Ep.157 | 7 Reasons Why Investors Should Think Like Ants

The Property Couch show

Summary: Folks … we’ve gone a bit creative on today’s episode!!<br> We want you to think, act and do like …. ants!<br> Yep. We really do mean those teeny tiny insects…. who would have thought ants would come up in a <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/">property investing podcast</a>? But before you ask yourself, “Have we left our marbles somewhere?”, we solemnly swear we’ve got a reason!<br> Well, 7 actually.<br> And we reckon you can take something away from today’s crafty, critter-fueled episode … especially if you’re in need a bit of a pick-me-up in <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/episode-083-do-you-think-like-a-sophisticated-property-investor/">the mindset department</a>!<br><br> So, before we give you the low down on today’s episode, let’s get to the real talk: The proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act.<br> Yep, it’s causing a bit of a stir after a few disgruntled tenants have had their say ….but it’s now time to have ours. Because these reforms WILL have negative impacts on landlords. Some of the proposed changes include:<br> <br> * Allowing tenants to make non-structural modifications to rental properties, which may include repainting an entire property, installing hooks for picture frames, concreting the backyard or reconfiguring built in robes<br> * Removal of the landlord’s rights to consent to, or refuse, pets<br> * Changes to notice periods around ending a lease, removing the ability for a landlord to serve a 120 Day Notice to Vacate for ‘No Specified Reason’, and removing the option to serve a 60 or 90 Day Notice to Vacate for ‘End of Fixed-term tenancy’ after the initial first term<br> * Capping bonds at one month’s rent where the rent is less than $760 per week. This reform will also apply rent that is paid in advance.<br> <br> We get that a hook in the wall is one thing.. but concreting a backyard, or painting the walls in lime green, is an entirely different thing. These <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/episode-005-four-pillars-of-mastery-asset-selection/">are our assets</a>, and shouldn’t we have the voice to protect them?<br> So, The <a href="https://reiv.com.au/news-resources/policy-issues/rta-review" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV)</a> released an online petition calling on the Andrews’ Government to change these proposed reforms to Victoria’s rental laws. We want fairness for both sides.<br>  <br> They need 20,000 signed petitions are needed by 6th February 2018.<br> So, if you feel passionate about this and want to make sure your landlord rights remain, you can <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScglGiK9MRM1J5M1I9pZesnPi3VoOSP-tBbqYQ385pjbk6lvQ/viewform" target="_blank" rel="noopener">sign the petition here</a>.<br>  <br>  <br> BUT BACK TO THE ANTS &amp; TODAY’S EPISODE….<br> Did you know that ants can carry 50 times the weight of their body weight?!<br> Impressive, huh?<br> This all comes into our 7 reasons why investors should think like ants because:<br> <br> * Ants aren’t intimidated by their workload.<br> <br> We’ll tell you how this all fits in with property investing, as well as:<br> <br> * How do you break your workload down into achievable goals?<br> * Who can you reach out to for help?<br> * Which five years in your <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep-52-property-investor-journey-phillip-tarrant/">property investment journey</a> matter the most?<br> * How do you balance the art of patience and timing?<br> * How much does <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep145-reasons-vendor-sell-before-auction/">selling a property</a> really cost you?<br> * What’s the minimum <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep-006-four-pillars-of-mastery-defence/">cash buffer</a> you need?<br> * <a href="http://thepropertycouch.com.au/ep55-investment-savvy-mortgage-broker/">What can you do to avoid financial stress</a><br>