Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond

Summary: Wendy B. delivers million dollar motivation, inspiration and success strategies for Entrepreneurs or would be entrepreneurs, people who would like to thrive for the next forty years regardless of your age or circumstances. Learn to overcome fear, failure and adversity by developing a new mindset. Wendy's motto is when you are handed lemons how fast can u make lemonade


 35. What do you do for FUN! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

  What have you wanted to do that you think would be fun and you haven’t done it yet?  If you don’t know how to do it,  are you willing to learn how to? Are you willing to learn new things?  If not what conversations are you having that stop you? What new action could you take right now that would have you THRIVE.  Would you like Freedom and Power Regardless of what life throws at you? Subscribe to my Podcast! Rate it a 5! email me at let me know what you like best about this podcast.  Do you want to be on the podcast?  What would you like to hear? Want to hear my earlier podcasts go to my website KEEP THRIVING!

 34. So You Love an Acholic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:53

Did you know that you did not cause the alcoholic to drink, you can not cure the alcoholic and you can not control what The alcoholic does? Do you know that there is an incredible twelve step program that is available for those of us who are troubled by some one else’s drinking? Its called Al-Anon and it is World Wide We need to put the focus on ourselves not the alcoholic   Subscribe to my podcast! Rate it a number 5 email me at, let m know what you want to hear!  Do you want to be on my podcast? Download my earlier podcast at my website Keep THRIVING!  

 33. B Do You love Your Life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:13

I invite you to look at where you are not loving your Life. Did you know that you can shift from being annoyed to being grateful?  Yes you can! Where do you right away judge and evaluate a person, a situation before getting all the information?  Did you know if you were actually interested in their view or another view, the conversations you are having could shift? If you keep coming from your judgments and evaluation’s there is a predictability about the outcome Yes!  Shift your views shift the outcome Subscribe to my Podcast! Rate it a number 5 email me at, let me know what you want to talk about and if you are interested in being on the podcast! go to my website to download earlier podcasts Keep thriving  

 33. A Do you love your life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:50

Do you wake up excited about your life?  Are you willing to learn and Grow?  Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone.  Do you judge and evaluate everything?  Are you willing to Question those views? Do you know as human beings we have a disease of perception.  If you question our perceptions you may alter your view.  If you alter your view you may take new actions.  Taking new actions could result in making a difference in the Quality of Your life!   Subscribe to my podcast!  Rate it a number 5 email me at  let me know would you like to be on my podcast? Go to my website to get all my earlier podcasts

 32. Do you let other peoples conversations live rent free in your brain? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:59

Do you take things personal?  What are you  perceiving when you take things personal?  Do you forget that your perceptions aren’t necessary the truth. Do you ask people what do they mean and then get annoyed when they tell you?  Do you allow others to have  different views from you,  without forcing them to look at your view. What if there is no right or wrong around perceptions? If ten people see the same incident and a reporter interviewed them separately there would be ten different views. Who’s view is accurate? Subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number FIVE! If you want to listen to all my podcasts go to my website if you want to email me What are you committed to?  What small action could you take today towards that commitment? Keep Thriving!

 31 Do you know how to make life easier? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:42

Are you one of those people that go by the seat of your pants?  I used to be one of those people.  I still can do that, and it can be useful when you have to step up to the plate on something that you have to cover the last minute, its a good skill to have. And if you are always doing that I  and being fairly effective just stop and think how much more effective could you be if you were organized.  Also assert that going by the seat of your pants causing anxiety in yourself and others around you! Did you know when you slow down you actually can get more done? Subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5! I have now included navigation on the sidebar to view all posts/podcasts in a spreadsheet format and in a calendar format.  Much easier to see and access. Any visitor to should now be able to locate the entire library of podcasts.      

 30. The Power of Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:02

What is fear?  False evidence appearing real! Do you ever do something you wished you never had done?  Do you ever start letting your imagination run and before you know it you have created something or someone harming you and the incident hasn’t even happened yet?  Never underestimate the power of our imagination! Our actions are always correlate to our context or our point of view! Can you let things go and move on to what’s next.  Do you recognize your limits? What new action can you take so that fear doesn’t run you? Subscribe to my podcast!  Rate it a number 5? I have now included navigation on the sidebar to view all posts/podcasts in a spreadsheet format and in a calendar format.  Much easier to see and access. Any visitor to should now be able to locate the entire library of podcasts.

 29. What do you when someone has a chip on their shoulders? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:26

I believe that sometimes the best way to knock the chip off someone’s shoulder is to Pat them on the back! Do you find yourself judging or getting impatient with someone you feel has a chip on their shoulder.  Have you ever tried walking in their shoes for a day, a week a month? Do you know that authentically acknowledging people could be the start of them shifting their view of life?  Try it you never know. What are you committed to?  What new action could you take today that could make a difference for someone else?   Check my website for the rest of my podcasts.  Subscribe to my podcasts!  Rate them a number 5 I have now included navigation on the sidebar to view all posts/podcasts in a spreadsheet format and in a calendar format.  Much easier to see and access. Any visitor to should now be able to locate the entire library of podcasts.

 28. How can you stay motivated? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:37

How fast can you pick yourself up and be motivated after failing to achieve a goal by a certain time? Can you stay focused on what’s next and go for it?  If not maybe, maybe you are focused on the wrong thing? Do what successful businessmen and Olympians do and you will have a better chance of achieving your goals. Your past doesn’t dictate your future.  What you did before makes no difference.  Use your past only as a reference.  Focus all your energy on where are you going.  Be in the Game, be an Olympian Gold, keep playing and focus on the game you are creating and ask yourself a couple of questions. Did you do what you could?  Does your life matter? Remember there are no failures just learning experiences! You can go to my website and get all my podcasts from 1 on go the website I have now included navigation on the sidebar to view all posts/podcasts in a spreadsheet format and in a calendar format.  Much easier to see and access. Any visitor to  should now be able to locate the entire library of podcasts.

 27 Would you like to rewrite your next forty years? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:49

What do you have a passion for? What do you love doing? What are your dreams?  Are you living them?  IF NOT WHY NOT? Are you willing to risk your comfort and live a fulfilling life?  What new actions could you take today to start rewriting your future now?  What are you committed.   Email me at  Subscribe to my podcast and rate me a n0 5.  Who knows I may give you a free 15 minute coaching session if you ask in your email and tell me you subscribed and rated me a no five.  Who feels lucky today.  Put Coaching in the subject line.  I sometimes randomly pick a person and call them personally.  

 26 A R you taking good care of yourself? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:27

Do you go to the Dentist or Doctor when you need to or do you put it off? R you playing small because you have secrets? There is a saying in Al-Anon you are only as sick as your secrets. Do you want to become unmessable? Do you minimize what you have accomplished? Fear is false evidence appearing real, face everything and rejoice, or recover, or F    everything and run.  I have done all three, have you? Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session with me?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and frustrations and goals.  I WILL give you one AMAZING TIP THAT WILL help you immediately.  I will call the first 5 people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast.  Email me at Wendyb@thrivingatsixty,com with the word “coaching” in the subject line.  Remember I’m limiting it to 5 people who left me a 5 star rating?

 25 (B) Did you know sharing with people can make a difference? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:38

Are you a Martyr?  Do you know what you are committed to? Are you true to yourself?  Do you mind your own business?  Do you give advise without people asking for your opinion? Do you coach if asked?  Do you wait to be asked or do you ask permission to coach and then wait to see what they say?  If they say no do you listen? Do you allow others the dignity to make their own mistakes?   email me at   Keep Thriving!

 25 (A) Did you know sharing with people makes a difference? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:20

Do you share authentically with others. Did you know when you share with others it gives them comfort or it may give them hope, they realize they are not alone  I think as humans we long to connect to have a sense of belonging especially when our circumstances don’t seem to be the greatest. When we share our experience strength and hope with others we may be helping them create solutions!   What are you committed to? email me at Keep Thriving  

 24 The Three C’s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:55

Do you blame yourself for things that you did not cause?  Do you feel responsible for someone else’s actions? Do you think you can control anything?  Do you know you can not cure anything either? The three C’s You didn’t cause You cannot cure You cannot control People, Places and Things! When you discover this you become powerful and free! Do you want freedom and power? You can use the three C’s with raising children, especially teenagers or the terrible two’s Being a life partner, Being a Boss and Being a Co-worker email me at subscribe to my podcast rate it a number 5! What are you committed too? Keep Thriving

 22. Are you stressed out? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:54

Do you know how to manage stress? A lecturer, when explaining stress management , raised a glass of water, “How heavy is this glass of water? “The absolute weight doesn’t matter.  It depends on how long you try to hold it.” “If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem, if I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my right arm.  If I hold it for a day, you’ll have to send me to the doctor.  In each case, it’s the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” And that is the way it is with stress management.  If we carry the burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won’t be able to carry on.” “As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again.  When we’re refreshed, we can carry on with the burden. So whatever burdens you’re carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can. “Relax; pick them up later after you’ve rested.  Life is short Enjoy it!”


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