Special Boys to Men Series with AJ Vassar

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. <br><br>Being the first entrepreneur in your family can seem like a dream and a nightmare at times. Having another entrepreneur in the family gives you an edge. Although AJ's father died when he was young, learning that his father was a risk-taker sparked something for him. AJ has owned his own barbershop and even moved to Columbia where he currently resides. Those highlights don't overshadow a something shared by his mentor Sam Shepherd when he was about to become homeless. <br><br>"You will learn more from living in your car than you will learn from running home to your mama!"<br><br>This sparked something within AJ that made him look at how he was measuring up in life. What was the real goal and did he really have what he needed to achieve it? That meant sidestepping validation in order to gain discipline through becoming uncomfortable. Like his ritual of taking a cold shower in the morning. <br><br>It is not what you do while everyone is watching...it what you do when you think you are the only one that knows what happened. <br><br><br>A.J. Vassar is a former Division One football player now living his dream in Colombia. The Author of "Day Grades" and creator of "Underground Wealth Road". After his football days, A.J. found himself homeless and a mere five years later he donated five cars to five people less fortunate. A.J now works and speaks with UnleashU Now and runs the Speakers Courses that will teach you to craft a universal message that you can take to almost any stage. From rags to riches, A.J Vassar is the international speaker, educator, and coach you need in your life! <br><br>Connect with AJ Vassar<br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/aj.vassar" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/aj.vassar</a>