The Psychic Viewpoint show

The Psychic Viewpoint

Summary: The Psychic Viewpoint will be a show whose platform will concentrate on metaphysical topics, with authors and guests who have experience in the psychic world. We are the mystics, shamans, & ascetics of our time and we do explore the "deep mind" and "consciousness". Looking into the realm of the "deep mind" a place where conventional science has ignored, is what we do and we want to open the path for everyone to follow. Science has little to say about consciousness. As psychics we do see into the "here and the hereafter"! Join us here on the Psychic View as we delve into some of the ways you as an individual can open your spirit and move into the consciousness field.

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 Are you Clairsentient or an Empath? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

An Empath has the ability to sense & feel the emotions and energies of people, animals and even objects.   A Clairsentient person can discern energy fields, through physical sensations.  For example they will be able to sense another persons aura and voice inflections, and sense the presence of entities from another dimension. The Clairsentient is known as someone who has the ability to see clearly and sense keenly.  The clairsentient also possesses the ability of psychometry, which is the ability to read the energies left behind imprinted on objects such as stones and personal items of another. Whether you are an empath or you have the added abilities of the Clairsentient these gifts are very hard to live with at times.  As an empath you may be like a sponge and soak up others pain and like a clairsentient you may feel the pain of others keenly as if it is your own burden you are carrying. We will examine the differences between empathy and clairsentience tonight on our show and we hope you will be prepared to join us in chat with your questions and call in during the last hour of the show if you would like a reading. Leslie Hale will be with us at the bottom of the hour with her weekly "Astro Talk" and we are looking forward to hearing what is in store for us this month.  You can follow Leslie and enjoy her newsletter at and you can also see her monthly horoscopes on our site at Our show tonight will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisors from

 What is Claircognitive Behavior? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Do you at times just "know" intuitively what is the right thing to do?  Do you know what is going to happen next long before the outcome is decided?  Do you confuse those around you and sometimes you are labeled a "know it all"? If you have experienced any of the above or similar things then perhaps what you are experiencing is Claircognizance. Claircognizance means “clear knowing.” Claircognizance is the ability to know something without really knowing how you know it.  It is the acceptance of the messages you receive through telepathy, silent communication or just the connection with your higher self.  It is the greatest gift of intuition that we have.  Learning to trust what you "know" is the hardest part. Claircognizance is very common but not as well known as clairvoyance or clairaudience. Few people have heard of claircognizance. Most people think of visions and clairvoyance when they hear the word ‘psychic’ but many psychics receive their information through less dramatic ways such as claircognizance. Claircognizance, once understood, is possibly the least challenging of the four major clair senses because it simply is what it is—clear, absolute knowing that you know what you know is truth. We will be discussing intuition and Claircognizance tonight and I hope you will be ready to call in to discuss your own experiences or just perhaps to ask us a question tonight about your own path.  We will be taking calls at the last hour of the show.  Our hosts tonight will be the Advisors of   

 Is it Really Love or is it Co-Dependency with Mary Barrett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Please join Mary Barrett and PMP-advisors for the top "Is it Really Love or is it Co-Dependency? We will also be taking your calls. Hope to see you there, Mary Barrett

 How Well Do You Really Know Your Lover? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Can you be with someone for many years and not really know them?  There are many things that people keep secret and never reveal.  How do you really get to know someone?  By observation, investigation, or communictions.  We are going to be talking about ways to communicate and ways to express your needs tonight and we will be taking your calls after our "Astro Talk" segment with Leslie Hale at the bottom of the hour.  You can follow Leslie and read her latest newsletter at The Advisors from will be your hosts tonight so please be ready to call with your questions during the last hour of the show.

 After Life/Medium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Is someone trying to reach you? Join Mary Barrett and Jo today to talk about love ones that have passed over. Find out if someone is trying to reach you.

 Am I Psychic or going Nuts? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Are you having vivid, graphic dreams; seeing bright globes of light; and experiencing phenomena that just seems out of the ordinary?  If you are don't immediately jump to the conclusion that you are going bonkers!  It doesn't hurt to get a nuerological workup from your Doctor but I would suggest you start documenting your experiences in a journal before you begin to believe you are losing your mind!  By documenting your experiences you may see a pattern developing that may explain your experiences as being based on psychic observations that you are having. We are going to discuss some of the obvious signs that people are experiencing now especially during the shift and how to learn to live with being psychic.  You may not be able to shut down what your are experiencing but you can learn to refine and develop the skills where they are much more manageable.   We will open our lines for calls at the last hour and I hope you will be ready to call in at 1(714)888-7516.   Hosting for the show tonight will be provided by Rosalea and the Advisors from We are in the process of refining our website on www.pmp-advisors so check us out if you need a reliable psychic reading and let us know if you like the new changes to the site. 

 Psychic Channeling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Defining Psychic Channeling We are going to have a roundtable discussion tonight on the show about being  a psychic medium/channeler.  There are many interpretations about what it means to be a psychic medium.  We will discuss the differences between a psychic medium and a "full trance" medium and perhaps help a little in lifting the confusion about the types of mediums you may encounter when getting a psychic reading.   Channeling is the reception of thought from the spirit world for the purpose of communicating with spirits (non-corporal entities, spirits of the deceased, or nature spirits) and angels. The person receiving and passing on the information is called a medium or psychic reader. At the bottom of the hour our resident astrological "guru" will be with us for her "Astro-Talk" segment.  You can catch up with the latest update on what is going on in the heavens at Our hosts tonight will be the Advisors from and we will be having a new person join us.  His name is T.J. Vancil and he will bring a male presence to our show which we have been needing.  I hope you all will make him welcome!    

 Psychic Phenomenon with Mary Barrett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Psychic Phenomenon, well its unbelievable. It is something you can not believe unless you have experienced it for yourself. Sometimes with all the goings on, you feel and think you are going crazy. Noises not just in the night but also during the day. Dishes dropping, silver wear falling, pots sliding to the floor, while no one is in the room. Doors banging, lights flickering, footsteps being heard and shadows being seen. If this has ever happened to you, chances are you are not crazy, you are just experiencing psychic phenomenon. This and more will be discussed in today’s show.

 Questions you should be asking your lover/partner! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

There are questions you should ask your partner in a serious relationship and if you are considering marriage.  There are also vitally important questions you should ask yourself when entering a new relationship, or continuing with a difficult relationship. We are going to discuss tonight some of the important things you should be discussing with your partner before you begin to discuss plans to marry.   We are going to open the lines early tonight for calls as we had to leave so many waiting in the queue the last show.   You can call in at 1(714) 888-7516 to listen to the show and if you want to connect with the host please be sure to press "1" when you call in. Our hosts will be Advisors from  We are very happy to note that many of our new callers have mentioned that they have heard us on the talk show and are now calling our advisors on a regular basis.  We are very glad that our listeners are calling our line and connecting with our Advisors when they need advice.    

 Psychics vs Therapists? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

If you are having relationship problems do you immediately go to a relationship therapist or a psychic to find out what steps you should take next?  Recent studies show that 57% of  a study group preferred calling a psychic.  This is not to say that psychics are better at solving relationship problems but that they have become the first line of defense when troubles first appear. Most psychics are not licensed therapists but many are.  Psychics have a variety of educational backgrounds ranging from Psychologist, Psychiatrists, Life Coaches, Relationship Therapist, Sociologists etc.  The common thread among the reputable psychics and relationship therapists are they both very adept at dealing with the problems concerning relationships. We are going to discuss tonight how psychics have become the first line of defense when it comes to relationship problems and the most common questions that are asked of us. We are going to have Leslie Hale, our resident Astrologist, with us at the bottom of the hour for the "Astro Talk" segment.  You can catch the latest blog of Leslie's at Our hosts will be the Advisors from  We have a new addition to our group of Advisors and her name is Mary Barrett and she is a very accomplished addition to our PMP family.  We are really glad to have her join us.  We are really expanding on PMP Advisors thanks to our BTR members and we appreciate you!!   When you need a reliable psychic please check us out at  

 Moon Madness and Messages from Beyond! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The full moon tonight and the major astrological conjunctions that are occuring in the heavens have created an ideal atmosphere for chaos!  We are going to discuss the moons influence in our lives and our customer's lives and how we can learn to let the tensions of the world slide away using self hypnosis and paying attention to the messages and signs we recieve from the messengers of the spirit like totem animals and angels. As a group here on PMP we are all receiving many  messages of support from our guides, angelic messages and signs that we are all going to be okay if we continue to trust in the Divine Spirit.  We are going to discuss the messages that have been coming to us, the dreams that support our positions in life and what we do and how mankind is going to survive the coming turmoil.   I believe we need to go back to the premise of "we all are here during this time for a specific reason and we are exactly where we are supposed to be in this period of our lives". We will be giving Angelic message readings tonight for the last hour of the show.  We will be looking forward to giving the positive messages that have helped all of us cope with the state of crisis the world is now experiencing. The hosts on the show tonight will be the Advisors of  If you need a quality reading and someone to help you navigate your life path then check out our site and select any one of the advisors for you will be happy with any of them.  They are highly gifted and are some of the best psychics on the planet!  

 Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Or just buddies with benefi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

We will discuss tonight the complexities of  having "Friends with Benefits" relationships and if we can truly have them without remorse. The thing about friends with benefits is that, often it seems, only one person gets all the benefits. Women are pretty much hard wired to form emotional attachments to men they are intimate with. That's why having friends with benefits can get confusing.  While the hormone oxytocin naturally produces a feeling of attachment in women after sex, is our relative inability to carry on meaningless hookups a nature or nurture issue? As liberated women, why shouldn't we engage in the same no-strings-attached behavior men historically have enjoyed or has society trained us to want commitment after a sexual encounter?  Another factor may be simply that our animal instincts are kicking in. I hope you will join in the discussion and bring your questions to the chat and call us in the last hour of the show. The "Astro-Talk" segment will be presented at the bottom of the first hour and Leslie Hale, our amazing Astrologist, will let us know what is in store for us this week and beyond.  She has been so very accurate about predicting the world affairs and it is important to listen so we will all know how to prepare ourselves to deal with what is coming. You can read Leslie's blogs on her website at and she is also on our website at as an advisor. The hosts tonight for our show are the Advisor's from and I hope when you need an accurate reading you will call one of the excellent psychics.  You can sign in to receive a free five minute reading now during our opening promotion at

 The War on Ego! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The War on Ego is gaining popularity in most spiritual circles. Although the ego is basically your identification with your life, including your name, your personal history, your career, your relationships, and your current life situation. The ego is how most people choose to identify themselves. This is all well and good, however, the movement to rid yourself of ego based living is wide spread.  We are going to look at the pro's and con's of ego as we know it and seek some common ground with our ego's.  Ego is an important part of who you are and is not an evil entity.  We need to seek balance in helping others and ourself as well.   Join us tonight to hear what some of our advisors feel about Ego and how it affects their lives. We will be taking calls after 9pm tonight so be sure and have your questions ready to call in at: 1(714) 888-7516. The show tonight will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisors of 

 Mercury the Roman God! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

As we begin the retrograde period of the planet Mercury we are going to be discussing tonight some of the attributes of the Roman God Mercury. He is a God that is well known in celtic and roman history and is beloved by many although he is very mercenary and has peculiar traits. He favors those that live on the seedy side of life like forgers, thieves etc. but is also beloved for his acts of kindness when called on. I hope you join us for our discussion about this mythical God and tune if for our segment of "Astro Talk" with Leslie Hale.  You can see Leslie's newsletter at  She has a great blog on the retrograde and explains it in terms we all can understand. We will open our lines for readings at the last hour and focus will be on messages from your angels tonight so get ready to call in with your questions at 9pm est.  The show will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisors of  Be sure and check out our website and if you need a clear, informative reading please give us a call.  

 Getting Rid of Fears and Doubts with Self Hypnosis! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Self-Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration (trance), with the willingness to follow instructions (suggestibility). We will be discussing the benefits of meditation and self hypnosis in our daily lives.  We will relay a simple story that you can record for yourself in your own voice that will help you put your burdens down and reprogram your subconscious mind.  The benefits of a simple daily meditation is truly outstanding and the medical field has finally recognized the value that it gives to our lives. Join us tonight to learn simple rules to help you conquer the fear of meditation and self hypnosis. Rosalea and the Advisors of will be your hosts tonight and they will share their own methods of relaxation and self hypnosis.  We will have open lines the last hour of the show so call in with your calls and we will be here to read for you.


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