Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Texas Straight Talk: Professor Obama Gets an F (4/16/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:04

In this week's edition of Texas Straight Talk, Rep. Ron Paul marvels at President Obama's statements regarding the Supreme Court's ability to judge the Constitutionality of Obamacare. Apparently, the former law scholar equates a 50% plus-one passage of a bill by the Congress with Constitutionality- the view of an arrogant executive (to be sure). Dr. Paul reminds us to demand the proper separation of powers, as only the functioning checks and balances can restore Constitutionally constrained government. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Ron Paul Classics: Firing Line with William F. Buckley (1988) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:27

Depending on Dr. Paul's media/speaking schedule, I think I will begin posting some more of the classic Ron Paul interviews and speeches from throughout his long and distinguished career. This audio installment is from the Congressman's January 19th, 1988 appearance on Firing Line- the decades long-running talk show hosted by that (ex-CIA-agent and Skull 8 Bones, Class of 1950) legendary conservative thinker, Williams F. Buckley. At the time, Dr. Paul was in the midst of his first bid for the White House, campaigning under the banner of the Libertarian Party. This is an entirely interesting time for this interview to take place- in the final months of Reagan's Presidency, with former CIA boss George HW Bush securing the Republican nomination. Paul and Buckley do plenty of talking about the CIA, and the covert activities taken around the world in the name of US national security. It's amazing how little has changed when it comes to the media's marginalization of any candidate who is not bought and sold by the establishment. Dr. Paul provides a lot of great insight from the libertarian perspective, as the two debate about the Constitution, taxation, foreign policy and more. If you pay close attention, you'll quickly hear that the 'conservative' positions advocated by Buckley are much closer to Barack Obama than Ron Paul. In his day, Buckley paid a key role in shaping the acceptable parameters of conservative political discourse (much like Mark Levin tries to do today). The examiner in the episode was Prof. Ernest van den Haag, an early practitioner of the rhetorical style of Neoconservatism (ie. demagoguery targeting people's religious, tribal, and nationalistic instincts). Enjoy! Video compliments of YouTube User: YALUCSD (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 8 Part 4).

 Ron Paul Weekly Update - April 7th thru April 14th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:00:51

So the social-issues suck-up (as Jerry Doyle properly coined him), Rick Santorum, unexpectedly bowed out of the race last week leaving only three remaining contenders for the Republican nomination. As you might expect, the media has taken the cue to coronate Mitt Romney as the great champion of the conservative cause against Barack Hussein Obama in 2012. One year ago, I never could have imagined- in this time of great national turmoil-  that rank-and-file Republicans would so willingly capitulate to the establishment's design (particularly considering McCain's epic failure in 2008). But Dr. Ron Paul continues to soldier on in an effort to offer an alternative for conscientious voters in upcoming primary states, and to provide encouragement for the many activists working their way through the delegate process across the country. The media is reporting that the Congressman is on the verge of quitting. Not surprisingly, this is simply the press taking his recent request for financial support out of context, in an effort to stifle enthusiasm and the work of activists, organizers, and potential delegates. But the question remains: are you all in? Campaigning is an expensive endeavor, and fundraising has slowed noticeably since super-Tuesday. This is why the grassroots has organized an "In It to Win It" Taxpayer Freedom Money Bomb for Sunday April 15th, 2012. You know what to do. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) RP's Congressional Chief-of-Staff Jeff Deist talks about the campaign and the state of American politics with Big Al Korelin (host of the Korelin Economics Report). (01/2011?) (18:11) Vote Texas - New Ron Paul 2012 30 second Campaign Ad. Video compliments of YouTube User: ronpaul. (4/10) (18:43) What Does Transparency Tell Us About a Presidential Campaign? ProPublica reporter Kim Barker marvels at RP2012 transparency on PRI/WNYC's The Takeaway. (4/3) (22:43) Campaign Expenses: Like Poetry? More on campaign transparency, and the story it tells on Public Radio International/New York Public Radio's The Takeaway. (4/4) (26:47) A quick press conference/media avail of Ron Paul after the campaign rally at UCLA. Video by Vimeo User: Minh Bui. (4/4) (31:16) Teresa Seina meets Ron Paul while shooting a documentary, asks him what his definition of liberty is. Video by YouTube User: TeresaSeina. (31:48) Excerpt of the San Francisco Chronicle/SFGate discussion with Dr. Paul: On Mitt Romney, Rand Paul. (4/5) (35:44) Politics vs Ron Paul with Joe Rogan - WARNING ! Explicit Language. Video compliments of YouTube User: pinkfloyd420x. (46:41) Aaron Dykes for Infowars Nightly News - Dinosaur Media Ignoring Ron Paul While Inciting Race War. Video by YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (4/9) (48:23) Tom Woods Hosts the Peter Schiff Show, talks w/ Jeffrey Tucker about the campaign and our movement- for radical decentralization! Video by YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (4/10) (1:09:45) WXIX-TV's Reality Check with Ben Swann: What Happens To Santorum's Delegates? Video compliments of YouTube User: BenSwannRealityCheck. (4/10) (1:14:45) When Newt Endorses Mitt, Vote Ron Paul! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyShow. (4/10) (1:24:21) MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan talks about Ron Paul and the Gold Standard - with a leftist spin, of course (Gotta 'Lean-Forward'). Video by YouTube User: djgabrielpresents. (4/10) (1:32:05) Ron Paul talks Santorum dropping out, Texas winner-take-all primary in KVUE (ABC - Austin, TX) exclusive. (4/10) (1:34:17) Ron Paul Takes St. Charles County Caucus! NewsRadio 1120 KMOX's (St. Louis, MO) Michael Calhoun reports. (4/11) (1:35:04) KTVI (Fox2 - St. Louis, MO) Reports:  St. Charles County Republican Caucus Chooses Ron Paul. (4/11) (1:35:39) Ron Paul Supporters Hope To Dominate Missouri Delegation - KTVI Fox2's Betsey Bruce reporting. (4/11) (1:37:55) Doug Wead Explains Santorum Dro

 Congressman Ron Paul with FBN’s Neil Cavuto (4/13/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:55

Rep. Ron Paul joined Fox Business' Neil Cavuto on Friday to argue that there are still concerns within the Republican Party that Mitt Romney is not conservative enough. Cavuto went over the still wildly inaccurate delegate estimates, along with the fundraising prowess of the major Republican contenders.

 Dr. Ron Paul with Fox Business’ John Stossel (4/12/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:08

Rep. Ron Paul joined FBN's own John Stossel live via video link from the campaign trail on Thursday to talk about his efforts to improve the economy and his push for the White House. Discussion included the eventual phase out of Medicare and Social Security, the Congressman's proposal to cut $1T the first year, and the enormous US military footprint abroad.

 Ron Paul Speaks in San Antonio, Texas (4/12/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:24

Ron Paul drew a remarkable 3,600-plus supporters and undecided voters to the final of three town hall meetings he held in his home state of Texas this week. The 12-term Congressman from the 14th District spent Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday holding fundraisers, engaging the Texas and national media, and holding large events drawing thousands of attendees. Dr. Paul’s outdoor rally and speech took place on the city’s Main Plaza, located in San Antonio, TX.  The event was organized by the ‘Youth for Ron Paul’ (YFP) chapter at the University of Texas-San Antonio.  Video compliments of YouTube User: Triedandtrue44

 Ron Paul Addresses Guests at San Antonio Fundraising Luncheon (4/12/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:36

Dr. Ron Paul spoke to his supporters at the Hilton Palacio del Rio in San Antonio, Texas- as the campaign held a lunchtime fundraiser with the Congressman. Rep. Paul spoke about the ongoing campaign, a bit about his life in politics, and the cause of liberty. The Congressman talked about his support among the youth in this country, and then answered questions from the audience. Intro by Mrs. Carol Paul! Admission cost about $350 per person ($250 for students and military). Video compliments of YouTube User: Bexar Liberty.

 Rep. Ron Paul with News Talk 550 KTSA’s Jack Riccardi (4/12/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:38

Ron Paul visited with Jack Riccardi on San Antonio's News Talk 550 KTSA to talk about his visit to the area and his mission of bringing the Constitution back in vogue. The Congressman spoke alot about his success in the caucus states and amongst the youth, while falling short amongst the Republican base. Dr. Paul was asked about his support for Romney, and the supposed future leader of the conservative movement: Rick Santorum??? That's the first time I've heard that one.

 Congressman Ron Paul on San Antonio’s NewsRadio 1200 WOAI (4/12/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:33

Ron Paul engaged in a spirited discussion this afternoon with Joe Pags, host at NewsRadio 1200 WOAI (San Antonio, TX). The Hannity/Limbaugh acolyte asked Dr. Paul about his ongoing campaign for the Republican nomination and his goals going forward. Conversation quickly turned to the Congressman's purported isolationism, and the countless super-scary threats that could someday compromise American domination in any region of the world (we are a "Global Force for Good", after all). Promoting trade with Cuba was apparently beyond the pale  for Joe Pags. Prepare your gag-reflex for a barrage of neoconservative jingoism

 Ron Paul Meets the Media After Dallas/Ft. Worth Campaign Stop (4/11/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:21

After speaking to another huge crowd at the Auditorium of the Will Rogers Memorial in Ft. Worth, Texas, Congressman Ron Paul met with the local media for an impromptu press conference. Topics of discussion included Santorum's departure from the Presidential race, Dr. Paul's intention to run all the way to the convention, the perception that a Paul Presidency would mean a militarily vulnerable United States, skyrocketing college tuition rates, and his thoughts on his Congressional replacement after 2012. Video compliments of YouTube User: johnnygenlock.

 Ron Paul Holds Campaign Rally in Fort Worth, TX (4/11/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:53

GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul visited supporters in Forth Worth, Texas on Wednesday night. Dr. Paul spoke about his views on personal and economic liberties, contrasted his views with the political beliefs of his GOP opponents and President Obama. Paul's visit was organized by the University of Texas-Dallas chapter of Youth for Ron Paul, a national collegiate political organization of students who support Rep. Paul's Republican beliefs and political strategies. The UTD chapter has over 1,800 members, and is the second largest chapter after the University of Maryland, according to the Youth for Paul website. According to the campaign, more than 3000 reportedly filled the Auditorium of the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Ft. Worth. Video coverage of the event provided by C-Span.

 Youth for Ron Paul Rally at Texas A&M University (4/10/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:55

On Tuesday night, Ron Paul attracted a remarkable 3,000-plus supporters and undecided voters to his Texas A8M town hall meeting.  It was the first of three events showcasing Dr. Paul’s characteristic large crowds that the Congressman is holding in his home state this week. Event organizers noted that the university speaking venue was filled to capacity, necessitating an additional 500-plus to watch the speech via live feed in the lobby. Dr. Paul’s speech took place at Texas A8M University’s Rudder Auditorium- where the 12-term Congressman from the Lone Star State’s 14th District spoke about his platform of constitutionally-limited government, the link between civil and economic liberties, and elements of his path-breaking ‘Plan to Restore America,’ a fiscal blueprint designed to launch America out of its economic doldrums. Video compliments of YouTube User: WinLiberty

 Rep. Ron Paul talks with WTAW’s Chace Murphy (4/10/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:35

Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul is scheduled to appear Tuesday evening in Rudder Auditorium on the Texas A8M campus. In advance of the campaign event, Rep. Paul agreed to be interviewed by WTAW 1620 AM’s (College Station, TX) Chace Murphy

 Ron Paul on News and Views with Tom Lamprecht and Sadie Klaus (4/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:42

Congressman Ron Paul participated in an in-depth conversation with Tom Lamprecht and Sadie Klaus, hosts of News and Views. This program broadcasts into Cong. Walter Jones' home territory in eastern North Carolina, specifically WTIB 103.7 FM (Greenville, NC) and WNBU 94.1 FM (New Bern, NC). The wide-ranging discussion included talk about saving the "small-r" republican form of government and restoring the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, to changing foreign policy and ending the drug war, to the future of the wider intellectual revolution going forward.

 Texas Straight Talk: In Praise of Private Charity (4/9/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:46

In this week's Texas Straight Talk update, Dr. Ron Paul highlights the work of a Springfield, MO charity operation he toured while on the campaign trail. The Convoy of Hope, which Congressman Paul describes as "equal parts grocer, clothier, heath care provider, first responder, educator, and logistics expert", is proof positive that good people don't require government force and coercion to assist their fellow man in a time of need. During this Easter season, it is important to remember the incredible amount of resources squandered by the federal government in the name of helping the downtrodden and disadvantaged. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.


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