90@9 -- Debut Episode

American Nationalist Network show

Summary: Join us for the debut of the American Nationalist Network's new program, 90@9. 90@9 is ANAANN's first panel discussion program and as such will feature topical discussions that pertain to the White Aware Resistance (WAR). This will be a biweekly program on Sunday nights following The Patriot Dame at 9PM Eastern and lasting 90 minutes. The Topic: Standards and Principles of W.A.R. (The White Aware Resistance) Tonight my guests will be Rodney Martin, Director of the American Nationalist Association, Robert Lloyd, Program Director of ANAANN and Deputy Director, Christopher John Borsella, Host of The Imperian Mandate, and Severus Niflson, the author of The 6 Basics of European Racialism and intellect behind the blog, Niflson's Mind, which can be found at http://niflson.blogspot.com