Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Summary: The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.

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  • Artist: J.D. Greear Ministries
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 J.D. Greear Ministries


 Considering Whether Jesus Really Was Who He Said He Was, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Think back to when you were in school and the teacher was explaining a difficult concept, and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t seem to get it. It’s incredibly frustrating. We all feel the need to make sense of things! But Pastor J.D. reminds us that we can never fully understand God because his understanding is so much greater than our own.

 Considering Whether Jesus Really Was Who He Said He Was | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Whatever your background, whether you’re an atheist, a brand-new believer, or a seminary professor, everyone has doubts and questions about God that they struggle with. So how can we have faith without understanding everything? Pastor J.D. addresses this important topic in the series called, Unknown God.

 What We All Know About God, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Faith is often portrayed as nothing more than a comforting alternative to the more “rational” approach of atheism. Are we, as Christians, just ignoring the facts and living in a fantasy world? And what does it mean to live by faith? Pastor J.D. answers those questions in this series titled, Unknown God.

 What We All Know About God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Many people struggle to believe in a God they can’t see or touch or hear. In this series titled Unknown God, Pastor J.D. explains how you can know with certainty that God exists. And more than that, he explains how you can know God personally!

 Despair, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It’s a tragic reality that many marriages fall apart after a dramatic and sudden loss, like the collapse of a business or the death of a child. So how do we keep it together when our life seems to be falling apart? More importantly, how do we keep our faith through all the pain? Pastor J.D. answers those questions as he concludes our series on family and relationships titled, Home Wreckers.

 Despair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Most of us think of “good Christians” as those who are always smiling and encouraging others. So whenever we struggle with depression, despair, or doubts about God, we tend to feel a lot of shame or wonder if there’s something wrong with us. And it can be difficult to ask for help because we don’t want anyone to see us as broken. But as Pastor J.D. Greear explains, doubt can be a driving force to push us into deeper faith.

 Bitterness, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the series, Home Wreckers, Pastor J.D. talks about several common stumbling blocks that destroy our ability to have healthy, God-centered families. On this edition of Summit Life, he describes one of the deadliest poisons to relationships: bitterness. We’re discovering that the only cure for bitterness is to be transformed by the grace of God.

 Bitterness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Everyone is born with a natural desire for justice. That’s why we love it when the bad guy in a movie gets what’s coming to him! But the Bible makes it clear that Christians are called to forgive. So does that mean we’re supposed to let justice fall by the wayside? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our series, Home Wreckers. We’re discovering how the gospel satisfies God’s justice and mercy and equips us to forgive

 Self-Centeredness, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Whenever we look at group photos, we automatically search for ourselves first—just to make sure we look good! It’s our natural tendency to focus on our own needs and desires before anything else. But for a relationship to work—whether it’s a marriage, friendship, or family—we need to love the other person like Jesus loved us: selflessly and unconditionally. That’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our Home Wreckers series

 Self-Centeredness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

No matter how you slice it, the divorce rates in America today are shocking. Even couples who manage to stay together often find that their relationship has become distant, loveless, and unfulfilling. The flame that started out so bright has burned down to a flicker. Despite all this, the media continues to paint marriage as the key to happiness and wholeness. So what are we missing? As he continues our series Home Wreckers, Pastor J.D. describes one central issue that breaks down friendships and marriages—and how to cure it.

 Fear, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever felt like a deer in the headlights, paralyzed by fear? Anxiety has unbelievable power over us, both emotionally and physically. It can even trigger heart palpitations, panic attacks, or asthma. But worse than its physical effects, fear paralyses us spiritually. As we continue the series Home Wreckers, Pastor J.D. and his wife, Veronica, explain that the cure for unhealthy fear is learning to fear the right things.

 Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you were asked to list some common sins, you’d probably mention things like lying, lust, or inappropriate anger. But what about fear? In this message, Pastor J.D. invites his wife Veronica to join him as he addresses this common struggle. It’s part of the series Home Wreckers. We’re discovering that worry doesn’t just harm you emotionally and physically; it also destroys your ability to experience God’s blessing and can inflict serious damage on your family. But we don’t have to be slaves to it any longer!

 What Makes Our Work, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the series Home Wreckers, we’ve been looking at issues that break down families and the biblical solutions to avoid them. Work may seem like a strange topic to include, but in actuality, our approach to work has an enormous effect on our homes.

 What Makes Our Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Whether you’re working your dream job or are just punching the clock to get a paycheck, we all have days when we feel like just another cog in the machine. We might even start wondering if our work even matters. But as we continue the series Home Wreckers, Pastor J.D. challenges us to take a higher view of our careers.

 Redeeming Ambition, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The word “ambition” tends to conjure up images of greedy Wall Street executives or ruthless dictators, like Napoleon Bonaparte or Stalin. It carries a distinctly negative connotation. But is there such a thing as good ambition? Pastor J.D. argues that there is. As we continue the series Home Wreckers, we’re discovering how our aspirations affect our family life and what it looks like to have godly ambition.


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