The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #57: FITNESS HACKS YOU SHOULD USE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:18

  Fitness doesn't have to be as hard as we often make it out to be! Put these fitness hacks to the test and see what happens!    FITNESS HACKS EPISODE #57     12 Fitness Hacks You Should be Doing: HIIT Workouts -Hack secret: you don’t have to do super long workouts to be effective -Hack secret: lifting actually burns more calories than cardio -Hack secret: you don’t have to have a gym to strength train, you can do it anywhere!   Making Time for Fitness -Hack secret: working out in the morning gets more results -Hack secret: scheduling workouts prioritizes them -Hack secret: you have more time than you think you do – workout while watching TV   Customize Your Cardio -Hack secret: Make it fun -Hack secret: Make it community oriented -Hack secret: Make it part of your lifestyle   Revving Your Metabolism -Hack secret: eating 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minute of waking up -Hack secret: proper hydration matter! Take on the Gallon Challenge -Hack secret: Sleep! Getting extra zzzz’s can keep you lean! No more excuses!        

 #56: INVESTING IN YOURSELF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:50

   Investing in yourself is the best return you can ever get.  It requires a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone.  The decision to invest in your dreams is a decision to quiet the doubts and fears in your mind, for you know that doubt destroys dreams.    INVESTING IN YOURSELF EPISODE #56         How to Start Investing in Yourself: What is it that is keeping you from making that initial investment in yourself? You know, the one that you have been putting off but the one that could potentially change your life for forever?   -Fear of failure -Fear of looking stupid -Fear of the unknown -Fear of pain -Fear of success -Fear of ridicule -Fear of standing out -Fear that initial investment will be too much or not worth it   Fear doesn’t keep us from death; it keeps us from life. –Christine Caine   If it doesn’t cost you much, then the benefit you are going to get out of it won’t be worth much. But, on the other hand, a lot of the best things in life cost a lot up front, but the rewards far outweigh the investment.   Things that people put off investing in:   -education -the right relationship -exercise -financial plan/savings -God and their relationship with God -love (vulnerability) -travel -entrepreneurial endeavors -that dream project -adventure projects -time off / rest -long-term happiness (most people defer this for a short-term fix)   Leave me a voicemail on my website and tell me what you are investing in!   It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.–Gabriel Garcia Marquez     Show Notes:   Listener of the Episode: Neel from FB, bravo to starting your day off right, with positive thinking and something uplifting!   …which leads me to an announcement that you all will be interested to hear: I have 24-7 streaming network! It’s called Trish-Talk and you can access it 24-7 at   The next session of Breakout is starting June 1st, and I only have space for 12 people.  Breakout is for those who want more from life.  If you have ever wanted individual coaching from me and wanted to really have the courage and support to step out and live the life of your dreams, then Breakout is for you!  Spaces will go quickly for this program, so if you know you are in, then stop putting off your initial investment. I care so much about this program that I even offer payment plans AND a 100% money-back guarantee if the program does not make a major, positive difference in your life!      

 #55: 15 RULES THAT GET RESULTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:12

  Here are the 15 life rules that, when implemented, will get results that stick!   15 RULES THAT GET RESULTS EPISODE #54       TRISH’S RULES   1. Take ownership.   2. Do what you say you’re going to do.   3. Know your worth and true value.   4. Be you. Believe in yourself.   5. Limitlessness – prescribe to the belief that you can do anything.   6. Joie de Vivre – do the things that make your heart sing.   7. Attitude is everything and is always a choice.   8. Your body listens to the thoughts you feed it.   9. You always have time; get your priorities right.   10. How you do one thing is how you do everything, take pride in your small habits.   11. Be positive or keep your mouth shut.   12. Carry yourself with confidence, even when you don’t feel it.   13. Make gratitude your attitude.   14. Do one thing every day that scares you.   15. Saturate your world with love and truth.     Mentioned in today's show:  The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy The next Private Podcast line-up: -THE REDEFINE SERIES- Sign up now: (1). Redefine Yourself (2). Redefine Your Fears (3). Redefine Your Dream (4). Redefine Your Next Season    

 #54: SUPER YOU: HOW TO CHANNEL YOUR INNER SUPERHERO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:26

  Your inner superhero is waiting to be channeled! You have superpowers, you just have to unleash them to be the best version of you possible! SUPER-YOU: HOW TO CHANNEL YOUR INNER SUPERHERO EPISODE #54     1). Decide what you want to accomplish  -Find your purpose -Find your power   2). Determine your persona Your alter ego can be whatever you want to it be, so dream big!  This is the ultimate fake-it-till-you-become-it! When you think of yourself as a superhero, you have big plans to pursue and you won’t be as easily detracted by all of the unnecessary noise and static that typically distracts you from living the life you want to live. Make a superhero version of yourself to do the things you are afraid of struggling with.  Superheroes exist to do stuff ordinary people wouldn’t do.  You aren't ordinary, so stop living like you are.   3).  Pick theme music Pick a song or type of music that pumps you up or brings you peace.   Whatever your goal, create a playlist or Pandora station.  Know your different personalities/goals:   For me: -Hard workout: Pitbull on Pandora -Peaceful run: Elevation Worship Soundtrack -Writing: Classical -Cooking: Traditional Italian -Cleaning: 80s/90s Pandora -Confidence: Rap / Aloe Black, “You’re the man”   4). Decide what you stand for What are the things in life you will fight for? What causes will you champion? What type of character would describe you in Wikipedia? Decide what you stand for and be that way all the time.       The next Private Podcast line-up: -THE REDEFINE SERIES- Sign up now: (1). Redefine Yourself (2). Redefine Your Fears (3). Redefine Your Dream (4). Redefine Your Next Season    

 #53: REDEFINE POSSIBLE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:22

  Redefine what is possible for yourself by renewing your belief in the limitlessness of your potential!   REDEFINE POSSIBLE EPISODE #53     Power phrases from today's episode for you to write down: -I will stop limiting my own possibilities -I will fight fear and self-doubt because I am strong, bold and courageous -I will not settle or permit myself to “get by” -I will live a life worth telling a story about -I will celebrate my journey   The next Private Podcast line-up: THE REDEFINE SERIES Sign up now: (1). Redefine Yourself (2). Redefine Your Fears (3). Redefine Your Dream (4). Redefine Your Next Season    

 #52: CONFIDENCE WHEN IT COUNTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:40

  Confidence, when it counts, is confidence that thrives even under pressure.    CONFIDENCE WHEN IT COUNTS EPISODE #52     Get Connected with Kelly:   Kelly's Bio: I spent my childhood going from morning gymnastics meets, to afternoon soccer practices, and then to softball games under the lights. During high school, I trained at Van der Meer tennis academy in Hilton Head Island with my twin sister and older brother. I received a scholarship to Davidson College and played number one singles and number one doubles with my twin for four straight years. While in college, I discovered a love for running and joined the cross country team. I led Davidson College to their first-ever Southern Conference title and finished my career as a 10 time All-Conference Honoree in tennis and cross country while graduating cum laude. After graduating, I had the opportunity to compete for Duke University, then ranked #1 in the nation. I finished All-Region in cross country while the Blue Devils went on to win ACC’s, Regionals, and placed third at NCAA’s. A few years after college, I stumbled into triathlon and finished 3rd in my first triathlon, despite not knowing how to swim. I won my first half ironman and then qualified for the Hawaii Ironman World Championships in my first Ironman in 10:16. I went on to podium at my first two Hawaii Ironman appearances, became a Duathlon Age Group World Champion, a Duathlon National Age Group Champion, and set the American amateur Ironman record in my third Ironman in 9:29:49. I decided to turn professional after numerous amateur titles to challenge myself against the best in the world. I am so grateful for my supporters and sponsors as I chase after my dreams. Thank you for taking part in my journey to be the best that I can be. Favorites: Sport: Tennis Hobbies: Hiking, cooking without recipes, reading, hanging out with my nieces, fro yo dates with friends A place to train: Davidson College cross country trails, Mount Baldy, Mt Lemmon (as long as I get a cookie) Race Distance: Ironman Workout: Fartleks on Trails followed by TRX workout Food: Salmon, Honey Roasted Peanut Butter, Dried Mango, Homemade Bread, Smoothies Post Race Food: Burger, Sweet Potato Fries, Ice cream Books: Unbroken, Tipping Point, Count of Monte Cristo, Bible Verse: Ephesians 3:20 – “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”      

 #51: CANCEL THE COMPLAINING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

  Cancel the complaining out of your life: complaining eats away at your life, your energy, your gratitude and your future.  CANCEL THE COMPLAINING EPISODE #51   What would happen has you canceled the complaining in your life? Here are some ways you can start evaluating your own conversations from the inside out: ·       Call yourself out on your tonality ·       Call your friends out / explain to them this new perspective you have ·       Disengage from the emotional vampires ·       Change your tune / If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all ·       Realize that what you talk about, even in the small talk matters.      

 #50: THE PROBLEM WITH PERFECTIONISM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:09

  The problem with perfectionism is that the longer that you dwell in your pursuit of perfectionism, the more insidiously insecurities will birth within you and hinder you from moving forward towards the life that you’re meant to live.   THE PROBLEM WITH PERFECTIONISM EPISODE #50       SHOW NOTES: (1). It Defeats Your Initiative -If you wait for perfect conditions you will never get anything done -We often don’t open or allow ourselves to be loved or consider ourselves loveable until we reach a certain level of perfection, which ultimately never happens -Not only does it defeat initiative, it makes completion a moving finish line. The longer that you dwell in your pursuit of perfectionism, the more insecurities will birth within you and hinder you from moving forward towards the life that you’re meant to live.   (2). It Damages Your Relationships -When we are harsh on ourselves, we inevitably are harsh on others -The way we treat ourselves is noticed by others, and it signals them to be on guard -Perfectionism makes us self-focused, and selfish; it is difficult to really love others, and I mean really love them properly if we are so self-consumed in our own crap.   (3). It Destroys Your Happiness. -You nag yourself constantly, which is a bummer -Additionally to that, people don’t like nags, so you end up making it difficult to like yourself, and if you don’t like yourself, how can you ever expect to be happy? How can you ever expect to see yourself for all of the wonderful gifts that you do have? -Motiving yourself by reminding yourself about what is WRONG with you will not work. That is shame motivation. -Brene Brown, author of I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame (Buy your own copy by clicking here: I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"), offers incredible insight on the dangers of perfectionism.  Below are the Brene Brown quotes shared in today's episode: We spend an extraordinary amount of time and energy tackling the surface issues, which rarely results in meaningful, lasting change. When we dig past the surface, we find that shame is often what drives us to hate our bodies, fear rejection, stop taking risks or hide the experiences and parts of our lives that we fear others might judge. This same dynamic applies to feeling attacked as a mother or feeling too stupid or uneducated to voice our opinions.  We weren't born craving perfect bodies. We weren't born afraid to tell our stories. We weren't born with a fear of getting too old to feel valuable. We weren't born with a Pottery Barn catalog in one hand and heartbreaking debt in the other. Shame comes from outside of us - from the messages and expectations of our culture. What comes from the inside of us is a very human need to belong, to relate. Shame unravels our connection to others. In fact, I often refer to shame as the fear of disconnection - the fear of being perceived as flawed and unworthy of acceptance or belonging.  Shame works like the zoom lens on a camera. When we are feeling shame, the camera is zoomed in tight and all we see is our flawed selves, alone and struggling. We think to ourselves, "I'm the only one. Something is wrong with me. I am alone."  When we are in shame, we just see our own struggle. As we zoom out, we start to see others engaged in similar struggles. When we pull completely back, we start to see an even bigger picture - how political, economic and social forces shape our personal experiences. Contextualizing is the key to making the same connection. 

 #49: 50 WAYS TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:51

  Live life to the fullest by living without fear or limitations; dwell in love, the opposite of fear.  Live in love to be the best you are capable of being.    50 WAYS TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST EPISODE #49     SHOW NOTES: THE LIST -> 50 WAYS TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!  I believe that living life to the fullest means living without fear and limitations.  It means being able to live freely as who I am.  1. Be yourself – chase the limits of the world. 2. Explore 3. Live in the moment. 4. Do the things you love. 5. Express yourself creatively, whatever that is for you. 6. Participate in life instead of watching it pass by. 7. Live each day as if it is your last. 8. “Get to” versus “have to” with everything 9.  Do one thing every day that scares you. 10. Question everything. 11. Push the limits. 12. Ignore the status quo. 13. Bushwhack your own path. 14. Travel – even on no budget. 15. Read and learn something every day. 16. Follow your hopes, not your fears. 17. Celebrate your strengths. 18. Celebrate others. 19. Know your inner self. 20. Live in alignment with your purpose. 21. Hold yourself to the highest conduct – be the best version of you possible. 22. Design your ideal life. 23. Stop putting life on hold – take action! 24. Give yourself permission to excel and explore. 25. Learn from criticism without taking it personally. 26. Speak words of life to yourself 27. Speak words of life about others and to others. 28. Let your past refine you, not define you. 29. Forgive others, forgive yourself. 30. Eliminate toxic relationships. 31. Surround yourself with the truth. 32. Be authentically you. 33. Stop comparing yourself to anyone else. 34. Look forward to each day of your life; see it as a gift. 35. Learn something new every day – keep upgrading yourself. 36. Try new things. 37. Never settle. 38. Embrace new ideas and new thinking. 39. Know that you are work in progress. 40. Become just a little bit better at being you every day. 41. Dare to dream big. 42. Celebrate the uniqueness of others. 43. Improve the world with your legacy – contribute! 44. Give more than you receive. 45. Relish the little things. 46. Express gratitude daily. 47. Have fun, let yourself be you. 48. Accept change as opportunity to grow. 49. Challenge your fears. 50.  Live in love.   Your story matters – share your success with me via email or voicemail! Your story matters --- consider starting your own podcast show. Check out my 6-week program that takes you from nothing to something in 6 short steps at

 #48: YOUR STORY MATTERS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

  Action creates motivation: take action on the belief that your story matters!  The ability to stand up and pursue life to the fullest starts with the action step to stop settling for anything less than the best.  YOUR STORY MATTERS EPISODE #48   We have a special interview guest, Lindsey Richardson, who rocks this episode with powerful insight on: How to listen to your own story. How to know when to walk away from love. How to share your story. How to stand up for yourself.  How to refuse to settle in life. How to really learn how to be yourself.  How to believe that life will turn out well and that love wins.          Lindsey Richardson is a marketing professional by day and a hopeless romantic by night.  After taking a lot of time to explore her passion she found the connection between her obsessions with love and her obsession with marketing.  You can connect with her at her website .   SHOW NOTES: Your story matters – share you success with me via email or voicemail! Your story matters --- consider starting your own podcast show. Check out my 6 week program that takes you from nothing to something in 6 short steps at    CONTEST - I AM LOOKING FOR MY TEN BIGGEST FANS! I am looking for my ten most loyal fans to participate in the trail run of INSECURITY DETOX.   To enter: (1). Leave me a voicemail on my website letting me know why you should be selected (2). Write a testimonial  - either on my site, on Amazon for my books, or in iTunes for one of my apps (3). Send me an email and let me know you did it! ( The deadline to apply is March 17th, 2014!   

 #47: ADVANCE YOUR POTENTIAL, TWO TIPS FOR INSTANT APPLICATION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:41

  The possibility of your potential is something you can advance with these daily, weekly, monthly and yearly applications. Trailblaze your path of potential!    ADVANCE YOUR POTENTIAL, TWO TIPS FOR INSTANT APPLICATION EPISODE #47         Your potential is something to be explored each and every day of your life. (1). We are called to trail blaze! You don’t have to know the path you are going to take because, well, the path might not exist.   -Daily: This means you can let go of the anxiety you carry with you daily to try to figure it all out. It also means that its time for you to start making bold decisions and to keep working on increasing your level of follow through on doing what you say you’re going to do.   -Weekly: Remind yourself that comparison is your kryptonite.  It will destroy you if you allow yourself to start engaging in it.  You don’t need to watch what anyone else is doing because you are on your own path, not his or hers or anyone else’s.   -Monthly: Assess your 3-in-30 every month.  This will keep you on track as you navigate the woods of exploration towards your dream.  You may think that you know where you’re going and assume that it is in the right direction, but it is always in your best interest to take an assessment.   -Yearly: Celebrate your successes and remember, life is about the JOURNEY, not the destination.    The path of potential never has an ending point.     (2).  You don’t have to have had the “right” education or “right” upbringing or “right” anything. You can be whatever you want to make yourself into with enough focus, study, and commitment. You are never limited unless you yourself allow labels to limit you.   -Daily:  Resist the temptation to think about what you should or should not have done in the past. The past is gone. It is done.  You are wise enough – especially if you are really committed to the advancement of your potential – to live and think in the present. It is a skill, like working out a muscle; it’s not a one and done, it’s a daily necessity.   -Weekly: Make sure that you are investing equal or more time into yourself as you do with the amount of time that you “waste.” Please note, I am not talking about “relaxation” as wasting time…I’m talking about TV, dilly-dallying, etc.   -Monthly: Explore.  Adventure brings out something within us that we otherwise would not have seen.  It highlights our curiosity, our courage and our creativity.  It expands our frame of reference and our understanding of the world, and when we remove previously placed barriers we become unstoppable.   -Yearly: Attend one big conference per year, get coaching from someone you respect, etc.     ShowNotes: You can now leave me a VOICE MESSAGE on my website!  -Leave a message just to say hi -Ask me a question -Share your success stories   TrishTalk Network is LIVE (!!!)  Check it out and let me know what you think!    

 #46: CLUTTER FREE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:42

  The clutter-free living is possible for everyone. When you eliminate clutter, you are awakened to clarity in your life.  CLUTTER FREE EPISODE #46   Clutter is what happens when you spend your life doing everything other than living your actual life.  It is business, comparison, an over-loaded is often a quest for justification or approval.  Clutter is fear-based and it tarnishes our ability to actually live. -What is cluttering your life? -What is cluttering your day? -What is cluttering your mind?         Clutter can be avoided when you: (1). Build margin in your life (2). Learn how to say no / Know that you have control over the clutter (3). Cut the comparisons. Sacrifice is the willingness to give up what you love for something you love more.  Do you love the potential of your future enough to forfeit the comfort of clutter in your life?

 #45: DESIGN YOUR LIFE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:54

  Design your life by designing your day.  Your day is the expression of your values and dreams, determined through the small, daily decisions you make.  When you design your day you can paint your perspective to pursue the purpose within you to the fullest.  The art of living starts with the art of your day.    DESIGN YOUR LIFE EPISODE #45   Designing your life starts with designing your day.  Success leaves clues, so if you want to be successful, study what other successful people do.  The greatest leaders in this world are those who are generous with sharing their clues and their lessons with others; a generous heart always pays a high return. Here's a simple progression for you, I like simplicity, so I'm breaking it down for you the same way I would like it: design your values -> design your dreams -> design your day -> design your life ->design your legacy I am using the work design for a specific reason. That reason is that it reminds you that you are in control and that life is a form of art.  Other words you can substitute for "design" as you think about this concept in your life are: define, decide or determine.  I like these because they are all "d" words, but more than that, they all carry weight and power to them.  They are definite actions and represent intentional thought. Your world is what you design it to be.  Your perspective and how you see the world significantly affects how you experience the world.  Never forget that you are the product of your decisions, so make up your mind to be all that you can be.     Here are my personal daily tips that I use to design my days: Create a to-do list the night before Tackle an easy task first in the day and then jump immediately to my most challenging or dreaded task and get it done Honor my WLWB list. (Stretch, read, quiet time, coffee, run) Gratitude journal or reflective time. Schedule my tasks as batch work. Do one thing every day that scares me. Prioritize quality time with others and to relax. Select three daily focuses and find contentment in accomplishing those. (Resist the temptation to take on too many tasks at one time, practice saying "no" and celebrate present successes instead of dwelling on future goals). Invest in myself intellectually or spiritually every day.

 #44: A WINNING DIALOGUE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:57

A WINNING DIALOGUE EPISODE #44       SHOW NOTES:  Distinguish yourself by distinguishing your thoughts. Every time you believe a lie something within you dies; every time you believe the truth, you come alive. YOUR DIALOGUE DETERMINES YOUR DESTINY. Here are guidelines to follow to train your inner dialogue.  All great athletes take their training seriously, so should you. All world class athletes have a coach, so should you.  -you are not a helpless victim of your thoughts -does this decision honor my potential? -your uncommunicated thoughts always communicate something -honor the world-class within you -percentages matter: can you get your thoughts from 48k to 44k? -winners are leaders, who else in your life are you pulling and inspiring alongside you? -your dialogue matters   CONNECT MORE WITH TRISH!  Trish on Facebook: Private Podcast Subscription: Get coaching from Trish: Trish's Apps: Things Trish Recommends:

 #43: LOVING YOURSELF IS THE NEW BLACK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:23

LOVING YOURSELF IS THE NEW BLACK EPISODE #43         SHOW NOTES:  Today's episode will rock your socks and motivate you to start making a radical change in your journey towards self-love and self-acceptance.  Andrea dishes out great coaching tips from her newly released book: Your Kick-Ass Life: BS-Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve on some of the following topics: -"Loving yourself is the new black" how do you actually do that? -"You can't 'feel' fat" .... how to think your way out of bad thinking that has limited you in the past. -"Recovering perfectionism" on how to stop the cycle of chasing the finish line that keeps on moving. -"Comparison" to catch yourself and change your behavior when you get tempted to compare yourself to others.   ABOUT ANDREA OWEN: Life coach. Mom. Author. Roller Derby Rebel. Hellraiser. Andrea Owen is passionate about empowering women to value themselves and fiercely love who they are. She helps women get what they want by managing their inner-critic, creating radical self-acceptance, and stepping into their own kick-ass version of themselves. You can learn more at   CONNECT MORE WITH TRISH!  Trish on Facebook: Private Podcast Subscription: Get coaching from Trish: Trish's Apps: Things Trish Recommends:


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