ActionPodcast show


Summary: Do wish you could manage stress and/or your time better? Do you desire to gain confidence? Are you tired of making excuses? This podcast is here to help you! Subscribe today and get weekly insights from our trained coaches that will help you break through barriers, overcome obstacles, build momentum and move forward as you create and life the life that you desire! From managing stress to managing time, gaining confidence to getting rid of excuses, the experienced team of ActionPodcast coaches provides practical insights and actionable ideas for making consistent progress in the important areas of your life. We know that ordinary things consistently done produce extraordinary results so we share strategies we use ourselves and with our clients to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, build momentum and move forward while creating and living the life that you desire.

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 Giving Your Support | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:24

Helping others is something we do almost every day, but occasionally we have a friend, family member or partner that needs some extra special attention. Paul and Gina talk about providing support for someone by just being there and giving them the most precious gift of all, your time. If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 A Fix For A Fixer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:15

After a recent request for topics, I was given a request by one of my friends and listeners. "Ok. here is something that I can use some help with. I'm a 'fixer' I like to help as much as possible. The problem is that my wife has cancer and this is something I can't fix. I want to help but not sure what I can do other than being supportive (which to me isn't enough). So can you advise a fix for a fixer?" Sam and I (Paul) talked about the topic and both thought it through for a week before recording this podcast. It was quite different to our normal ones, but I hope you find it interesting. ---------- If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 Two Phases of Thought | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:21

Have you ever found yourself trying to be creative but you just weren't able to access that side of your brain? During today's podcast Chris and Paul talk about the two phases of thought and how to access your logical and creative sides at will. By changing your location or environment and the tools that you use can have a huge impact on which mode you are in. If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 Information Overload | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:54

Do you remember when they used to call the internet the "Information Superhighway"? Now it seems more like trying to drink from a fire hydrant when we are trying to find a few answers. Yes love it or loath it, the internet is a powerful tool. Learning how we can handle just the right amount of information to make an informed decision is a skill that many of us are still struggling with. One of our listeners asked us "How do you know when you've got enough information & how to put into practice. How do you avoid becoming overwhelmed with knowledge?" So during this podcast Paul and Gina talk through their own experiences with "Analysis Paralysis" and give a few tips and tricks on how to deal with information overload. Further reading: [amazon ASIN="0307465357"]The 4 Hour Work Week[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="0330343580"]The Artists Way[/amazon] If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 Negativity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:20

At first it can seem like a bit of harmless banter, but soon you realise that partaking in negativity can really drain you. Gina and Paul talk about dealing with negativity in groups and how to conquer your own. If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 Coping with Redundancy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you have been laid off recently then join the ever-increasing club – it’s a fact of working life now, so I empathise. Many of us know what you’re going through right now – and it hurts. It’s happened to me twice in my career and I know only too well how painful the experience can be. And how much it can affect relationships with everyone around us, especially those closest to us who are often just as anxious as we are. And can take the brunt of it all, if we’re not careful. [amazon ASIN="1906821267"]Overcoming redundancy: Brilliant ideas to help you bounce back (Paperback)[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1845491017"]Rebuilding Your Life After Redundancy: The New Life Network Handbook (Paperback)[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1845282817"]The Career Change Handbook: How to Find Out What You're Good at and Enjoy - Then Get Someone to Pay You for It [/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1580089879"]What Color is Your Parachute? 2010: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers (Paperback)[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1857038630"]Turn Redundancy to Opportunity : Proven Techniques and Programmes for Taking Charge of Your Own Future[/amazon] [amazon ASIN="1841127760"]Burning the Suit: Fighting Back Against the Aftershock of Redundancy[/amazon] Gina's full blog post can be found at

 Mistakes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the immortal words or Homer Simpson.... DOH! Yes, it's a fact, we all make mistakes. Some just make you want to curl up into a small ball and hope the world just goes away. Sam and Paul talk about their experience with making the odd mistake (yes coaches make mistakes sometimes too!) and what they did to sort things out. If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 Procrastination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Starting off with a terrible joke and a lot of talk about ironing, Paul and Gina tackle the subject of procrastination! With a few ideas as to why we keep putting things off and what we can do to check our motivation and make sure we start doing the things that are really important to us, even if they aren't very exciting! If you have downloaded the podcast from iTunes remember to post a review and visit our website at to leave a comment or contact one of the presenters directly. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the podcast directly to your inbox, plus an additional weekly blog post!

 Stressed!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:08

Stress is a part of life - there's no getting away from it. But how we deal with stress really determines whether we move forward and onward, or drown under the weight of our problems. Gina and Sam share their own strategies for avoiding stress meltdown…

 Visualisation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:26

The power of visualisation (or visualization depending of which side of the Atlantic you live on). Paul and Gina talk about how to build your confidence for a special event such as a presentation, interview or even a wedding! Using the power of your mind you can have your own dress rehearsal and almost full your subconscious into thinking you have already done it many times before. So when the time does come, it feels like you are an old professional!

 Living in Lack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:38

Are you living in Abundance, or living in Lack?* What does abundance mean, and what difference could it make to our lives? Paul and Sam are joined by two guests - lovely ladies Annmarie and Nancy, facilitators of the 55 Concepts - as they discuss their personal experiences of what abundance means, and how to tell if we are living in a state of abundance or in a state of lack. Join us to explore what you can do to start increasing your awareness of which state you are choosing, and what you can do to experience more abundance in your life. It is time to get curious, be present, and try a sprinkling of gratitude to see how different life can look! * Apologies in advance for the abundance of traffic noise adding to the discussion a few minutes into this podcast! For more information on the 55 Concepts, or to get in touch with  Nancy Baker and Annmarie Serratore, visit (free newsletter, audio and classes available). As this is a special edition guest podcast, and is slightly longer than our normal discussions, here's a summary of the key action ideas: Journal your gratitude daily Get support – sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of us 'We chase what we believe we do not have’ – look at what you're chasing and what beliefs you have about why you don’t have it Be present to the abundance in your life (notice and acknowledge) Consider what bothers you in others as a signpost for what you need to change in yourself to experience abundance

 Where do you want your control? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:08

Sometimes bad stuff happens, and whilst we may not like to think of it happening to ourselves or our loved ones, there are times when we may feel helpless in the face of something that occurs. Feeling like a victim can sap even the most resourceful of us, and the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies it can be really unpleasant. We may not be able to change the event or situation, but there is one thing that we can influence - our response to it all. It is possible to move from a sense of having lost control when something happens to us, to a position where we can feel more resourceful and better able to cope, so join Paul and Sam as we discuss how your Locus of Control affects your responses and what you can do to start shifting it in the right direction.

 All talk and no Action? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:47

Surely not! It's actually why we decided to call ourselves Action Podcast, because at the route of all your dreams is the simple choice that you have to make, do you take ACTION? A goal with out action is just a day dream, a flight of fancy that doesn't amount to anything, but just by taking that first step you are on your way. Find out more in this podcast with Gina and Paul and the muse over a famous quote from Henry Ford "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do".

 Difficult Conversations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:53

You all know the types of conversations, the ones we dread having. Sam and Paul talk about how to tackle these difficult conversations keeping it on track and handling the situation with heart.

 Morning Pages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:38

We have mentioned Morning Pages before, but Gina has also been experiencing the powerful creative space that they can bring. Paul and Gina talk about using this technique to really get your creative juices flowing!


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