Ep.155 | Think you know your A.B.C.D — How to Action The Four Pillars of Mastery in 2018!

The Property Couch show

Summary: It’s the day in our week we most look forward to… Happy Podcast Day, folks!<br> And, you betcha: this episode is ESSENTIAL!<br> Why?<br> If you’re a regular listener of the show (legend), you know that we go on and on about making sure you head back to our earliest episodes (pre-studio &amp; pre-“professional podcast hosts”), because the information we shared in our glory days is vital. It’s foundational. It’s absolutely the name-of-the-game in property investing!<br> That’s why today we’re revisiting <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/episode-003-four-pillars-of-mastery-cash-flow-management/">The Four Pillars of Mastery</a>….. the ABCD of Property Investing. Because now, more than ever, they are going to determine the success of your property portfolio.<br> What are they again? (Click the link for their full episode).<br> <br> * <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/episode-005-four-pillars-of-mastery-asset-selection/">Asset Selection</a><br> * <a href="Episode%20004%20%7C%20Four%20Pillars%20of%20Mastery%20%E2%80%93%20Borrowing%20Power">Borrowing Power</a><br> * <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/episode-003-four-pillars-of-mastery-cash-flow-management/">Cash Flow Management</a><br> * <a href="Episode%20006%20%7C%20Four%20Pillars%20of%20Mastery%20%E2%80%93%20Defence">Defence</a><br> <br> ABCD. Memorise them. Make sure you’re intimate with every detail and action them in 2018.<br>  <br> Before we explain how you can achieve all this, we want to let you know that if you missed our Throwback Thursday this morning — either you haven’t checked your inbox yet or are yet to register for our free stuff — we gave you Dr Danika Wright’s slides, Controlling the housing asset bubble: Affordability, financial stability and regulation, which she presented at the Affordability Conference  late last year. So, if you’re interested in The Housing Bubble Debate or Supply and Demand, we suggest you check it out. <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/download-controlling-the-housing-asset-bubble-slides-dr-danika-wright/">You can access it here.</a><br> (And, remember: $5 is all you need to <a href="https://pica.asn.au/membership/membership-information/">become a PICA Member!</a>)<br>  <br> Right, what’s the deal with today’s episode?<br> <br> * What’s the latest with <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/episode-021-the-negative-gearing-debate-in-australia/">the negative gearing debate</a>?<br> * How can Ben’s latest acronym — SACI — influence your cash flow?<br> * What is “open banking”, and how can <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep65-technology-and-property-market-strata-properties/">changes in technology</a> influence your cash flow?<br> * What is the biggest risk with your cash flow?<br> * What are the four categories of cost?<br> * Conversational Commerce: Watch this space!<br> * Is equity enough to land you a loan?<br> * How do you get around the APRA lending changes?<br> * Why do you need to have a <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep55-investment-savvy-mortgage-broker/">borrowing strategy</a>?<br> * Looking towards the future, are there consequences of going P &amp; I?<br> * We’ll say it again: <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep-008-investment-stock-vs-investment-grade-properties/">investment stock vs investment grade</a><br> * What are fundamentals of asset selection?<br> * What does defence protect?<br> * What do you need to know about insurance that’s REALLY important?<br> <br>  <br> Resources mentioned:<br> <br> * Dr Danika Wright’s PowerPoint, Controlling the housing asset bubble: Affordability, financial stability and regulation-  <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/download-controlling-the-housing-asset-bubble-slides-dr-danika-wright/">Click here to get it</a><br> * $5 PICA Membership – <a href="https://pica.asn.au/membership/membership-information/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here for all membership price...</a>