The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 548: LA Cop Opens Fire: Justified Shoot or Overreaction? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3602

Lots of discussion about policing today. Not because that's the way I intended it, it's just the way the show broke out. We start with the shooting in LA where (allegedly) an off-duty LA Police Officer put hands on a kid who was trespassing on his property. I struggle ensued, and the officer pulled his gun. The gun went off, an apparent accident and the crowd that had gathered dissipated. So was this an issue of a heavy handed on power hungry cop or is it a justified use of force? Today I'll tell you what I think, and I'm not sure you're going to like the answer. From there we'll talk about a new law that will allow police in Tucson to arrest peaceful protesters to prevent potential violence. If I can think of any reason to use violence, it would be in defense of one of my God given rights. (Say the freedom of speech). It's a great show today with lots of back and forth between Darren and I. I think you're going to enjoy it. Jason

 547: Second Amendment Under Fire and the Lies Government Tells Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3490

Whether we're talking about second amendment rights or the right to keep what we earn, the natural rights provided by "our creator" as well as those protected by the Constitution are under constant assault. Today we're going to look at several examples of the ways government lies to us, and why we must be ever vigilant when given, we hear these silver tongued foxes promise us the moon in exchange for our liberty. I have come to believe the greatest threat to our liberty is not a foreign government or invading army. It's not even a terrorist attack. The greatest threat to our liberty comes from our own government, and it's constant intrusion into every aspect of our lives.

 546: Philly Learns an Important Lesson About Taxation. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3202

It never quite works out the government thinks it will. They THINK, if they just raise taxes, they can bring in more money. Need more money for schools? Just raise Taxes. Have a shortfall in your budget? Raise Taxes. Have a new infrastructure plan and need money to pay for it? Raise taxes. Now they don't always raise taxes. Sometimes they put you into debt by selling bonds, but no matter how you slice it, you end up taking it on the chin. It still amazes me that, although they have tried to tax us into prosperity time and time again, it never works out the way they expected. Take Philadelphia for example. They recently passed a new Soda Tax. A 51% tax on all sugary drinks. They thought they'd receive a tax windfall. Instead, they saw sales decline by 30-50%, mass layoffs and the threat of running a shortfall in their education budget. They say madness is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different response. That being true, we are governed by mad men. *** Also on the show, Michigan State is banning white boards on dorm doors to prevent the chance "mean words" might be written to students. It's not just Michigan State that's going off the deep end. More than 200 colleges and universities around the country now have what are effective "bias response teams" to police speech on campus. Students are encouraged to turn in fellow students, teachers, even political disagreements to these response teams for review. It's a mad, mad world. Don't be part of it. Get your sanity back. Listen to the JSP Now! Jason

 545: Why Milo Yiannopoulos is Wrong for Conservatism and Bad for the Liberty Movement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3222

A lot of people have asked me why I've never had Milo on my show. I get emails from people offering to make the connection or suggesting I should reach out. It generally involves some disclaimer about how they "don't agree with everything he says" but how it would be "be a great interview and would get a lot of downloads." Let me state for the record that I love ratings and increasing my following is of primary concern as we work to build a bigger megaphone for liberty but that doesn't mean I'll do anything to boost my numbers. Milo's latest gaffe has cost him a 250,000 dollar book deal and untold numbers of speaking gigs. Since Milo makes his living preaching a provocative right-wing message to college kids his standard of living is about to go down. I've also just received word that he's resigned from Breitbart News, his other source of revenue. It's the trap many provocateurs fall into. They get headlines by making over the top statements about culture and politics but if they don't hit ever higher forms of socially incorrect discourse their fall out of the news cycle. Today I want to talk with you about Milo's recent comments about pedophilia and why he's such a bad poster child for both conservatism and the liberty movement. It's a jam packed show today. Listen now! Jason

 544: Trump, Putin, and the Media. Who's Telling the Truth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3276

Trump has lashed out at the media again, this time calling them "the enemy of the America people." The media has responded by suggesting this is a tactic used by dictators to silence a free press. John Mccain has weighed in on the issue even going as far as to criticize the president while giving a speech in Germany. Not directly mind you, but he did give a point-by-point takedown of the president's worldview calling it Nationalism. But how much credit should we give McCain? Fellow senators like Rand Paul say not much, claiming McCain's criticisms are a reflection of a personal feud between him and the president. Rand went on to suggest McCain has been on the wrong side of history for the last four decades. Today, I'm going to tear into this feud and explore some of the criticisms of both Trump and McCain to see if we can find some truth among the spin. *** Also, If you thought I was joking about the government taxing robots I've got some great comments by Bill Gates. Can you say, hypocrite? It's great to be back with you. Don't forget to like and share the show!! Jason

 543: Trump Press Conference Breakdown and His Ongoing Media War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3524

I said yesterday that we were going to have some great clips of Trump's recent press conference and today I deliver. Trump claims he wants a "fair" and "honest" media. Is that true or does he simply want a sympathetic and supportive media? Our media has an important responsibility. The are another check again power. It's their job to help expose corruption and inform the citizenry of what's happening in their government. They should be skeptical and confrontational. The media and government are not friends. Their relationship SHOULD be strained. But has our media become so politicized that it can no longer fulfill it's role? I happen to think the answer is yes, and no. I'll pull several clips from the Trump press conference to prove my point. The press is not perfect, in many cases they are incredibly biased but that doesn't mean every time the press challenges Washington its a political witch hunt. Thanks for listening! Don't forget to Share! Jason

 542: KrisAnne Hall Talks Supreme Court and Original Intent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3277

With all the talk about executive orders, Supreme Court Nominees and judicial oversight I thought it would be a good idea to bring KrisAnne Hall back on the show to discuss the role of the judiciary, specifically the supreme court and it's intent under the constitution. Most of you know who KrisAnne is but if you don't you can check out her website and podcast here. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the subject of our constitution and the history of our nation. I'm alway excited to get a chance to talk with her and today is no different. Check out the show and don't forget to share! We need to educate our nation on our responsibilities as citizens and it starts right here with this episode. Jason

 541: American Freedom and Healthcare on Life Support | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3446

We've fallen again. The Heritage Foundation now ranks America 17th on its list of 180 freest countries on earth. America is now less free than countries like Estonia and the UAE. Canada ranks 7th, a full ten countries above us. I'm disheartened every time I see these rankings come out. How can we still call ourselves the land of the free and home of the brave? We're not even brave enough to stand up to our own elected representatives. *** Tax season is here, and once again I'm questioning what exactly I'm paying for. Every other bill for service I get has an itemized list of things I've paid for. The one exception is my tax bill. All proponents of big government claim all this tax money goes to pay for services and products we all need. I want a list. I want the government to explain where my money goes. The problem is they can't. They can't because even they don't know where all the money goes. But if you're wondering if this is the year you should protest the fed by not paying your overlords might I suggest you think twice. It is a terrible injustice we are subject to each year, but it's far worse to end up doing 10-20 for tax evasion.

 540: Michael Flynn Resigns as Media Sharks Smell Blood in the Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3230

Once again the media has taken a non-story and turned it into a scandal. Here's the short of it. Flynn as committed no crime. He was cleared by the FBI of any potential issues as it relates to his conversations with the Russian Ambassador. He DID, however, tell the Vice President that he had not discussions regarding Russian sanctions, a statement that was later proved to be false. So, Flynn is guilty (at worst) of lying to the Vice President, and that assumes it was, in fact, a lie and not merely a misstatement. I find it hard to believe the former national security advisor would intentionally lie to the Vice President especially considering he had done nothing wrong. Naturally, we don't know the whole story, but we do know this is, at worst, a minor controversy involving internal White House communications. It hasn't stopped the media from blowing this story up into a full-fledged frenzy. I'll lay out the truth for you on the show today, and We'll also talk about some creative ways to pay for education that doesn't involve taxes. Great show today, don't forget to share! Jason

 539: Jim Rogers Warns of Dire Economic Days to Come | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3298

"We're about to have the worst economic problems of a lifetime." Those are the words of famous commodities guru Jim Rogers. How bad is it going to get? "A lot of people will disappear." according to Jim. *** Congratulations! You paid more in taxes over the last three months than at any time in history! A record $7,133 per working American. You might think with all this big money being confiscated that the government is FINALLY running a surplus. But you'd be wrong. Our benevolent thieves in Washington actually spent 154 BILLION more than they brought in over the last three months. When are Americans going to wake up to the realization that government will never have enough money? Right now Bernie Sanders is eagerly plotting the theft of trillions of dollars so he can take credit for providing "FREE" healthcare and college to every American. A guarantee he cannot possibly give at any price. If you want the truth about what's happening in the world of international politics and economics, you need to tune into this show each and every day. The truth, Unfiltered and Unashamed. Jason

 538: Tyranny of the 9th Circuit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3121

What happens when the law becomes nothing more than the decision of three judges in California? What happens when the law becomes nothing but the decision of one man in Washington D.C.? The answer is, liberty dies. That is what we face today. A president who rules by executive order and a court that supplements the law for its own political opinion. Today we're going to talk about the 9th Circuits decision and what it means for our liberties. *** I'm also going to discuss the call by Yvette Felarca for more riots to silence speech and scare people into compliance. She was on a local news station recently calling for terrorism to achieve the goals of her group "By Any Means Necessary" (BAMN). I hate bullies, and I'm willing to fight to defend our liberty. If progressives are going to use terror to achieve their ends, they're going to find me, and men like me, very unforgiving. Jason

 537: Syrian Priest Speaks Out Against Media Lies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3102

For more than a year now I've been telling you about what's happening in Syria. I've told you the truth about the role our government has played in the destruction of that nation and the attempted outsting of the democratically elected president. Now another voice is speaking out. A Christian Priest named Father Daniƫl Maes who lives in an ancient monestary about half a mile from Demascus. He says the story the media has been telling you about an organic uprising in Syria is a lie. He says the entire war was started by al Qada and funded by western governments. He claims the real reason for America's involvment is to pave the way for an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Syria to Europe and that is why Assad has to go. This is exactly what we have been telling you for close to a year and it appears the media is doing a poor job of reporting on the war. I'll have a full breakdown today. Jason

 536: Highlights from the Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3640

Last night CNN hosted a debate between Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders over the future of the Affordable Care Act. Apparently, CNN liked the ratings boost it got from the presidential debates and is trying to keep the momentum going. Personally, I'd love to see more of these debates with people tuning in to hear the ideas from all sides. I've got a lot of clips from the event and I, of course, will have plenty of witty commentaries to go along. Cruz did ok against Sanders, but he should have destroyed him. Cruz missed a golden opportunity to deal a death blow to the Sanders ideal. Instead, he only managed to score some nice sized wounds. Thanks so much for listening and sharing. Don't forget to subscribe!! Jason

 535: Ayatollah Vows Retaliation for Trump's Comments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3256

You knew this was coming. Anyone who thought the Iranians were just going to roll over and capitulate to Trump's ultimatum does not understand the culture or the social pressures of the Middle East. Now Ayatollah Khomeini has fired back in a statement saying the Iranian nation will respond to Trump's comments on February 10th. Nobody knows what that means, but I'd expect it means another missile test designed to send a big "SCREW YOU" in America's direction. While Trump has worked had to avoid a conflict with Russia he seems determined to start a new conflict with Iran and ruffle feathers with China and Mexico. Don't get me wrong; I've got no issue with our President ruffling feathers. There's far too much consideration given to public sentiment and media response. But I do worry when our Presidents words could expand our war footing and put American lives at risk. *** We're also going to talk a little about gun control and open carry today. You won't find anyone more pro-gun than me, but theses open carry nuts often do more harm than good with their provocative display of weapons. It's another great show, Don't forget to like and share. Jason

 534: American: Land of the Free or Despotic Empire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3153

Coming up with a title for today was difficult. I'm not sure if I got it right or not, but I thought I'd focus a chunk of the show today on Trump's comments about Russia and the U.S. Government. To say it's a political foe paw to speak about America's dark past would be an understatement. We're brought up hearing about all the wonderful things America, freedom, and capitalism have done for the world, and you know what, it's all true. But our government approved history books conveniently omit things like our war of aggression in the Philipeans, the Moro Rebellion, and My Lai. It's not that we don't hear about these things, but we speak of them as though they are the exception to the rule, a few bad apples in an otherwise unblemished history. But the truth is far less pristine. America, like all nations, has committed its share of atrocities. Just don't mention it to anyone or you'll quickly be labeled anti-American. Trump made such an error this weekend in his interview with Fox's Bill Oreilly. I want to talk with you about those comments and the criticisms of Trump in general. There's a lot of emotion but very little substance in the arguments being put forward. Also, if you wonder why I'm so skeptical of climate change I'll give you more evidence today. It turns out NOAA intentionally falsified climate data to impact the recent Paris Climate Accord. Nobody is looking out for you. Not even the people charged with doing just that.


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