The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

The #SpeakEasy Podcast

Summary: Altovise is an introverted entrepreneur residing in the DMV that launched, stumbled, and learned how to manage entrepreneurship, motivational speaking, and being a single mom. Her failure led her to start conversations with CEOs and entrepreneurs about the good, the bad, and the ugly when you first start a business. (Or, when you first try to start a business) She has written and co-authored multiple best-selling books including her first book, "It's Okay to Cry" - and now, in this podcast, Altovise brings you the conversations that can help female Entrepreneurs in the DMV to launch, stumble less and learn. Can you become a successful entrepreneur? New episodes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

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 Listen Before You Leap with Carla Debro | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1307

Saying yes to our dreams requires us to take a leap but that leap should be strategic. Deciding to "go forth" is the thing that many struggles with. There are so many questions that come to mind and opposition that rises up after you commit to a yes. So how do you keep from leaping into a pit? Look at your past! Often times the things we have overcome or endured have created the tools we need to take that leap forward. The feeling of fear will always attempt to override your yes. For Carla, it happened when she had an idea that she hesitated when it was time to take that leap. She sidestepped the assignment and found herself in a really challenging situation. It brought her to a place where she had to make a decision to trust the plans of God or to follow the suggestions of those she surrounded herself with. How many of you can relate to being that space?The enemy is watching to see if you will take the leap. When you take that leap be mindful of these types of people.~ People that will try to take advantage of you ~ People that are a distraction ~ People that question your leap This will be the time when your prayers are truly your weapon. Forgiveness will be necessary as you begin to see how people act and react to your leap. Walking in bitterness will sabotage the leap that you are about to take. It can become something will tale the focus off of your goals. Also, be mindful of pride and arrogance that rises up when you are preparing to leap. Carla shared that these were some of the things that she endured when she was taking her leap. Prepare for the leap:Prayer Write it down Ask questions Check your circle Be willing to shiftNurturing the seeds and harvest that you will notice when you are taking that leap. The things that you do not have God will send someone to show up with it. Don't allow yourself to get stuck in your past. Your greatest life is not there. That goes for anyone who may have thought they their leap is delayed or detoured. Don't compare your journey and life with the journey and life of others. You don't know what the leap in their life cost them. (It may not always be a God-inspired leap) God is able to restore any time lost so don't watch the clock when it is time to leap. Carla DeBro worked as an inner-city school teacher for over 22 years. However, last year God spoke to her about the importance of leaping to start her own business. Although God spoke to her, she had her own plans on how things should be. Until she began to listen to God, she was only spinning her wheels and getting nowhere. Carla believes in the power of God and His willingness to save us from our own destruction. She is an aspiring author and businesswoman who asks God for His guidance daily.Her resent manuscript Hell Bound on the Sex and Drug Express has been accepted by a well known Christian publisher. Carla knows this confirms what God has placed in her heart to share with others. It’s time to change and recognize the spiritual battle that we are in.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)Truth - Life's Secrets (Facebook)Ruth DeBro (Linkedin)

 Hit the Recharge Button with Dr. Chere M. Goode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1256

It's time for us to recharge. I have been listening to you #SpeakEasy listeners and you are ready to get back on track in life and business. This is the episode for you. Where do we get a new battery pack? Where do we get what the Energizer bunny has? How do we get that with everything that has been going on in 2020? We are going to dig deep into what that recharge looks like and some of you... it's going to hurt a little bit because some of you will need to unplug from something. Yup, unplug from the news, social media, and yes even some people. It's time to start feeling good again starting from the inside out. Life can become cumbersome at times and makes us anxious. This is the moment when you need to plan your escape. Now, we are not saying run away from your problems but you must find a place that allows you to shut it off. What does that mean? That means a moment to do absolutely nothing. Just be a bump on the log and it's okay to just sit there and do nothing. You know, what that does that refreshes you, that reboots your mind, your body, and your spirit. Could you sit still for 60 seconds? No fidgeting and no looking at your phone. (Many can not) For Dr. Chere, it is not a matter of the time you use to recharge that matters the most. The most important parts of recharging are what you do and are they working for you. Anything from putting on a full face of makeup to taking a much-needed nap can recharge you. There will be some who need to recharge their body through better nutrition. Eating healthier options will often give a natural boost of energy. This is self-care and you need to ask yourself a few questions. Does it make you feel good?Does it make you feel whole? How often do you need to do this? When is the best time for you to do this? Where can you do this uninterrupted? Are you dealing with false sensations? In this episode, Dr. Chere discussed not just the false sensations we may get from some of the foods that we eat but also the false sensations we get from people and certain scenarios in our lives. That temporary high and drop can drain us as entrepreneurs. A relationship, contract, or even a conversation that creates this feeling is a dangerous one. Often times we allow what haunts us to hurt us. Dr. Chere's gems:1. Be okay with walking away 2. Fill your cup3. Get moving 4. Take responsibility 5. Practice saying "NO"Don't allow self-doubt to bankrupt you! ~ Dr. Chere GoodeDr. Chere M. Goode is the Founder/CEO of Total Harmony Enterprises, Make Me Over Wellness, and Exceptional Wellness Candle Company. Goode is a wife, mother, and caregiver, as well as, the Creator of the Annual RECHARGE Health, Wellness, and Fitness Expo. Goode has been a Licensed Practical Nurse for over 30 years and is Nationally Certified in Hospice and Palliative Care, an area she currently specializes in. Goode is a 5-time #1 Best Selling International Author, Speaker, and Wellness Coach, as well as, an American Heart & Stroke Association Ambassador/Spokesperson. Known as the RECHARGE Strategist, Goode teaches professional women strategies for self-care to recharge their Mental, Physical, and Emotional batteries for success in life and business through her 8 Recharge Pillars of Self Care. Goodes teachings also emphasize the importance of self-care to enrich one's life. She teaches her clients that if you look good, you feel good so pamper yourself as often as possible. Goode is certified in the relaxation techniques of mindfulness and reflexology. Goode is also the founder of the Ladies Recharge Movement where she hosts quarterly events for women to step away from daily duties to perform self-care and have fun with other like-minded professional women. Goode has been featured on ABC, Dr. Oz, Wendy Williams, Baltimore’s TV 25, Good Day Baltimore...

 Learning to Amplify Your Fierce with Nicole Roberts Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1773

When you hear the entrepreneurship journey of someone who is successful, you often find that there are many moments that you can relate to. That was how I felt the first time I heard Nicole Roberts Jones story about five years ago. She was sharing what the first 17 years of business looked like as she went from broke to bankable. "I couldn't afford NOT to go!", Nicole spoke about the big investment that shifted her business. In order to make the shift to become successful, she needed to do a few things. 1. Stop doing the same thing looking for a different result 2. Learn to pivot because the tools you used for the level are not sufficient for the next level. 3. Hire someone and invest at the level you want to be on4. Don't pull a Milli Vanilli on potential clients and within her network (Oh, you know who Milli Vanilli is!) "Being able to serve or help" is a popular response from many women in the coaching industry. As women, we are coached to nurture from a very early age and that same nurturing heart is what we take with us in business. While that nurturing may be what our clients need, this can often play against us in a few ways. We find ourselves not charging enough or we do not say yes to opportunities because we feel we aren't qualified. Learning to fly as we jump from a cliff seems scary but if you look at successful companies you will see that someone had to take that jump. Nicole admitted during this interview that her own ego became a hindrance to being coachable. She looks at the mistakes that she has made as an opportunity for pruning. It taught her to spend more time in silence so she could hear God clearly before making decisions. She values seedtime and harvest as it comes to her business. It shows in the success she is having after 27 years in business. Nicole Roberts Jones is uniquely gifted at one thing – drawing out what’s best in YOU and helping you take your Brilliance to The Bank. A veteran of the entertainment industry, Nicole worked in Talent Management and Casting before shifting her talents to become the Founder & CEO of NRJ Enterprises.She now works with entrepreneurs to create multiple streams of income from what they already know in order to build an empire from their expertise. Additionally, Nicole works with corporations to assure their executives and middle managers push their internal edge, and step into the true power of their gifts and talents at work. Her clients have included the Steve Harvey World Group, Dell EMC, McDonald's, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Lisa Nichols and Motivating the Masses, Coach Diversity Institute, the BOSS Network, and Working Mother Magazine to name a few.Nicole is also a nationally recognized transformational speaker, purpose to paycheck expert and best-selling author of four books, the most recent being Find Your Fierce. She lives with her husband in a suburb of Boston, MA, consulting, writing, and creating breakthroughs for her clients.Connect with Nicole on with Nicole on

 The False Comfort of the SWOT Analysis with Gleb Tsipursky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1908

Never go with your gut! The title of Gleb's books draws you in because of it's opposition to one of the oldest forms of decision making known to man. That gut feeling has started businesses, creating opportunities and yes it has even built a relationship or two. At least from the spectator's vantage point, it looks like the gut is this magical force that some people just have. Right? Gleb gave us a breakdown of the decision-making process that leads to success. It includes looking at the perceived threat and determining if we should flee, fight, or freeze at that moment. Does this sound familiar? Many of us learned these strategies but when we get into a competitive market we tend to push them aside to take on popular trends in business. Yes, going with your gut feeling is a popular trend. (Haven't you heard of the 90-day fiance and love is blind?) How about the SWOT analysis that many businesses use as a guide? Gleb shares that it gives a false sense of comfort and a biased opinion of the strengths and opportunities. Looking at CEOs like Henry Ford and Jeff Bezos you will see the strategy within their decision making. Here is what works:~ Use an effective strategy ~ Looks for ways not to fail ~ Invest in education~ Be willing to experiment and fail Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is a cognitive neuroscientist and expert on behavioraleconomics and decision making. As CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts, hespent over two decades consulting, coaching, speaking and training hundredsof clients across North America, Europe, and Australia, including Aflac, IBM,Honda, Wells Fargo, and the World Wildlife Fund. With over 15 years inacademia, including 7 as a professor at Ohio State University, he publisheddozens of peer-reviewed pieces in academic journals such as Behavior andSocial Issues and the Journal of Social and Political Psychology. His thoughtleadership is featured in Fast Company, CBS News, Time, CNBC, IncMagazine, and elsewhere. He authored the bestselling The Truth-Seeker’sHandbook. His new book is Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering LeadersMake the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters. He lives in Columbus,Ohio. Learn more at, and on Twitterat @gleb_tsipursky.Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)- Free 8 video-based module course, Wise Decision Maker Course Book page LinkedIn profile

 Special Boys to Men Series with Shannaan Dawda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 901

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Watching his father while he was growing up created the foundation for the work ethic Shannaan lives by. Even after going the traditional route and achieving a corporate job, he found himself being drawn into entrepreneurship. His father was a taxi driver and then he upgraded to opening a limousine company. "Here was this young black boy watching his father be his own boss his whole life." When the office politics became too much to handle it was only natural that Shannaan would find his way to entrepreneurship. An idea he presented to his CPA firm that was turned down became his way out. It was a wide-open market that the firm was not interested in reaching. That is entrepreneurship at its core. Finding the gaps and the areas where things can be better than taking the steps to fill those gaps. You navigate through the challenges. Shannaan shared some nuggets that will help any entrepreneur in their journey~ Be the example...your first client ~ Confidence comes through action~ Check your reasons for deciding to be in the industry you choose~ Be uncomfortable with being uncomfortableEmbracing change allows you to be able to pivot when difficult situations arise. This is a valuable lesson that is learned in the entrepreneurial journey. The number one complaint from working millennials is that they were never taught life money management skills in a school or by their parents. As a result, many of you are left feeling like the lack of financial education is the key contributor to living paycheck to paycheck. Sadly, it’s not just millennials struggling financially. According to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) 2015 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey, “41% of adults gave themselves grades C, D or F with regard to their personal finance knowledge, 29% have not saved anything for retirement, 34% have no savings.”These negative financial outcomes and low levels of consumer knowledge and confidence make it obvious that financial literacy in America should be a national priority. Given these factors, the sole focus of From Paychecks to Power is to empower you to gain financial freedom, ditch debt, and manage your money with ease and effectiveness. Through one-on-one financial coaching, custom debt-elimination plans, and comprehensive financial education, Paychecks to Power is your trusted source for financial empowerment.“MORE MONEY EQUALS MORE OPTIONS.”-Shannaan DawdaConnect with Shannaan on Instagram:

 Special Boys to Men Series with Lindsay Z. Mnguni | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 771

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. When a father leaves a home and doesn't return the mother and siblings tend to carry the family. Lindsay knows this story all too well because he lived this story while growing up in South Africa. The statement that "it takes a village to raise children" is very evident as his Uncles stepped in at times to fill the space his father left when he walked away. It instilled in him a sense of community and he made a vow that he would not be an absentee father to his own children. Lindsay gives credit to his mother and his wife for softening his heart and helping to create the man that he is today. Some life lessons he shared were: ~ Don't get comfortable taking short cuts ~ Take time to sit and pray over your journey ~ Find and marry a person who supports youWith 20 years as a firefighter, Lindsay has been able to have many memorable moments including publishing his first book "Firefighter: First and Foremost" Firefighter: First and Foremost is the first book that he has published as he attempts to let us into his life as a firefighter, where it all started; and the rescue missions that he has been to – in Haiti, Japan, and the Philippines. Enjoy the mesmerizing style and his catchy talent, as also reviewed and endorsed by the various prominent people.In his own words:‘In my life, I have tried to be dedicated, determined, and disciplined; and to stay focused on achieving my dreams, no matter what the circumstances are. It has not been easy, but I have always believed that I can do it. Success doesn’t come easily. But the fruit of hard work is a success. I am almost certain that with faith, love, and hope, great things are achieved. Thank you.’- Lindsay Z. Mnguni.Connect with Lindsay on Facebook:

 Special Boys to Men Series with Ya Jaketted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1258

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Ya Jaketted breaks down what it means to be a lion. Legacy Integrity OvercomerNever-Settles The transition you make from focusing on what you want and need to the wants and needs of a child has the potential to shift everything. The dynamic of your marriage is changed and manhood takes on a whole new perspective. Ya Jaketted shares that it was the scariest thing he has ever had to deal with because he didn't have many male role models to guide him. Teaching his children early about what it means to be a mighty lion and lioness, Ya Jaketted is adamant about making sure his actions and words line up. Kids will hold you to your word more than adults will. Being the model for who his daughter will marry in the future and a model of the husband his son will be is important. His daughter taught him empathy! His transparency about infidelity led him to inspire others His love for his wife made him a better husbandLife lessons become how we empower or impact the world. It sparked Ya Jaketted to teach other men how to defeat SAM which stands for Sex, Attention, and Money. SAM is the three things that tend to be a thorn in the side of many men. It can destroy relationships and businesses when you attempt to ignore it. This has become his mission and he uses his life as an example. Ya JaKetted is a Motivational Artist looking to unleash the inner lion that lives inside of you. His mistakes your clean slate. Welcome to A Husband Redemption & A Dads Hustle.Connect with Ya Jaketted on Instagram

 Special Boys to Men Series with Brad Butler II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1127

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Adversity takes many different forms and can be hard for students and athletes looking to succeed. A conversation with Brad and his dad at a Wendy's after breaking up with his ex laid the foundation for the drive he has today. You have to be able to produce despite emotions and feelings. The inability to overcome your feelings can lead you to a life of lack. The mental piece of it is most important. Don't get caught up with just focusing on the rewards of life. You will find that you pull back when the reward is removed instead of being in love with the process. When you fall in love with the process you will usually love the reward that comes with it. That ROI (Return on Investment lines up with seedtime and harvest. When you are focused only on the reward then you will find that detours in your journey will become distractions or reasons for you to quit. A detour does not mean defeat. Brad shared that you haven't been working on this long enough if you haven't wanted to quit, curse, or cry. (How many of you can relate?) To break that mental block or the need to compare yourself you have to see your mind as a muscle. What are you doing to...Put yourself in a positive space? Surround yourself with positive people? Continue to speak positively?Brad Butler II in a few words; I'm simply a motivational speaker, student advocate, and an all-around athlete. My goal in life is to motivate, inspire, and empower people all over the world to recognize their gifts and put forth their best efforts in all that they do.Although I'm known by Brad Butler, my close friends & family call me B-Rad which I’m known for on and off the field! Despite being placed in special education classes after moving from the inner City of Jersey City to the suburban area of East Windsor at an early age, I still managed to earn two college degrees (Mercer County College & Kean University).A few years after graduating from college I discovered my gift of public speaking. I now spend most of my time traveling across New Jersey visiting different schools (grammar, high school & colleges) empowering students as well as teaching leadership development classes, consulting with companies to train employees on public speaking and leadership development.My goals are to help others be the best they can be, show them how to motivate themselves to be leaders and take full advantage of their opportunities no matter their circumstances or what life throws at them. "Make Your Next Day Your Best Day" -Brad "B-Rad" Butler II Motivational Speaker Leadership Development Teacher ConsultantStudent AdvocateCommunity ServiceConnect with Brad on Facebook

 Special Boys to Men Series with Harold Leffall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1237

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Originally from Oakland, California, Harold is an entrepreneur. He started my first business when I was 29 years old and had no idea what he was doing. He just had a dream and a vision that within two years, his business would be doing over a million dollars in sales. Within three years, he was at 4 million. He is also an author and authors books because he teaches what he is trying to learn. So, all my books really have been a form of therapy. Harold is a speaker, and I just recently launched a health supplement company called good living now for folks targeted, really, for folks that are over 40.Harold grew up in a story that many would see and hear play out in movies and songs. His father was a pharmaceutical entrepreneur who had a strong impact on Harold's life. He knew for sure that it was a lifestyle that leads to jail or the grave. It inspired him to want to become an entrepreneur and to create a small office in his closet. Youth programs like Upward Bound were significant to Harold's story of success. It showed him men that looked like him going to and completing post-secondary degrees. We can't leave out the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, and yes, even the D.A.R.E. program too. There were a few key things Harold learned from his dad. He learned how to market. He learned how to hustle. He knew that he had to work.Shame and trauma were two obstacles that Harold shed light on as a man. It is two things that many men do not discuss but they have the potential to derail your success. Make the decision to be the one that breaks the cycle within your family. Harold Leffall is an empowerment teacher, author, and entrepreneur. Harold owned his own full-service staffing firm. Leffall Employment Agency, which was named one of the “Top 25 Permanent Placement Services” by the San Francisco Business Times with gross annual revenue reaching close to $4 million in annual sales. He later became the CEO of a start-up social enterprise in Atlanta that today has gross revenue exceeding $20 million annually. He has been featured on ABC News, NBC, Black Enterprise, Best Self Atlanta, and Entrepreneur magazines and authored three books: Brother CEO, Living from Within and I AM ENOUGH.Connect with Harold on

 Special Boys to Men Series with Marshall Fox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1155

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Do your children see you?When you work, even when you are working at home, you don't always get to see your family. You know, you may be there physically but you may not be there mentally or even emotionally. Many definitely can relate to that, but seeing the looks on their faces when they do see you, it is something that really drives Marshall Fox. As a husband and father of four, he understands the importance of being seen. In the entrepreneurial world, there is a feeling of loneliness that is not discussed. The journey can get mentally and physically tough. There is an innocence in the face of a child that brightens the mood. They have no clue about deadlines and finances. Actually, they really don't care about it. They just want you to be present which is hard for people to do at times. "When you're an entrepreneur and you're working from home, you may have more flexibility, but it's really not more freedom" Have you ever been in a room with lights that had no off switch? Learning how to be present for your family, your business, and yourself will require you to turn off at times. Turning off may mean it is time to tap into the real juice...a nap. Turning the television off or putting the phone on do not disturb allows you to focus on the task that is in front of you. Now that task may be drawing a picture with your child or finishing a project for a Fortune 500 company. Either way, giving your focus to one thing is valuable. When you are able t be focused like that you can execute at a much higher level. Marshall attributes his success with his company 120 Design from the influence of his wife. Having people around you that see your gifts is important because it will encourage you to work in those gifts. It also takes away the need to compare yourself to others. (That is in business and in life) Your strengths as a father, husband, entrepreneur all rely on you being the best version of you instead of a copy of someone else. Marshall is a graphic designer, brand consultant, and CEO of 120 Design Studio, LLC, one of the highest-rated graphic design agencies in the United States (on Facebook) Located in Maryland, his boutique firm specializes in helping authors, speakers, coaches and solopreneurs in two areas where they consistently tend to fall short: branding and online presence. His keen sense of design and attention to detail helps his clients increase brand awareness, credibility, and sales.In less than three years, Marshall has entered the graphic design space, helped over 400 clients, and has built 120 Design Studio into a six-figure agency. Marshall and his team enjoy helping their clients ensure the quality of their brand matches the quality of their services, products, and other offerings. When Marshall isn't sipping coffee and obsessing over color palettes, he's spending time with his wife and four children.Connect with Marshall on Facebook

 Special Boys to Men Series with Chaz Jackson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1368

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. We all have a gift and we are a gift. There is something within us that we should be planting for the next generation to grow and prosper and to that greatest version of themselves. This is the mission and vision that is the foundation of what Chaz Jackson does. He knows what a child experiences when the foundation of the family is not stable. Your past is not your fault but it is your responsibility to overcome what you endured in your past. Allow your obstacles to become your opportunities and know that you maintain the power to make change happen. In May 2012, Chaz's life changed forever as he turned and hit a wooden gate in an attempt to avoid a head-on collision while driving intoxicated. At that moment everything he was carrying, all the baggage of his past decision and relationships, all came to the surface. "I didn't authentically love myself and it took me going into a rehabilitation clinic to realize it."Breaking generational chains starts at home and Chaz has important conversations early with his children. He is planting the seed that will produce a harvest for future generations. He is a former student-athlete and now successful entrepreneur/health-care professional who is impacting hundreds of lives annually as an internal conflict advisor, speaker, and trainer with the John Maxwell Team. He is also an author of a book called “Live, Learn, and Lead Powerfully: A Teen Leadership guide which has made Amazons #1 New release list in Teen and Young Adult category in 2019. He values being a Husband, Father, Teacher, and Man of Faith. He has a passion for assisting young adults and educators in creating phenomenal lives for themselves and others.Connect with Chaz on Facebook

 Special Boys to Men Series with Haki Shakur Ammi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 990

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Intentionality was the spark that ignited entrepreneurship in Haki Shakur Ammi. He did not have entrepreneurs in his family to advise him on what the journey would look like. Fortunately, knowledge about the life of a street hustler deterred him from wanting to move in that direction. The examples he saw in the streets of Baltimore was all he needed to see. Instead, he decided to enlist in the Navy. Education and self-development became Haki's focus while in the military. He would read often and listen to network marketers as his first steps towards financial freedom. This is what sparked a stronger self-belief that he could be successful in entrepreneurship. His process for becoming Unstoppable! As people saw the steps that Haki was taking they realized that there was a level of wisdom that he had to share. People started asking when he would be publishing his own book. So when the opportunity arose for him to partner with Dr. George Fraser and Les Brown on the Unstoppable project he said yes. It was a moment where he would be mentored by men who were in the position where he saw himself. It was another investment in his journey to success. When you decide that you are ready to succeed you must~ Position yourself for power. ~ Tap into a habit of lifelong learning ~ Think bigger than what the world expects of you~ Be an asset and create assetsHaki S. Ammi, The Success Scholar. Best Selling Author, Speaker, US Navy Veteran, 15 years as a City Fire Fighter/EMT, Elected member of the Baltimore City Central Committee serving as Treasurer and Secretary of Maryland Legislative Black Caucus Foundation.Connect with Haki on

 Special Boys to Men Series with Jerry Franklin Poe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1873

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. The difference between a smart man and a wise man is...a smart man learns from his mistakes a wise man learns from others mistakes Jerry came from generations of business owners which taught him the value of time. They also laid a firm foundation for the family including being the parent that showed up for stuff. It was their examples that creating the motivation for him to be in position as a husband and father. Time is a bank account that you can't overdraw - Jerry Franklin Poe Recently time has taken on a whole new meaning. Many were thrust into a new level of time management that they were ill-prepared for. Homeschooling, no more work commutes, doing the eight hours of work within a two-hour window all shifted how people are looking at their time. There now is little separation between my time and their time which has caused some tension in homes across the nation. Men, you need that time for you and your wife and children do as well. Where women and children are taught self-care, men are not always taught how to take care of themselves. That includes a massage or taking time to unplug. Jerry gave some tips on helping your children maneuver the new normal. Oh, and his final words for the men was to treat your body the same way you treat your car!Jerry Franklin Poe is the author of the top-selling book series What I Wish I Knew When I Was in … School, founder of Poetential Unlimited LLC and a company designed to train and equip the mind, activate the vision, cultivate the passion, and hone the skills necessary to live life on your terms.Connect with Jerry on Facebook

 Special Boys to Men Series with AJ Vassar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 912

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Being the first entrepreneur in your family can seem like a dream and a nightmare at times. Having another entrepreneur in the family gives you an edge. Although AJ's father died when he was young, learning that his father was a risk-taker sparked something for him. AJ has owned his own barbershop and even moved to Columbia where he currently resides. Those highlights don't overshadow a something shared by his mentor Sam Shepherd when he was about to become homeless. "You will learn more from living in your car than you will learn from running home to your mama!"This sparked something within AJ that made him look at how he was measuring up in life. What was the real goal and did he really have what he needed to achieve it? That meant sidestepping validation in order to gain discipline through becoming uncomfortable. Like his ritual of taking a cold shower in the morning. It is not what you do while everyone is what you do when you think you are the only one that knows what happened. A.J. Vassar is a former Division One football player now living his dream in Colombia. The Author of "Day Grades" and creator of "Underground Wealth Road". After his football days, A.J. found himself homeless and a mere five years later he donated five cars to five people less fortunate. A.J now works and speaks with UnleashU Now and runs the Speakers Courses that will teach you to craft a universal message that you can take to almost any stage. From rags to riches, A.J Vassar is the international speaker, educator, and coach you need in your life! Connect with AJ

 Special Boys to Men Series with Brother Bedford | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1192

Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. Building effective relationships is a foundational principle that Brother Bedford learned after his persistence led to a conversation with Dr. George Fraser. That initial conversation led to many more including a series of conversations with Black Millionaires. That was an opportunity for him to show the world that success runs in our race which was not a common statement made or heard. It was a chance to change the conversation. Here he was, a brother from the east side of Detroit, looking to do an interview with Dr. George Fraser. His assistant told Brother Bedford that she didn't think Dr. Fraser would do the interview. Undeterred, he left his contact information. It caught him off guard when he received a call from Dr. Fraser later that day who was ready to do the interview on the spot. (If that isn't motivation to shoot your shot I don't know what is!) You may have an idea right now and there is someone that you want to connect with in order to bring the idea to life. Brother Bedford's word of advice is to make the call! Brother Bedford's tips for building effective relationships:~ Develop Humility ~ Develop the relationship ~ Be sure to thank people for their time Everything that you need, there is someone who has it. They may only be one phone call away. One thing that you will need to do in order to take this step forward is to eliminate the noise. Often times there is negative chatter in our head that keeps us from making that next move. As men, there will be moments when you need to find someone that will push you out of your comfort zone. Be mindful to look for the hand of God in the connections that you make. Don't ask, "What would make them choose me?" Instead, tap into the value that you bring and lead with that. Brother Bedford, The Founder of The Masters Of Business Network & Mastermind, serves as one of the most trusted and revered marketing and business advisors to entrepreneurs and business owners.He’s The Host of Conversations With Black Millionaires and The Co-Host of The Power Podcast with Business Icon George Fraser. These two podcasts have been seen and heard by at least 1 Million People Worldwide.Bro. Bedford has appeared in front of audiences as large as 20,000 sharing the stage with entertainers, sports stars, celebrities, and Legendary Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders George Fraser, Les Brown, Dr. Dennis Kimbro, Lisa Nichols, Julianne Malveaux to name a few.Brother Bedford’s life’s work has been and continues to be dedicated to helping Black People grow businesses, advance careers, and multiply their bottom lines exponentially. He strongly believes in sound business practices and is a champion for those who want to build their own business, advance their career, increase their personal wealth, and add to their personal growth.Connect with Brother Bedford on Facebook


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