The Confidence Podcast  show

The Confidence Podcast

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #102: TRINA GRAY – CREATING GREATNESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:07

Interview with fitness entrepreneurial star Trina Gray on how to create greatness in all areas of life - business, fitness, family and legacy. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #101: TODD DURKIN – LASTING IMPACT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:06

Interview with America's Top Trainer Todd Durkin on how to create lasting impact in your fitness and in your life so that you live a life that matters. >>> Get the full show notes at

 #100: THE POWER OF SMILING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:29

We're celebrating 100 episodes today, which gives us something big to smile about! Activate the power of smiling in your life with these major tips! >>> Get the full show notes at

 #99: LYSA TERKEURST – SAYING YES TO GOD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SAYING YES TO GOD AND NO TO AN UNDERWHELMED SOUL There is a "yes" and a "no," and also the best choice that is in between those, that is the "best choice," or the "best yes."  - Lysa TerKeurst EPISODE #99 In this episode we will: Have special guest and New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst on the air with us to share how to make the best decision when we are faced with decisions, how to say yes to God and no to an underwhelmed soul. Investigate the side-effects of what an underwhelmed soul looks like Share my best resources for you to feed your soul             FIRST, THANK YOU & VIRTUAL HIGH FIVES TO: JRCMGQ ALSO … BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m pumped to announce that the Insecurity Detox program has gone through a major upgrade! The good news is that for the masses of you who have already purchased the Detox in the past, you will have access to the new and improved version! The detox is now called Emerge and it is the packed with awesomeness for you. Get more info about the Emerge Experience at   ABOUT LYSA: Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has led thousands to make their walk with God an invigorating journey. For over 15 years, her message has enabled women to: Make the Bible come alive whenever you read it. Discover how to develop inner peace and security in any situation. Replace doubt, regret, and envy with truth, confidence, and praise. Stop unhealthy cycles of striving and learn to love who you are. Sense God responding to your prayers. Lysa’s personal adventure of following God captured national media attention when she and her husband adopted two teenage boys from a war-torn orphanage in Liberia, Africa. They never imagined their decision would start a chain reaction within their community, which inspired other families to adopt over 45 children from the same orphanage! Lysa’s amazing story led to appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The 700 Club, USA Today newspaper, Woman’s Day magazine, and Focus on the Family radio.   Today, Lysa and her ministry team at Proverbs 31 encourage 500,000 women through their daily online devotional. In addition, she co-hosts a 1-minute inspirational radio program aired on more than 1,200 stations around the world. Lysa’s blog averages over 80,000 avid readers per month. Lysa is the New York Times bestselling author of 16 books, her most recent releases, The Best Yes, Made to Crave and Unglued, have remained on the best sellers list for over 40 weeks combined. ABOUT THE BOOK: Are you living with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule and aching with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul? Lysa TerKeurst is learning that there is a big difference between saying yes to everyone and saying yes to God. In The Best Yes she will help you: Cure the disease to please with a biblical understanding of the command to love. Escape the guilt of disappointing others by learning the secret of the small no. Overcome the agony of hard choices by embracing a wisdom based decision-making process. Rise above the rush of endless demands and discover your best yes today.   WISE WORDS FROM LYSA: "Being overbooked makes us overlook opportunities in life."    (1). Analyze the decision.  Ask yourself if it is a good fit for you emotionally, physically,

 #98: EATING DISORDER AWARENESS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:00

NATIONAL EATING DISORDER AWARNESS WEEK EPISODE #98 In this episode we will be chatting about: Shining light into the darkness – celebrating National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Talk about binge eating disorder, an EDNOS not often talked about How to help someone you love             THANK YOU: To everyone who is actively engaged in this community, whether it is on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or by just extending the reach of this podcast show by sharing it with those you love in your life and your community.   ABOUT AWARENESS WEEK: February 22nd – 28th, 2015   “I HAD NO IDEA” …that my passion had become a problem …that eating disorders don’t discriminate …that eating disorders aren’t just a phase …that the ‘perfect’ images I see every day are digital illusions …that bullying can trigger disordered eating …that my quest for health was making me sick …that eating disorders are often overlooked or misdiagnosed   To be honest, most people could have said “I had no idea” to me about having an eating disorder. That’s the thing – most people who battle an eating disorder are masters at putting up a façade, which is why most people who are battling are battling on their own.   You don’t have to battle on your own. It’s time to break the silence. Eating disorders – such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder – are serious, potentially life-threatening conditions that affect both a person’s emotional and physical health. In the United States alone, 30 million people will be impacted by an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. Eating disorders can include extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. These conditions affect all kinds of people and don’t discriminate by race, age, sex, age or size. Body image problems, disordered eating and full-blown eating disorders are common among athletes. Though most athletes with eating disorders are female, male athletes are also at risk—especially those competing in sports such as wrestling, bodybuilding, gymnastics, and running, which tend to place an emphasis on the athlete’s diet, appearance, size, and weight requirements. In a study of Division 1 NCAA athletes, over one-third of female athletes reported attitudes and symptoms placing them at risk for anorexia nervosa (Johnson, Powers, et al, 1999). In weight-class and aesthetic sports about 33% of males and up to 62% of females are affected by an eating disorder (Thompson, PhD. 2010). The good news is that with information and awareness, coaches, parents and teammates can all play an important role in confronting eating disorders and ensuring that athletics are a positive experience for everyone. All too often, the drive for thinness begins early in a person’s life. For example, 46% of 9-11 year-olds are “sometimes” or “very often” on diets (Gustafson-Larson & Terry, 1992) and 35-57% of adolescent girls engage in crash dieting, fasting, self-induced vomiting, diet pills, or laxatives (Boutelle, Neumark-Sztainer, et al. 2002; Neumark-Sztainer & Hannan, 2001; Wertheim et al., 2009).   BINGE EATING: Also known as compulsive eating disorder, binge eating can be expressed differently, but is centered around a lack of ability to control food intake. It is nearly impossible to physically identify if someone struggles with binge eating as binge eaters represent all types of bodies: those who are overweight, those who are underweight, and those in between. My binge-eating story:

 #97: KRYSTAL BALL – ACTIVATE YOUR DREAM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

ACTIVATE YOUR DREAM  EPISODE #97 In this episode we will: Talk about ways to activate your dream in 8 steps Hear from Krystal Ball, someone who has very publically activated her dream and continues to do so             HUGE HIGH FIVES: to everyone out there willing to speak their dream into existence to new listeners to folks who are writing reviews in iTunes for the show…I will give you a shout out on the air in March, so keep ‘em coming! HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR DREAM: Give yourself permission to dream, and to dream big. Visualize your dream coming to live. Write your dream down on paper. Share your dream out loud with someone you respect and admire. Re-write your dream with more clarity and focused purpose – be specific. Put your dream into a present tense instead of future tense. Take action – in little steps forward. Be bold – realize that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so take a big jump.   ABOUT KRYSTAL:  Krystal  Ball is co-host of The Cycle on MSNBC, and host of Krystal Clear on Shift by MSNBC. In 2010 she was theDemocratic Party nominee for United States Congress in the First District of Virginia.  Her campaign displayed an unusually strong fundraising prowess and excelled in the use of social media in politics. The campaign raised nearly $1M as a first time candidate from more than 6,000 donors in all 50 states. Prior to becoming a politician and television host, Krystal was a Certified Public Accountant, software designer, and small business owner.  In addition, Krystal was an undefeated state champion swimmer, NCAA Div I scholarship athlete and has a degree in economics from the University of Virginia. Now she lives in New York City with her husband Jonathan and two children, 7 year old Ella and 2-year-old Lowell.   LISTENER OF THE EPISODE:  Adam Chaney What’s funny is that Adam isn’t the primary listener of the show – I do know that he listens though because his wife listens.  Adam is the listener of the episode because he has activated his dream of moving up in management in the fitness business and was recently named Fitness Director at a major health club.   Congratulations to Adam and his beautiful wife Erica for being proactive dreamers who make a difference with their lives and their careers!   ACCOUNTABILITY COACHING: I have six open accountability coaching spots – first come, first serve. Accountability coaching is for anyone determined to make this year their best year yet and wanting assurance that they will stay on top of their game and goals, not losing focus or momentum through the year anyone with a goal that really matters to them who wants assurance that they will stick with their pursuit of their goal anyone who struggles with follow-through and wants to change that anyone looking to have an edge on achieving their goals or dreams and wants a coach in their corner to keep them on track and consistent anyone wanting fitness / workout accountability and personal training advice anyone who has completed the Breakout Program and is looking for their next step of personal development and growth   __________________________________________ Be more of who you are. Be you. Be free. __________________________________________   SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME! Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website -

 #96: LOVE YOURSELF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

LOVE YOURSELF EPISODE #96 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  -1 Corinthians 13:13 In this episode: A special announcement about Ellie’s arrival that I promise you’re going to want to hear! 50 ways to love yourself How #loveisyours with Lindsey Richardson                   ELLIE’S ANNOUNCEMENT: As most of you know, I am now 38 weeks pregnant. My little Eleanor Lucia Synan, or Ellie as we will be calling her, will be arriving any day now. To celebrate, I am extending a (literally) once-in-a-lifetime website-wide sale to celebrate the date of her birth! Full disclosure, the next few weeks of Confidence on the Go are pre-recorded – I have been busting my buns to be ready for Ellie as a first time mom and I wanted to make sure that no one in the Be More Community missed a beat from me being in the hospital or from the inevitable sleepless nights I have ahead of me.   That being said, I have an AWESOME CELEBRATION OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. But to partake in it you MUST follow my social media platforms in order to know what’s going on. Here are the details: You will get a site-wide discount on EVERYTHING – that is the Breakout program, coaching sessions, my CD sets – based off of Ellie’s date of birth. So, if she is born on 2.15, you will receive a 30% discount (2x15). If she’s born on 2.20, you’ll get 40% (2x20). The site-wide sale lasts 72 hours – and you need the discount code that will be posted on my social media sites to be able to participate. The social media sites the promotion and announcement will be posted are: @trainerTRISH on Twitter @growthwithgod on Instagram @trainthetemple on Instagram @gardeningthemind on Instagram Pintrest:   50 WAYS TO LOVE YOURSELF   Stop comparing yourself to others. Build in more “white” space. Invest in yourself. Exercise Read more. Spend time alone without an agenda or to-do list. Take a bath. Let go of the past. Forgive yourself. Eat a good breakfast. Treat yourself to something you want but don’t need. Take control of your finances. Laugh at yourself. Speak kind words of encouragement to yourself. Get outside and drink in a sunset. Let go of trying to please everyone. Spray aromatherapy on your linens before turning in for sleep. Refuse to use the label “perfectionist” for yourself anymore. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Pray and meditate more often. Listen to your feelings and acknowledge them compassionately. Choose to put yourself around loving, uplifting people. Find work that you love. Indulge in hobbies that make your heart sing. Make a list of reasons why you are loveable. Stretch every morning. Stop trying to fit in and instead just be you. Put lotion on your body before you go to bed at night. Turn off your phone and social media for an afternoon. Ask for help when you need it. Get a pedicure. Have a day of arts and crafts – indulge your creative side. Go out to lunch with a friend you don’t get to see often. Dance in your kitchen with a glass of wine. Change the song / sound of your alarm clock to something you enjoy hearing. Throw away your scale.

 #95: NEVER SETTLE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:14

NEVER SETTLE The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.  –Thomas Merton EPISODE #95   In this episode, we will cover The 10 reasons why people settle The number one secret to not settling in life, with anything 3 ways to invest in that secret so you never settle again in your life   Never settle for less than you can be, do, share or live. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. –Steve Jobs If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. –Jim Rohn               SHOUT OUT OF THANKS: Angela Charlie Weeks   WOOPS FROM LAST WEEK: I never told you the final third thing I promised you! … the awesome learning tool I just discovered…OYSTER...   NEVER SETTLE CONCEPT: Remember, you are the master of your mind, and therefore the master of your destiny. Reasons I think people settle: We don’t see our true potential We are afraid of taking a risk and rocking the status quo We see everyone else settling around us We think, “Who are we” to be anything special or to expect more We have been around too many toxic, negative influencers We have convinced ourselves that we are lazy We don’t understand just how much is actually out there for us We haven’t yet accepted the weight of our responsibility to make a difference in this world We aren’t reading enough and exposing ourselves to great inspiration We get “busy” with distraction and find life passing us by   The KEY to not settling is to have CONFIDENCE. “Confidence is the ability to hear someone say no.” –Brandon Synan People will say no. Doors will close. You will have setbacks. The plan won’t always work. But looking back it’s always better to have tried than to have lived in fear and in regret. As Brandon so wisely said, you are choosing to be a confident person, so you therefore have the ability to hear someone say “no” and the ability to have a setback without it setting you back completely.   3 WAYS TO INVEST IN THE SECRET OF CONFIDENCE Make sure you have a copy of the Roadmap to Confidence ( Speak confident words of life to others – and it will increase the words that you speak to yourself. Start your Insecurity Detox – the opposite of insecurity is confidence   ANNOUNCEMENTS: Don’t settle with “love month” of February – invest in yourself and in your confidence by starting the 7-day Insecurity Detox. For just $6/day -> the cost of having a cup of coffee with me in person as your friend Get it here:   LISTENER OF THE EPISODE: Meghan Stark Hi Trish- I am really excited to be apart of the Be More community! I have purchased the UNSTUCK CD SET and also the INSECURITY DETOX.   Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the podcast community your are inspiration!

 #94: THE WORKAHOLIC SOLUTION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:41

THE WORKAHOLIC SOLUTION Being insanely busy all the time is not only bad for you; it also prevents you from discovering the human being you were meant to be.  –Andrew Smart EPISODE #94 In this episode we will be covering: How slowing down can help you make meaning out of experience and ultimately help make you more productive, maximizing your impact, influence, and legacy  7 ways to break your workaholic tendencies  The latest personal growth tool I stumbled upon and you deserve to know about!               INSPIRED BY…. My babymoon relaxation weekend in Myrtle Beach   THE WORKAHOLIC SOLUTION Autopilot, by Andrew Smart Quotes from Smart: Our long-standing “idlephobia” has lead inexorably to our current near-obsession with busyness. In the short term, busyness destroys creativity, self-knowledge, emotional well-being, your ability to be social – and it can damage your cardiovascular health. True insight, whether artistic or scientific, emotional or social, can really only occur in these all-too-rare idle states. Allowing the brain to rest opens the system to exploiting these mechanisms of nonlinearity and randomness, and amplifies the brain’s natural tendency to combine percepts and memories into new concepts. Doing nothing actually makes your brain function better. Western society has instilled in us a belief that every moment of every day must be filled with activity. Indeed, it is almost a moral obligation in the US to be as busy as possible. I will try to show that for certain things the brain like to do you may need to be doing very little. Modern technology can literally make us dumber. On the contrary, when you leave important parts of your brain unattended by relaxing in the grass on a sunny afternoon, the parts of your brain in the default mode network become more organized and engaged. If you knew being idle (preferably while lying down on a blanket under a tree with an ice bottle of wine) for more hours of the day could add years to your life, what would you do? The common sense notion about ‘workaholics” is that they find idleness and inactivity to be unbearable because they are escaping emotional pain through constant work. In our hysterical rush to make money, gain status, compete for scarce jobs, jockey for promotions, make our kids athletic and intellectual geniuses, and organize our lives down to the second, we are suppressing our brain’s natural ability to make meaning out of experience.   WAYS TO BREAK YOUR WORKAHOLIC NATURE Set boundaries on your time – don’t work when you don’t have to, even when it’s your passion. Protect your schedule: set specific parameters on when you will work and when you will not Take a social media retreat – either a 21-day cleanse or a weekend disconnected Remove your work email from your phone, unless required by your place of employment. Set 3-5 daily email check-in times and stick to those only. Realize that having idle rest time is actually productive and not something to be apologized for. Say no to more things, know your true worth lies in who you are, not in what you do or what you strive to achieve. Happiness is measured by your ability to actually live life, and when you are a workaholic, you aren’t living life, you are watching life pass you by.   LISTENER OF THE EPISODE: Kristen Brown Subject: “I became a runner today.” Downloaded your app and am starting today!! I'm in 2 weddings, going to 4 others and have a cruise planned this year.

 #93: MENTAL SLIDE SHIFTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:59

MENTAL SLIDE SHIFTS EPISODE #93 In this episode we will be covering: How a few slight shifts in your mental processes can drastically shift your day 3 major mental slides I believe we all need to be aware of What happens to you in just a week of saying one magical phrase             THANK YOU: Ta2yerface MENTAL SLIDE SHIFTS Scarcity to Abundance Failure to Success Aversion to Ascension   To be honest, most perfectionists live in a scarcity mindset – we are convinced that we will never have enough time, that there is a limited amount of success available and that we live in a world where we have something to prove (thereby something else is lacking) versus a world of abundance and sufficiency. For the sliding shift of failure / success, it’s important to realize that you are either moving towards one or the other. What is it that your scale slider in your mind is set at?   Are you striving to avoid failure or are you striving to be successful? You can’t be doing both. Aversion is fear disguised. It is fear that keeps us in our comfort zone, that keeps us from action, that convinces us to play it safe. Ascension is the pursuit of being our greatest and fullest selves – of stepping out and rising up to the challenges and blessings of life. In all of these scenarios, there always lies the temptation of taking the easy way out. Giving into a scarcity mindset, a fear mindset or an aversion mindset is playing chicken, getting scared, staying in your comfort zone, and playing it easy. I never realized I was taking the easy way out.  Learning this about myself was humbling and empowering to make me want to always change and shift my mental sliders to the right setting. You can shift the sliding scales of your mind. Figure out what settings you have been mentally set on. Imagine yourself sliding the slider to the other setting. Write your new mental setting down. Repeat your new mental setting out loud 10-15x. Spend a week consciously focused on re-sliding yourself mentally, reminding yourself of your new setting and your new thought tracks. Act as if you have been reprogramed by a programmer…you may incur some glitches, but you aren’t going to be what you were before. THE MAGIC PHRASE: What would happen if you said “I love my life” to yourself multiple times per day? Well, that’s an experiment I took on myself this week and here’s what I experienced: An increased sense of innate joy Calmness in mindset as I assessed my to-do list daily General increase of peace More natural enthusiasm towards small tasks I typically don’t enjoy Gratitude and appreciation for the people in my life, more than I usually feel A desire to reach out and connect with people I love via random text messages Affection towards my husband over little things that he does that might otherwise be overlooked Decrease of anxiety or pressure that I sometimes manage on a daily basis More enjoyment from my workouts – a general enjoyment in the joy of moving my body versus the joy of getting a workout “done” or accomplished An ability to taste and really savor the moment of the present – not wanting to be anywhere where I was aside from there in that moment.   ANNOUNCEMENTS: Did you know that I offer Accountability Coaching? LISTENER OF THE EPISODE: Wade Nettles “Need smaller compression pants now. They don’t compress anymore. #weightlossproblems

 #92: ANNIHILATING ANGER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:14

ANNIHILATING ANGER Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before – it takes something from him.  -Louis L’Amour EPISODE #92   In this week’s episode we are going to talk about: How to annihilate anger from taking over your emotions and keeping you in the past The one instance when you can utilize anger for good My five ways I manage anger in my life             SHOUT OUT OF THANKS: Dave from Maryland! LISTENER OF THE EPISODE: Derrick Hi Trish, I have been listening to your podcasts off and on for several years.. I haven't listened to all of them, but when I need a good boost, I definitely tune in to your channel. You have made me cry and inspired me. Anyways...  I wanted to know your thoughts about anger.. maybe you have already done a podcast, and I missed it and if you can direct me to it great, or maybe you can do another one. The reason I ask, is I suffer from depression and I have had individuals hurt me so much, that even thou years have past, when I think about them and the pain, my anger takes me right back to the moment, and the power of it is so real... I feel like it happened yesterday. Though, I don't talk to most of the individuals now, I so badly want to call them up and have them take back all the anger they have given me by letting them know how much it hurt. I don't know if that is appropriate, but I really want too. Either way, I am wondering if you have experienced such anger, and if you have any possible recommendations on how to deal with anger that lingers for years... despite your best efforts to let it go.   ANNIHILATING ANGER: Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy. –Aristotle For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. -Ralph Waldo Emerson I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. -Booker T. Washington Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before – it takes something from him. -Louis L’Amour   For those of you who listened to episode #80 – you know my sideways years – and I have had the opportunity to be angry about a lot of things in my life. If you missed it, here’s a short outline: I was angry at the world for… having to suffer a broken heart being emotionally abused and threatened in a relationship being raped and having PTSD as a part of my life for a full year I was angry at myself for… my eating disorder my imperfections and my body my awkwardness and quirks my “failures” and short-comings on goals I didn’t achieve the amount of pressure I put on myself  I was angry at God for…. parents that were always in turmoil a family who struggled financially I used these 5 methods to annihilate the anger in my life so that I wouldn't be pinned to the past, but instead be able to thrive and have peace in the present and future.   FIVE WAYS TO ANNIHILATE ANGER IN YOUR HEART:  Remind yourself that anger is a killing thing – and you’re the one it kills. Anger prevents peace from being present. Choose peace. Choose to be a victor, not a victim. Put it into perspective.

 #91: LIVING WILDLY ALIVE IN YOUR LIFE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

LIVING WILDLY ALIVE IN YOUR LIFE Living wildly alive is daring, it is exciting, it is dangerous - it is the only way to live.  Engage your enthusiasm and let yourself become a true "liver." EPISODE #91   In today’s episode we are going to be spending time with special guest Nichole Kellerman covering:  What it means to be “liver” How to be “wildly alive” in your life The difference between living your life and living in your life. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Have you completed your Annual Guidebook? It’s not too late. Get your free copy at Virtual high five to: Leah Brannstetter! Welcome of course to any new listeners! This is the “be more” community!               NOW, ONTO THE INTERVIEW: Nichole Kellerman   __________________________________________ Be more of who you are. Be you. Be free. __________________________________________   SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME!   Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain

 #90: RESOLVE THAT LASTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:37

  RESOLVE THAT LASTS Determine to do that thing that you feel you must do. Follow through. Do it. Achieve it. EPISODE #90   In this episode we will cover: How you can be different from the 92% of people who don’t keep their New Year resolutions The 7 things you must do to have resolve that lasts Reframing how you speak to yourself in terms of your personal resolve and flexibility as you approach new goals   ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy 2015! Last chance to prepare for 2015 -> I want to give you a shout-out on the air! Just post a review on iTunes for the show! If you filled out the podcast survey but haven’t yet received your “Your Best You” audio coaching set via email, it means that I didn’t get your email accurately, so please email me and I will make sure you get your copy. Oh, and thank you to everyone who voted on the new podcast show cover! It is now updated and live.                 RESOLVE THAT LASTS:    Let’s talk about resolve that lasts, because really, most people’s resolve does not last. 45% of people who set resolutions fail by the end of January and only 8% stick their resolutions out for the entire year.   How can you be different?   Resolve that Lasts:   Create a plan of action for your action. (Create consequences and rewards to break out of your comfort zone so that you stop talking about doing and start becoming someone who does.) Resolve for the right reasons. Ask yourself the right questions about why and what you are resolving to do. Write down your resolutions – make them visible and make them public. Know that willpower is a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Get as specific as possible – and then envision what living life with that resolution will look like. Don’t create absolutes or negative resolutions.   People don’t stick to their resolutions because the resolutions are too vague, too demanding or too unrealistic. Put your resolution in a “no-choice” category. Like putting on your seat belt. Set up an accountability system for yourself.   It is imperative that you reframe how you speak to yourself in terms of how you see yourself and how you see your personal adaptability and flexibility towards whatever new goal it is that you are approaching.   __________________________________________ Be more of who you are. Be you. Be free. __________________________________________   SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME!   Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain

 #89: HOLIDAY FOOD AND FITNESS GUIDE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:56

  HOLIDAY FOOD AND FITNESS GUIDE The 10 "Do's" and "Don'ts" of holiday food and fitness habits!  EPISODE #89   In this episode we will cover: Christmas – the reason for the season – the true gift of life The present of the present, of spending time with others Giving yourself the gift of life…a holiday eating and exercise guide, my top 10 food and fitness do’s and don’ts. Your health is your wealth.   ANNOUNCEMENTS: THANK YOU:  MegPie1221 I want to give you a shout out on the air. All you need to do is write a review for the show in iTunes and I will personally thank you with a virtual high five! FREE GIVEAWAY ALERT! GIVEAWAY ONE: Fill out the survey, which is simply 8 multiple-choice questions, and get exclusive access to my 4-part CD set, “Your Best You.” Your answers will help me make sure I deliver my best content to you in 2015 – I am here to serve and coach you – and this survey will help me do it more effectively. Deadline for the survey is 12/31 GIVEAWAY TWO: GIVEAWAY THREE:  Insecurity Detox – sign up at and get a FREE audiobook copy of Building a Better Body Image.  Take advantage of this deal by December 24th, 2014 at              TOP TEN HOLIDAY FOOD & FITNESS DO’s AND DON’Ts   DON’T:   Say you are too busy to move your body; you are never too busy for your body. Pretend that what you eat at holiday parties doesn’t count. You can’t sneak anything past your body. Also, remember, we often over-indulge because we think it’s our only opportunity to have that special treat…which is simply not true. Have the attitude that you’ll start taking care of yourself on January 1st – that mindset is one of procrastination that will delay your goals. You are training your mind to delay your goals. Let stress into your holidays. Accept that you aren’t going to be able to please everyone during the holiday season – we are all getting pulled in a million directions with a thousand expectations. Keep the focus on the reason for the season and on love, don’t buy into any family drama that might incur, and you will save yourself a sizeable amount of stress, which can wreak havoc on your health. Forget to drink enough water. Holiday habits tend to exclude water – causing us to be dehydrated and to throw our personal sense of hunger and satiety off. Typically we wake up, drink coffee and then the rest of the day is a smorgasbord of eggnog, holiday drinks, alcohol or sugary drink options. Try to drink at least 75% of your body weight in ounces. Not have a plan. Allow guilt talk to be a part of your conversations with anyone. Watch too much TV – the holidays are family time – get outside and be active as much as you possibly can. Every little bit of fitness and activity you get during the holiday season helps! Forget to eat breakfast! It is the most important meal of the day and eating it will set you up to not over-indulge the rest of the day. Breakfast is your opportunity to rev your metabolism. Allow yourself to engage in mindless snacking. Be intentional.     DO:   Load up on fibrous foods like veggies at parties (and be careful of how much dip you use). Always bring vegetables as your go-to. Look up the caloric count on your favorite holiday alcohol drinks. Educate yourself and be aware that drinks are empty calories…so make your best choice. Find a way to exercise your body every day, no matter way.

 #88: SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:30

  SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES EPISODE #88 “Modeling excellence begins with modeling belief.” – Tony Robbins   In this episode we will cover: Three major definitions of success, and how to apply them to your vocabulary How to model the success of others The single most important thing you need to be successful   ANNOUNCEMENTS: I want to give you a shout out on the air. All you need to do is write a review for the show in iTunes and I will personally thank you with a virtual high five! Insecurity Detox – sign up at and get a FREE audiobook copy of Building a Better Body Image.  Take advantage of this deal by December 24th, 2014 at          SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES:    There are a few ways we often respond to the success of others around us: (1). Jealousy – we struggle to be happy for others and create an internalized pressure within ourselves to prove ourselves better in some capacity (2). Distancing – we think “good for them” and then relay something negative internally about ourselves (3). Modeling - we celebrate their success, ask questions and model our behaviors after the positive ones that they themselves display       WHAT IS SUCCESS? Three definitions: To me, success is the ongoing process of striving to become more. –Tony Robbins Success is being more of who you are, in all that you do. Success is having the ability to find happiness and freedom in being yourself and pursuing your dreams and calling.   What we believe becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. “To change our own behaviors, we have to start with our own beliefs. If we want to model excellence, we need to learn to model the beliefs of those who achieve excellence.”    WAYS TO DEEPEN YOUR BELIEF IN YOUR OWN SUCCESS:  Model belief in your life by modeling belief in your thought life Surround yourself with other people who believe in themselves and their goals Believe with intention Consider attempting something that seems ‘impossible’ to stretch your belief. Accept the belief that you are special, uniquely crafted by God and meant for a great purpose     __________________________________________ Be more of who you are. Be you. Be free. __________________________________________   SHOW NOTES: IF YOU WANT TO BE FEATURED AS LISTENER OF THE EPISODE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME!   Voicemail Email - trish at Contact on my website - Twitter - @trainerTRISH Facebook - Instagram – @traintrishtrain   ________________


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