The Patriot Dame

American Nationalist Network show

Summary: Tonight, January 26th, I am going to play an excerpt from an Ethno News show on Syria done on September 4, 2013. The reason this show is so important is that I mentioned the natural gas line that needed to go through Syria and the fact that Putin was being threatened that if he didn't stop backing Syria, they would send Chechens to the Olympics and not let it happen. It is always good to play something from the past and compare it to the present.  Look at what Obama said about his health care plan in 2011 and what he is saying now about it today.  Saudi Arabia threatened Putin to stop backing Syria over four months ago and that threat against the Olympics is now coming true with the very terrorists Saudi said they would use. The question our government involved with these terrorists? See you at 7pm EST for another thought-provoking show!