The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #87: YOUR BEST YEAR YET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:25

  YOUR BEST YEAR YET EPISODE #87 Every year can be your best year yet - with the right attitude and right tools, which you can get right here!    In this episode we will cover: How to make every year you live better than the first one My ultimate planning tool that I use every new year The power of the “one-word” assignment   THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS: New audiobook for Building a Better Body Image is live and available! It’s $11.99 at  It’ll be available via Audible as well by the end of this week. If you don’t want to pay $11.99 and want it for FREE – then take advantage of my Christmas Detox special. Purchase Insecurity Detox anytime between now (December 9th) and Christmas Eve (December 24th) and you’ll receive the audiobook for FREE!   Get the Insecurity Detox at Finally – for those of you looking for stocking stuffers or who have folks who want ideas for you….I’m hosting a BOGO BOOK OFFER.   Buy The Skinny, Sexy Mind via Amazon and you will receive a FREE copy of Building a Better Body Image the e-book. The forth announcement – the best Christmas present you can get me is to take 2 minutes of your time to write a review in iTunes so that others will find this community and join it to #bemore of who they can be!               WHY VISION NOW MATTERS? Brandon asked me the other day to sit down and create couples goals and visions for 2015… which made me realize that I needed to do that for myself as well! Oh, and if you’re interested in doing a couple goal / vision setting session with your significant other, the categories we are covering in our goals are: Family vision goal Spiritual growth goal Financial goal Travel goal Fitness goal    I really believe that every year can be your best year yet.   This is done with: The right attitude – an attitude of praise and gratitude Back casting with a teachable spirit Future casting with hope and confidence Acknowledgment of needed growth areas, and a plan for growth in those Celebration of growth that has occurred The decision that every year of your life – no matter what it might bring – is only going to get better and better. Life is like a good wine, as long as you have the right, well-trained mentality to see it properly.   THE POWER OF ONE WORD: Clear, concise and focused. I keep my list on my iPhone notes. My past fourteen years, in one word: 2000: Maturity 2001: Empowerment 2002: College 2003: Help 2004: Language 2005: Graduation 2006: Exploration 2007: Adulthood 2008: Change 2009: Rebuilding 2010: Independence 2011: Limitless 2012: Love 2013: Partnership 2014: Freedom 2015 will be a year of: Legacy   MY ANNUAL GUIDEBOOK: Take one hour to reflect, assess and plan out your 2015 based off of your 2014. Time yourself on this exercise and keep a copy of your answers to refer to throughout the year. There are five sections of this guidebook: reflection, growth, assessment, anticipation and planning. 48 questions… Reflection Growth Assessment Anticipation Plan   Get your own copy of the Annual Guidebook for FREE at: www...

 #86: ANXIETY BE GONE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:55

ANXIETY BE GONE EPISODE #86 “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” –Charles Spurgeon   In this episode we’re going to talk about: My own personal battle with anxiety and how I overcame it / manage it on a daily basis Talk about solutions to minimize the presence of anxiety in your life 8 ways you can manage your stress and anxiety, starting today   WEBINAR REPLAY OPPORTUNITY: A webinar on maximizing your own confidence, self-esteem and positive body image so that you can ultimately pass on that confidence to those whom you influence. In the webinar replay you'll learn the: THE "CONFIDENCE HIERARCHY OF NEEDS" 5 ESSENTIAL AREAS YOU MUST INVEST IN CONCERNING YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SO THAT YOU CAN BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE TO THOSE AROUND YOU. 10 SELF-EMPOWERMENT ACTIVITIES FOR YOU AND FOR YOU TO SHARE WITH OTHERS   REVIEWS: Make your holiday gift to me a “thank you” if this show in any way has positively impacted your day, your week or your life in the past, and write a review in iTunes. Also, make sure you subscribe so that you don’t miss an episode.             ANXIETY BE GONE: EFFECTS OF STRESS & ANXIETY Stress affects the body significantly for anyone of any fitness level.  Heightened stress levels increase the hormone coritsol, which ultimately renders someone with feelings of lethargy as well as an increased inclination to store fat, particularly in the core / abdominal part of the body.   Additionally, stress inhibits one's ability to actively engage fully in exercise and activity; stress, when not managed well, can disrupt one's mental health and derail them from their goals, regular activities and basic coming and goings. Stress management is one of the most important foundations of optimal mental and physical well-being.  It is essential for anyone wanting to attain their optimal fitness level as well as for those who want to maximize the possibility of their potential in all areas of life. EIGHT WAYS TO MANAGE YOUR STRESS / ANXIETY: Everyone manages stress differently, and some strategies will work better for some than others, but whatever it takes, it is imperative that you experiment and discover which stress management tactics works best for you.  Below are a few suggestions of ways to manage stress that many people find helpful: Create a consistent morning routine for your 15 minutes of the day that set you up for a successful day mentally and physically. Build in more "white space" into your daily scheduling, allowing for cushion time between commitments and resisting the urge to overbook and overcommit yourself Learn how to say "no" more often to the things in life that stress you out and "yes" to activities that promote personal growth and quality time with those you love. Exercise on a daily basis When feeling particularly stressed, go outside and take a walk or a jog. Fresh air and a change of environment can often alleviate stress. Employ the use of a to-do list everyday to keep yourself on task and from feeling overwhelmed from the stress of having too much to do Celebrate the small victories of life.  If you are on a weight loss journey, celebrate every small step that is positively working towards your ultimate goal instead of focusing on the big number that you want to lose. Meditate, pray or write in gratitude journal on a daily basis.   ONE BONUS WAY – A NINTH WAY This is the way I manage mine – through the tools and teaching I share in my I...

 #85: YOUR RIPPLE EFFECTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:14

  YOUR RIPPLE EFFECTS EPISODE #85 “Everything we do, even the slightest thing we do, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.” –Victor Webster    In this episode we’re going to talk about: What happens when you disconnect from the world for 6 days 4 ways to really let your life ripple in a way that makes a difference How you can get access for free to the Role Model Webinar replay               FIRST OFF: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!   I know that thousands of you out there listening aren’t American, but because you’re part of the Be More community by listening to this show, well, you get to be an American for a day with me!   I LOVE THANKSGIVING!   WEBINAR REPLAY: A webinar on maximizing your own confidence, self-esteem and positive body image so that you can ultimately pass on that confidence to those whom you influence. In the webinar replay you'll learn the: THE "CONFIDENCE HIERARCHY OF NEEDS" Learn how this foundational hierarchy of needs relates to you and how to use it to nurture confidence and self-esteem in others. 5 ESSENTIAL AREAS YOU MUST INVEST IN CONCERNING YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SO THAT YOU CAN BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE TO THOSE AROUND YOU.  These essential areas empower you initially, but ultimately serve to encourage and empower others - your children, your spouse, your co-workers, your friends - to be their best version of themselves possible, thanks to you role model example. 10 SELF-EMPOWERMENT ACTIVITIES FOR YOU AND FOR YOU TO SHARE WITH OTHERS  I top off the webinar by sharing 10 self-reflection activities for you to use in your own personal development and then to use in helping others do the same. These exercises will help you feel confident and empowered both physically and mentally and will help those who you love to feel positively empowered as well.   YOUR RIPPLE EFFECTS:  “The idea that everything is purposeful really changes the way you live. To think that everything that you do has a ripple effect, that every word that you speak, every action that you make affects other people and the planet.” –Victoria Moran   I share this with you because of the following lessons I learned:   Even when you can’t see the waves rippling in your life, they are. We can’t see the effects of our actions immediately all the time. What you do matters. Who you are matters. The small things you do – kindness towards others, progress on projects, investment in your own personal development, tiny savings steps towards your budgeting, etc. – matters! Sometimes we are just in seasons of waiting and we need to patiently embrace them without taking them as personal reflections of rejection or failure. Patience doesn’t improve unless we choose to have an attitude of patience – stop using the cop-out “I’m just not patient” and start embracing the opportunities you have to be patient. Everything happens in God’s timing. You are not alone. Sometimes it feels like we are all alone – we have periods where isolation can feel very real – and I just want to encourage you today to remember that you are not alone. I believe that we are permitted to feel loneliness from time to time so that we can better appreciate and understand the blessing of companionship, friendship and community. Technology can be isolating – even if it boasts otherwise. Don’t lose the old-school elements of communication and life.  

 #84: SHOT OF LIFE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:08

  SHOT OF LIFE EPISODE #84 Today is a life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto. -Dale Carnegie   In this episode we’re going to talk about: The power of a "shot of life" and how to give it to yourself How to harness the influence and impact of enthusiasm to direct your life instead of just accepting it 10 ways to take shots of life   VIRTUAL HUG TO: JadeCoppo … WWTBD…way to destroy your inner bully, step by step! And I love that, “What would Trish Blackwell do?” Choose happiness. Choose worth. Choose confidence. AWESOME ANNOUNCEMENT: Role Model Webinar: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014. 8am / 2pm / 8pm … go to In the webinar, you’ll discover…. The Confidence Hierarchy of Needs, how it relates to you and how to positively influence others The 5 essential areas you must invest in personally so that ultimately you can reflect encouragement, empowerment, and excellence in your daughter and/or those you influence The 10 activities of self-reflection that will empower you to feel confident physically and mentally and how to use those activities to help others feel positive about themselves as well   AWESOME ANNOUNCEMENT #2 ….THE COMMUNITY: So, many of you know that I talk about this podcast and my business being a “community of confidence”…. well, I’ve finally narrowed down the vision a bit and wanted to deem the community by a new name. WE ARE THE “BE MORE” COMMUNITY. The “Be More” Community: The purpose and mission of the Be More Community is to run your own race in life, striving to become the best version of yourself possible in order to reach your full potential and to make an extraordinary impact on the world. Those in the Be More Community are committed to the following principle guidelines:  Be more of who I am Be more in this world Be more in my community Be more in what I do Be more in how I love Be more in the impact I leave Be more alive Be more engaged Be more connected to God Be more than ordinary, be extraordinary in all that I do Are you a be more-er?   If you are, hit me up on Twitter or Instagram with the #hashtag #BEMORE               GET THAT SHOT OF LIFE: A shot of life is something that changes is our confidence. I propose to you today that you give yourself a “shot of life.” Yes, almost like a booster shot, I want today’s episode to be like a shot that you give yourself to cover yourself. The prescription for the shot of life includes: A great attitude Enthusiasm Gratitude Contentment in the present moment Willingness to be oneself An ability to slow down and do nothing Motivation to do whatever it is that does need to be done Courage to pursue your passions and dreams Eagerness to learn about life Freedom from your addiction to approval and perfectionism Stellar energy, spice or kick in life.   Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas. - Henry Ford   

 #83: RESOURCEFULNESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:00

  RESOURCEFULNESS - YOUR BEST RESOURCE EPISODE #83 Life’s too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful. –Jeff Bezos   In this episode we’re going to talk about: How to tap into the ultimate resource available to you…. and how to leverage that resource for your success, well-being, and happiness The 7 things I would have told my 17-year-old self Being a role model through your example of mental strength, movement of your body and meaning in your life.             ANNOUNCEMENTS: (1). I have two one-on-one mentorship spots open. There is a six-month commitment. (2). The FREE Role Model webinar is coming up….November 25th …details to come via email list and Facebook, so make sure you’re connected with me in those mediums!   REVIEWS / THANK YOU / GIANT VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE TO:   Jameleeadd To know Mo is to love Mo YOUR ULTIMATE RESOURCE: RESOURCEFULNESS Resourcefulness definitions: (Self-efficacy) (Faith) (Living without a plan B because you know your plan A will work) (Confidence) (Your ability to deal with any situation or challenge that arises. It is the ability to make due with what you have.) (Living with a big vision) (Being a rubber band – to be effective, you must be stretched)   Some thoughts discussed on resourcefulness: Resourcefulness is knowing that you are not with lack. Because simply thinking in a state of lack will create the conditions that produce a state of lack. We drown in the averageness of our own problems when we live without a big vision. A big vision will help you overcome any problem “The happiness people in the world are those who are living out their dreams” – John Maxwell Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest thinkers of antiquity: “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.” People are defeated in life not because of lack of ability, but for lack of wholeheartedness. –Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking)   NURTURE YOUR RESOURCEFULNESS:  Dream your dream. Adopt a mantra of possibility Write down your goals: 95% don’t write down goals, of the 5% that do, 95% of them achieve what they set out to do. Focus on the purpose of what you are doing Don’t apologize unnecessarily Burn your ships / No plan b Dare to ask for what you need Assess your situations like a commander in war (break it down) Start with your strengths Act quickly Maximize what you have    Resourcefulness = Confidence = Resilience = Momentum = Acceleration = Success QUESTION OF THE EPISODE: What I would tell my 17-year old self: Here's my answer: (1). You are more beautiful than you will ever think you are. (2). Just focus on loving others – everything else will work itself out. (3). Being a student of life is the greatest thing you can be & has the highest ROI possible (4). Do not worry about what other people think about you – be yourself no matter what – (5). Be the best person you can be, and the right people will be drawn towards you (6). What’s “in” and “cool” isn’t as shiny as it ever seems to be. Know your values. (7). Honor your body because you want it to last you a lifetime, not because you want to look a certain way or fit into a certain size or style of clothes. Oh, and by the way,

 #82: BE A FIRST RATE YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:47

  BE A FIRST RATE YOU EPISODE #82 Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else. –Judy Garland EPISODE #82 What I want you to take away from today’s show: There is only one you. You are unique, and there is a great purpose to that uniqueness. How to celebrate your individuality for the greater good.             What I want you to take away from today’s show: There is only one you. You are unique, and there is a great purpose to that uniqueness. How to celebrate your individuality for the greater good.   While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die – whether it is our spirit, our creativity or our glorious uniqueness. –Gilda Radner To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. –Ralph Waldo Emmerson Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. –Dr. Seuss   Story: Handwriting is personal. I love handwriting because I love words, I love type font and well, I love the way words can transform how the paper looks. I also love written words, and in particular, handwriting, because it reveals to me something about that person that I could not have otherwise known. Handwriting is intimate. Seeing the handwriting of someone you know and love after a long time of not having seen it makes you smile on the inside a little bit. I have been known to save letters, simply to save someone’s handwriting. The science of graphology indicates that how you write can reflect up to 5,000 distinct personality and character traits about you. Cursive is even more conclusive to your style. Handwriting experts claim that all handwriting is unique to the individual. It reminds me of how incredibly unique we each are. We are all taught how to write in the same way, yet we all write differently.   I want you to embrace your own uniqueness. A rose is beautiful. A sunflower is beautiful. A daisy is beautiful. All are beautiful and similar, yet different and unique.   Trusting your individual uniqueness challenges you to lay yourself open. –James Broughton What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Each face in the rainbow of colors that populate our world is precious and special. –Morris Dees   (1). You are one of a kind and unique. My mentor Kim tells me all the time that “There’s only one Trish Blackwell.”   Likewise, “there’s only one you!” Oh, my gosh did I spend years of my life wanting to be someone other than myself. I wanted my name to be Kelly, like my best friend when I was six. I wanted to be more naturally skinny, like my high school friend Hunter. I wanted to be from a wealthier family, like the girls in my boarding school. I wanted to be taller like my college friend Melissa. I wanted to be cooler, like some of my college sorority (ok, “eating house”) sisters I wanted to be smarter in science, math, and history, like my brother (memory retention!) I wanted to be funnier, like my friend Angi I wanted to be more naturally stylish, like my friend Caroline The problem is that when we focus away from our strengths, we lose ourselves for the strength that we really have.   When we waste emotional energy wishing we were more like someone else, we become blind to see ourselves for the person that we are.

 #81: BALANCE IS ATTAINABLE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:13

  BALANCE IS ATTAINABLE EPISODE #81 Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. –Thomas Merton   In this episode we will cover:  What one thing you can do today to have more balance How balance can change your experience of life 7 Ways to Increase Balance in Your Life   There’s no such thing as work-life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences. –Jack Welch Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance. -Epicurus Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them. –Thomas Kinkade Wisdom is your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other. –Steven R. Covey Extremes are easy. Strive to balance. –Colin Wright           The Confidence Roadmap: Get yours at   Reviews / Thank you / Giant Virtual High Fives to:  Clancy777 HannaProctor TetriminiaMaria   Why we struggle with balance:   -We want to do it all -We think we need to do it all to be worthy -We think it’s our job to make people like us, making it hard for us to say ‘no” -We have bought into the concept that we earn our worth / value -We keep ourselves so busy because sometimes we don’t want to think about life   Seven Ways to Increase Balance in Your Life:   Stop staying that you can’t find balance in your life. Claim the word & repeat (make it your password) Create boundaries with your time Be okay saying “no” Invest in building confidence in your self-efficacy Keep moving, but stand still sometimes Give yourself permission to expand the areas that need it (Circle of Life Wheel)   YouTube Video to come this Thursday: Circle of Life exercise mentioned on today's show...stay tuned to   SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME!   Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain   ________________

 #80: HOW TO EMERGE FROM A FUNK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:26

  HOW TO EMERGE FROM A FUNK EPISODE #80 Remember, confidence is rock fuel…it will get you places you never imagined possible. Go out there, rev the engine of your life, and go live life to the fullest today!     In this week’s episode we’re going to cover: The "sideways years" of my story ... what you haven't heard yet and how I broke free from depression during those times How to emerge from a funk Five action steps to take to help you imagine yourself unstuck and choosing happiness again             How to really emerge from a funk:   You must see yourself for how you want to be. You must be willing to imagine yourself out of the place where you feel stuck. You must refuse to engage in any sort of pity-party. You must take action.     My action steps: (the more estimable things you do, the more self-esteem you will have) Make a financial plan (did so with the help of my mom) Read more (because I didn’t have any free money to go out with friends, literally) Pursue your dream, even in the baby steps (I wrote every night I got home from work) Put good things into your mind (I went to conferences, studied leaders, picked up my Bible again and sought mentorship from people I respected) Surprise yourself with your strength (I did this through my athletic pursuits…and it led to athletic sponsorships, international travel, “Team USA”, etc. and ultimately my own business)     Books I read and recommend:  Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World, by Craig Groeschel How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by John C. Maxwell (HARDCOVER), by John Maxwell The Tools: 5 Tools to Help You Find Courage, Creativity, and Willpower--and Inspire You to Live Life in Forward Motion, by Phil Stutz By Brene Brown - I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME (BUT IT ISN'T): Telling the Truth About Perfectionism, Inadequacy and Power (2/20/08), by Brene Brown The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph, by Ryan Holiday My Philosophy For Successful Living by Rohn, Jim (2012) Paperback, by Jim Rohn The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg Becoming Myself: Embracing God's Dream of You, by Stasi Eldredge The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, by Simon Sinek As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen Emotional Equations: Simple Truths for Creating Happiness + Success, by Chip Conley Love Does Study Guide: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World, by Bob Goff How Will You Measure Your Life?, by Clayton Christianson Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters by Acuff, Jon (2013) Hardcover, by Jon Acuff Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial, by Tony Robbins Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence, by Tim Sanders   Resources of the Week: Weekly YouTube video that will give you the “next-step” in action for today’s episode. Look for the YouTube video to post on Thursday! OH! Download your FREE copy of my Confidence Roadmap at Brendon Burchard Book Giveaway of The Motivation Manifesto:  ; act now and get your FREE copy and FREE access to his $297 12-week online course on motivation!  

 #79: LOVING YOURSELF UP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:41

  LOVING YOURSELF UP EPISODE #79 A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love. -Max Muller Love makes the world go round ... how to love others more, yourself more and your community more: episode 79.           In this week’s episode we’re going to cover: How to love yourself up instead of loving down to someone How to love someone through a hard place in their life without dragging ourselves down along the way How to stop worrying for people and instead use that energy in a more positive and effective way.   I’m committed to bringing you excellent tools and resources that will help elevate your level of living. To do so this week I’ve got special guest Jodi Aman here with us today! Jodi is the creator of The Map to Whole Peace and a counselor with over 20 years of experience in helping people of all ages overcome their problems.   Jodi Aman, Founder of the Give Fear the Boot Online Anxiety Program.   Resource of the week: TED Talk by Meaghan Ramsey “Why Thinking You’re Ugly is Bad For You”   Brendon Burchard Book Giveaway of The Motivation Manifesto:  ; act now and get your FREE copy and FREE access to his $297 12-week online course on motivation!   SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME!   Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain   ________________

 #78: FITNESS MYTHS BUSTED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:26

  FITNESS MYTHS BUSTED Truths from the inside of the fitness business .... ways to make fitness simpler, more effective and to get the results you want!  EPISODE #78             In this week’s episode we’re going to cover: The truth about fitness myths How to get better results with less effort Loving the skin you're in and honoring your body with a maintainable fitness and nutrition routine.   FITNESS MYTHS: The people on the cover of magazines look that way all the time. Fat free is always the best option. When short on time, I should do cardio instead of strength training. If I eat as few calories as possible, I will lose weight. Doing crunches or working on the “ab machine” will get rid of belly fat. The more you sweat, the more you burn. Running is bad for your knees. More is always better. (Nope – get some rest!) Sleep has nothing to do with weight loss. Lifting too much will bulk you up. You can spot-reduce an area. A protein bar is a good substitute for a meals. Carbs are only found in bread and noodles. Fruit is a healthy snack that won’t make you fat. Cardio should come before weights. You can run off the pounds.           SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME!   Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain   ________________

 #77: IF NOT NOW, WHEN? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:24

  EPISODE #77 IF NOT NOW, WHEN? If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? If not you, then who? -Hillel the Elder   In this week’s episode we’re going to cover: Learn how to embrace the concept of delayed gratification Take delayed gratification as a motivator to accelerate your dreams         We live in a world of instant gratification, which is one reason I am convinced that we never take action on the things that really matter to us because we now that instant gratification is impulsive, unrealistic and doesn’t apply to the things that really make our hearts sing.   (1). Let’s start by understanding how delayed gratification makes a difference: The Marshmallow Study: The Stanford marshmallow experiment[1] was a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward (sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel, etc.) provided immediately or two small rewards if he or she waited until the tester returned (after an absence of approximately 15 minutes). In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores,[2] educational attainment,[3] body mass index (BMI)[4] and other life measures.[5] (From Wikipedia)   Delayed gratification teaches you that Less is more That you are stronger than you think Increases your willpower It is simple and free   Delaying gratification is a pretty simple concept. Simply, it means making a choice which limits the ability of getting something now, for the pleasure of being able to have something bigger or better later. There are actually two ways you can practice delayed gratification: The first is by withholding a pleasure. A smoker may choose not to smoke for a couple of days and then really enjoy a cigarette to the full on the third day, and that cigarette will be so much better than his usual. The second way is by doing something unpleasurable. One may choose to do unpleasurable, tough physical exercises with the knowledge that given enough time he will be able to reap the full pleasure of a healthy, functioning body later on. (2). OK, so you’re bought into the concept, but how can you delay gratification?   KNOW YOUR VALUES KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE CREATE A PLAN PRIORITIZE REWARD YOURSELF   (3). Three steps to training delayed gratification: Step 1: Convince yourself that delayed gratification is worth it Step 2: Start small. Step 3: Identify where you should apply delayed gratification   (4). Let’s get to the meat of the matter: how can you apply the tool of delayed gratification to your benefit / towards taking more action in your life.   Too often we don’t start on what we want because we fear the length of the journey Too often we don’t start on what we want because we want more immediate results Too often we don’t start on what we want because we worry that it will be too hard   ACTION MATTERS!   Inaction is scarier Motivation follows action Action creates courage Action beats the odds Action makes you humble  

 #76: CAPTURING HAPPINESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:42

  CAPTURING HAPPINESS EPISODE #76 In this week’s episode we’re going to cover: 11 Reasons Why I’m Fired Up About Life Right Now, and How You Can Be Too Special guest interview from a global happiness ambassador on “Capturing Happiness” A Happiness Challenge for the Week             OK, WHY I’M FIRED UP I just spent a week in sunny Santa Clara, California for an invigorating conference with the (multiple-time) New York Times Bestseller and impact-making-legend Brendon Burchard. For the past four days I have been holed up in a room with 800 high-achievers from all across the world, brainstorming ideas and networking together on ways to make more of a positive impact in our world. I made friends from Denmark, Thailand, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Mexico and all across the United States, and gosh, when you are in an environment that large of people who really want to positively impact the world, it’s hard not to feel absolutely invigorated. I met people just like you – they want to make their mark on the world and to leave a legacy that matters, and man is it encouraging that there are so many of us out there on the same mission. That is the kind of news about the world that we all need to hear! We are not alone – we are an army of difference-makers, and you are too! It was the kind of week that you want others to experience. So, in an effort to share with you, here’s a list of some simple, yet profound, topics that came up over and over this week that make me FIRED UP about life this week: Enjoy the struggle in what you do. Remember, a struggle brings you to the opportunity to master and grow in new skills and new strengths. Where there is struggle there is growth; where there is growth there is potential for great impact. Be fired up today about the struggles in your life right now, they are growing you and preparing you in powerful ways! Knowledge is responsibility. Knowledge isn’t just power, as many of us have heard before, knowledge is a gift. And, as with any gift, it is our responsibility to share our knowledge with others. Be fired up today about all of the various ways in which you have the opportunity to gain the gift of knowledge in your life – be so grateful for the potential that such knowledge brings to your life that you are generous in sharing it with others. Always act like your mother is watching. This is simple. Live with in integrity in all that you do, and you will never regret a day of your life. Be fired up today that when you streamline your decisions in alignment with your beliefs and stay true to being a person of integrity, you can always stand tall and confidently that you are living a life of honesty, contribution and love. Perfect practice makes perfect. We must keep persevering towards our goals, with intention and precision, no matter what. As we journey towards anything worthwhile in life, we must accept that failure and rejection are inevitable cul-de-sacs on our road to success. As long as we continue on our path, and we keep striving towards our dreams, we will eventually breakthrough to them. Be fired up that your dreams are within your reach as long as you stay consistent in pursuing them and you refuse to give up. Bring the joy! If we decide to “bring the joy” to our lives, no matter the circumstances or the day, then we can live a life of great exception and fulfillment. We have the ability to generate joy in every scenario of life – joy is an attitude and a choice. Be fired up that by bringing the joy, you can literally have fun with every day of your life. Generate the energy! Like power plants, we all have the power to generate our own energy. We aren’t dependent on outside sources for internal energ...

 #75: EXTREME PRODUCTIVITY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:30

  EXTREME PRODUCTIVITY EPISODE #75   Today’s episode is going to cover: 3 ways to increase your personal productivity Why intentional self-development matters to your productivity Sneak Peak information on the next upcoming webinar!             (1). MAKE ROOM FOR WHITE SPACE   White space allows you to:   Breathe Have time to mediate, pray, and reflect Slow down Refresh your focus on who you are Appreciate the small things in life Experience life (versus survive it – or get through the hours) Be okay with boredom and stillness Listen to your heart well enough to remember what really matters to you Be available to others Be a better version of yourself Prevent over-extension     (2). ADHERE TO YOUR WLWB LIST Your WLWB list sets you up to: Feel productive from the very start of the day Align your spirit and your intentions for the day Create a sense of consistency and follow-through in yourself Prioritize the basics of life Create value in each and every day – a day where the WLWB is performed is a day that is successful and not wasted – this drives you to greater overall productivity. My WLWB list: [5 Sun Salutations / 5 Minutes of Abs + Make my Bed + Worship Music + Gratitude Journal + Lumosity + Education while I run (Sermon, TED Talk, or Podcast) + Something loving towards my husband] (3). JUST DO IT   Embracing the mentality first given to us by Nike will:  Help you drive through procrastination – in fact, procrastination won’t be an option Take more action Stop overthinking and overanalyzing Increase your confidence as you increase your action – this will increase your overall output of production and success as you will get addicted to the momentum of moving things forward Let go of the perfectionism holding you back Put an end to the excuses you’ve made for never starting something Forge through your fears by not giving yourself an option to dwell on them     BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT SELF-GROWTH! If you think about a personal development plan as a mega project, I want you to understand that the first “baby step” of success is found in becoming the master of your own schedule. Do you have a plan for personal growth? MASTER YOUR OWN SCHEDULE USING COLORS: (Thank you Wayne Cotton for this system!) Red Tape: Things that absolutely must be done (Examples: buying your kids school supplies, grocery shopping, that big conference call at work, etc.) Blue Sky: Time to get up in the “clouds” to reflect upon your life, your business, your aspirations, your purpose. (Examples: self-reflection activities, gratitude journal, vacations away where you allot time for journaling and goal setting, conferences that inspire you, podcasts that invest in your self-growth, etc.) Mellow Yellow: Relaxation, your white calendar space. (Examples: vacation, coffee with a friend, taking your dog for a walk, sipping a cup of tea with mellow music, surfing, running or any physical activity you enjoy, getting creative time, crafts, playing music, etc). Green Machine: Work (Examples: your actual office hours, time you are doing business and making some green, or money, time spent networking for business growth, etc.)   Oh, and if you know this is an area you want to develop, and you’re really ready to move with positive momentum in your life,

 #74: 10 WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR JOY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:12

  10 WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR JOY EPISODE #74 Today’s episode is going to cover: 10 ways to increase your joy and your happiness 7 joy killers you must avoid 12 small ways you can spread joy to others in big ways           WE’RE TALKING ABOUT JOY THIS WEEK! WHY JOY? The idea of joy changed my life. Ok, it was the word JOIE itself that moved me most, and the French phrase JOIE DE VIVRE. The day I realized joy was a choice was the day everything about my attitude towards life changed. I became happier, healthier, more confident and optimistic. WHAT IS JOY? Joy defined: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness; keen pleasure; elation _____________________________________ A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness. – John Keats  _____________________________________ RELECTION QUESTIONS: Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?  _____________________________________ Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. –Greg Anderson  _____________________________________ My answers to those questions: Yes – I find it in my relationship with God, I find it in the small pleasures of life – les petits plaisirs, I find it in writing, I find it in movement, I find it in optimism, I find it in the celebration of things, I find it in learning, I find it in the sunrise, I find it in the cool breeze of the fan above my bed, I find it in brushing my teeth, I find it wherever and whenever I can. I make this question a part of my conscious daily goals. I believe, no matter your circumstances, you CAN have joy in your life.   THE JOY BLACKLIST: Perfectionism Underestimating Your Worth Striving for External Measures of Success Try to Do it All Agonizing over Past Mistakes Focusing on Shoulds and Shouldn’ts Comparing Yourself to Others   INVEST IN YOUR JOY: Gratitude journal Bring joy to others Decide that happiness is part of your character Set goals, work towards them Let go Live our your values Change “I have to” to “I get to” Let go of feeling busy Celebrate the good you see in others Reframe your fate positively / expect the best   Countless studies have shown the effects of gratitude exercises on positive outlook. One study conducted by positive psychologist Martin Seligman asked participants who considered themselves severely depressed to write down three good things that happened to them each day for 15 days. Ninety-four percent of subjects reported a decrease in depression, while 92 percent said their happiness had increased.   SPREAD THE LOVE: Compliment freely – every time you think of something positive about someone, share it out loud! Thank your parents for loving you unconditionally Be a mentor (and think about 360 degree leadership) Appreciate loosely (show appreciation to the little people) Choose happiness and set the example Sprinkle kindness wherever you go

 #73: LESS BODY, MORE SOUL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:51

  LESS BODY, MORE SOUL EPISODE #73       What would happen if I cared less about my body and more about my soul? What would happen if I cared less about my body and more about my baby? What would happen if I cared less about my body and more about my legacy? What would happen if I cared less about my body and more about encouraging others? What would happen if I cared less about my body and more about how I felt in the skin I’m in? What would happen if I cared less about my body and more about living life? You know what I think happens in all of these scenarios? FREEDOM. Don’t be fooled.  The outside is temporary.  Our bodies are fleeting. We are wasting away.  Death is not up for question.  Ok, so that being said, without being downright depressed or morbid, what can we do?   We can remember that our outside is NOT who we are. We can remember that caring about our body is essential, but to the extreme – when we judge our worth on our appearance – it is toxic. We can remember that obsession over our physical appearance can become addicting and all-consuming; like any addiction or drug, it steals life from us and makes us disconnected. We can remember that are along as we do something positive to honor our bodies every day, that we are making good choices and that should be celebrated. We can remember to be kind to ourselves – remembering that our bodies are our vehicles for life – and that by treating them well, they will take us far. This mentality reminds us that our bodies are our transportation…NOT who we are; instead, they enable us to participate in life.   __________________   The best way to really ignite this concept of “Less Body, More Soul” in your life to to ask yourself the following two questions as directives:   1. Have you found joy in your life? 2. Has your life brought joy to others?   I love this concept of joy immensely – so much so that I have the French word for joy, joie, tattooed on my hip.  I don’t want to skimp on the richness of this word, so we will continue expanding upon this topic in next week’s episode.   __________________   Think about the following this week:   o   The two questions on joy o   What will happen in your life when you let go of identity your value, your worth or your measure by what you look like on the outside – is there anything that you haven’t done yet in life that you want to because of your body? o   Your bucket list   HERE'S MY BUCKET MY BUCKET LIST   Marathon - DONE Win a Marathon - DONE Ironman - DONE World Championship – Team USA - DONE Snowboard Double Black Diamond Slope - DONE Snowboard every major mountain range Surf in every ocean Compete in a surf competition Run a marathon on every continent Write a book - DONE Start my own business - DONE Ride an elephant - DONE Ride a camel See the pyramids Stay in an overwater hut in Bora Bora - DONE Ride in a hot-air balloon Go on a safari Milk a cow Run with the bulls Stomp on grapes to make wine Work on a vineyard Attend an Olympic Games Attend the World Cup Attend the Superbowl Run on the Great Wall of China Go hang gliding in the Alps - DONE Ride a Segway Give a TED Talk Ride a gondola in Venice - DONE Go deep-sea fishing Go whale watching


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