537: Syrian Priest Speaks Out Against Media Lies

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: For more than a year now I've been telling you about what's happening in Syria. I've told you the truth about the role our government has played in the destruction of that nation and the attempted outsting of the democratically elected president. Now another voice is speaking out. A Christian Priest named Father Daniël Maes who lives in an ancient monestary about half a mile from Demascus. He says the story the media has been telling you about an organic uprising in Syria is a lie. He says the entire war was started by al Qada and funded by western governments. He claims the real reason for America's involvment is to pave the way for an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia through Syria to Europe and that is why Assad has to go. This is exactly what we have been telling you for close to a year and it appears the media is doing a poor job of reporting on the war. I'll have a full breakdown today. Jason