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66 Books on OnePlace.com - OnePlace.com

Summary: 66 Books is a weekly radio broadcast from England which gives and lively overview of each of the Holy Bible in the language of the 21st Century. This is the Raw Bible for Real People brought to you with the passion of a man possessed by Jesus. 66 Books is brought to you by WhisperingWord.

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  • Artist: Pastor Victor Robert Farrell
  • Copyright: Copyright 2014 66 Books


 The Empowerment of The Revelation Given on The Sacred Mountain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks! This is our Mid-Week Message, and today I am pleased to introduce again as one of our guest speakers, The Rev John Cropley, of the Mustard Seed Church in Scotland, and he will be speaking about "The Empowerment of The Revelation Given on The Sacred Mountain." Jesus, has been revealing something of His mission and now on the Mount of Transfiguration, He reveals something of His person. This was very important for people being sent on mission that would lead to their deaths! Remember, you can die old or young as a Christian, and it doesn't really matter, you will still go to heaven. The apostles needed to know that death made no difference, that they will still be alive in Jesus, and with Jesus in heaven. Moses and Elijah were alive with Jesus and so would the disciples. What actually happened on the Mount of Transfiguration and how does it affect us Christians right now? Listen and find out how you can be empowered to live and die for Jesus.

 O Captain My Captain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks and also unpacks a whole lot more besides! This is our Sunday Sermon and today V.R. is preaching on "O Captain My Captain" and looking at Jesus The Prince of Life, the Captain of our Salvation. This is the whole Bible for the whole man, and declaring the necessity of suffering for the Christian. This might not be palatable nowadays but it is Biblical. V.R. says if we can touch and participate in that pain of Jesus Christ which is called the full obedience of sonship, then maybe we have the right to call Jesus our brother!

 Darkness and The Lamb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our Mid-Week Message, and today I am pleased to introduce again as one of our guest speakers, The Rev John Cropley, of the Mustard Seed Church in Scotland, and he will be speaking about "Darkness and The Lamb" where on a cold and Scottish winter's night, he explains the significance of the darkness between the sixth and ninth hours, when Christ was crucified as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world becoming for us the most loneliest man on the planet.

 Making God A Liar! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our Sunday Sermon and today V.R. is preaching on "Making God A Liar!" looking at the Gospel from a very different aspect, even via the upbraiding ministries of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! Here, V.R. unpacks why the Gospel is bad news; why Jesus is passionately jealous; and why God the Father is so unquestioning in His disgust over our unbelief. This just might be The Gospel of Jesus Christ, like you have never heard it before!

 From The Crib To The Clouds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our Midweek Message and on today's broadcast I'm speaking on adjusting our Focus "From The Crib To The Clouds". I delivered this sermon at an Anglican church on the first Sunday of advent, taking the opportunity to look at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This message is an antidote to sleepiness really, a call to the church to WAKEUP, LOOK UP, WATCH & PRAY, for Christ is coming to judge the living and the dead, and it's also a call to the church to remember the fullness of its message, even that missing part of its message to the world. You know, you remember, "Flee the wrath to come."

 Angels From The Realms of Glory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our Sunday Sermon and today V.R. is preaching on "Angels From The Realms of Glory" Welcome to a different look at Christmas through the actions of a clandestine Christmas military operation to announce news about the darling of the elect angels, the battle general of glory, Jesus Christ the Lord. What did angels from the realms of glory think about Christmas? This is a brief look at Biblical angelology, that great company of created beings, who amongst them all, The Lord, even the Word of God, was the pre-eminent one. Listen to this and for you, Christmas may never be the same again.

 Jesus and His Counterfeit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our Midweek Message and today V.R. revealing "Jesus & His Counterfeit" V.R. delivered this sermon on March 21st to remember the burning of a great Anglican Candle called 'Archbishop Cranmer.' This message is a little bit of a history lesson into why so many Born again Christians were burnt alive in Britain. Remember, the reformation and reformed Protestantism uncovered, revealed and compiled the 'Five Solas' of our salvation. - "The Scriptures alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, through Christ alone, for the glory of God alone" and many, maybe even millions died for the deliverance of those five points and it was the Roman Catholic church who killed them. This is the history of Protestant Christianity in Europe, in Britain. Is the Mass of the Roman Catholic church a massive mischief? Is the Pope the anti-Christ? Now then, rather than throw rocks at anyone or even a group of people, V.R. through the Scriptures tries to expose the 'spirit of Anti-Christ' which has been active in the church since its birth. I suppose the sermon is a bit of a lesson in how to spot the Spirit of Anti-Christ, how to truly recognise it and how to become a victor over it and here, I am going to present God the Holy Spirit, not as a Dove, but as a warrior, even the defeater of that revealed spirit of the Anti-Christ. (Please note that Westerham, of course, is pronounced 'Westram.')

 The Lord’s Revival Letter to Laodicea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks and also unpacks a whole lot more besides! This is our Sunday Sermon and today V.R. is preaching on "The Lord's Revival Letter to Laodicea" Remember, the world needs resurrection BUT the church needs revival, especially in its prophetic utterance. God needs to come and make our shadows 'like the night in the middle of the day.' In other words, we need to become SOLID GOLD instead of tepid vomit. Oh, that God would marry His Spirit and His Scriptures once more so that His work of grace worked in our heart would be blown into a burning fire. This is an introduction to the last of the Lord's church's, the Laodicean church. This is letter about how to get over yourself and get into revival. God, it seems, cannot stand our 'iffiness', He is an extremist...DO YOU LOVE ME OR DO YOU HATE ME? Please note that V.R. is the preacher here and that this message was recorded at the introduction session at a PETRA meeting, (Prophetic End Times Revival Assembly) with visiting Preacher, Andrew Strom.

 The War Within | The Freedom Jesus Gives Us From Both Sin and Sinning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks and also unpacks a whole lot more! This is our Sunday Sermon and today, V.R. is preaching on "The War Within | The Freedom Jesus Gives Us From Both Sin and Sinning"

 The New Way Is THE OLD WAY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks and also unpacks a whole lot more! This is our Midweek Message and today V.R. begins to investigate the OLD GATE of Jerusalem form the book of Nehemiah. His study is entitled "The New Way is THE OLD WAY" and is an examination of what the Gospel is from the very lips of Jesus!

 Old Fashioned Freedom –The Only Kind of Freedom Worth Dying For | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks and also unpacks a whole lot more! This is our Sunday Sermon and today, in Britain, on this Remembrance Day Sunday, V.R. is preaching on "Old Fashioned Freedom -The Only Kind of Freedom Worth Dying For." That which we call freedom today, that licentiousness we so enjoy today, some would say isn't even worth living for never mind dying for. So what kind of freedom and peace is worth fighting for and dying for? In honouring those killed in battle, V.R. answers three questions about war: 1) Why do we fight? 2) Is it right for the Christian to fight? 3) What should we be fighting for - both now and in the future? This sermon is a manifesto for Revolution, highlighting seven things to fight for and giving a final rallying call for the practised preservation of the nest! Here V.R. says the church needs to shut up, suit up and grow up and calls the church to stop 'messing around!' This is a stirring message to the remnant of younger people which we have left in our countries, to stop being wimps and get on with the fight. Meanwhile - as you read the following words, please take a moment to remember those you have love and lost in war and may God comfort your hearts. In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. -- In Flanders Fields, by Lieut. Col. John McCrae, (1872-1918).

 Fishgate Evangelism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks! This is our Sunday Sermon and today V.R. is unpacking a message entitled "Fishgate Evangelism" looking at how one aristocrat thanked God for the letter 'M'. God is not so much interested in superstars..the truth is, the common man or woman empowered and put in place by the Spirit of God...are all superstars!

 The Main Activity of The Anti-Christ in the Church of the Present Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks and also unpacks a whole lot more! This is our Midweek Message and today V.R. is preaching on "The Main Activity of The Anti-Christ in the Church of the Present Day" which is seen in the 'Con' of So called Coming Revivals and many FALSE anointing which are riding on those coat tails." YOU MUST HEAR THIS SERMON for V.R. believes that this is one of the most important messages he has ever delivered to the church and it is rooted in the here and now of the Holy Scriptures which ALWAYS leads us into all truth. In the Bible we have everything we need to know the truth and to think aright and we must remember that whatever fails to be fed from the Scriptures will only produce the weeds of error and the flowers of deception. We are seeing the fruit of much teaching that is NOT Bible-based and it is way past the time when we, who know the Truth, should be dealing with the heresy and apostasy which has rooted itself among us. Here V.R. shows us how to spot the REAL WORK of the Holy Spirit and how to spot false prophets and the work of the Anti-Christ anointing in the church. This message was recorded on the day we call 'Pentecost Sunday.'

 A Message from the Hand of a Special Forces Soldier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is our Sunday Sermon and today V.R. is unpacking a message entitled "A Message from the Hand of a Special Forces Soldier". In this sermon, taken from Colossians, V.R. makes it very clear that God cares about our sin, and so much so that He is sending people to hell because of it. Yet, that the Father might have His son be pre-eminent in all creation, He sent Him to be a sacrifice for our sins, to change us unworthy people into MIGHTY WORTHIES in Jesus, so we might be saved from hell and sent to heaven! Even in this, it's not about us but rather, all about His son, Jesus. Indeed, the work of God in our lives has but one purpose, and that is that Jesus might come first, you know, be first, be before, be above, be the priority, have the pre-eminence! If you need strong legs and a rock to stand steady on in the storms of your life, then this message is for you. This message was recorded in 2011 at Destiny Church, Aberdeen, Scotland.

 How To BEGIN To Be Holy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

66 Books takes listeners through an overview of each book of the Bible in just 66 Weeks! This is our Midweek Message and today V.R. is beginning, from the ten gates in Nehemiah to show how a Christian can be both whole and holy. Today's Mid-Week Bible Study is "How to BEGIN To Be Holy." This is the continuing story of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by that lion of a man called Nehemiah. P.S. God will NEVER send a message saying 'meet Me at the Shack.' The only message He sends is " Meet Me at the Sheep Gate."


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