It sounds silly, but you eyes think its a lot of food when its not as much. Why is it that we won't settle for some things, but we lay back and let people poison our food. We convince ourselves that we "deserve" a break and then accept food that tricks our brain into thinking we are not full (so we keep eating). Did you know that on a label, the ingredients are listed in the order the amount? See how often SUGAR is number 2 or 3 on the list. See how many of the ingredients you can't pronounce. Bob is my new friend on fitbit and says, "Dave you need to say no to family and friends" (and he's right).

 Don't Settle For an Unhealthy Lifestyle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:44

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 What if a doctor told you to stop? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today I'm still sharing from the book IMPOSSIBLE: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery and I'm finding it amazing. He talks about forcefeeders, and on Memorial Day I was faced with quite a few. Now, let me stop right there. Nobody put a gun to my head. My response is my responsibility. But I didn't want to hurt anyone, and in doing so I hurt my chances of losing weight. It was a dumb move. My wife had some surgery not too long ago and was told not to eat. Now I'm not a fan of fasting, but it sounds very hard. She did it. We call can go deeper into our own strengths that we don't even know exist until we are tested. I'm sure we can all do more than we think we can. So today, pretend a doctor told you to stop. If we don't start doing that, eventually we won't be pretending.

 What if a doctor told you to stop? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:03

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 4 Steps to Lasting Weight Loss – No More Victim Mentality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:21

Today we again look at the book Impossible: How I lost 400 lbs. It's a great book and today is based on the chapter about taking steps for lasting weight loss. I think the part that jumped out at me is that we have to be honest with ourselves. We have to track what we put in out mouths, and we need to realize that our response is our responsibility. Life is 10% what happens to use and 90% of how we react. Some of our actions lead to positive results, and others send us in the wrong way. We have the power within us to stop, we may think we don't be we do. Believe in yourself, and take it small steps at a time. Don't try to be a super hero. Don't try to reverse years of abuse on our body in a few weeks. That is impossible. However, taking the right steps on a consistent basis will lead us in the right direction. I highly recommend this book. You can purchase it using the link below. Check out www.eatright.org for a RD

 4 Steps to Lasting Weight Loss - No More Victim Mentality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:21

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Are You Ready To Lose Weight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:54

Today I share some insights I'm getting from a great book called IMPOSSIBLE: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery . We had the author Bryan Ganey on a few episodes ago, and I'm just now getting around to reading his book. WOW IS IT AWESOME. It's filled with tons of just "Yeah, that makes sense - why didn't I think of that" information. The one thing I love about this book is the information comes from Bryan. Not some academic study. I get the information from someone who does't study it, but instead someone who LIVES it.  I love the fact that it sounds like Bryan is sitting across the table from me giving me advice. So today (after only reading the first few chapters) I wanted to share the points that really jumped out at me. One of those points is that based on your current stress level, relationships, time constraints, and other items in your life - you might not be ready to lose weight. Really? Yes, in some cases we may be trying to do the impossible. That doesn't mean we're off the hook, but instead means it might make more sense to fix the relationship that is adding so much stress to your life (that then sends you to the fridge to deal with it). The book is filled with tough love, and non-nonsense insights (which is why I love it). More to come Support The Show By Using this Link Amazon.com - Support The Show   Dave Jackson is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com  

 Are You Ready To Lose Weight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:55

Join Dave Jackson and he shares insights into geeky weight loss gadgets, insightful articles, and success stories on losing weight, feeling better, and living healthier. He's also pretty darn funny.

 Putting Yourself First | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:22

I am at a bit of a crossroads. I really need to start making progress, so today I take off for a walk and bring you along as we talk about putting yourself first, and by exercising first you can't take that away. I realize that you can eat away any exercising you've done, but I feel you are more likely NOT TO if you've actually done the work.


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