The World and Everything In It show

The World and Everything In It

Summary: A daily audio news magazine featuring reports, interviews, and analysis from WORLD's editorial team. WORLD is your source for news and views presented from a biblical worldview perspective.

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 The World and Everything in It - March 17, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:43

GOP presidential race, presidential polling, a visit from British Prime Minister David Cameron, Patrick Henry's most famous speech, cherry blossoms in D.C., fishing with Jimmy Houston, Christian apologists and the Reason Rally, Andr e Seu's aphorisms, Afghan president wants coalition troops to retreat from rural areas, George Clooney on Sudan, employment picture improves, four big banks fail stress tests, Obamacare costs on the rise, the real St. Patrick, Encyclopaedia Britannica goes out of print, Julius Caesar and the calendar, Kirk Cameron's new documentary \"Monumental,\" the TW and E History Book.

 The World and Everything in It - March 17, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:43

GOP presidential race, presidential polling, a visit from British Prime Minister David Cameron, Patrick Henry's most famous speech, cherry blossoms in D.C., fishing with Jimmy Houston, Christian apologists and the Reason Rally, Andrée Seu's aphorisms, Afghan president wants coalition troops to retreat from rural areas, George Clooney on Sudan, employment picture improves, four big banks fail stress tests, Obamacare costs on the rise, the real St. Patrick, Encyclopaedia Britannica goes out of print, Julius Caesar and the calendar, Kirk Cameron's new documentary &uot;Monumental,&uot; the TW∓E History Book.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar. 10, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:43

Syria on the brink of disaster, GOP delegate math, Greece and the investor haircut, a faith-based farce and the contraceptive mandate, and Sudan's second Darfur in the Nuba Mountains; theologian Russell Moore on the tornado season and the sovereignty of God; the graying of divorce; remembering Jeremiah Small, Robert Sherman, and Steve Bridges; The Olasky Interview, home-video reviews, markets and the economy with Warren Cole Smith, and the TW and E History Book; plus: Henry Mancini, Rush Limbaugh, and Lord Carey

 The World and Everything in It - Mar. 10, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:43

Syria on the brink of disaster, GOP delegate math, Greece and the investor haircut, a faith-based farce and the contraceptive mandate, and Sudan's second Darfur in the Nuba Mountains; theologian Russell Moore on the tornado season and the sovereignty of God; the graying of divorce; remembering Jeremiah Small, Robert Sherman, and Steve Bridges; The Olasky Interview, home-video reviews, markets and the economy with Warren Cole Smith, and the TW∓E History Book; plus: Henry Mancini, Rush Limbaugh, and Lord Carey

 The World and Everything in It - Mar 3 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:43

This week: Mitt Romney triumphs ahead of Super Tuesday but trips up on "rights of conscience" measure. Notable speeches: JFK and George Washington. Music: Paul McCartney's boyhood favorites and remembering Davy Jones. The "personhood" strategy and the loss of moral language. Also: Netanyahu, Obama, and Iran; "Let the Candidate Speak"; Oscar reviews; gambling and high-stakes politics; a trip Off the Beaten Path, and a look into the History Book.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar. 03, 12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:43

This week: Mitt Romney triumphs ahead of Super Tuesday but trips up on &uot;rights of conscience&uot; measure. Notable speeches: JFK and George Washington. Music: Paul McCartney's boyhood favorites and remembering Davy Jones. The &uot;personhood&uot; strategy and the loss of moral language. Also: Netanyahu, Obama, and Iran; &uot;Let the Candidate Speak&uot;; Oscar reviews; gambling and high-stakes politics; a trip Off the Beaten Path, and a look into the History Book.

 The World and Everything in It - Feb. 25, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:43

In this week's program: Rick Santorum bogs down in final debate ahead of Arizona and Michigan primaries, the rights of conscience and religious freedom win crucial support, a preview of the Academy Awards, Mitt Romney speaks, and &uot;How the Potato Changed the World.&uot; Plus: Afghanistan and the Quran, Iran and nuclear weapons, population growth, mystery novels, the markets, and the history book.

 The World and Everything in It - Feb. 18, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:42

In this week's program: Contraceptive mandate controversy continues to rage, judge calls a time out to assess New York City's planned church evictions, government dependence on the rise, Linsanity in New York, Marvin Olasky interviews The New York Times' Ross Douthat, Andrée Seu appreciates Groucho Marx, Ron Paul speaks, Whitney Houston remembered, and much more.

 The World and Everything in It - Feb. 11, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:42

In this week's program: President Obama tries to put out a religious-freedom firestorm while a federal court lights one; Eric Metaxas and the National Prayer Breakfast; Rick Santorum on a roll; news, technology, culture reviews, interviews, and much more.

 The World and Everything in It - Feb. 04, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:45

In this week's program, the Olasky Interview with author Bill Bennett, the Komen foundation cuts Planned Parenthood grants - then doesn't, the Tuskegee Airmen fight racism, hostility toward religious freedom at Vanderbilt University, a film review of a silent movie, and much more.

 The World and Everything in It - Jan. 28, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:45

In this week's program, President Obama delivers the State of the Union address, listen to C.S. Lewis read &uot;Mere Christianity,&uot; hear Joel Belz's take on new fundamentalists, conservatives in the Presbyterian Church (USA) form a new denomination, and much more.

 The World and Everything in It - Jan. 21, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:45

In this week's program, reports on the Keystone pipeline kerfuffle, Rev. Luke Robinson speaks at the March for Life, Megan Basham reviews the Golden Globe Awards and the new movie &uot;Joyful Noise,&uot; the Olasky Interview, the State of the Union, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - Jan. 14, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:45

In this week's program, GOP rivals look ahead to the South Carolina primary, news regarding a federal court upholding the Texas sonogram law, Marvin Olasky talks with Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona, listen to Martin Luther King Jr.'s legendary speech, retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Bentley B. Rayburn discusses President Obama's leaner military plan, and much more.

 The World and Everything in It - Jan. 07, 12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:45

In this week's program, Susan Olasky shares reviews of several nonfiction titles, a report on Passion 2012 in Atlanta, a news report on pastors protesting in New York City, a look at the year ahead in law, more information about Rick Santorum's surprise finish in the Iowa caucus, and much more.

 The World and Everything in It - Dec. 31, 11 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:45

In the special 2011 Year in Review program, a closer look at the year in politics, law, economics, news, deaths, sports, and movies; a commentary about the Facebook Timeline; the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible; and much more.


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