2 Homos - Lesbian Podcast show

2 Homos - Lesbian Podcast

Summary: Ever wonder what two Lesbians talk about when they get together? Well...wonder no more. The 2 Homos Lesbian podcast is the show with two Lesbians sitting around talking about whatever crosses our minds. We're not always politically correct, and no topic is off limits. Come spend some time and get intimate with us. We're open-minded, we speak our minds...and sometimes, for better or worse, there's no "edit" button. Enjoy the random observations of the 2 Homos Lesbian Podcast.

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  • Artist: 2homos@2homos.com (Roxanne and Virginia)
  • Copyright: Creative Commons 2006


 382 Behind Enemy Lines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:59

Fifteen feet of fresh snow, freezing temperatures and gale force winds...dressed only in a short sleeved t-shirt, sneakers and a fleece. The unrelenting winter weather is no match for four Lesbians on vacation up in the mountains armed only with an economy rental car, a refrigerator full of beer and a snowblower from before World War II. We can win this even if we have to stay through Thanksgiving deep frying a turkey out in a blizzard.

 381 Bush is Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:46

It's true...bush is back. Even if you're not interested in growing a bush for yourself, there is still something you can do to help those in need. For all those ladies that lasered their bushes off back in the nineties and now can't grow a pube if they wanted to, you can grow your own pubic hair and donate it to Locks of Love for pubes. Feel good while helping others to feel good, too.

 380 True or False | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:50

It's time to get schooled. Here's your list of true or false questions: 1. All Lesbians drive trucks. 2. All Lesbians have short hair 3. All Lesbians are sporty. 4. All Lesbians are vegetarians. 5. Lesbians like to drive motorcycles. 6. All Lesbians sleep with each other. How are you doing so far? Remember...70% is considered passing.

 379 Never Fall in Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:52

Recent studies show that among eighteen to twenty-four year olds, 1 in 10 have had sex with partners of each sex. While young people are doubling their pleasure and increasing the number of sex partners they're having, they're also increasing their risk of STD's. The next time your friend brags about how many girls she has had sex with, ask her how many times she's had crabs. Maybe she also has stock in the company that makes RID.

 378 Thank You, Gay Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:50

Imagine a world where all the walls are tan and all the carpets are gray. Imagine a world where people actually think that plaid matches nicely with polka dots, especially when it's purple. And, imagine a world where all haircuts look like the Super Cuts special of the week. What you're imagining right now is a world without Gay men.

 377 Half a Load | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:08

If you're going to run for public office in America, you would think that a basic pre-requisite would be to have read the Constitution of the United States of America at least once. It's only a fundamental document that describes the role of government in the 50 states. If they did, they would know about a basic human right that all citizens are born with under the Constitution...the inalienable right to masturbate.

 376 Eight Seconds in Vegas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:30

Eight seconds is all it takes to win a bull riding contest. Eight seconds is also how long it takes for you to notice the Tecate Girls at Fanzone, for you to pull out your camera to get ready to take the picture of your life, and then for your wife to walk in front of you so that you miss the shot entirely.

 375 Party Crashers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:38

Some people might say it takes balls to just waltz right in and crash a party that you haven't been invited to. If it's a party you haven't been invited to and the party is at the White House and it's an inaugural dinner for the new president of the United States it takes a hell of a lot more than balls. For that it takes an Adam's apple.

 374 House Guest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:00

Everyday life can be very stressful all by itself. Just getting through a day can wear you down and make you crazy. Load on top of that a visit from your crazy Dad that you're trying to avoid and you've got a full on nervous breakdown waiting to happen. At that point there's only one thing that's going to work...sex and a valium.

 373 Run Pee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:15

Just because you're watching a long movie and you've had a large soda at the beginning of the show, does not mean the answer is to wear adult diapers to the theater so that you don't have to get up to pee in the middle. The answer is also not to run into the bathroom, hover over the toilet like a UFO and then run out as fast as you can leaving sprinkles all over the seat. Piss in a bottle like everyone else and just leave it in the movie theater for someone else to clean up.

 372 Showing Some Bone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Just because you're a Lesbian does not mean you a license to use tools. You may be a pro with the "tools" you use in the bedroom, but when you start to think that you can wield real tools outside of the house...that's when someone is going to get hurt. Don't even think about using power tools. That kind of work should be left to a licensed Lesbian professional.

 371 Klassy With a K | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:55

Nothing sucks worse than being a young Lesbian without your own set of wheels. You have to rely on your mom to drop you off at your girlfriend's house, only to have her pick you up a few hours later smelling like sex. All you can do is long for the days when you can take your girl out for a date in your own vehicle to a drive-in movie and a pizza in the back of your pick-up truck under the covers. How do you spell Klassy?

 370 Bushwacker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:40

Now that Fall is here it's time to start thinking about staying in tune with all the new fashions of the season. It's not only important to look good, but you you want to be stylish at the same time. No more of those dated looks from the eighties for you, and that includes your bush. Styling your bush should be just as important as styling your hair. Although not everyone is going to see it, you still want it to look good when they do.

 369 A Parable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:03

Parable - noun [par-uh-buhl]. A short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religous principle or moral lesson. If you're a Gay man deep in the closet and ashamed of yourself for being who you are...then please stop bashing other Gay people! Just cut it out!

 368 History Is So Gay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:04

History may be as queer as a three dollar bill, but that doesn't mean you'll find much about Gay history in your school textbooks. Most people probably don't know a whole lot about their Gay predecessors at all, or even where to start looking. Out and About Tours is on a mission to change all that. Hop on board the bus and find out all the great history you've been missing out on.


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