Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Summary: The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.

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  • Artist: J.D. Greear Ministries
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 J.D. Greear Ministries


 Amazing Grace, Amazing Graciousness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When we talk about the gospel, everyone wants to get to the part about God’s love and forgiveness. It’s a lot more pleasant than the parts about being dead in our sin and enemies of God. But Pastor J.D. reveals that without the bad news of sin, the good news wouldn’t be good! It’s part of our study in Titus called Everyday Theology.

 Extraordinary Ordinary, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you’re coaching a team, one of your main jobs is to ensure that everyone knows their role. If players aren’t clear on their position, then the game is going to end in total chaos. And the same is true in our spiritual lives. As we continue our study called Everyday Theology, Pastor J.D. is digging into the book of Titus to help us understand our roles as believers

 Extraordinary Ordinary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When most people think of theology, they usually picture a seminary professor lecturing about obscure terms like dispensationalism, hypostatic union, or substitutionary atonement. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that “normal” Christians need to know. But as he continues our study in Titus, Pastor J.D. explains that good theology is essential in our everyday lives. It’s not about knowing fancy terminology; it’s about knowing the gospel.

 Separating the True Gospel from False Ones, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Back in the earlier part of the 20th century, most Americans would go to church on a regular basis, even if they weren’t really saved. But over the past 70 years or so, our country has become increasingly secular. So how do we continue standing for the truth when it seems like everyone’s against us? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in Titus called Everyday Theology.

 Separating the True Gospel from False Ones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Theology isn’t just about learning a lot of impressive terminology. Good, biblical theology is practical, and changes the way we interact with the world. In our new study of Titus called, Everyday Theology, we’re discovering how to develop a theology for everyday life.

 Does My Life Have a Purpose? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

No matter how much you love your life, we all fall into patterns and become bored. In the rush of punching the clock, getting the kids to soccer, and getting dinner on the table, we find ourselves hungry for a bigger destiny. Pastor J.D. is describing the only thing that can fill that desire as he concludes our study in Psalms called Question Everything.

 Does My Life Have a Purpose? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Everyone wants to feel that their life has a bigger purpose. We try to find meaning in our careers, our families, charity work, or special talents. But at the end of the day, none of that is going to last into eternity. So where is true meaning found? Pastor J.D. explains how to start living out your ultimate purpose as he continues our series, Question Everything.

 Will Life Ever Get Better? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What does it mean to have faith through trials? Does it mean that we just put on a smile and act like everything’s fine, even when we’re hurting inside? Or is it okay to tell God how we really feel, to express our anger, hurt, and confusion? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in Psalms called, Question Everything.

 Will Life Ever Get Better? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It seems like we’re constantly hearing news of hurricanes, wildfires, and mass shootings. And on a more personal level, we face chronic pain, broken marriages, unfulfilled dreams, and many other deeply painful struggles. Will it ever get better? Pastor J.D. deals with that question as he continues our study in Psalms called, Question Everything.

 Is Something Wrong With Me? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The German writer Franz Kafka once said that life is like a never-ending trial in which you are the defendant, and no one will tell you what you’re accused of. We all have a deep-seated sense that we don’t quite measure up and we need to do better. Where does that feeling come from? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in Psalms titled, Question Everything.

 Is Something Wrong With Me? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Most of us would say that we’re a pretty good person. We have faults, but our hearts are in the right place. But if our hearts are truly in the right place, then why do we keep doing wrong things? Why do we still hurt people, act selfishly, or lash out in anger? Why don’t our actions fit our ideals? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in Psalms called, Question Everything.

 Why Am I Not Happy? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If there’s one thing that everyone wants in life, it’s happiness. And yet, for so many people, happiness seems like a pipe dream. We either spend our whole lives chasing the next thrill, never completely satisfied, or we end up settling for comfort and trying to drown out the nagging sense that we’re meant for more. As he continues our study in Psalms called Question Everything, Pastor J.D. describes the solution.

 Why Am I Not Happy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In a brand new study in the book of Psalms called Question Everything, we’re discovering how an ancient book of music lyrics can help us answer some of the most pressing questions on our hearts, like, “Why am I not happy?” and “Does my life have a purpose?”

 Stop Sinning, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The battle for holiness was won two thousand years ago on the cross. So why do we still struggle with sin today? And what tools has God given us to break free? Pastor J.D. is answering those questions and arming us for the fight against sin as he concludes our study in First Peter called, I Am an Alien.

 Stop Sinning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When we’re facing a personal tragedy, we might wonder if we’re being punished for something we did wrong. Certainly, we can cause ourselves a lot of pain when we ignore God’s Word. But sometimes, our suffering comes from obeying God! Why would God allow us to suffer for doing what’s right? We’re diving into scripture to find the answer as we continue our series called, I Am an Alien.


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