Are you Clairsentient or an Empath?

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: An Empath has the ability to sense & feel the emotions and energies of people, animals and even objects.   A Clairsentient person can discern energy fields, through physical sensations.  For example they will be able to sense another persons aura and voice inflections, and sense the presence of entities from another dimension. The Clairsentient is known as someone who has the ability to see clearly and sense keenly.  The clairsentient also possesses the ability of psychometry, which is the ability to read the energies left behind imprinted on objects such as stones and personal items of another. Whether you are an empath or you have the added abilities of the Clairsentient these gifts are very hard to live with at times.  As an empath you may be like a sponge and soak up others pain and like a clairsentient you may feel the pain of others keenly as if it is your own burden you are carrying. We will examine the differences between empathy and clairsentience tonight on our show and we hope you will be prepared to join us in chat with your questions and call in during the last hour of the show if you would like a reading. Leslie Hale will be with us at the bottom of the hour with her weekly "Astro Talk" and we are looking forward to hearing what is in store for us this month.  You can follow Leslie and enjoy her newsletter at and you can also see her monthly horoscopes on our site at Our show tonight will be hosted by Rosalea and the Advisors from