The World and Everything In It show

The World and Everything In It

Summary: A daily audio news magazine featuring reports, interviews, and analysis from WORLD's editorial team. WORLD is your source for news and views presented from a biblical worldview perspective.

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 The World and Everything in It - June 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

Supreme Court term goes out with a bang, possible Obamacare ruling's silver lining, faith in face of Colorado wildfires, the years-long financial tie between the National Association of Evangelicals and a pro-contraception for unmarrieds group, new sex-ed law takes effect in Tennessee, Calvin Coolidge on the Declaration of Independence, veepstakes profile of Sen. Rob Portman, East Region finalist for WORLD's 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, John Stonestreet on the brave new world of fetal DNA testing, possible breakthrough on European debt, court sidesteps Mt. Soledad cross case, 'Brave' is tops at the box office, digital cinema threatens small-town movie theaters, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

Supreme Court term goes out with a bang, possible Obamacare ruling's silver lining, faith in face of Colorado wildfires, the years-long financial tie between the National Association of Evangelicals and a pro-contraception for unmarrieds group, new sex-ed law takes effect in Tennessee, Calvin Coolidge on the Declaration of Independence, veepstakes profile of Sen. Rob Portman, East Region finalist for WORLD's 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, John Stonestreet on the brave new world of fetal DNA testing, possible breakthrough on European debt, court sidesteps Mt. Soledad cross case, 'Brave' is tops at the box office, digital cinema threatens small-town movie theaters, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 23, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

The Latino vote, Marco Rubio's vice presidential possibilities, new state laws regulating abortion, members of Congress want special counsel to investigate national security leaks from the Obama administration, Southern Baptists elect first black president and debate Calvinism, Susan Olasky on recent books about family relationships, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' humorist Albin Sadar, Cal Thomas on 'Emperor Obama,' church bombings in Nigeria, Supreme Court decisions, Greek elections, Fed decides to 'Twist' again, Megan Basham on 'Prometheus,' Western region finalist for WORLD's 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 23, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

The Latino vote, Marco Rubio's vice presidential possibilities, new state laws regulating abortion, members of Congress want special counsel to investigate national security leaks from the Obama administration, Southern Baptists elect first black president and debate Calvinism, Susan Olasky on recent books about family relationships, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' humorist Albin Sadar, Cal Thomas on 'Emperor Obama,' church bombings in Nigeria, Supreme Court decisions, Greek elections, Fed decides to 'Twist' again, Megan Basham on 'Prometheus,' Western region finalist for WORLD's 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 16, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:10

Getting ready for the veepstakes, Supreme Court roundup, Mark Tooley on evangelicals and the 'culture wars,' Phil Boatwright on films for Dad on Father's Day, 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, the one faithful Father, Attorney General Eric Holder on the hot seat, economic unrest at home and abroad, liberal and conservative evangelicals make common cause on immigration policy, Catholics and the 'Fortnight for Freedom,' Maggie Gallagher on redefining marriage, Paul McCartney and the Great American Songbook, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 16, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:10

Getting ready for the veepstakes, Supreme Court roundup, Mark Tooley on evangelicals and the 'culture wars,' Phil Boatwright on films for Dad on Father's Day, 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, the one faithful Father, Attorney General Eric Holder on the hot seat, economic unrest at home and abroad, liberal and conservative evangelicals make common cause on immigration policy, Catholics and the 'Fortnight for Freedom,' Maggie Gallagher on redefining marriage, Paul McCartney and the Great American Songbook, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

Gov. Scott Walker's Wisconsin win, Wisconsin's lessons for Mitt Romney, President Obama courts homosexual donors, black clergy decry Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage, Baptist University in Georgia takes conservative turn, remembering G.K. Chesterton, a new album from The Beach Boys, the 40th anniversary of an iconic photo from the Vietnam War, John Stonestreet, Supreme Court protects Secret Service immunity, investor gloom fades, Ronald Reagan's speech at the Brandenburg Gate, best vacation ever, poking serious fun at the United Nations, Barnabas Piper on Tiger Woods, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

Gov. Scott Walker's Wisconsin win, Wisconsin's lessons for Mitt Romney, President Obama courts homosexual donors, black clergy decry Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage, Baptist University in Georgia takes conservative turn, remembering G.K. Chesterton, a new album from The Beach Boys, the 40th anniversary of an iconic photo from the Vietnam War, John Stonestreet, Supreme Court protects Secret Service immunity, investor gloom fades, Ronald Reagan's speech at the Brandenburg Gate, best vacation ever, poking serious fun at the United Nations, Barnabas Piper on Tiger Woods, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 2, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

Mitt Romney clinches GOP nomination, Campaign 2012 and the economy, the Olasky Interview with Jim Liske of Prison Fellowship, remembering guitar legend Doc Watson, best summer vacation ever, 'For Greater Glory,' Matthew Lee Anderson on sex and the single Christian, a ruling against part of the Defense of Marriage Act, the politics of 'green' energy, Johnny Bench recites 'Casey at the Bat,' Susan Olasky on two recent novels, Ambassadaor Thomas Farr on rising threats to religious freedom, the History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - June 2, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

Mitt Romney clinches GOP nomination, Campaign 2012 and the economy, the Olasky Interview with Jim Liske of Prison Fellowship, remembering guitar legend Doc Watson, best summer vacation ever, 'For Greater Glory,' Matthew Lee Anderson on sex and the single Christian, a ruling against part of the Defense of Marriage Act, the politics of 'green' energy, Johnny Bench recites 'Casey at the Bat,' Susan Olasky on two recent novels, Ambassadaor Thomas Farr on rising threats to religious freedom, the History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - May 26, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

A special Memorial Day program: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns, the 150th anniversary of 'Taps,' Newt Gingrich on the history of Arlington National Cemetery, Ronald Reagan on D-Day, Marvin Olasky on Civil War battles, recovering the meaning of Memorial Day, Patrick Henry's call to arms, the battle with secularists over religiously themed war memorials, and great war movies. Plus, 43 Catholic institutions sue the Obama administration, Uncle Sam heads for a 'fiscal cliff,' Mitt Romney's education vision, The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - May 26, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

A special Memorial Day program: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns, the 150th anniversary of 'Taps,' Newt Gingrich on the history of Arlington National Cemetery, Ronald Reagan on D-Day, Marvin Olasky on Civil War battles, recovering the meaning of Memorial Day, Patrick Henry's call to arms, the battle with secularists over religiously themed war memorials, and great war movies. Plus, 43 Catholic institutions sue the Obama administration, Uncle Sam heads for a 'fiscal cliff,' Mitt Romney's education vision, The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - May 19, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

A special literature and the arts program: Richard Platt reads from 'As One Devil to Another,' Michael Leaser on 'The Artist,' a profile of a 'wordsower' who presents entire books of Scripture from memory, Andree Seu Peterson on softselling sin on the movie screen, Susan Olasky reviews books on literature, actor Max McLean talks about performing 'The Screwtape Letters' on stage - plus, JPMorgan Chase, David Skeel on market risk, President Obama rips Mitt Romney on Bain Capital, Romney at Liberty University, The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - May 19, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:19:10

A special literature and the arts program: Richard Platt reads from 'As One Devil to Another,' Michael Leaser on 'The Artist,' a profile of a 'wordsower' who presents entire books of Scripture from memory, Andrée Seu Peterson on softselling sin on the movie screen, Susan Olasky reviews books on literature, actor Max McLean talks about performing 'The Screwtape Letters' on stage - plus, JPMorgan Chase, David Skeel on market risk, President Obama rips Mitt Romney on Bain Capital, Romney at Liberty University, The History Book, and more.

 The World and Everything in It - May 12, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:10

President Obama endorses redefining marriage, what the North Carolina marriage amendment does and doesn't, Mitt Romney stands by man-woman marriage, electoral math, Romney VP selection timetable, Emory University professors are upset that commencement speaker doesn't believe in macro-evolution, autopsy reveals cause of death for painter Thomas Kinkade, reviews of 'War Horse' and 'America's Heart and Soul,' churches in Charlotte work together to reach 20- and 30-somethings, United Methodists turn back attempt to change doctrine on human sexuality, Barnabas Piper on being 'authentic,' U.S. Postal Service losses deepen, an update on the economy, California bill would make it a crime to counsel a child struggling with same-sex attraction, the Sinatra songbook, Vanderbilt University stands firm against campus-ministry groups, Andy Andrews reads from 'How Do You Kill 11 Million People?,' The History Book, and more.


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