Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Ron Paul Weekly Update - March 31st thru April 6th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:23:02

"Why are you still in the race, Ron Paul? What could you possibly want from the presumptive Rom-inee?" That's pretty much the extent of the coverage for the Ron Paul 2012 campaign at this point, except perhaps a token mention of his huge crowds at campuses across the nation. The Congressman has, however, been doing exponentially more interviews over the last week- the shortest of which are included in this week's audio coverage mashup. Dr. Paul spoke to at least 12k students at three California campuses over the last few days (now let's just hope they get their butts to the polls). He placed 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place in the Washington DC, Wisconsin, and Maryland primaries, respectively (the media reports 0 delegates for our campaign). The next contests aren't until April 24th, so it should be interesting to see how much coverage there is over the next couple weeks. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron Paul Snr Advisor Doug Wead Interviews with David Froston on Al Jazeera. Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulFlix. (3/31) (7:36) Ron Paul supporters claim victories in Nevada! Reported by KTNV Channel 13 Action News (ABC - Las Vegas, NV). (4/2) (8:05) Will Ron Paul win DC's primary? Julie Borowski, staff writer for Freedom Works, joins RT's Liz Wahl. Video by YouTube User: RTAmerica. (4/2) (13:00) Ron Paul Vs Romney 8 Obama. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheYoungTurks. (4/2) (18:17) Lew Rockwell: "Ron Paul already won the election". Video compliments of YouTube User: RTAmerica. (4/3) (26:02) Ron Paul Projected to be in 2nd Place with 380 Delegates! Video compliments of YouTube User: matlarson10. (4/3) (28:46) Young Americans vote Ron Paul (old folks, not so much). Video compliments of YouTube User: RTAmerica. (4/3) (30:30) Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham Compliment Ron Paul on NDA. Video by YouTube User: SavageNationLiberty. (4/3) (32:10) KHSL-TV's (CBS 12 - Chico, CA) Britt Carson reports: Ron Paul Chico Town Hall Draws Thousands. (4/3) (33:31) Thousands Gather At Chico State To Hear Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. KRCR News Channel 7's (ABC - Redding, CA) Jerry Olenyn reporting. (4/3) (35:38) Ron Paul visits UCLA during 3-day CA trip - Coverage by KABC-TV's (ABC7 - Los Angeles, CA) Leanne Suter. (4/4) (38:03) Nick Walker Reports for Infowars From Chico St. Ron Paul Rally - 6000+ Crowd! Video by YouTube User: WalkerofFaith. (4/3) (47:58) Ron Paul has UCLA students hanging out in Trees! News Package by KTTV (Fox 11 - Los Angeles, CA). Video by YouTube User: UrbanGameChanger. (4/4) (51:57) WPIX 11's Lionel on The Left-Right Paradigm - Romney or Obama: It Doesn't Matter. Video by YouTube User: LionelY2K. (4/5) (54:46) Robert Scott Bell, host on NaturalNews Radio, on Ron Paul 2012 campaign update. (4/5) (1:01:05) Lew Rockwell joins Scott Horton, talks Ron Paul, his campaign, and his young supporters on Anti-War Radio. (4/5) (1:20:57) Ron Paul Lands in SF, Berkeley. KNTV (NBC - San Jose, CA) anchor Brent Cannon talks to Dr. Paul. (4/5) (1:25:03) KTVU Channel 2 (Fox - Oakland, CA): Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul speaks at UC Berkeley. (4/5) (1:27:14) RAW VIDEO: KTVU talks to Ron Paul during his Bay Area visit. (4/5) (1:30:51) GOP Candidate Ron Paul Takes Campaign To SF, Berkeley. Don Sovern Reports for KPIX-TV (CBS 5 - San Francisco, CA). (4/5) (1:31:48) Mark Matthews for KGO-TV (ABC7- San Francisco, CA) - Ron Paul visits San Francisco, UC Berkeley. (4/5) (1:34:07) Ron Paul speaks to the press following his speech on Memorial Glade. Video by YouTube User: thedailycal. (4/5) (1:36:02) Who Will Ron Paul Supporters Turn To? The Daily Beast's John Avlon sits down with Nick Gillespie. (4/5) (1:40:36) WXIX-TV's (Fox11 - Cincinatti, OH) Reality Check with Ben Swann: North Dakota Caucus "railroaded" to give majority of delegates to Romney? (4/5) (1:45:53) Ron Paul Visi

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at U. of California - Berkeley (4/5/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:53

Ron Paul attracted a peculiar 8,500-plus voters to the third of three town hall meetings he held in California this week, this time at UC-Berkeley.  In drawing such a huge crowd to Berkeley, the 12-term Congressman from Texas shattered his unrivaled town hall meeting attendance record. The meeting took place at UC-Berkeley’s Memorial Glade, where he addressed the crowd from atop the steps of Doe Library in Berkeley, CA. Dr. Paul spoke about his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the enduring bonds between economic and civil liberties, and his fiscal blueprint that cuts Washington spending, shrinks the national debt, and reverses the federal government’s harmful growth and intrusiveness. Full video of the event posted at UStream, by msl209

 Rep. Ron Paul Talks with KCBS San Francisco’s Doug Sovern (4/5/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:10

Dr. Ron Paul spoke with 740AM 8 106.9FM KCBS Radio Political Reporter Doug Sovern  on Thursday, and reflected on his relationship with the Bay Area- a region he said has always supported him despite its famously left-leaning tendencies. Paul said his libertarian beliefs fit well with the area’s “live and let live” lifestyle and that the Bay area has proved to be a strong base of fundraising support for his campaign. Paul said he plans to take his campaign all the way to the party’s convention in Florida this August and denied speculation that he might run as a third-party candidate in the November election.This audio file includes the station's news report on the Congressman's UC Berkeley visit, followed by Sovern's full interview

 Ron Paul on KGO-TV’s 7Live with Brian Copeland (4/5/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:49

When Congressman Ron Paul isn't busy running for President, he takes the time to stop by 7Live and talk about the election, his Republican his Republican challengers, and what kind of car he drives! Dr. Paul speaks with host Brian Copeland, of KGO-TV (ABC 7 - San Francisco, CA).

 Ron Paul Addresses Guests at San Francisco Fundraising Luncheon (4/5/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:55

The Congressman was at the Marriot Union Square in San Francisco on Thursday and held a rare fundraiser called a "Lunch with Ron Paul" event. The $350 per plate luncheon was completely sold out as people had an up close and personal chance to mingle with Dr. Paul. As of yet, the video is not available in its entirety. I will repost if/when it comes available. Dr. Paul offers some remarks to the attendees, before taking questions. Video compliments of YouTube Users: dobsonimages, rizzle662, and poop94110.

 Congressman Ron Paul on KTTV’s Studio 11 L.A. (4/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:20

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul was on KTTV FOX 11 News' (Los Angeles, CA) local show, Studio 11. The Congressman talked about California government, President Obama and his thoughts on a Third Party or Independent Run at the White House. In the interview he also tells host Jeff Michaels his thoughts on the ongoing Delegate process, thoughts on Unions, and more. Dr. Paul is doing more media this week than he has since January!

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at UCLA (4/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:11

2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul continued his pattern of attracting thousands of attendees to his town hall meetings, this time drawing 6,000-plus voters to his UCLA campus event. Wednesday night's event at the University of California- Los Angeles took place at the Los Angeles Tennis Center’s Straus Stadium. Dr. Paul spoke to the UCLA and general community about the need for constitutionally-limited government, the bonds that tie economic and civil liberties, and elements of his ‘Plan to Restore America,’ an economic blueprint that cuts Washington spending, reduces debt, and curtails the rapid growth of the federal government. Video compliments of YouTube User: TwinTurboFairladyZ (Part 1 and Part 2)

 Dr. Ron Paul returns to the Jerry Doyle Show (4/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:55

Congressman Ron Paul brought his message of personal liberty, fiscal responsibility and limited government to The Jerry Doyle Show today. Jerry asks the Congressman if he should “take one for the GOP” and endorse the eventual nominee or if he should “take one for the country” and run as a third party. His answer may surprise you. Jerry Doyle is the TRN syndicated radio host who endorsed Dr. Paul for the Republican nomination last December (listen to his explanation here)

 Rep. Ron Paul on Your World with Neil Cavuto (4/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:02

On Wednesday, Congressman Ron Paul returned to Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto to talk about government controlled healthcare, the dangers of judicial review, and the intellectual revolution taking hold across America.

 Ron Paul on The WSJ’s Campaign Journal (4/4/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:37

Congressman Ron Paul appeared on The Wall Street Journal's LIVE Campaign Journal on Tuesday, and spoke with WSJ Dep. Managing Editor Alan Murray along with Dep. National Editor Christine Glancey. Dr. Paul talked about today's primary contests, the most recent polling data, and why he remains in the GOP race. Video compliments of YouTube User: WSJDigitalNetwork. (Dr. Paul's segment begins at 16:20)

 Dr. Ron Paul Meets the Media After CSU- Chico Speech (4/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:26

After speaking to students and supporters at Cal State - Chico on Tuesday night, Dr. Ron Paul spent a few minutes taking questions from the media at sort of a impromptu press conference. The Congressman answers questions about youth support for his campaign, an electoral path to the Republican nomination, marijuana legalization and regulation by the states, the Patriot Act and more. Raw video of the Q8A comes from KHSL 12 Chico (CBS - Chico, CA).

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at California State University- Chico (4/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:09

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul urged a large crowd at Chico State University on Tuesday evening not to give up on the idea of liberty. On the Chico campus, Paul spoke outside on Trinity Commons, in front of Trinity Hall. Government needs to grow smaller, America's wars need to end, and people must decide for themselves how to live, he said, addressing 3,000 or more mostly young people. Video compliments of YouTube User: christophercredit (Video Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3).

 Congressman Ron Paul on Newstalk 99.3 KQMS (4/3/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:28

On Tuesday morning, Ron Paul appeared on Newstalk 99.3 FM/1400 AM KQMS' (Redding, CA) Mornings with Schophlin and Gibson. The Congressman was in the area today to speak with students and other supporters at Cal State- Chico. Dr. Paul was asked about the proper role of the federal government, reforming monetary policy, a foreign policy of non-intervention, and more.

 Rep. Ron Paul on WMAL’s Morning on the Mall (4/2/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:44

With primaries in both the District and Maryland tomorrow, GOP candidate Ron Paul wants local voters to know he is not going anywhere! The Congressman spoke to 630 WMAL's (Washington, DC) Bryan Nehman and Brian Wilson about the campaign, Congressman Paul Ryan's budget proposal, and the supreme Court's upcoming ruling on Obamacare. Video compliments of YouTube User: WMALNews.

 Senior Advisor Doug Wead Speaks to Activists and Supporters in Michigan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:42

Back at the beginning of February, Senior Adviser Doug Wead spoke to Ron Paul 2012 grassroots organizers and activists at Western Michigan University's Fetzer Center in Kalamazoo. Mr. Wead talked about his personal journey from former GOP insider, and special assistant to President George HW Bush, to a spokesman and wholehearted advocate of Dr. Ron Paul. Doug offered insight into the widespread corruption that has infiltrated the US political system, and laid out the way in which corporations dominate their competition by manipulating federal regulatory agencies. He also explains his conversion to accepting a foreign policy of non-intervention. Good stuff! Video compliments of YouTube User: FranksHarbor.


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