Moon Madness and Messages from Beyond!

The Psychic Viewpoint show

Summary: The full moon tonight and the major astrological conjunctions that are occuring in the heavens have created an ideal atmosphere for chaos!  We are going to discuss the moons influence in our lives and our customer's lives and how we can learn to let the tensions of the world slide away using self hypnosis and paying attention to the messages and signs we recieve from the messengers of the spirit like totem animals and angels. As a group here on PMP we are all receiving many  messages of support from our guides, angelic messages and signs that we are all going to be okay if we continue to trust in the Divine Spirit.  We are going to discuss the messages that have been coming to us, the dreams that support our positions in life and what we do and how mankind is going to survive the coming turmoil.   I believe we need to go back to the premise of "we all are here during this time for a specific reason and we are exactly where we are supposed to be in this period of our lives". We will be giving Angelic message readings tonight for the last hour of the show.  We will be looking forward to giving the positive messages that have helped all of us cope with the state of crisis the world is now experiencing. The hosts on the show tonight will be the Advisors of  If you need a quality reading and someone to help you navigate your life path then check out our site and select any one of the advisors for you will be happy with any of them.  They are highly gifted and are some of the best psychics on the planet!