Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Summary: The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.

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  • Artist: J.D. Greear Ministries
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 J.D. Greear Ministries


 Marriage and the Gospel, Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Deep down, a lot of people believe the biblical view of marriage to be outdated and patriarchal. But God has a reason for his design, and his principles for marriage transcend our cultural norms. As Pastor J.D. continues our series called I Am an Alien, he’s joined by his wife, Veronica, to discuss the interconnected roles of marriage and the gospel.

 Marriage and the Gospel, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A quick look at the divorce statistics in the U.S. will make it abundantly clear that, as a culture, we’re bad at marriage. Even couples that manage to stay together often end up living parallel lives rather than the “happily ever after” they dreamed of. So what are we missing? Pastor J.D. answers that question as we look at First Peter 3:1-7. It’s part of our series called, I Am an Alien.

 Marriage and the Gospel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As Pastor J.D. often says, the gospel is the power for the Christian life. And on this edition of Summit Life, we’re discovering how the gospel transforms our view of marriage, and particularly the roles of husbands and wives. It’s an important perspective shift no matter what your relationship status might be, and it’s part of our study in First Peter called, I Am an Alien.

 The Mysterious Witness of Submission and Suffering, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In America today, Christians aren’t facing torture or death for speaking the truth. But the Bible makes it clear that if you’re really following Jesus, then the world is going to oppose you in one way or another. So what do we do when we’re mocked or excluded because of our faith? What if we’re shunned by our family or fired from our job because we held to our convictions? Pastor J.D. describes the biblical response to persecution as he continues our series, I Am an Alien.

 The Mysterious Witness of Submission and Suffering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible clearly calls believers to submit to authority, whether that’s parental authority, a boss at work, or the government. But what about when those in authority morally corrupt? What if they’re mistreating you or denying you justice? Pastor J.D. deals with these sticky questions as he continues our series, I Am an Alien.

 Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What We Do, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the book of First Peter, Christians are called to be aliens on this earth. That phrase appears on plenty of bumper stickers and T-shirts, but what does it actually mean? What does it look like, practically, to live as a citizen of heaven? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our series, I Am an Alien.

 Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What We Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In our series called, I Am an Alien, Pastor J.D. has been explaining that, as Christians, we’re supposed to be different than the world around us. We’re called to be outsiders and aliens. But what does that look like on a practical level? How does that calling affect our everyday lives?

 Grow Up, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you’re a kid, there are several big milestones you usually look forward to hitting as you grow up, like getting your driver’s license, graduating high school, and moving out of your parents’ house. But in our spiritual lives, it can be harder to judge whether or not we’re “growing up.” As he continues our series called I Am an Alien, Pastor J.D. describes the marks of a maturing believer.

 A Freedom Worth Fighting For, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On October 31, kids all over the country get hyped up for trick-or-treating. But the day represents far more than ghosts and goblins. It’s the anniversary of the Reformation, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church. We’re discovering the lasting impact of his actions with a special message titled, A Freedom Worth Fighting For.

 A Freedom Worth Fighting For | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Reformation changed church history forever. And in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Pastor J.D. preached a special message. We’re looking to Martin Luther and the early reformers to discover how a movement from centuries ago still affects our lives today.

 Grow Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

From midnight feedings to carefully buckled car seats, it takes a lot of work to keep a newborn healthy! As cute as they are, it’s a bit of a relief when they start getting older and can manage some of those tasks on their own. And the Bible talks about our spiritual lives in similar terms. As he continues our series in First Peter, I Am an Alien, Pastor J.D. challenges us to Grow Up in our faith.

 Battlefront, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever noticed how little kids will pick up a new word without really understanding the nuances? If we’re honest, a lot of grownups still do the same thing with “churchy words” like holiness. We throw it around all the time, and most of us have a vague idea of what it means, but do we really understand the implications of calling God holy? Pastor J.D. clears up any confusion as he continues our series called, I Am an Alien.

 Battlefront | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When a soldier is in an active war zone, they’re not going to be getting distracted or daydreaming. They’re going to be on high alert, every thought focused on the battle at hand. And as Christians, we’re constantly engaged in spiritual warfare. So how do we train our minds for the battlefield? Pastor J.D. answers that question as continues our study in the book of First Peter called, I Am an Alien.

 I Don’t Belong Here, Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Most Christians think that trusting God means we just have to put on a happy face no matter what, even when we’re hurting inside. But that’s not the case at all! In fact, Jesus himself wept bitterly on multiple occasions. Pastor J.D. describes the biblical response to suffering as he continues our study in First Peter called, I Am an Alien.

 I Don’t Belong Here, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A lot of people come to Jesus with the expectation that he will make their life better. They know things won’t be perfect, but they still expect some improvements: a happier family, financial stability, and a “help line” when things get sticky. But the Bible never promised us an easy life! In fact, Jesus said that in this world, we will have trouble. So where does our hope come from when life gets hard? Pastor J.D answers that question as he continues our series, I Am an Alien.


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