Coffee Party USA Radio show

Coffee Party USA Radio

Summary: This is the official radio network for Coffee Party USA. Our shows are listed at: Our shows have audience participation from all over the country. All are hosted, researched, and produced by Coffee Party volunteers.

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  • Artist: Coffee Party USA
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Politics Done Right - Traditional Media midterm narrative falling apart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This week’s show May 24th, 2014 Midterm narrative falling apart The traditional media narrative for the midterm election is that the president is unpopular. They say Obamacare will be an anchor on Democrats chances for holding on to the Senate. They say it is going to be a great election for Republicans. No one speaks about whether it is going to be a great midterm for America. It is as if every day Americans have nothing to do with the outcome of the elections they will be participating in. Americans are not yet fully engaged in the midterm elections. They are busy. Unlike those in the traditional media, they have real issues to deal with to survive. Ironically, when one polls the landscape, the traditional media’s narrative is turning on its head. Unfortunately as opposed to correcting for actual observations, the traditional media digs in. This is dangerous because the media at some level has the ability to distort reality and as such it can change electoral outcomes. Visit the blog post here.  

 The Business of Being Progressive: Tim Danahey on Lunch with Louden - 5/22/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

Why are progressives always playing defense while conservatives play offense? We always have to stop things like the Keystone pipeline, Citizens United, the Trans Pacific Partnership, and the end of net neutrality rather than advance progressive reforms. Well there is the business of administering progressive organizations. It requires goal-setting, strategies, organization, performance measures, and marketing – just like a business – to be effective using our meager resources. Learn some of the mistakes many progressive organizations make while trying to implement populist changes. Jeanene Loudon of the Coffee Party USA and I brainstorm the topic. Tim Danahey and Jeanene Louden on

 Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style (PPTS) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

"Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style" (PPTS) is dedicated to the activities, activitists, and activism of the Progressive Movement across the United States of America. After two successful years on the air in both our own space, and a shared space on Netroots, we are extremely pleased to have chosen to acccept the generous offer to become a part of the Coffee Party USA Radio Network, and to make the Coffee Party our radio home. Each week, we seek to instigate conversation and civil discourse on important topics of the day. We offer live callers the opportunity to make statements, ask questions, and interact with our host and special guests. Our lively chat room is open during each live show, and encourages lively, respectful debate. We hope you will make Sundays, from 3PM - 5PM (Eastern Time USA) a standing appointment with PPTS, and dare to consider the question: "What Are YOU Going To Do About It?" We're on the air. We'll see YOU there!   The Tennessee Progressive

 Politics Done Right With Egberto Willies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Politics Done Right With Egberto Willies is a political talk show on current events. While the show has a admittedly liberal bent, it seeks to engage citizens of all political ideologies to foment a healthy discourse. Join us on Saturdays from 12:00 Noon CST to 2:00 PM CST.

 Coffee Party Elections: Lunch with Louden 5/15/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:00

Since this broadcast, our elections work group discovered an error in what is reported here. There are currently eight (not four) positions up for election. All the rest of the information in the broadcast is accurate.  There are eight director positions up for election: President, Treasurer, Development Director, At Large Director (Channels), At Large Director (Strategy and Organizational Design), and three new positions: Membership, Local Outreach, and Newsroom.The duties and qualifications for each position are listed here.  The Coffee Party seeks a board that represents the broad spectrum of America’s  diversity; geographically, politically, economically, and in terms of age, gender and sexual orientation.  All members of the Coffee Party are encouraged to apply to assist our Board of Directors in representing the diversity that we are. COFFEE PARTY ELECTIONS Today's show is a special edition announcement about Coffee Party USA elections. Host Jeanene Louden will interview Acting President Debilyn Molineaux about the election schedule, how application is made, and how candidates are vetted. Debilyn is filling in for Board Secretary Vince Lamb, out of commission due to a root canal! Best to you, Vince! Everything we will be discussing today can also be found HERE.

 P1FD: Getting America Back To Work | 9 PM EST/6 PM PST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

Press [1] for Democracy (P1FD) is a Coffee Party Radio show that discusses the political issues of the day in a civil, fact-based, and transpartisan manner.  Transpartisan is quite different from bi- or non-partisan in the we encourage callers to be passionate about their positions, but also that they listen and respond to those with differing points of view repsectfully and with a true desire to find common ground on which solutions can be built.   Tonight on P1FD . . . With the exception of a nine month lull, corporate profits have continued to skyrocket since the Crash of ‘08.  Yet for the middle class, not only has “the recovery” been a huge failure, but current trends suggest that things are going to get worse before they get better.  We're drowingn in debt, unemployment is creeping back up towards 8%, and student loans have created a new credit bubble. But wait!  If the “job creators” are getting richer by the minute, where are the good new jobs? The question is, are we just going to take this lying down, or is there something we can do about it? Tonight, bring your ideas on how to create jobs to the Coffee Party's newest Blogtalk Radio show, hosted by political activist Dan Aronson.  Listen in live starting at 10PM EST / 7PM PST, or call in to voice your opinion.  And when you do, remember to Press [1] for Democy

 Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style (PPTS) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

"Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style" (PPTS) is dedicated to the activities, activitists, and activism of the Progressive Movement across the United States of America. After two successful years on the air in both our own space, and a shared space on Netroots, we are extremely pleased to have chosen to acccept the generous offer to become a part of the Coffee Party USA Radio Network, and to make the Coffee Party our radio home. Each week, we seek to instigate conversation and civil discourse on important topics of the day. We offer live callers the opportunity to make statements, ask questions, and interact with our host and special guests. Our lively chat room is open during each live show, and encourages lively, respectful debate. We hope you will make Sundays, from 3PM - 5PM (Eastern Time USA) a standing appointment with PPTS, and dare to consider the question: "What Are YOU Going To Do About It?" We're on the air. We'll see YOU there!   The Tennessee Progressive

 Politics Done Right - Numbers prove it is immoral to oppose Obamacare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This week’s show May 10th, 2014 Obamacare working The numbers continue to come out about Obamacare. They are all positive. The numbers show that people’s lives and quality of lives have improved. Yet many still continue to place Obamacare in a negative light. That is unfortunate. Today we will discuss the latest report on Obamacare. We will also discuss politicians now running on Obamacare in places you least expect. Visit the blog post here.

 Lunch with Louden on the Tim Danahey Show: 5/8/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

TIM DANAHEY SHOW  Jeanene Loudon of the Coffee Party and I share a lively discussion about news you may have missed. The stories are important but we have fun exchanging our thoughts. Today’s stories include: Hobby Lobby, buying a politician in Utah, another Elizabeth Warren-ish candidate for the Senate in South Dakota, t-shirts making fun of the NSA and Homeland Security are now officially legal, praise for the National Rifle Association, and much more. Sit back and enjoy the stories. LUNCH with LOUDEN Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media.  

 2014 Midterms: What are The Democrats Doing Wrong? | 9 PM EST, 6 PM PST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:00

Press [1] for Democracy (P1FD) is a Coffee Party Radio show that discusses the political issues of the day in a civil, fact-based, and transpartisan manner.  Transpartisan is quite different from bi- or non-partisan in the we encourage callers to be passionate about their positions, but also that they listen and respond to those with differing points of view repsectfully and with a true desire to find common ground on which solutions can be built.   Tonight on P1FD . . . In six months, Americans will have a chance to exercise their most precious right – the right to participate in the democratic process.  But what are prognosticators and pollsters saying about the likely outcomes of the 2014 Midterm Elections?  Here are my three biggest take-a-ways based on today’s data. Despite a single-digit approval rating, very few seats are considered “up for grabs”.   Virtually every major news source is saying that Republicans will pick up seats in both houses, including enough to [possibly] take over the Senate Just 23 percent of younger voters (18-29) said they would “definitely be voting” in the midterm elections, with a 10 point edge going to self-identified conservatives. Huff Pollster is tracking 30 different approval rating polls on Republicans and Democrats.  Today, Republicans are tracking at an unfavorable rating of over 30%.  Meanwhile, the same polling services show Democrats with only an 11% unfavorable rating.  Tonight, on Press [1] for Democracy, we’ll be discussing the midterm polling data and what strategies each party might employ to bolster their chances.  So what are the Republicans doing right  And what are the Democrats doing wrong?  

 Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style (PPTS) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

                  Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style (PPTS) is a topical live call-in radio talk show which highlights the activities, activists and activism of the Progressive Movement across the USA. Our show airs live on the Coffee Party Radio Network every Sunday afternoon, beginning at 3 PM (EST).  High octane topics and special guests, combined with the gentility,civility, respect and grace of the Southern life make this show a dynamic opportunity for you to provide your comments, questions and suggestions.  During the live show, you can call in to (646) 929 - 2495 and speak with our hosts and Special Guests. At the bottom of this page, you can contribute in our lively chat room, hosted by our own Progressive Patty.. All shows are archived for your future listening pleasure or sharing with your friends. Each show is replayed live on Netroots Radio each Tuesday night, beginning at midnite (EST).   

 Politics Done Right - Benghazi, Racism, & Obamacare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This week’s show Benghazi, Racism, & Obamacare  Today will be a catchall show. I could not decide which topic of the three to run with. Later I figured there was enough of a intersection between them to fuse them for one show. Let’s explore John Fugelsang’s commentary on the reasons the GOP won’t let the Benghazi exploitation stop. Let’s explore why Democrats won’t come more wholeheartedly in campaigning on the economic benefits and success of Obamacare. Let’s explore whether the whoopla with Donald Sterling’s racist comments is even worth it. Read the blog post here.

 Not Your Grandmother's May Day - Lunch with Louden 5/1/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:00

The meaning of May Day has evolved over time. Initially May Day was the Festival of Flora and a time for young people to find their future spouses Late 1800s - workers organized to improve inhumane working conditions Early 1900s - Russians (and later Soviets) began a militiaristic May Day in 1917 to celebrate the successful worker’s revolution 1950s - McCarthy-era fear of communism made May Day celebrations by workers “unpopular” Today - 100s of rallies are scheduled around the world, including major US cities, to support workers’ rights, immigration issues, and protest the political corruption that keeps worker / business stress alive "MAYDAY" is the call for help TODAY from Rootstrikers to create a SuperPAC to fund candidates who will remove corrupting money from politics They used to lock us in. Now they lock us out. And they use law and regulation (or the removal of law and regulation) to make it so. We assert that today, just as was the case in the late 1800s, it is the unhealthy relationship between our elected and their funders that allow for and maintain an excessively negative impact on American employees and an excessivly positive impact on global corporation directors, officers, and shareholders. Are you participating in any May Day activities today? Do you have anything to add to the abreviated May Day timeline? Do you believe that law and regulation can help or hinder the welbeing of American workers? Call in!    

 P1FD: WHAT IS THE COFFEE PARTY REALLY ABOUT? | 9 PM EST/6 PM PST | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:00

Press [1] for Democracy (P1FD) is a Coffee Party Radio show that discusses the political issues of the day in a civil, fact-based, and transpartisan manner.  Transpartisan is quite different from bi- or non-partisan in the we encourage callers to be passionate about their positions, but also that they listen and respond to those with differing points of view repsectfully and with a true desire to find common ground on which solutions can be built.   Tonight on P1FD . . .  WHAT IS THE COFFEE PARTY REALLY ABOUT? As members of the Board of Directors, we often have to defend Coffee Party against people looking to discredit us by misrepresenting who we are and what we are trying to accomplish. At the same time, we have fought against internal forces seeking to hijack the organization and repurpose it to advance their own, personal political agendas.  To clarify the real TCoffee Party position, Jeanene Louden our Managing Director, created a blog post meant to restate and clarify our mission, goals, and guiding principles for all the world to see.  Tonight, on Press [1] for Democracy, it's your turn to stand up and be heard on the topic of the Coffee Party's branding, both in reality and as it is percieved.  

 Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style (PPTS) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:19:00

"Progressive Politics: Tennessee Style" (PPTS)is dedicated to the activities, activitists, and activism of the Progressive Movement across the United States of America. After two successful years on the air in both our own space, and a shared space on Netroots, we are extremely pleased to have chosen to acccept the generous offer to become a part of the Coffee Party USA Radio Network, and to make the Coffee Party our radio home. Each week, we seek to instigate conversation and civil discourse on important topics of the day. We offer live callers the opportunity to make statements, ask questions, and interact with our host and special guests. Our lively chat room is open during each live show, and encourages lively, respectful debate. We hope you will make Sundays, from 3PM - 5PM a standing appointment with PPTS, and dare to consider the question: "What Are YOU Going To Do About It?" We're on the air. We'll see YOU there!   The Tennessee Progressive


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