546: Philly Learns an Important Lesson About Taxation.

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: It never quite works out the government thinks it will. They THINK, if they just raise taxes, they can bring in more money. Need more money for schools? Just raise Taxes. Have a shortfall in your budget? Raise Taxes. Have a new infrastructure plan and need money to pay for it? Raise taxes. Now they don't always raise taxes. Sometimes they put you into debt by selling bonds, but no matter how you slice it, you end up taking it on the chin. It still amazes me that, although they have tried to tax us into prosperity time and time again, it never works out the way they expected. Take Philadelphia for example. They recently passed a new Soda Tax. A 51% tax on all sugary drinks. They thought they'd receive a tax windfall. Instead, they saw sales decline by 30-50%, mass layoffs and the threat of running a shortfall in their education budget. They say madness is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different response. That being true, we are governed by mad men. *** Also on the show, Michigan State is banning white boards on dorm doors to prevent the chance "mean words" might be written to students. It's not just Michigan State that's going off the deep end. More than 200 colleges and universities around the country now have what are effective "bias response teams" to police speech on campus. Students are encouraged to turn in fellow students, teachers, even political disagreements to these response teams for review. It's a mad, mad world. Don't be part of it. Get your sanity back. Listen to the JSP Now! Jason