Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now!

Summary: Since 2006, Jeremy and Jason have been showing people like you how to create automated online income streams so that you can get out of the cubicle wasteland and enjoy a freedom lifestyle. Whether you're just starting out or looking for new insights to grow an existing online business, every episode you'll discover actionable tips in every episode for taking your business and lifestyle to the next level. Jason and Jeremy been supporting their families and growing wealth with internet businesses since 2003. They'll share with you the latest strategies, as well as the proven principles and critical mindset necessary to create sustainable income online. Listen now to find out why so many of today's online business leaders were inspired by the "godfathers of business podcasting.."

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  • Artist: Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now!
  • Copyright: Copyright 2005-2018, Internet Business Mastery, LLC. All rights reserved.


 707 | Don’t know what to do? Do this… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I have recently hit just over 100 emails written since I started writing daily emails for Internet Business Mastery. Recently a friend of mine asked me about these daily emails. She asked, "Is it hard coming up with what to write every single day?" At the time I said, "No, not at all." But this morning it happened. I woke up a few minutes ago, excited to write to you but no subject came to mind. I was actually a bit shocked. Usually I have 2-3 things I could write and I have to just choose one and make a note of the others for days like this. I have a huge mindmap of things to write about, so I went to that and nothing stood out as something I wanted to talk about. I sat there a moment and thought... What advice would I give to someone that feels stuck? I'd normally say, just start. Take action. Even if it doesn't seem like much, do something. So I did, I wrote about having hit over 100 emails. I kept writing until I finished the email in one pass and made this podcast for you. Don't know what freedom business you want to create? Don't know what niche you want to go in? Don't know what audience you want to create value for? Don't know how to use social media to draw traffic to you? Don't know how to create a website? Don't know what product to make or how to make it? No problem, just take action. All of the issues that are stopping you can be solved by joining the Freedom Club, even believing you don't have the $1 a day investment to join is handled inside. Take action, join now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 706 | The most powerful word in business… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When I had decided absolutely to start a freedom business a strange thing happened. I learned about the Value Cycle, (entire video discussing what it is and how to use it is in the Freedom Club), and it lit my mind on fire! I went from having NO ideas on what niche to go into or products or anything specific to 1000's of ideas. It's like the act of deciding I was going to do it FOR SURE turned on something in me. At first, I really liked it. I was a business idea generator. 1000's of business ideas. 1000's of different avatars I wanted to help. 1000's product idea's I had so many business ideas it was hard to sleep. It actually became a bit of a burden. I didn't know which idea I should focus my time on. At first, I decided to pick about 5 businesses and give them all a shot, which I did. It was chaos. Couple 5 businesses with FOMO (fear of missing out) on all the shiny and new techniques the big-wig goo roos were tempting me with so they could make more dollars and I was making very little progress in ANY of my business. This actually went on for years until I ended up in a very special local mastermind group. There was only 5 of us and we'd meet once, sometimes twice a month. Every time we'd meet we'd all get a turn chatting about our businesses, what worked, what didn't work, and what we needed help on. There were some big hitters in the group, but one specifically taught me a very important lesson. We'll call him "Mike". Mike had a big business. Mike was making about 1 million dollars a month, no joke. Mike didn't say too much, but when he did it was usually life altering. One time, I was blathering on about several problems I was having in several of my businesses. I realized that the Mike didn't really say anything after I blathered on and on and I made a mental note to talk to in after, which I did. I asked him what he thought about my general issues with business and if he had any advice. He said my main problem was that I couldn't say the most magic and important word in business… NO. He said I’d make as much money as he does from saying no to everything except what will help his ONE audience the most and that makes him the most money. That's it. One business, one issue. That changed everything for me. I started learning to say no. One of the 5 business I had was Internet Business Mastery and it was a "whenever we get around to it" business. I talked to my business partner, Jason, and we decided to say no to everything else and just focus. That one act changed our future. We doubled our profits each year for the next 4 years (and had nice steady growth for years after) all by saying NO to everything but what would help our audience most. No. No. NO. No really comes down to focus, learning about the Value Cycle, and picking one audience to help. Building a business around that is what changed everything for me. If you're ready to learn about all three you can do it right now here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 705 | If you haven’t succeeded yet, it’s because of this. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I'm reading a fantastic book again. It's called "Making Hope Happen" by Shane Lopez. One of the main points of this book is that you have to design your future before you can set and achieve goals. Shane calls this Futurecasting. This is such an important idea I added it into the first course in the Freedom Club. Most people miss the specifics of how to do this when they make their goals. Usually, they just pick a goal. Then 6 months later they realize they didn't do anything substantial towards getting the goal. I searched for this book because I found that I was getting only about a 10% success rate on my goals. I couldn't figure out why. I did all the thing you're supposed to do, be specific, set a date, backwards plan, etc. Even after doing it all "right" for so many years, still only about a 10% success rate. That is until I learned about futurecasting. Because of it, I was able to double my business income 5 years in a row, and that is just success in the business arena. I was able to do similar things in other parts of my life. I started using it with my coaching students and saw massive results. That is when I decided to mix it into my cornerstone, starter course, the Freedom Formula. It's the first course to go through in the Freedom Club, start going through it now and lets up that success rate. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 704 | 4 things you should really fear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently I talked about what seems to be the #1 fear of most people that desire to start a freedom business. Do you remember what it is? If you haven’t heard that episode yet, but you're like most people you just have to look inside for one second for the answer... Most people fear failure. What's the #1 thing they do so they don't have to feel like a failure? They don't go after their dreams and desires! They believe that they cannot fail if they don't try. (Of course not even trying leads to failure 100% of the time...) Getting over that fear is one of the steps to success. Failure is PART of success, so to fear it is to fear success too. I read that most big successes you’ve heard about failed a bunch of times before they succeeded so I welcomed failure and ran towards it. Remember, I said I mistakenly started a bunch of businesses so that many could fail and I could find the one that would worked as soon as possible. I wanted to fail as many times as needed until I got to success. It doesn't have to be that way, I just didn't have someone showing the exact steps to start a business or how to get my mindset right, but at least I started... To help you stop focusing on the fear of failure, I'm going to list some things you should be afraid of. 1- Aging. As you may know, I'm closely watching the anti-aging/transhumanist science and I plan on living to at least 152. Why did I get into that? I want as much life as possible and aging is a bitch. Did you know that as you age you start to lose the hormones that drive your ambition to take action? Losing your drive is terrifying to me and it should be to you too. 2- Scarcity Mentality Believing that the things you want in life are scarce is a major cause of unhappiness in a lot of people. One way to get over that is to create a freedom business where you give your all for an audience you choose. Learning about the Value Cycle (In the Freedom Club) and taking part in it to help others can really assist you get over the limiting scarcity mentality. 3- Running out of time This kinda connects to the aging fear you should have, but overall it's just running out of time to finally go after the things you desire, then living your final days with anger and regret. Ugh, what a shit life that would be, which leads too: 4- Living a crappy life I read yesterday that 88% of people are doing jobs they don't want to do. 88%!!! Who would ever choose that? 88% of people do! I am viciously afraid of living a crappy life and I do a lot of things to make sure I don't. I know you at least don't want to live a crappy life anymore or you wouldn't be listening to this podcast. Be afraid of CRAPPY! So, there are 4 things you should be afraid of instead of failure. Really afraid of... Fuck the fear of failure, transfer the fear over to the items on this list. Let these new fears fuel the fire of action in you and start right now by joining the freedom club at Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 703 | How to fail at almost everything and still win big | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This morning I was going through my notes on a book I really enjoy and I found a quote I want to share with you. It’s one of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard goes something like this: "If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. It sounds trivial and obvious, but if you unpack the idea it has extraordinary power." ~Scott Adams, How to fail at almost everything and still win big. I'm not so sure it seems obvious now days, as I see so many people trying to avoid the price (responsibility). They want the outcome without the price, (remember a few episodes ago I talked about how my family and friends started believing in my freedom business once I started showing major signs of success, then they all wanted my outcome, but didn't want to pay the price of really starting a freedom business?) You can see this now with the heavy focus on information being FREE. Everything has to be free. "Want to know about starting a business online? It's all on the internet for free just go find all the free info about it and you can start a business just reading a couple blogs and listening to a couple podcasts." This is the FREE trap. The GooRoos know it's easy to make people believe this and string them along with "free" courses and "free" advice, but it's designed NOT to be enough info to work, making you frustrated. When they finally offer you the paid course that actually might have the information you need, you are so frustrated you'll either quit trying or buy their overpriced course just to get out the the FREE trap. They create the problem and solution. What's worse, they dole it out piece by piece every step of the way so you end up paying a fortune. The FREE trap is extremely expensive. Don't fall for it. Know the price and be willing to pay it. Here’s a success system and real price. 1-You must take small steps each day towards creating your business. 2-You must find a mentor and/or course that shows you the way and pay for it. 3-You must find and give your all to helping a specific audience. 4-You must create amazing value for them. 5-You must keep going even when it seems hard. That's it. If you want to create a freedom business the Freedom Club is all you need for just a buck a day. That is number 2 on the System above and it shows you how to do all the rest of the steps in the System. People hate to have to take responsibility for this, but winners must pay the price to be winners. Take all 5 steps with the simple step of joining now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 702 | Which one do you see? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Recently I've gathered a handful of email replies to the podcast episodes I've shot out into the world. Many prompted a deep smirk, so I'll share them with you. My switching to a daily podcast and email model has had a polarizing effect. It's fascinating to think that everyone is seeing the same emails, and hearing the same podcast episodes, but the response is so different. It's like a theater full of people who are looking at the same screen watching the same movie. Yet, one group is seeing an epic, adventure and some, seeing the exact same movie, are having the hallucination of seeing a horror movie. Here's a couple of reply emails from the horror hallucination crowd: "D*ck toned email...bye bye." ~Sharon B. "I don't know who you are but you are very rude. What a way to drum up business and get people to part with their money? Seriously I'm sure you're a decent guy but the tone of your emails were offensive and you'll turn people away." ~Alison P. Now, here's those smart enough to see the intended epic, adventure: "THIS is what I need, Jeremy. Thanks!" ~Mark A. "That was a refreshing yet harsh newsletter. ;) I love you and your work…" ~Leanne P. "Inspiring story. Thank you." ~Chad S. Again, these people are looking at the same emails. Not to worry, this is exactly what I was shooting for. This is why I said I smirked. I’m speaking to the people who want the power that comes with freedom. I'm talking about being in control of your financial success. I'm speaking to those that see the epic, adventure movie. I'm on a mission. My mission isn't to coddle and stroke peoples feelies. That's what indoctrinated them with a loser and whiner mindset. They have to get over that if they ever want the success they desire. My mission is freedom for all that are willing to **deserve** it. To deserve it one has to stop trying to manipulate others by being offended all the time and instead be willing to take the small steps each day that lead to success. Whining about being offended isn't one of those steps. Forget that. No one of substance cares that you feel offended. Powerful people aren't manipulated by weak people being offended. Strong people accept the call to adventure... We're on an epic adventure! Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 701 | 1 minute advice on needing an accountability partner… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I get asked a lot of questions about business Wanna know what the most requested question I get is about? Accountability. People tell me that they want someone to make them do it. I just got another one of these questions this morning and I haven't responded to them, because I thought I might be TOO harsh and I really needed to give myself time to calm down about it. The email said they would join the Freedom Club if I would personally hold their hand and make sure they did the work everyday. Really?! I'm finally ready to answer this accountability issue. If you're someone that really needs help getting motivated to start and keep working on a business that will completely change your life by making you location independent, in control of your time, a business that will provide for you and your family at the level of total freedom, here is my answer to you... Forget this dream and stay at your day job. Forget it. If you are an adult that needs another adult to keep you accountable to your dreams and desires, you should keep your day job. Your boss is not your enemy. Think of your boss as your accountability partner. You want the income but can't keep yourself motivated to do the work you agreed to do. This is why you have a boss. Keep your boss. This is an employee mindset. There are many business owners that are making their dreams come true and they need employees to make it happen. You are perfect for them. Needing an accountability partner is the perfect mindset of an employee. That is the nicest way I can answer the question about needing accountability. If you're ready to design your future right now by doing exactly what it takes to make your dream business happen, good, that's a winner mindset. That means you're ready to join the Freedom Club now: BTW: With your Freedom Club membership, you get access to my private, exclusive Mastermind Group with other business owners building their dream business. Winners want to be around other winners, so don't join if you are going to beg winners to hold you accountable. Go in and give it all you've got. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 700 | You’re weird, here’s how I know… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I quit my job once and for all on October 15, 2004, 13 years ago this month. It was a six figure job with really good health insurance and all the trimmings, a job I could have kept for life. My wife (now ex-wife) and I moved from Los Angeles back to Salt Lake City, Utah because the cost of living was about 1/6th the price and our families were there. A couple months later, at a christmas party put on by my X's family, her sister was grilling me on why were were back. "Soooo... You quit your job and moved back to Salt Lake..." She said, it was more of a statement than a question. I answered anyway. "Yep." I said. "Didn't it take you like 12 years to get your "dream" job?" She used her fingers to make quote motions when she said the word dream. She had heard her sister talk about how hard I had worked for a job I had considered my dream job. "Ya." I said. "And you just quit...gave it all up?" She said with obvious confusion mixed with disgust. "Ya." I said. "Do you have another job?" She said. "No, I'm going to figure out how to start a business, so I don't have to work a boring ass job ever again." I said. "Have you ever started a business before?" She pressed. "Nope, I'm going to figure it out." I said. She stared at me a few moments, brow furrowed. "You're weird..." She exclaimed and that was that. I don't think she ever talked to me again before I got divorced from her sister. Some people just don't get it. But you do. Know how I know? You're listening to this podcast. You have the desire to be in control of your life and how you create and receive value. Now, you don't need to quit before you get started, looking back it was extremely risky of me to do that. I had to go after the dream, for myself and my family. I had a savings and I happen to work well in very risky situations. I didn't know where to start or how to do any of it, but I had to go for it. You're weird too (and that's a good thing), but you're also lucky. When I started I didn't know of any single place I could go that would just teach my how to start a business. I didn't know that what I was looking for was a very specific type of business, a FREEDOM business. You know both. Everything I've learned and taught to over 10,000 other entrepreneurs is right here, in one place, just for you: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 699 | 100’s of success stories… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Time to pull another question from the email bag. My comments will follow... "I am curious to know the format of the learning materials. Are they self paced videos, are they guides and checklists similar to the Niche Profit Code? I'm also curious to know who your latest successful students are... I know Pat Flynn continues to have success – are all the other testimonial students still having success? I'm making a commitment to myself, and to you - I'm going to take the step of revisiting finding a niche, based on the Niche Profit Code material and steps. I need to evaluate the size of a couple of potential niche markets. I have two hobbies that I am very passionate about. Perhaps that is where my success and drive is hiding? Cheers from Canada..." Ty N. --Yes, the courses in the Freedom Club (including the Niche Profit Code) are self-paced and include videos, audio, checklists, maps, and guides. Go at your own pace and if a niche you pick doesn't seem to be working, start over. We have massive success stories in 100's of markets. Health and fitness, learning languages, drawing, helping women on bed rest, copywriting, social media marketing, teaching artists marketing, consulting, pediatric board test taking, mobile marketing, animation, app creating, etc. Wanna see more of our success stories? We have a bunch of them here: I take your commitment seriously Ty and I can't wait to see what market your pick and see your progress. You can share your commitment and progress with the Freedom Club mastermind group, which comes with your membership. Join the Freedom Club. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 698 | Cut it out! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

About 5 years ago I got into a movement called Minimalism. I met a couple guys running a very popular blog on the subject, so I checked it out. During my search I found a lot of other blogs about it. Everyone seemed to have taking the concept in a slightly different direction. The extreme was someone that gave all their possessions away except 87 items. All 87 items they could fit in a backpack that they could take at any time to travel the world. One couple got rid of their huge house and mortgage payment and bought a tiny house, so they only kept things in their life that could fit in 200 square feet of space. Some of the blogs were just deliberate about what they kept around them. They didn't want to fall into the trap that Tyler Durden warns against in the movie, the Fight Club: "The things you own end up owning you." There are a lot of different version of Minimalism. I don't think there is one "official" definition for it, so I'll just tell you what I think it is. I consider Minimalism the practice of being extremely focused on what will bring you happiness, comfort, beauty, and practical use. I started by getting rid of about half the stuff I had in storage and in boxes in my garage. I was somewhat deliberate on what I wanted to keep. If I hadn't used it in over 6 months and I didn't see myself using it in the next six months, I cut it out of my life for good. I then bought a smaller house. I went down about 1000 square feet. I then cut what I owned down by 50% again. How could I have so much stuff I wasn't using? I then took the concept of Minimalism to my business and knowledge life. I stopped focusing on 100 things and cut it down to the 20 most important things. I stopped collecting so much "free" crap on subjects I was trying to learn about and decided to find the best teachers, the ones that really did what they taught, and invest in their teaching. When I started to focus to this level a couple things happened. I had less distractions and I had more time to be grateful for what I did have in my life, especially since it was all purposely chosen. My income doubled each year to crazy heights. Focus became a cherished practice and what I consider the core of Minimalism: Cut out the distractions and the unneeded and focus on what matters. Being able to focus enough time and energy on ONE project is one of the main keys to your successfully building your freedom business. I studied focus for years and got really good at it. About a year ago, Jason and I put together a training about everything we knew about razor sharp focus and we made a full training on it. We didn't just do this for anyone, we did it for our high priced coaching program. The coaching students loved it and found it critical for their success. I want you to have it so I'm adding it to the Freedom Club. I want you to watch it over the next week and to make it easy I've added it to the bonus section of Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side). Check it out here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 697 | You don’t need motivation, you need this instead… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I'm about to start over... again. After so many years of actually following my own advice and only focusing on ONE business at a time, it's time to finally start the NEXT business. Even after all these years and having one big success behind me, I'm feeling the same thing as you. I feel nervous (what if it doesn't work?) and excited (what if it does and everything changes?) It reminds me of a quote I came up with! "Confidence is built by having the courage to start even without confidence." ~Jeremy Frandsen The first thing we need is courage, not motivation. I take care of the motivation and confidence issue in the Freedom Club. Yep, I'm big on helping you get the mindset stuff right. First you need to gather all your courage and **decide** to take the first 2 steps. **Step 1: Join the Freedom Club. You know you want to or you would unsubscribe right now. You are going to join, might as well gather your courage and do it right now. **Step 2: Start the Program. Once you join, you'll get an email with login info. Login and go to Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side). The first program you will see is the Freedom Formula. Click it and start the program. Two simple steps. Then, everyday do a little more. I'm taking my own advice. I'm working on my NEXT business in the exact same way. One little step at a time. Join me: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 696 | Old people are our future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I recently got an email I wanted to share with you. My comments will follow. Here goes... Valerie writes: "I like your emails and because you are being bold, I applaud you. I can hardly wait to see what the Freedom Club is about. I want self-employment as soon as possible. Keep up the tone of your emails. Just thought you would enjoy some feedback from a 62-year-old lady who doesn't want to live on Social Security or eat cat food when she is even OLDER. By the way, I do think the Internet business crowd pretty much ignores older people -- many of us are fairly tech savvy. I've hesitated to purchase things from online marketers who seem to target only one demographic." ----Thanks for the applause, I'll take it! As I've said before, I love entrepreneurs. All kinds. Young, old, man, woman, makes no difference to me. If you have a desire to create massive value in the world with a freedom business, you're my type of person. I wonder if most of the internet business crowd seems to focus on the young is because they are young themselves? Most of the main people I see all over the web seem to be kids themselves. Pretty kids just getting started themselves. Cool, more power to them. I'm 46 and I could care less about my age and the age of others. It's the entrepreneurial mindset, desire, and ability to take action that I focus on in my message and in the Freedom Club. If you're older and about to retire, awesome! You'll have more time to create your freedom business. RANT ALERT: I've never really understood retirement. A person is at their peak of skill and knowledge and then they check out. Time to go play or sit home and watch dumbass daytime TV until death (as I've seen most of my family do.) Why not create a life you don't need vacations from? Why not create a life you'd never need a retirement from? That's what my main goal has been since I've started my entrepreneurial journey. That can happen at any age. Become a Freedom Club VIP here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 695 | WARNING: Be careful if you’re listening to THIS… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I just got an email that I'm going to share with you. I think a lot of people feel this way and I want to comment on it. Here is the email and my comments will follow. "Hi Jeremy, I emailed you yesterday about joining (the Freedom Club) after being at my friend's funeral. But now I'm having seconds thoughts. I'm going to be 50 years old I don't have any kind of a business idea and people are telling me I'm too old that online businesses are young man's game. I'm starting to believe in the negative people. Can anyone really do this? Please don't think I'm whining just unsure of myself. Thanks, Bill" --No, not just anyone can do it. That's good and bad news. Here's the good news part. The one thing you need to be able to create a successful freedom business - *you already have* or you wouldn't be on my list, emailing me, wanting to be a part of the Freedom Club. That one thing is the DESIRE to be an entrepreneur. It seems like a simple thing to have, but almost NO ONE has it. Think about it. How many people do you know actually want to be a real, live entrepreneur? How many people want to create a business that will help a specific audience that they get to choose? No one in my family or old group of friends did. At all the places I was employed, before I started my first online business, only one other person ever talked about owning their own business. One. And I worked at big businesses and worked directly with 100's of people. (That one person, Marcello, gave me the book that made me Unemployable within 24 hours! More on that another time...) I know most people want the EFFECTS of running a freedom business, like they want the freedom and money and recognition, but they don't want to actually create and run the business and really help an audience they choose. Does that make sense? As a side note, the age thing is nonsense. I'm 46. Most of my online mentors are in their 50's and 60's! Now the bad news... STOP taking advice from the wrong people. You have to be extremely picky about who you take your advice from. If the person that is telling you that you can't do something isn't doing it themselves and they actually know the in's and out's of what they are giving the advice about, their advice is worthless. Ya, hardcore, but true. Maybe the Negative Ned/Nancy that is giving you the dumb advice doesn't have the desire to create a freedom business and doesn't think you should. Maybe they don't want you to succeed and have a better life than they do. Maybe they have good intentions and don't want you to be sad if it doesn't work out the way you want. It doesn't matter why they give crap advice, just stop listening to them. Most of my friends and family told me that I shouldn't leave a 6 figure job to go "waste my time and money on something that doesn't exist." They thought you couldn't make money on the internet 14 years ago when I started. Well, they thought you had to do unsavory things or sell garbage from your attic or garage on eBay... When things started going extremely well and I moved onto the beach in San Diego and traveled first class to England, France, and Scotland and put my kids into awesome private schools, suddenly they all changed their tune about my starting a freedom business... (Though none of them really had the desire, so they didn't do it. They just wanted the effects that I had earned.) So, stop listening to people that don't know what they are talkin...

 694 | Are you in this dangerous, endless loop? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yesterday I finished my 3rd watching of the new HBO show, Westworld. I very much love this show. The thing to know about me is I'm a long form story connoisseur, that's a fancy way of saying I am a very picky TV show watcher. I worked in Hollywood and studied screenwriting for about 14 years ending my career as an editor at Warner Brothers. I am one of these snobby artists that was very picky and particular, so I don't just like any TV shows. It's very trendy to say, "I don't watch TV, I don't even have a TV in my house." Well good for you, superstar, I happen to love watching and analyzing *ONLY THE BEST* shows. They have to be really good to get the full treatment... Speaking of good, back to the really good Westworld. Most people still haven't heard about Westworld. It came out a couple months ago and, thankfully, got enough people watching it that it is going to have a second season. The show revolves around a sort of theme park for adults. It's set in the future... Has robots that look exactly like humans with near human artificial intelligence and... The theme park is set in the old west and... Anthony Hopkins plays the Godlike creator of the park and...'s awesome! It's awesome because it dives deep into what it's like to be human. Like any really good tv shows, you can learn a lot about yourself when watching them. (That doesn't happen to you? You must be watching crappy tv shows!) One of the ideas I really liked in Westworld is the idea that the robot "host" characters are stuck in their prewritten loops. A loop is a specific story that was written for them and they really can't deviate too much from it. So if you are the beautiful and innocent rancher's daughter that loves to paint and help your father you can't just change your mind and go off and join the cavalry to chase bandits or become a hooker at Mave's brothel. You have to stay in the story loop that was written for you. That got me thinking, that is what most people are living out everyday. We are mostly moist robots (Scott Adam's term) caught in our own story loops. Is your story loop that you have no time to start your freedom business, but you will as soon as you're done with X? Is your story loop that you just can't think of a business idea or audience you'd want to create value for? Are you stuck in the story loop of collecting tons of information that you will use "one day" once you gather enough and that "one day" never comes? Is your story loop that you are not good enough to change people's lives with fascinating and useful content? If you are stuck in these endless story loops you are in danger of feeling the dreaded, "death's door" emotion: Regret. There are a group of people out in the world that are waiting for you to break free of those negative story loops and help them change their lives. If I hadn't broke free of my bullshit, restrictive story loops you wouldn't be reading this right now, the Freedom Club wouldn't exist and I wouldn't have been able to help the people I've helped. Your audience is waiting for you right now. The loop ends when you take a small action towards what you really desire. Take that action now. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 693 | An unseen perk of freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yesterday morning, at 9:30am, I took my youngest daughter to her doctor's appointment. I didn't have to reschedule work or rush from her appointment to work or find someone to cover my shift at a crappy job. We spent the morning together talking about new plans for our life, we went to the appointment and then had lunch together. Being there for my kids at a higher degree is something I'll cherish for the rest of my life. Before I became my own boss I didn't get to be there with them at this level, it was all rush and rush and maybe I'll see you a bit on the weekend, even though we live in the same house. A freedom business allows for quality AND quantity of time with those you love. Thanks freedom business and thanks to my figuring out and understanding the Value Cycle in business, it made my connection to my kids and those I care about look the way I had always dreamed about. Check out the Value Cycle and all the steps needed to start your freedom business for one dollar a day at: I can’t wait to see you on the inside!


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