Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond

Summary: Wendy B. delivers million dollar motivation, inspiration and success strategies for Entrepreneurs or would be entrepreneurs, people who would like to thrive for the next forty years regardless of your age or circumstances. Learn to overcome fear, failure and adversity by developing a new mindset. Wendy's motto is when you are handed lemons how fast can u make lemonade


 Podcast 64. Fall Festivals Get Great Stocking Stuffers! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:03

What are your favourite festivals?  What do you like best about them?  I love the unique gifts that the artists create.  Their imagination is delightful. I can’t believe the incredible craftsmanship.  The hours and the love that went into making each gift.   I love the familiar old trusted and true gifts. I like the friendliness of the people. I love enjoying tasting all the home made goodies. This year I was in Southern Ontario at the Balls Falls 42nd annual Festival. EMAIL ME! Click on Wendy B far top right hand corner, let me know what you liked best about this podcast! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 63. How Do You Let Go of Strong Emotions! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:10

Do you find yourself gripped by strong emotions?  Have you ever noticed that strong Emotions can grip you when you are talking to family members?  Do Strong Emotions grip you with authority figures?  Take a look and see there might be a pattern emerging. If you want to master your emotions you need to distinguish what is occurring right now from a past memory.  If you are feeling a strong emotion.  Stop, close your eyes and yawn and stretch.  Then ask yourself after yawing and stretching.  Is this really happening right now or is it a memory from the past that is clouding my judgement of what is happening right now? SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! EMAIL ME! Click on Wendy B top right hand corner and let me know what you like best about this podcast! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  

 Podcast t62 Are Your Complaints a Reality! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:38

Do you justify your behaviour when you believe your complaint are a  reality? Would You be willing to ask yourself some questions?  What are you committed too?  What actions would you take from coming from that commitment?  Do you have habitual complaints?  What are the complaints about?  Are the complaints about particular people, places and things? Did you notice that there is a predictable future when we justify our actions ?  How is that working for you?  Do you get to be right and not have a lot of satisfaction and love in your relationships where you have lots of complaints? Email me Click on Wendy B top right hand corner and tell me what you like best about this podcast! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  

 Podcast 61. How fast can you make Lemonade! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:55

    How Long do you Hold onto emotional upheaval? Do you have expectations?  Try on an Expectation is a premeditated resentment! Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? Acceptance includes the way it is and the way it isn’t! Can you focus on what you have in common rather than your differences? I would say holding onto resentments and expectations has a predictable outcome !  You want to change the outcome change the actions. email me! Click on Wendy B far top right hand corner, let me know what you liked best about this podcast SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B    

 Podcast 60 Are You Suffering! Do You Want Freedom from Emotional Pain! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:09

If you are not producing the results  in your relationships, you might need to re-evaluate.  . Ask yourself some Questions, What am I committed to producing here?  When someone makes a comment and that comment  causes you emotional pain, what are you making the comment mean about you?  About them?  About it?  Most of our suffering has nothing to do with what is happening right now.  We suffer because we make the comment mean  something about us.  I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not talented enough.  All those conversations are from the past which have nothing to do with right now, nothing.  Infarct,  all those thoughts are made up and are not even true in the moment and aren’t even true in reality, and stop us from living a life we love. Subscribe to my podcast and Rate it a Number 5! email me Id love to hear what you liked best about this podcast. Click on Wendy B far right hand corner KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  

 Podcast 59 Part 2 What Stories Stop You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:29

Do you know you are not your thoughts and feelings?  You have them and you are not them.  Do you know your thoughts and feelings are not necessarily the truth? Do you find yourself reacting to what someone says?  Can you remember the first time in your life you experienced the same feelings and sensations.  I assert that if you are reacting to a situation you are triggered from a past event and emotions. Ask yourself this question.  What am I making this mean about me?  About them? About it?  If there is any suffering on your part it isn’t to do with what happened.  Its to do with what you made it mean about you! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! email me, click on the top right hand corner Wendy B it will take you to my email KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 59 part 1 What Stories Stop You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:04

What stories have you made up about yourself that stop you, especially when there is Conflict?  Some of mine are (What’s the Use! Why bother I can’t get what I want or I can’t make the difference or who would listen to me!  Who am I! I’m not smart enough!) are you getting the picture? When there is conflict have you ever resorted to being a pit bull or a doormat?  When there is conflict have you just wanted to write the person off? When this happens these people can be our greatest teachers if we don’t get in the ring and fight with them.  Have you ever asked how can we transform this conflict? When people evoke I’m not good enough or smart enough I must look at myself.  What am I resisting here?  What am I reacting too! What am I feeling threatened here by.  Am I making this about me?  What can’t I be with? Well subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5!   email me top right hand corner click on Wendy B. KEEP THRIVING WENDY B

 Podcast 58 What happens when emotions run high! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:48

Emotions run high Intelligence goes out the window! You can chew gum and walk at the same time but you can’t be grateful and resentful at the same time. Do you have reoccurring conversations that stop you from being productive?  Do you even recognize them when it happens?  Why bother!  What’s the use! It doesn’t matter! Sometimes if I’m not producing the results I want I stop and change actions.  I let me self have a bit of fun.  Go out with friends, do something that stimulates and has me appreciate life again. Sometimes just preparing an awesome meal helps me focus and less anxious.   Then I find I can get back on track producing the results I want quickly and effortlessly. What did you like best about this podcast?  email me click the top right hand corner Wendy B. SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 57. Did you know when you focus on a solution it gets resolved quicker! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:53

Do you focus on your complaints or do you focus on the solution?  Maybe you being annoyed has nothing to do with the moment.  Maybe your annoyance is because you are listening to a past emotion or experience and you are right now experiencing that same feeling from the past and you are reacting to that.  I’m not saying you were not triggered.  I am not saying you should be happy about the complaint.  I am saying you are suffering because you are taking things out of context because of a similar emotion from your past.  If you instead focus on the solution, new possibilities and new opening for action can appear.    Did you notice when you focus on the complaint it takes forever before the problem is resolved? When you focus on the solution time goes quickly! Well what did you like best about my podcast.  Email me, click on the top right hand corner Wendy B. SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING WENDY B

 56. What traits do Likeable People have! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:54

Can you resist a smile?  We all love seeing laughter and smiling.  Do you ask people questions about themselves?  Be genuinely interested in others.  Are you willing to listen to them?  Do you value and acknowledge people?  Do you take full responsibility when there is a mistake with out blaming others even if they had a part in the problem?  Don’t interrupt people. Don’t be on your phone, let them know you value their time as well as your own. Do you make eye contact?  Ask yourself this question!  What attracts you to likeable people.  What traits do they have? Well what did you like best about this podcast? SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! Go to the top right hand corner email me at Wendy B KEEP THRIVING

 55. What is Essential to Longlivity! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

I am suggesting being grateful, having a sense of humour helps.  Laughter, playfulness, childlike wonder.  Sense of Purpose, Enough sleep. Being adventurous, eating healthy, doing things in moderation.  Being physical, socializing, falling in love with people, places and things. KNOW YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY! SUBSCRIE to my podcast and rate it a number 5!  Click on the SUBSCRIPTION BUTTON TO YOUR RIGHT! EMAIL ME,   let me know what you like best about this podcast just CLICK ON WENDY B, Top right hand corner! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  

 54. What Inherited Conversations Hold You Back From Thriving! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Have you ever wondered or question some of your beliefs?  Have you ever considered that some of your beliefs could be inherited from family members, friends or from people who were a big influence as you were growing up !  Maybe those beliefs are not really based in reality!  Maybe they have no reality in your life now and could be hindering you to move and thrive in life! Interview family members and get interested in their beliefs around work, money, savings, spending, sex, men, women, parenting, what is a good paying job, etc. What if you questioned some of your beliefs, what could become available? Subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5, click on subscribe!   Email me and let me know what you liked best about this podcast!  Click on Wendy B top right hand corner.   KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 53. Are You Triggered By Your Family! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:49

Are you triggered by you family?  Are you accepting of family members or do you expect them to be different then they are?  In Al-Anon we say an EXXPECTATION is a premeditated resentment! Where can you be more accepting?  If you gave up those expectations, what could you create?  Look at what are you committed to ? Subscribe to my podcast and Rate it a No 5! Email me let me know what you liked best about this podcast? KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 52. Do You Have A High Tolerance For Pain! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:02

Are you tolerating mental, physical, spiritual, financial pain?  What questions should you be asking yourself about this?  What Is holding you back from releasing the pain?  Is it mistrust holding you back?  Is it Mistrust of yourself, of others?  When was the first time you experienced this emotion?  What’s the earliest age you can remember experiencing this emotion? Is it a reality now or is it false evidence appearing real? Do you want a chance to WIN a 15 minute coaching session with Wendy B!  Its limited to the first 5 people who rate me a number 5 and provide your user name on ITUNES. Email me with the words COACHING in the subject line.  Remember I’m limiting it to the first 5 people.  I will call and give you one amazing tip! KEEP THRIVING! WENDDY B  

 51. Accountability does it effect your ability to thrive! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:52

I believe when we publicly declare our intentions, we have a better chance of achieving our goals.  I believe its good to share what you are up to, particularly if you don’t know how to achieve the goal.  Enroll and share with others what your project is.  Maybe when someone hears what you are up to they may want to support you or they can connect you with someone who is doing something similar or know someone you could leverage with. Once you commit you start taking actions to fulfill that commitment Subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5 email me at I’d love to hear from you KEEP THRIVING! Wendy B


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