Right to Life Radio show

Right to Life Radio

Summary: This is the podcast for Right to Life of Central California's weekly, pro-life radio show, broadcast every Saturday from 9-10 AM on Power Talk FM 96.7 and AM 1400 in Fresno. Our host (and RLCC executive director) John Gerardi gives all the latest news on the pro-life movement in Fresno, throughout California, and nationally. Subscribe today!

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  • Artist: John Gerardi
  • Copyright: Life Report is produced by Right to Life of Central California. Copyright 2017


 #110: British Woman Has 4 Abortions in 3 Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:56

Josh welcomes their new KNXT audience and briefly introduces the show and cast. Afterwards, the Life Report team discusses a Sun Magazine article about a British woman who had 4 abortions in 3 years. A critical analysis is also made of the pro-life and pro-choice response to the article. We close by explaining how YOU can use this story in dialogues with pro-choice people.

 #109: Are the Unborn Organisms? / In Vitro Fertilization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:32

Trent Horn from Justice For All join us to answer the question, "are the unborn organisms?" Trent answers the questions: - What differentiates a living human embryo from other living human tissue like cancer cells? - How do you respond when someone says "an organism must be a separate, independent entity?" - A new pro-choice argument is that an organism must be able to direct its own growth, but an embryo requires the mother's RNA to do this. How do you respond? Pro-life advocates would be wise to learn how to respond to these questions, as they are coming up more and more often. Listener Mail: "Why do you think the area of in vitro fertilization is so often ignored by the pro-life movement? What should pro-lifers be doing about IVF, and why?"

 #108: Should Pro-Lifers Encourage Censorship of Pro-Choicers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

Trent Horn sits in for Kyle, joining Josh and Liz in a discussion about whether pro-lifers should encourage censorship of pro-choice activities.

 #107: Refuting the Ultimate Pro-Choice Argument | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:44

Trent Horn from Justice For All is in studio to conclude our discussion about the ultimate pro-choice argument: bodily rights. In this episode, Trent refutes the "right to refuse" argument, and then exposes several poor arguments pro-lifers sometimes make attempting to refute "right to refuse." We close by responding to some listener mail on the topic of bodily rights arguments.

 BONUS: Behind the Scenes Moment from #96: Nailing the Ending | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20

This was our second attempt at sticking to a strict time format where the closing music came on automatically and we had to wrap up before the voice over comes on. Listen to what REALLY happened when we nailed the ending perfectly.

 #106: Understanding the Ultimate Pro-Choice Argument | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:55

Trent Horn from Justice For All is in studio the next two episodes to discuss the ultimate pro-choice argument: bodily rights. Trent has spent the last year creating new ways for pro-lifers to understand and approach this argument. In today’s episode, Trent helps us understand the two types of bodily rights arguments, and refutes the first and most common version.

 #105: Yet Another Bad Pro-Life Argument / Listener Mail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:00

Josh starts the show by talking about a poor philosophical argument against abortion that hasn't been covered on Life Report before: "abortion is wrong because it hurts the economy." Listener Mail: 1. "Would it be legal to do in vitro fertilization, but ask for only male embryos to be implanted?" 2. "I commented on a pro-choice video on YouTube, but I think I came off kind of jerky. Can you tell me what I could have done better?"

 #104: Female Genital Mutilation & Back Alley Abortions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

PG-13 WARNING: While female genital mutilation is never described in this episode, the concept in general is very difficult, and we would recommend parental discretion if young children are around. In this episode, Josh shares a recent debate about U.S. policy on female genital mutilation, and how this story can be used by pro-lifers when discussing back-alley abortions. This may turn out to be one of the strongest pro-life arguments against the view that abortion should be kept legal to protect women from more dangerous abortions. But you’ll have to watch or listen to the show to learn how YOU can use this in abortion dialogues. (Thanks to Justice For All’s Trent Horn for alerting Josh to this argument.) Listener Mail: "Say, I’ve been using the S.L.E.D. argument in a few debates. However, some people will just bite the bullet and say that the mentally handicapped and Alzheimer’s patients are non-persons, or that there is no difference between killing and eating babies versus pigs. No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to show them how repugnant this is."

 #103: Josh Comments on "Abortion Gang" Blog / Listener Mail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:59

Josh recounts posting a comment responding to a fringe pro-abortion-choice blog called "The Abortion Gang." They were asking why pro-lifers are so excited about the most recent opinion polls stating that more than 50% of Americans identify themselves as "pro-life," when a lot of those people would still keep some abortions legal, like for rape and incest. Listen for my response to them. What would you have said? Listener Mail: 1: I keep hearing on the archives references on the ads for the pro-life summer camps to "pro-life games." What is a pro-life game? 2: Did you know that 43% of Democrats agree that "abortion kills a human being and is manslaughter?"

 #102: Christian Music Festival Censors Pro-Life Advocates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:02

A huge buzz was created in the pro-life community this Summer over the Ichthus Christian Music Festival censoring a pro-life booth run by Bryan Kemper and Stand True Ministries. Now find out what REALLY happened at the Ichthus music festival. Bryan Kemper has given Josh special permission to talk about some of the worst parts of this story that have not been published before. The Life Report team will also give you tips on how to share your concerns with the Ichthus Music Festival leadership in a way that will most likely get results.

 #101: Josh's Most Common Mistake in Abortion Dialogues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:47

One of the most important aspects of this show is analyzing how to have effect dialogues with people about abortion. In today's show, the Life Report team examine the mistake Josh makes most often when talking about abortion. Ironically, Liz makes the opposite mistake. Both are examined and tips are offered for those struggling with the same mistakes as Josh and Liz. But you have to watch the show to find out what those mistakes are...

 #100: The Road to One Hundred / The Co-Hosts Compete in a Pro-Life Quiz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:25

The Life Report team celebrates their 100th episode by briefly looking back at starting the show, and Josh admits he didn't think they'd last this long. For something different, Josh makes Liz, Kyle and Carrie compete in a pro-life quiz. Play along at home, and see if you can beat them!

 BONUS: Interview - Alan Shlemon, Stand to Reason | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:54

Alan Shlemon from Stand to Reason takes on the Life Report Questionnaire. Highlight: In response to question #7, Alan offers some very helpful thoughts on responding to assisted suicide, noting that "compassion" means suffering WITH a person, not killing them.

 #99: Listener Mail - A Faulty Slogan, Abortion Violence & Our Newest Pro-Choice Fan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:52

Listener Mail: how many abortionists have been murdered in the U.S. since Roe v Wade; message from a new pro-choice fan; auditing pro-choice slogan: "if you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child;" Josh is challenged on the CatholicVote.org debate from last year.

 #98: Ultrasound Discussion Concluded | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

We wrap up our two-episode analysis of the recent ultrasound discussion on "The View." Watch full video at http://YouTube.com/LifeReport.


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