Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond

Summary: Wendy B. delivers million dollar motivation, inspiration and success strategies for Entrepreneurs or would be entrepreneurs, people who would like to thrive for the next forty years regardless of your age or circumstances. Learn to overcome fear, failure and adversity by developing a new mindset. Wendy's motto is when you are handed lemons how fast can u make lemonade


 Podcast 79 Martyrdom (3) Do U Suffer more than U need to! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:35

An interesting and rewarding exercise for today may be to examine all the things that are hurting YOU at the moment.  Challenge their validity to see if there is any basis for your bitterness or for that dread and fear.  You will  probably discover, to your delight, that you have, right at this moment, more than enough reasons to be happy and contented. Even if it was meant to hurt, it cannot reach the real you , If you  stand guard at the door of your mind! The root of my suffering is rarely about what happened and its about what I made what happened mean about me, about it about them What am I not doing that I need to do? What am I not saying that I need to say  So I can be complete about what happened so I can move on and move forward.? What is the cost to me and others around me to hold onto resentment ? SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5 Who would like a complimentary15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and goals.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me know they left  5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on ITunes or their provider.  So Act fast Thanks for listening! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  

 Podcast 78 Martydom (2) RU Good To Yourself! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:25

Be Good To Yourself! What does that mean?  Letting go and letting God! Shrug off hurts! Vey little that happens in my daily encounters is worth my worry, resentment, or feeling sorry for myself.  If I am always ready to take offence and be hurt, I’m selling my contentment very cheap.  I must remember to be good to myself! Do you open old wounds by dwelling on the past? Life isn’t always fair who ever said it would be?  Did you know that you can be victimized and you don’t have to be a victim.  If my past keeps being in my future there is a predictable way my life will unfold.  If I deal with my past, get complete about my past and use if to free me up. All there is , is endless possibilities.   I don’t want my past to define who I am NOW! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND GIVE IT A 5 STAR RATING! THANKS FOR LISTENING KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 77 Martyrdom (1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:56

Are you staying in relationships because you have a need to belong based on unrealistic views, stories you have made up about you, them ? Are you allowing people to hold you hostage for past mistakes? What are your motives?  What does staying in unhealthy relationships costing you? When will I realize that I need not permit someone’s behaviour to confuse my life and destroy my peace of mind? When will I learn that there is no compulsion in law or ethics, that force me to accept humiliation, uncertainty and despair? I have a right to free myself from any situation that interferes with my having a decent life and pleasant experiences! If we reall do want peace of ind, the first thing to realize is that it does not depend on conditions outside s, but those inside us! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NO 5! email me and let me know what did you like BEST  about this podcast! Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and your goals.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out!  I will call people who let me they left a five star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes or the provider they use.  So act fast now.  Just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a No. 5! THANKS FOR LISTENING! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B!

 Podcast 76aa Have You Ever Encountered Road Rage! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:44

This Podcast will tell you what not to do! Have you ever been followed  by someone because they are in a road rage?  There definitely is crazies out there that try to intimidate, threatened and frighten you. I discovered two wrongs do not make it right.  My happiness is an inside job and if I catch myself reacting to someone else behaviour I need to look at why I’m being triggered and deal with my internal state. Let go and let god Say the serenity prayer and look at what am I committed to and take actions from that commitment not act out of feelings and thoughts. What did you like best about this podcast? email me let me know SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5 Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call u personally and hear about your dreams and your goals.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes or there provider, so act fast. JUST HIT TH BUTON SUBCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RTAE IT A NO 5! THANKS FOR LISTENING! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 75. Do You Focus on Solutions! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:49

Have you ever noticed that when you focus on the solutions rather then the problems things go much smoother? Are you one that would rather complain then confront the person you need to about the problem and make powerful requests to make the problem resolved or at least get compensation for the mistake that was made? Would you rather be anger and resentful or be the powerful person you are and ask for restitution? EMAIL ME AND let me know what you liked best about this podcast SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5!   Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and goals,  I will give you an amazing tip that will help you out. I will call people who let now know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast on their provider, so act fast.  Just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a number 5 THANKS FOR LISTENING! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 74 How Can You Expand Quickly! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:55

First look at why you want to expand ?  Is it becomes you want to grow and learn?  Do you want to make a difference, leave a legacy behind.  I want to be known as a person who burnt out not rusted out.  I want to leave this earth knowing that I shifted someone’s perception for the better. Then start looking at where do you want to expand.  What actions would you need to take.  One simple one is sharing with as many people as possible so your community of people are enrolled in what you are up to.  You don’t have to know how to accomplish your goal just share.  Out of sharing someone might offer a suggestion that could alter your life, alter your actions.  As human beings all we want to do is contribute to one another, so start sharing. Would having an accountability partner help?  Make some requests.  I have three accountability partners where I listen to what they are up to and then listen to what I am up to. We say what we are going to do and by when.   email me and and share  WHAT DID YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT THIS PODCAST? Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your goals and dreams.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out! I will call people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on ITUNES OR the PROVIDER they uesd.  JUST HIT THE BUTTON SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER  5 thanks for listening KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 73. Woozer! Would you like to afford to spend $43,000 for a bottle of Scotch Whiskey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:24

Can you believe that people pay that for a bottle of Whiskey.  Then they don’t even drink it, they just collect it.  Its aged 65 years, my goodness! Its amazing that people live from that kind of abundance Would you like to be, one of those people? EMAIL ME, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT THIS PODCAST? SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! Who would like a Complimentry 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and goals  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me  know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on Itunes So act fast thanks for listening KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  

 Podcast 72. Remembrance Day (The least we can do is Remember)! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:39

This is a special day that we can give thanks to all the special armed force people that are protecting our country/   My adopted dad was in World War !! and he passed on in August 2002 at the age of 84.  There isn’t a day that I don’t miss him.  He had a generous  heart and loved me and my girls unconditionally.  What could you do on Remembrance day to acknowledge the men and women who are in the arm forces and they give their life to us every day so we can have our freedom. Maybe you could acknowledge them on social media Maybe you could do something for their family Be creative and let them know they are appreciated Well what did you like best about this podcast? SUBSCIRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! Who would like to have a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call u personally and hear about your dreams and goals?  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name, so act fast just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a no 5! THANKS FOR LISTENING KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 71 Did You Know You Can Grow Through Adversity! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:25

The lobster soft mushy animal lives inside a rigid shell.  That rigid shell does not expand.  How can the lobster grow?  As the lobster grow that shell becomes very confining and the lobster feels itself under pressure and uncomfortable.  It goes under a rock formation to protect itself from predators.  He casts off his shell and produces a new one.  Eventually that shell becomes confining and uncomfortable.  The lobster goes back under the rocks.  The lobster repeats this numerous times.  The Stimulus for the lobster to be able to grow is that it feels uncomfortable.  In todays society when we feel uncomfortable we want to numb those feelings with drugs or alcohol then you never get to cast off your shell and grow a new one. We have to realize that at times of stress these can be times that are signals for growth.  If we use adversity properly we can grow through adversity. Well what did you like best about this podcast?  email let me know what you liked best about this podcast ! Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call y personal and hear about your dreams and goals.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out! I will call people who let me know they have left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on ITunes.  So act fast now.  just hit the button subscribe to my podcast and rate it a no 5 thanks for listening! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 70 Are you in a Funk! There is Solutions, never give up! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:22

Happiness is an inside job!  FEAR is false evidence appearing real.  Allow others to love you until you can love yourself. feelings are not always based on reality.  They are like clouds they come and go.  We have feelings and we are not our feelings. When we have negative thoughts and feelings they are always from our past and are not based on reality NOW THANK GOD FOR GIRLFRIENDS! BE GRATEFUL, there is always something to be grateful for regardless of our circumstances.  It could be that you are breathing. Focus on the solutions rather then the problems! email me and let me know what you liked best about this podcast! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 69 FUNK! ARE THERE HABITUAL PATTERNS HERE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:37

Are your environments pulling you forward or holding you back? Are you lonely?  Is there too much clutter? Are your expectations too high and do you have thwarted intentions?  Are you getting into overwhelm?  Are you allowing yourself to get too excited and then you feel let down afterwards when things don’t happen how you intended?  Are you not accepting things the way the are and the way they are not? Do you go over and over again the same resentments and get agreement that you are right and (they, it or yourself are wrong)? email me and let me know what you like best about this podcast! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 68a Have U Ever Been Stuck in a BLUE FUNK! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:11

What are your triggers that lead up to being in a blue funk?  I know one of my triggers is thinking life shouldn’t be this way! Another thing is when I take life too seriously, myself or others. Do you take things personally and then hang on to the hurt, rehashing over and over? Do you focus on old negative conversations that for sure will keep feeding the blue funk? Are you holding onto resentments and hurts? SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5 email me! tell me what you like best about this podcast! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B    

 Podcast 67 Did You know even with dementia you can live independently! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:48

I think it is great that we are learning that there are many things we can do with people who accept they have Dementia. I believe,first of all, is acceptance and then we can learn what structures these people need to keep living independently Dementia rocks everyone’s life, the patient and their loved ones so I think its important to learn as much as we can. Their emotional feelings stay with them much longer than anything else, so its important to make them feel safe.  If you can have them in familiar surroundings and with familiar things they love including pictures of loved ones.  Its really important to have family and friends visit them even if the patient doesn’t seem to recognize individuals but they recognize the emotions that persons brings to them and it brings a sense of love and safety. Check out women and Home Magazine and look for Wendy Mitchell Video   SUBSCRIBE TO MY POD CAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! Email me! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B

 Podcast 66 Do U Use Manipulation to get what you want! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:56

We are wise to examine our motives when we find ourselves repeatedly airing the same thoughts.  Maybe you have another agenda As human beings we are wonderfully adaptive, regardless of unbearable or intolerable circumstances. Definition of Manipulations:                 to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner: to manipulate people’s feeling Consider manipulation is a form of control.  If you have to say something more than twice maybe you are trying to control the situation SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP  THRIVING!   WENDY B  

 Podcast 65. How Important are Traditions! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:39

Do You have family traditions over holidays or special occasions?  If you have are you willing to look at are they nourishing the family making you feel closer?  Or are they a lot of work and only a couple of people have to do all the work to maintain them? If you have traditions what are your favourites?  If you don’t would you like to have some and what would they be?  I personally think traditions can bring us closer and the simpler the better.  If they are not nurturing and they are becoming burdensome, are you willing to let them go and start new ones that would bring you closer? EMAIL ME! Click on Wendy B top right hand corner and let me know what you like best about this podcast! SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5! KEEP THRIVING! WENDY B  


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