The Property Couch show

The Property Couch

Summary: In a casual ‘conversational’ style, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley talk all things property investing in Australia. Each week they explore relevant and topical ideas in a fun and interesting way forming a complete guide to Property, Finance & Money Management. From which property to buy, structuring your loan, SMART Money Management habits, investing mindset, finding the right property investment strategy to tips for bidding at an auction, Bryce and Ben aim to share their knowledge with you!

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 Ep.168 | Q&A on What % of your Income should you Spend, Borderless Investing and Smart Money Management Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:30

It’s our favourite day of the month folks… Q & A Day!!! And we’re covering quite a bit in a short & sweet amount of time today— including AN EXCLUSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT for our Couch listeners!!! (As it so happens, this was dropped with, “Yeah, go on, let’s tell ‘em” and a nod of the head… so an absolute scoop.) Not only that, but also we answer 3 solid questions, thanks to the legends who leave us a SpeakPipe voicemail message (remember: we prioritise your Q if you do this too)! But back to today’s episode — if you want to know what we think of investing in Hobart, and down in good ol’ Tassy in general (it’s been getting a bit of attention from a fair few property investors), OR you want to find out if now’s the time to invest in Perth … tune in. But 100% TUNE IN if you’re keen to get on top of your Money SMARTS — we give you a rough rule of thumb for the amount of income you should allocate to your spending habits ie. How much you should spend on Bills, Living and Lifestyle and your Loan/s!!   The Q’s we’re answering are:   Question about investing in Perth vs Melbourne from David: Good morning Ben, Bryce & The Stig, I’m a keen Property Couch listener and thank you for your time generously sharing all your knowledge — it’s much appreciated. Just about myself, specifically: I’m a property investor with 3 properties — 2 in Perth, one in Brisbane. I’m a medical specialist with a good income and I’m looking to go again. I have a 900K pre-approval and looking at either Perth or Melbourne through a Buyers Agent. Clearly the Buyers Agent have biases… the Perth guy things Melbourne is a terrible place to Invest and the Melbourne guy thinks Perth is a terrible place to invest. If you had 900K, you wanted to go now and are a Buy and Hold investor that lines up with your ideas around a good quality growth asset, what would you do? Thanks very much & come on the Dockers!   Question about Money Management Habits from Nerida: What percentage of my income should be allocated to living and lifestyle account, primary account and payments account?   Question about investing in Tasmania from Stuart: Hey guys, I just wanted to get your opinion on whether you’re focusing your attention on Tasmania? The reason for that question is I was just on a work trip to Tasmania last week, and there was a lot of commentary on the radio about shortage of supply in rental accommodation; even talk of people living in tents. I didn’t really get full across it … but something to do with legislation taking a long time to release land or planning approvals taking a long time, so bureaucracy essentially. I just wondered if any of this shortage of supply means your Buyers Agents were looking a little more closely at Tasmania, certainly on Hobart … I’m not sure whether somewhere like Launceston comes into that. But yeah, really interested in your take on what’s going on in Tasmania at the moment, especially people looking to make an investment entry...

 Ep.167 | When you SHOULDN'T use a Buyers Agent? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:40

Alright, folks! Let’s bring on Episode 167!! Today is all about Buyers Agents… and when you SHOULDN’T use one! Yep — it might seem a bit strange considering Bryce is one… but we’re going there! And why? Well, we’ve received a couple of questions recently about the cost of a Buyers Agent, and whether or not this represents value for money… So, how much (in $$) is a reasonable Buyers Agent fee? — and WHY exactly do they charge what they do? More importantly, how can you tell if you’re dealing with a Spruiker?   … just a heads up before we jot down the 2 questions we’ll be answering Folks, the 2nd question is particularly long, so if you can’t catch everything Bryce says on the podcast, we’ve got you covered below

 Ep.166 | Seven Common and Costly Settlement Mistakes when Buying a Property - Chat with Nicole Faid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:53

Back by popular demand! We heard from today’s guest back on Episode 107, and joining us again is none other than Nicole Faid, Principal and Founder of Accord Conveyancing, who has handed out accurate legal advice for over 25 years of industry experience! Just a heads up — we covered her awesome back story in that episode, so if you want to hear it (and it’s well worth the listen), go back and check it out! So — Conveyancing — let’s take the mystery out of it, folks! Because a lot of people out there don’t know what happens once the documents have been handed over to a Conveyancer, especially one like Nicole! And we jump straight into it, folks! So get pumped for the 7 common & COSTLY mistakes you really DON’T want to make… (If this episode doesn’t cement the fact that it’s crucial to get a contract review BEFORE you sign, very little will!)   So, let’s hear it. What exactly are you in for? * In a nutshell, what does a conveyancer do? * What is the most important document that underpins a contract? * How many people don’t get the amount of land they thought they would when purchasing a property? * What happens if the discrepancy of this land is less than 5%? * What REAL LIFE EXAMPLE happened in Brunswick? (And how much did this mistake cost the buyer?!) * Why shouldn’t you rely on your own interpretation of “wear and tear”? * Are “back to back settlements” a bad idea? * What happens with the conveyancing rules if you’re a borderless investor? * What is a “caveat”? * If you’re purchasing through a SMSF, what title requirements do you need to be aware of? * What can happen in the settlement period that will seriously shock you? * Why is it important to distinguish between major and minor issues with the settlement process? * When should you conduct a Building and Pest Inspection? * How does the art of negotiation fit into all this? * What is the best risk management? * What do you need to keep in mind with the final inspection? * What is the legal requirement about having a granny flat?! … Yep, it’s a hairy and very serious episode folks, because the mistakes we talk about in this episode can be VERY EXPENSIVE!!   TODAY’S TEASER: P.S Missed yesterday’s Facebook Live? We answered a couple of questions on your lunchbreak (in 15 minutes)! ...

 Ep.165 | Royal Commission's Role in the Lending Sector and Q&A on Improving Loan Serviceability, Sell v Hold Strategy and Investing in Shares | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:51

Just a heads up, folks: we’re tackling a couple of serious topics today! Because, not only are we diving into the world of the Banking Royal Commission (and what they do), we’re also answering a few voicemail messages about how to best service your loan, what to look out for if you considering investing in shares and having a crack at the million dollar question: should you sell or hold?? Yep, Ben will be donning on his Chair of PICA hat to address some of these topics, especially when it comes to choosing your mortgage broker wisely and making sure, as property investors our assets and financial wellbeing are well protected!   As part of this, we will be dropping the “F” word… Fraud. It should go without saying, DON’T go there… but if you find yourself taking dodgy advice, you could find yourself in boiling water too. And remember — for the folks that haven’t signed up yet — you can get an individual Membership of PICA for as little as $5 to lobby government regulations and help us get rid of the “bad eggs” and spruikers responsible!   So, let’s jump into the SpeakPipe Q’s: Question from Nick (from New Zealand) about Selling or Holding a House and Land Package: I purchased a house and land package in Landsdale, Perth in 2012. It’s next to the parks, next to the school; it’s a beautiful place with nice places around it — should I play the long game and hold onto it? Or should I look at selling it & placing my money elsewhere? It’s cash flow neutral, so it’s not costing me anything. It’s rented out, I’m paying the debt down through my own cash flow… the only other thing is, I’m at university so if I sell it, I won’t be able to get another place — I wouldn’t be able to get a mortgage — for 2 years until I graduate. I know it’s a million dollar question — but should I sell it or hold it?   Question from Will about serviceability concerns with current lending regulations: We’ve got a current portfolio of currently 3 properties, looking to buy our 4th and final property in late 2018. I’m a little bit concerned about serviceability since the new APRA rules? have been brought in with the big banks. I was wondering if there were any practical things we could do to improve our serviceability? The second part to the question: Is there anything we can do to increase serviceability with second-tier lenders and third tier lenders?   Question about shares from Jamie: Through your podcast, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. In the book, it talks about using shares to raise a deposit to purchase property. I was wondering if you were aware of any podcasts or books or any other resources that are similar to your own podcast but talk about trading shares? It’s something that is less tangible than property and I have a harder time understanding it.   p.s.

 Ep.162 | Q&A - How to Avoid Poor Loan Structure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:43

It’s Q & A Day, folks!! Off the back of last night’s webinar, “7 Deadly Sins of Building a Property Portfolio” we’ve got plenty of questions leftover that we reckon are going to help you with ALL THINGS LOANS and INVESTMENT LENDING!!! Before it kicks off though … we’ve got a BIG announcement (well, big news for Bryce!!)… so make sure you keep an ear out! So, we’ve got SIX questions to get through, which will help you in avoiding poor loan structure and more importantly, your planning stage of building a property portfolio!   Question from Mark: I have a PPR mortgaged at the moment, as does my girlfriend. We wish in the future to turn both into investment properties and buy a further property to live in long term. Should we be spending money doing any works to the properties that we currently live in? Or should we spend the bare minimum and save every cent for our “together” house?   Question from Laudy: I thought they’d changed the PPR loans and didn’t allow interest only loans anymore — how can this be done?   Question from Dean Can you use equity in your investment properties to wipe out your PPR mortgage?   Question from Chris: I understand the concept of “tapping into property 1’s equity” but HOW do we do it? Is a Line of Credit an appropriate method? Is this with the same bank or a different bank? Thanks guys, appreciate the help!   Question from Matt: In the case studies it shows the debt on investment properties being paid off over time. When do you switch from IO to P&I? Should you refinance after 5 years to extend IO period as long as possible or switch to P&I when your cash flow allows?   Question from Shanki: Regarding loan structure, can I use the equity from 1 property to pay the deposit for 2 separate investment properties? Is it similar to collateral?     p.s. Here are all the links for today’s podcast! * Wants to join Bryce in his new TV Show, Escape from the City? Click here to apply for the spot! * Here’s the link to Bryce’s Mindset Minute Article: Read the article here * Interested in Ben’s webinar on the Impact of Interest Only Lending? Watch it here.      

 Ep.163 | Infrastructure: What’s the Game Changer for Property? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:33

We’re going off the cuff today, folks! Yep, there’s been no prep behind this podcast… BUT we guarantee it’s still going to be golden! Why?? It all started (yesterday) when Ben created a little pop quiz for the staff at our company… and his question is: What is the No.1 infrastructure needed to grow property prices? Based on the banter that spread through our office, the answer might also surprise you!! So, let’s drill it down to these two points: * How are megacities built? * What’s the connection between infrastructure and property prices?   Here’s the deal: * What drives people to a location? * What’s the Wild West got to do with it? * How does infrastructure relate to immigration and population? * If you don’t have THIS infrastructure, realistically, can you have a city? * How does politics influence a property investor and shape a cities’ plan? * How did Melbourne become known for its culture — fashion /arts? * Why can’t a city run on “just one thing”? * Are property prices going to keep growing? * Why is Sydney the Financial City? * How can you tell a difference between a planned city and an “accidental” city? * Why do areas outside of Sydney do well? * Is it all bad news for the property market? * Why does Ben keep harping on about the East West Link? * Why does the land get expensive in a location? * What will Sydney have to do to take the stress of population? * Why can’t you replicate a city in the suburbs? * Does Hobart have a good outlook for property investing? * What is a self-perpetuating city? * Why do we need to pivot to niche manufacturing? * With all this in mind, should you invest in regional centres?   Stick around for Ben’s Did You Know … you’ll find out the projected population growth for Australia’s cities (this might influence where you invest!) Missed our Facebook Live yesterday? We announced a Free Live Webinar — “The 7 Deadly Sins of Building a Property Portfolio: The hidden habits undermining your success (and how you can overcome them)”! You can register for the Live Webinar here.   P.S. This episode’s a true glimpse of what an overheard convo between Bryce and Ben sounds like! Gold!!!!    

 Ep.162 | Q&A - Second-tier Lenders, Brisbane’s units market and the order in Investment Assumptions (PLUS a special appearance from Jeremy Sheppard) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:44

We have a couple of treats in store for you today, folks!! Not only is it Q & A Day — we know: it seems like forever since we had one, and we love ‘em!! — we’ve also created A BRAND NEW SEGMENT, which is kicking off on the Couch TODAY. Yep. Think property markets. Think sneak peak. Think data! Actually, speaking of data, joining us for a portion of today’s episode (hint, hint) is Jeremy Sheppard! He’s our other third of and the pioneer of the DSR Formula, which collects, analyses and researches the level of supply and demand across every market and 15,000 suburbs in Australia! (You would have heard his insights back on Episode 125 | Everything You Need to Know about Picking the Next Hotspot — Chat with Jeremy Sheppard or on our last Facebook Live!)   …. What will be covered from today’s questions? * Should you invest in a Brisbane unit? * What are the pros and cons of second-tier lenders? * Are the assumptions about property investing making you confused? Alright folks, before we kick off the questions, you’ll notice soon that all of them are voice recorded messages! Yep, we’re officially prioritising all of our questions that come in through our SpeakPipe widget! So leave us a quick, 60 second voicemail here!   Question about Investment Assumptions from Matthew: “I’m wondering if you guys can take a moment and reflect on the investment assumptions in property, particularly on stuff like, “Hey, you should always buy in this order for capital gains: you should by a free standing house, and then a townhouse or a free standing house and a duplex and a townhouse and an apartment”… all of these investment based assumptions, which are general rules of investing in property. It’d be good to examine when they’re true and when they’re not true with different cases. I look forward to your answer. Cheers guys!”   Question about Investing in Brisbane Units from Pia: “I’m a 31 year-old single woman from Brisbane with a budget of $360,000. My question is about the Brisbane unit market. My priority is investment and I’m open when it comes to the location or type of property I purchase, but ideally I’d like to buy a place I can live in for the short to medium term, and a Brisbane unit is the best fit in that regard. I’ve been looking a 2br, 1 – 2 bathroom units in a 3 – 10km radius of the city in older boutique blocks. I’ve heard all of the warnings about the oversupply of apartments in the Brisbane market at the moment, but I’m wondering if this is the time when “Others are fearful and I should be greedy”? Where do you think we are in the market cycle? Are Brisbane units about to go up in value or are we still looking at another couple of years of downward or flat growth?   Question about Second-tier Lenders from James: “My question is there have been a lot of media articles and posts around lenders outside of the big four banks, or second-tier lenders…. What are the Pros and Cons of using these lenders?”     And our chat with Jeremy Sheppard? * Why there’s not much data in January?

 Ep.161 | How to Buy Property Like a Pro - Chat with Veronica Morgan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:26

Want to know how to bag an A grade asset? How about scoring the inside tips Buyers Agents use? If you’re keen to buy property like a pro, today is the show for you! That’s right, folks! We’re getting down to the nitty gritties of buying… how to nail an auction sale, how not to overspend (very important) and how to think like you’ve been in the game for decades. Plus, we’re diving into the Sydney property market, picking up some sunken treasures so you can discover the latest, the greatest and the mistakes to avoid! Joining us is Veronica Morgan — you might recognise her from Foxtel’s Lifestyle Channel, Location Location Location Australia in the days of co-hosting with Bryce — who is the Founder and Principal of Good Deeds Property Buyers, a property buying services specialising the Sydney market. To boot, Veronica is also a QPIA, a clever property investor and key note speaker, industry writer and a repeat guest on the Couch!   So, let’s get take a microscopic view of what a reputed Buyers Agent sees (and does) every single day: * What drove the Sydney property market over the last 5 years? * Why does the split between owner-occupiers and investors matter, and what does it say about the Sydney market? * Are FOMO still impacting the Sydney market and why parents are dangerous in an auction * What trends were happening with Sydney auctions? * What strategies can you use at auction? * How can you “throw the agent” and also escape the control of an auctioneer? * What’s an expensive risk for a buyer? * Why do different types of real estate agents affect buyers? * What’s the problem with not being financed before auction? * What’s the number one thing to look for in a Buyers Agent? * Is it possible to have too many properties in your portfolio? * What is a Buyers Agent and do you need one? * What’s an s66W Certificate? * How do apartments fare in Sydney? * What’s next for the Sydney property market?   Want to hear more from Veronica? Check out Episode 76 | Building a property portfolio after the boom! Also, make sure you check out our Facebook Live sessions! They’re Q&A Style & only 15 minutes Folks!!    

 Ep.160 | The Power of Vulnerability - Chat with Karla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:57

We’re getting real on the Couch today, folks. So if you’re in the mood for some solid learning, serious authenticity and a powerful view into what it’s like to be on the chair opposite us (or any other professional advisor), today is YOUR Day! Because in this episode we are introducing a very, very special guest (in more ways than one)…. someone who has personally reached out, sat down and met with one of our advisors…. Karla C. Except Karla…. she didn’t like what we had to say! Why? Well, this is where the power of vulnerability comes in………   [Two words that come to mind: “Profound change.”] Full disclosure: We normally avoid mentioning our company, folks….. but we’re huge believers in Karla’s story and its benefit to you is too great for us to hold back! Plus, Karla’s “tell all” is a gift needed for life, not just property investment.   Before we unfold the layers of vulnerability though, just a little shout out to those of you WHO LIVE IN SYDNEY & WANT TO WORK WITH US! We’re after experienced Property Investment Advisors, Mortgage Brokers, Financial Planners and, just maybe, Accountants! So if you’re all about helping others, influencing positive and profound change to people’s lives, and the idea of a challenging and rewarding role makes you ticklish with excitement ….. wow us with your resume & cover letter here!   You’re going to hear: * An honest, vulnerable and authentic view from a client’s eyes (and mind) * The difference between expectation and reality * How to pivot your mindset to create profound change * Why being told “what you want to hear” can be more harmful than helpful * If we get advice on our own portfolios…….. * The Dos and Don’ts of Property Investing * How to know if you’re ready for professional advice? * The fine line between a dream and a reality check! * What’s worse: procrastination or a bad property investment decision? * How to make a mental decision to move forward * Bryce and Ben’s “light globe moments” in their own journey! * Why a wrong decision(s) can set you back 10 years! * The importance of timing the market and doing the research * Powerful, powerful bullet point — Karla’s key learnings * Some education tips you can try at home * How to choose an advisor wisely * What are the tangible benefits of changing your thinking?   p.s. Really want to learn more about the service that the guys were chatting about? Click here to learn more about Empower Wealth’s Property Investment Advice services.      

 Ep.159 | From Anti-depressants to Airbnb – Chat with Emily Hazell, Founder of Serotonin Eatery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:24

Feel Good February is even better with a Feel Good Podcast, folks! So, that’s exactly what we’ve got in store for you today: The episode to get rid of the “mood funk”

 Ep.158 | Cut The Noise: How to Master Your Mindset with Chris Helder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:23

That’s right, folks! Back by popular demand, we have Chris Helder on The Couch … with his brand new (it’s only been out a week) book, Cut The Noise!! We first heard Chris’s power of mindset and “Useful Belief” in Episode 113 | Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work … and, in Bryce’s email shout out, you mentioned you’d benefit from having Chris back on… Boy, are we glad you did! For those who missed the episode or need a refresher, Chris Helder is a certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Public Speaker and author of Cut The Noise, Useful Belief and The Ultimate Book of Influence. He’s one of the highest booked speakers and his message is seriously impactful (and useful). Today, he’s talking about: Better Results, Less Guilt. Why? We’re bombarded by “news” every. single. day. Media. Social Media. Marketing. Almost everywhere we look……….. So, how do we cut the noise?   You’ll get answers to: * How do you filterer out distraction to achieve better results? * What is “10 Seconds of Guilt” and how can it help you? * Why do you need an “exit” strategy? * Can you use the power of presence to become more effective? * What are The 6 Important Things in Life, and what do you need to remember about them? * Is multitasking a good thing? * Why is it important to ask for advice? * What happened in Disneyland that taught Chris A LOT? * Why should you quit being a perfectionist? * What are the 3 questions you should ask yourself if you’re feeling guilty? * Why do you need a “win strategy” and how do you get it? * What are the 3 distinct categories to frame what you do? * What are the 3 words you need to remember to action success in 2018? * What’s wrong with living in a “The Ribbon World”? * How can you apply all of this to property investing?? And stay around till Ben’s Did You Know too! There’s be some interesting discussion around the recent volatility in the stock exchange.

 Ep.157 | 7 Reasons Why Investors Should Think Like Ants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:56

Folks … we’ve gone a bit creative on today’s episode!! We want you to think, act and do like …. ants! Yep. We really do mean those teeny tiny insects…. who would have thought ants would come up in a property investing podcast? But before you ask yourself, “Have we left our marbles somewhere?”, we solemnly swear we’ve got a reason! Well, 7 actually. And we reckon you can take something away from today’s crafty, critter-fueled episode … especially if you’re in need a bit of a pick-me-up in the mindset department! So, before we give you the low down on today’s episode, let’s get to the real talk: The proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. Yep, it’s causing a bit of a stir after a few disgruntled tenants have had their say ….but it’s now time to have ours. Because these reforms WILL have negative impacts on landlords. Some of the proposed changes include: * Allowing tenants to make non-structural modifications to rental properties, which may include repainting an entire property, installing hooks for picture frames, concreting the backyard or reconfiguring built in robes * Removal of the landlord’s rights to consent to, or refuse, pets * Changes to notice periods around ending a lease, removing the ability for a landlord to serve a 120 Day Notice to Vacate for ‘No Specified Reason’, and removing the option to serve a 60 or 90 Day Notice to Vacate for ‘End of Fixed-term tenancy’ after the initial first term * Capping bonds at one month’s rent where the rent is less than $760 per week. This reform will also apply rent that is paid in advance. We get that a hook in the wall is one thing.. but concreting a backyard, or painting the walls in lime green, is an entirely different thing. These are our assets, and shouldn’t we have the voice to protect them? So, The Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) released an online petition calling on the Andrews’ Government to change these proposed reforms to Victoria’s rental laws. We want fairness for both sides.   They need 20,000 signed petitions are needed by 6th February 2018. So, if you feel passionate about this and want to make sure your landlord rights remain, you can sign the petition here.     BUT BACK TO THE ANTS & TODAY’S EPISODE…. Did you know that ants can carry 50 times the weight of their body weight?! Impressive, huh? This all comes into our 7 reasons why investors should think like ants because: * Ants aren’t intimidated by their workload. We’ll tell you how this all fits in with property investing, as well as: * How do you break your workload down into achievable goals? * Who can you reach out to for help? * Which five years in your property investment journey matter the most? * How do you balance the art of patience and timing? * How much does selling a property really cost you? * What’s the minimum cash buffer you need? * What can you do to avoid financial stress

 Ep.156 | Tim Lawless - 2018 Property Outlook with CoreLogic's Director of Research | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:24

We promised you a market outlook last week….. so, folks, we had to deliver! Yep! This week on the Couch, we’ve wrangled in Tim Lawless, CoreLogic‘s executive research director for Australasia, who heads up the Data Research and Analytics team, analysing and interpreting real estate, demographic and economic trends across the country! He’s one of Australia’s leading property market commentators, so….. In a nutshell: Tim knows his stuff. For our newer listeners, Tim no stranger of the Couch. Back in Episode 90, he joined us to chat about the impact of Donald Trump on the Australian Property Market. So what’s in store this year for each state and capital in Australia? Tune in…… you’re about to find out!!   Before we jump in and tell you the property outlook 2018, Bryce wants to remind you to send in your Android Life Hack (please and thank you) so we can even the playfield with the iPhone users! Just email it in to!   Okay, so today’s big questions are: * What’s in store for the Australian property market? * Is there going to be a significant shock? * What’s up with the economy? (Think, “Will your wage increase?” and interest rates!)   Now, let’s drill it down to Capital Cities: *** Scroll down for the city you’re most interested in *** Melbourne * What’s the trend rate showing for Melbourne? * Are units on the city fringe worth investing in? * Is Geelong showing potential? * Which macro trends are contributing to price growth? * How does it compare with Sydney’s outlook? * How are yields fairing? * Is now the time to invest in property? Sydney * What are the tips and trends happening in Sydney? * How much has the market fallen and how much more will it fall? * What areas are holding their value? * Which quartile is coming down the most? * Will Sydney bust now that it’s peaked? * Are first home buyers entering the market? * What is the median value for houses and units? * How will the lending restrictions affect the market? * Are yields increasing? Brisbane * Is Brisbane one of the better capital cities to invest in now? * What makes it a good entry point into the market? * But what about the oversupply with inner-city apartments? * What’s the latest with Jobs Growth? * Are there investment opportunities in Cairns and Townsville? * Should you invest in Newcastle or Woolongong? Perth * Is there growth happening in Perth? * Are the investment stock levels reducing? * How many new listings are there? * Is it on our radar? * Where are the

 Ep.155 | Think you know your A.B.C.D — How to Action The Four Pillars of Mastery in 2018! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:05

It’s the day in our week we most look forward to… Happy Podcast Day, folks! And, you betcha: this episode is ESSENTIAL! Why? If you’re a regular listener of the show (legend), you know that we go on and on about making sure you head back to our earliest episodes (pre-studio & pre-“professional podcast hosts”), because the information we shared in our glory days is vital. It’s foundational. It’s absolutely the name-of-the-game in property investing! That’s why today we’re revisiting The Four Pillars of Mastery….. the ABCD of Property Investing. Because now, more than ever, they are going to determine the success of your property portfolio. What are they again? (Click the link for their full episode). * Asset Selection * Borrowing Power * Cash Flow Management * Defence ABCD. Memorise them. Make sure you’re intimate with every detail and action them in 2018.   Before we explain how you can achieve all this, we want to let you know that if you missed our Throwback Thursday this morning — either you haven’t checked your inbox yet or are yet to register for our free stuff — we gave you Dr Danika Wright’s slides, Controlling the housing asset bubble: Affordability, financial stability and regulation, which she presented at the Affordability Conference  late last year. So, if you’re interested in The Housing Bubble Debate or Supply and Demand, we suggest you check it out. You can access it here. (And, remember: $5 is all you need to become a PICA Member!)   Right, what’s the deal with today’s episode? * What’s the latest with the negative gearing debate? * How can Ben’s latest acronym — SACI — influence your cash flow? * What is “open banking”, and how can changes in technology influence your cash flow? * What is the biggest risk with your cash flow? * What are the four categories of cost? * Conversational Commerce: Watch this space! * Is equity enough to land you a loan? * How do you get around the APRA lending changes? * Why do you need to have a borrowing strategy? * Looking towards the future, are there consequences of going P & I? * We’ll say it again: investment stock vs investment grade * What are fundamentals of asset selection? * What does defence protect? * What do you need to know about insurance that’s REALLY important?   Resources mentioned: * Dr Danika Wright’s PowerPoint, Controlling the housing asset bubble: Affordability, financial stability and regulation-  Click here to get it * $5 PICA Membership – Click here for all membership price...

 Ep.154 | The Do’s and Don’ts: The Discoveries we’ve Learnt in Property Investing (PART 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:47

Alright, folks! It’s that time again… Podcast Day! And today we’re bringing you PART 2 of our Summer Series on the Foundational Principles of Property Investing, featuring THE best bits of gold from our guests! So if you’re interested in building a property portfolio in a tough market, learning the key elements of property investing or wouldn’t mind a handful of renovating tips to increase that capital growth……. then this episode’s got it all! But before we jump in and tell you which FIVE GUESTS are featuring today, we thought we’d slap on a sticky note here that reads: Remember: $5 is all you need to become a PICA Member! At the end of the day, it’s important we come together and join forces in protecting our investments, livelihood and ability to determine our own future.   That said, let’s get on with today show! Featuring in today’s episode include the following guests… * Jane Slack Smith – from Episode 61 * Damian Collins – from Episode 73 * Veronica Morgan – from Episode 76 * Stuart Wemyss – from Episode 81 * Dr. Andrew Wilson – from Episode 87 Answering these questions: * What is the Trident Strategy, and how can you use it to build your wealth? * Why does investing for the long term matter? * What do you need to consider when picking an investment grade location? * Where are people incorrectly spending their money on when renovating? * What is the “rule of thumb” to spend on a cosmetic renovation? * Who is your target market if you’re “flipping” properties? * How can you build a property portfolio after a boom? * Why is it crucial to have the right strategy first? * What is the one thing you need to do when structuring your loan? * Why does a mortgage broker need to be a cash flow manager? * What do you need to keep in mind if you’re buying in a rural area? * What is the best predictor of the future? * Why be positive about the property market/ investing in property? * Is interest rate the only thing that matters? * What will we see with the market correction? * How do you know if you’re getting good advice? * What property will always have demand, despite market conditions? * What’s the Future of the Australian Property Market?  


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