The World and Everything In It show

The World and Everything In It

Summary: A daily audio news magazine featuring reports, interviews, and analysis from WORLD's editorial team. WORLD is your source for news and views presented from a biblical worldview perspective.

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 The World and Everything in It - May 9 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:30

Today's news and a look at yesterday's extraordinary congressional hearing on the deadly terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, plus: Cal Thomas on the proposed new tax increase on internet sales, third in a series of reports on what drug-war violence has done to once flourishing border communities, remembering theologian Dallas Willard, and more

 The World and Everything in It - May 8 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:30

Today's news and a look at this morning's scheduled House hearing on the Benghazi scandal, plus: Second in a series of reports on why border security matters and why it may snag the immigration-reform bill, Obama administration drops birth-control mandate fight against religious publisher, remembering the anniversary of VE Day and the Greatest Generation, an oral essay on the occasional importance of keeping your mouth shut, and more

 The World and Everything in It - May 7 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:30

Today's news and a look at today's special congressional election in South Carolina, plus: TW and E begins a series on border security, as senators take up the immigration-reform bill, what to watch for in the coming debate over homosexuality and the Boy Scouts, and commentary from Cal Thomas on ideologically blinkered reporters who refuse a lifeline for their financially failing newspaper, and more

 The World and Everything in It - May 6 2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:30

Today's news and a review of the weekend political shows, plus: mounting pressure on President Obama to take action against Syria, backlash against a call to crack down on religious speech in the U-S military, what Republicans need to do connect with Hispanic voters, and the winner of the 2013 New England Gerbil Show, and more

 The World and Everything in It - May 4 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:17:48

Obama faces tough questions on Syria, Cal Thomas on immigration bill, Gosnell trial update, Live Action undercover investigation into abortion clinics, Bible reading marathon at U.S. Capitol, Ivy League Bible memory challenge, spring music festival Merlefest, remembering George Jones, Joel Belz on terrorism and Islam, Jay Sekulow on Tsarnaev case, stock market gyrations, The Olasky Interview with Stuart Taylor Jr., USCIRF report details global offenders of religious liberty, National Day of Prayer, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Apr 27 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:17:21

Benghazi, Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarneav, Gosnell trial, Obama backs out of Planned Parenthood keynote address, Cardinal Dolan to receive 2013 Wilberforce Award, Arsenio Orteza, music review of Petula Clark’s new album, profile of Congressman Rep. James Lankford, remembering Howard Phillips, Cal Thomas on violent ideologies, markets and the economy, notable speech by John F. Kennedy, breakthroughs in battery technology, home video screening room with Phil Boatwright, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Apr 20 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:17:21

Terror in Boston, Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration proposal, engaging young evangelicals, sculptor Allison Streett and broken beauty, EU report shows increase in human trafficking, SCOTUS roundup, Andrée Seu Peterson on Gosnell horrors, crime at the border, markets and economy, Olasky Interview with Tucker Carlson, remembering George Beverly Shea, Gosnell ‘Tweetfest,’ The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Apr 13 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:17:47

Remembering Margaret Thatcher, gun control gets a vote, Mindy Belz, Cal Thomas, tribute to musician John Denver, ‘The Music is You,’ Plan B over the counter, White House attempts to expand federal power, Joel Belz, Obama’s budget, markets and the economy, Notable Speech by Margaret Thatcher, majority supports legalizing marijuana, Phil Boatwright and the home video screening room, Cliffe Knechtle, profile of a campus evangelist, essayist Albin Sadar, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Apr 6 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:17:12

Kicking the proverbial can, Congress back to work, city-wide cheating scandal in Atlanta Public Schools, Cal Thomas, J.C. Derrick reviews Jackie Robinson film '42,' stories of forgiveness on anniversary of Rwandan genocide, Laura Waters Hinson, Janie B. Cheaney, state-by-state resistance to Obamacare, markets and economy, Olasky Interview with Michele Bachmann, former POW Lee Ellis on coming home, judge rules against re-selling mp3 files, Planned Parenthood lobbies for post-birth abortion, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar 30 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:18:05

Marriage on trial: SCOTUS recap, Cal Thomas, Indiana Supreme Court upholds school voucher program, North Dakota adopts nation's most protective abortion law, trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, career-ender for singer Michelle Shocked, marginalizing military chaplains opposed to homosexuality, medical researchers grow human organs, killer asteroids, John Stonestreet on Eric Metaxas CPAC speech, Cyprus financial crisis, markets and economy, Os Guinness on 'A Free People's Suicide,' Profile of Christian comedian Tim Hawkins, 'The Bible' miniseries, stories of conversion to Christ in Muslim lands, Easter edition of The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar 23 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:17:57

Political 'autopsy' of the GOP, Cal Thomas, same-sex marriage cases in the Supreme Court, Obama's trip to Israel, South by Southwest, Andrée Seu Peterson, Scott Rasmussen, markets and economy, Olasky Interview with Rosaria Butterfield, Phil Boatwright review home videos, Ben Carson, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar 16 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:50

Washington budget woes, cyber security, ex-mayor of Detroit found guilty of political corruption, Cal Thomas, residents of one Detroit neighborhood band together to rebuild, Emily Whitten reviews 'Oz the Great and Powerful,' evangelizing through art, Roman Catholic Church welcomes Pope Francis, Papal malarkey syndrome, Joel Belz, economic impact of Obamacare, markets and economy, Eric Metaxas on his spiritual journey, conservative studies pilot program in Colorado university, photographer taken to court for rejecting offer to photograph same-sex ceremony, story behind St. Patrick, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar 9 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:50

Venezuela's Chavez dies, Sen. Paul filibusters on drones, sequester fallout, National Religious Broadcasters focuses on religious liberty, Arkansas enacts most protective abortion law in the nation, heathcare conscience rights, Jonathan Last on America's demographic decline, pushback on plastic-bag bans, Arsenio Orteza reviews Boz Scaggs' 'Memphis,' Andrée Seu Peterson on gender confusion, public-interest lawyers fighting for economic liberty, mission to Mars seeks volunteers, The History Book, and more.The World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Mar 2 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:50

Obama's new Cabinet; Cal Thomas with Paul Ryan; China persecution; Hungary court rules against disputed church law; biblical epics; black leaders against gun control; Egyptian Christian immigrants brutally murdered in New Jersey; Texas cheerleaders go to court; Janie B. Cheaney; Big Hollywood, politics and the Oscars; markets and the economy; Rick Warren on religious liberty; Phil Boatwright reviews 'The Third Man' and 'The Jesus Boat'; Emory University controversy over the 1787 Three-Fifths Compromise; remembering the late Dr. C. Everett Koop; The History Book; and more.The World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.

 The World and Everything in It - Feb 23 2013 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:50

Sequester, Cal Thomas, remembering Howard Hendricks, FRC shooter inspired by SPLC 'hate map,' German homeschool family faces deportation, Academy Awards, Black History Month interview with Kay Coles James, John Stonestreet on why Pope selection matters to Protestants, markets and economy, Rowan Williams and Richard Dawkins debate at Cambridge, health care sharing ministries, Mississippi officially ratifies 13th amendment, birth of modern calendar, The History Book, and moreThe World and Everything in It podcast is supported in part by Click here for a 30-day trial offer and receive a FREE audiobook of your choosing.


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