American Nationalist Network show

American Nationalist Network

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 White Alliance USA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:00

Christian Identity, Pro-White anti-Talmudic teachings and sermons by Pastor Eli James, the "Aryan Warrior," founder of the Church of the Restoration of True (White, Caucasian) Israel and owner of, a Christian Identity website.  CI teaches that the Jews are impostors who are only pretending to be Israel.  In reality, they are Canaanites, Edomites and Khazars, who have been impersonating True Israel for over two thousand years.  Only the Caucasian people fit the marks of Biblical Israel. Todsay's show is an interview with Stew Webb about Israeli Sex Trafficking and other crimes against humanity.

 What is "Truth"? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Tonight Jim and Joe will be discussing interestings things we done this week. Joe had some dealings with State officials on the illegal immigration front. Some good articles in the paper today that need a good talking about. And the last thing which is the most important what happens if you lose your wallet! What procedures do you have in place to deal with that loss.  

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Tonight's show on February 2nd, is a discussion between Susie and Barbie concerning the words, 'Jews' versus Judaism.  This show will explain in factual and verifiable terms why people 'think' that Jew is a religion, why people think the word 'Jew' has always been in the Bible and the fact that 'Jews' were the Judeans of Jesus' time. Susie doesn't want to change anyone 'religious' beliefs.  She is going to present facts about what really happened during Jesus' time and who 'the Jews' of today really are. Join Susie at 6pm EST for the truth. 

 White Alliance USA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Jesus Was a blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan.   Secrets of the Vatican archives, showing that Jesus was not a jew, but an Aryan, as were the Israelites.  Pontius Pilate's Letter to Tiberias Caesar concerning his encounters with Yahshua Messiah, proving that Jesus was White man, whose hair was "blonder than his mother's"

 Alba Voce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

January 30, 2014 Tonight's guest will be the brave and resilient Dr. Fredrick Toben, according to the opening of his Wikipedia entry: Gerald Fredrick Töben (born 1944) is a German-born Australian citizen and founder and former director of the Adelaide Institute. He is the author of numerous works on education, political science and history, although he became best known after being arrested for Holocaust denial. Töben claims he cannot deny that which never happened. He has served two jail sentences, one in Germany for defaming the dead and one in Australia for breaching a court order to refrain from publishing material on his website vilifying Jews. He apologised for breaching the court order.

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Tonight, January 26th, I am going to play an excerpt from an Ethno News show on Syria done on September 4, 2013. The reason this show is so important is that I mentioned the natural gas line that needed to go through Syria and the fact that Putin was being threatened that if he didn't stop backing Syria, they would send Chechens to the Olympics and not let it happen. It is always good to play something from the past and compare it to the present.  Look at what Obama said about his health care plan in 2011 and what he is saying now about it today.  Saudi Arabia threatened Putin to stop backing Syria over four months ago and that threat against the Olympics is now coming true with the very terrorists Saudi said they would use. The question our government involved with these terrorists? See you at 7pm EST for another thought-provoking show!  

 White Alliance USA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

"The Origin of Talmudism, Part 1"  Discussion of false Jewish claimes to their heritage as the Old Testament Israelites, proving that Judaism did NOT originate with the Judhaites who returned from Babylon.  This idea, which is taken as gospel by virtually theologians, is just more jooish hogwash.

 Alba Voce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

January 23, 2014 A Candid Talk with Christopher Borsella on Standards and the Task of Building a Legitimate "Movement" Tonight I welcome back our very own Christopher John Borsella, this time without his nom de guerre "Caius Marcus Ideus." Christopher Borsella is the author of The Imperian Manifesto and also hosts his own show on this network, The Imperian Mandate. Tonight we will be picking up some loose threads from Sunday's 90@9 debut discussion relating to Christopher's Weltanschauung and the task of Movement building in the pro-White community. Perhaps we'll even get into some dicey territory with what has been happening across the WAR (White Aware Resistance) these days. Don't miss this excellent discussion!

 What is TRUTH? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

The U.S. is a primarily a Christian Nation but how many of the so called Christians are Zionist?  How did it get that way and what can we do to expose it. There are some people out there exposing this Pro-Israel connection and we have to make it known.  We have a good audio/video that will trace the roots of it all.

 90@9 -- Debut Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:00

Join us for the debut of the American Nationalist Network's new program, 90@9. 90@9 is ANAANN's first panel discussion program and as such will feature topical discussions that pertain to the White Aware Resistance (WAR). This will be a biweekly program on Sunday nights following The Patriot Dame at 9PM Eastern and lasting 90 minutes. The Topic: Standards and Principles of W.A.R. (The White Aware Resistance) Tonight my guests will be Rodney Martin, Director of the American Nationalist Association, Robert Lloyd, Program Director of ANAANN and Deputy Director, Christopher John Borsella, Host of The Imperian Mandate, and Severus Niflson, the author of The 6 Basics of European Racialism and intellect behind the blog, Niflson's Mind, which can be found at

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Susie will interview a well-known film maker, Merlin Miller, on Sunday, January 19th at 7pm EST.  Mr. Miller 'gets around!'  He has spoken with Senator Ron Paul and with former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran.  Merlin L. Miller was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa, and graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. He served several years in the U.S. Army where he commanded two units and then worked as an Industrial Engineering Manager for Michelin Tire Company. In 1983, he was accepted into the University of Southern California’s “Peter Stark Motion Picture Producing Program,” graduating in 1985 with an MFA degree in Cinema/Television. He subsequently became an independent screenwriter, motion picture producer/director, and instructor. Visit his site at to listen to his films and read his achievements or visit YouTube.  His site starts out with, “America’s Founding Fathers had the courage and divine wisdom to create a nation unlike any in history. In so doing, they delivered a promise – for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But America is sick and under attack. Not by any military, nor by God’s hand, but by treasonous elements within.” SEE YOU THEN!!  Sorry, there will be no call-ins tonight due to BlogTalk glitches.  You can leave a comment on the site.  

 White Alliance USA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Final episode of"Jesus Was Not a Jew," Explaining how the Herodian Edomites of Judea usurped the Kingdom of Judah and how the Edomite Pharisees began impersonating the Levitical priesthood.  This is how Judaism came into being.  Judaism did not exist before this usurpation.  The religion of the Israelites is properly called Mosaism, not Judaism.  - Pastor Eli James

 Alba Voce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Tonight's guest: John Kaminski The irrepressible John Kaminski joins me tonight to discuss his article, The Hitler Test, and will discuss the merits of having Adolf Hitler as a leader today. from Metapedia: John Kaminski (born 1959) is an American writer and journalist, originally from Florida, who is best known for his works exposing Jewish supremacism in the world and as a critic of Talmudism.

 What is "Truth"? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Jim and Joe discuss the resurgence of Nationalism that is showing up in the news. Some movies try to show how America is the savior of the world as they go into countries and murder innocent people. Is the U.S. military nothing more than murderous mercenaries protecting the interest of billion dollar corporations? What makes men go to war to fight for unjust causes. Who are the ones speaking out against it

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:00

The show tonight, January 12th, will start at 6pm EST and end at 8pm EST.  It is a two-hour interview of Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice.  Her's is the true story about when she worked during the 90s and beyond as a CIA-DIA asset agent.  She worked with Iraq, trying to get the U.S. to lift the sanctions put on Iraq that were destroying that nation. She not only stated that Iraq was cooperating fully with the U.S. but that Russia offered to help Iraq get the sanctions lifted.  That would mean Russia would get trade benefits before the U.S.  Saddam Hussein's government even offered the U.S. secret bank transactions the terrorists were using, but they refused the information. Susan said that those in our government, including all those at the top, knew that 'two planes were going to hit the Twin Towers' around April of 2001.  No precausions were taken.  In fact, when she spoke out about this, she was illegally inprisoned for a year. See you at Six!!


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