Right to Life Radio show

Right to Life Radio

Summary: This is the podcast for Right to Life of Central California's weekly, pro-life radio show, broadcast every Saturday from 9-10 AM on Power Talk FM 96.7 and AM 1400 in Fresno. Our host (and RLCC executive director) John Gerardi gives all the latest news on the pro-life movement in Fresno, throughout California, and nationally. Subscribe today!

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  • Artist: John Gerardi
  • Copyright: Life Report is produced by Right to Life of Central California. Copyright 2017


 BLOOPERS: From the 2nd JFA Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02

It's funnier if you listen to the interview first.

 BONUS: Interview: "Justice For All" Trainers (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:05

Joshua Pedrick, Catherine Wurts and Jacob Burow with Justice For All in studio! Also one of the funniest episodes we've ever recorded, ever.

 BONUS: Interview: "Justice For All" Trainers (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:17

Jon Wagner and Maureen McKinley from Justice For All discuss why they chose dialogue work versus other types of pro-life work, and their biggest pet-peeves about pro-life AND pro-choice advocates.

 #97: Did They Just Say That? "The View" Discusses New Ultrasound Bill (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:43

On a recent episode of "The View," the hosts discussed a new ultrasound bill in Oklahoma. In the next two episodes of Life Report, we respond to some of the arguments made, so that you'll know what to say if you hear somebody else make these arguments in the future. You can watch the full video of us taping this episode at http://blog.prolifepodcast.net/2010/06/22/97-did-they-just-say-that-the-view-discusses-new-ultrasound-bill-part-2.aspx

 #96: Listener Mail - Violence, Parasites and Feminism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:29

Listener Mail Questions: "Can you discuss the facts surrounding abortion-related violence? What do you think of the AbortionViolence.com website?" 2: "How should we react when the other side calls the fetus a "parasite," and do you think this is a more common pro-choice argument lately?" 3: "The argument that pro-lifers are anti-women is based on anti-feminist principles!"

 #95: Walter Hoye takes on the Life Report Questionnaire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:42

Highlight: In response to the question, "how should pro-lifers interact with those who are pro-abortion-choice," Walter brings in his personal experiences outside the abortion facility in his answer.

 BONUS: Behind the Scenes Moment from #94: Preshow Meeting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:11

Josh tries to keep everyone focused as he leads a brief show meeting about the future plans of Life Report becoming a TV show. He coaches the team in not going on tangents and how to handle the new 28 minute format. This is only interesting if you're a die hard fan and want to get a peek behind the curtains of our show.

 BONUS: Behind the Scenes Moment from #94: Nailing the Ending | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17

This was our first attempt at sticking to a strict time format where the closing music came on automatically and we had to wrap up before the voice over comes on. Listen to what REALLY happened when we nailed the ending perfectly.

 #94: How do You Know When to Let a Conversation About Abortion Die? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:07

In the main body of today's episode, Josh shares a story about a conversation he had with a stranger about abortion, and asks the question, did he handle the situation correctly, or should he have pushed the issue further? We discuss the topic of, "how can pro-lifers talk about this issue with strangers without being weird?" Also, "what are some nonverbal cues for people to watch out for when they're talking with someone?" Before the story, Josh plays some "foley" sound effects he recently recorded with a family. You can watch a behind the scenes video of the making of these sounds here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G5lIk9WeYI

 DELETED SCENE from #93: Kyle talks about the effectiveness of post-abortive women reaching out on campus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:17

Kyle talks about the effectiveness of post-abortive women reaching out on campus. More deleted scenes at http://prolifepodcast.net/deletedscenes/index.html.

 BONUS: Behind the Scenes Moment from #93: Kyle's in trouble... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52

Listen to what really happened after the episode was over! Liz goes after Kyle for not backing her up in the debate. Kyle finds out what happens when you don't side with your fiancee. :D More BTS moments at http://prolifepodcast.net/bts/index.html.

 #93: "War Stories" Cont. / Ineffective Biblical Arguments Against Abortion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:23

Kyle tells another story from campus about defusing situations, and understanding how to handle administrations that infringe upon constitutional rights. After the break, Josh shares a story and discusses effective vs. ineffective biblical arguments against abortion. The controversial question comes up: "Are Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139 effective verses to make a biblical against abortion? If not, what would be more effective passages?" Finally we again have some disagreement on the show over the value of using certain passages, so don't miss the Great Theological Debate!

 #92 - "War Stories" from Justice For All at KSU & GA Tech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:19

Topics you'll hear us talk about: - Defusing situations - Communicating graciously - How to follow on the feet of a more ‘abrasive’ situation. (Working as a team to meet people where they are and build common ground even when on hostile ground) - Triage, and how that relates to "life of the mother" circumstances - Finding common ground - Responding to religious pluralism ("all paths lead to the same God") - Responding to hardcore moral relativism

 BONUS: Behind the Scenes Moment from #91: "Razzing Kyle" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17

You can probably tell that we have a lot of fun with each other while recording these shows. Often times, the most fun we have is while we're NOT recording. More BTS moments at http://prolifepodcast.net/bts/index.html

 #91: How Should Pro-Lifers Discuss the Health Care Bill with their Friends? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:58

After an exciting announcement about a few of our co-hosts, we get into a discussion about the health care bill. A lot of wonderful pro-lifer advocates have already been talking about what's in the bill, and how pro-lifers should respond to it, and we link to some of the best below. So instead of doing the same thing, I decided to have a side discussion I haven't heard other people talking about: how can we effectively talk about this bill without coming across to some as jerks who don't care about uninsured people?


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