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ˌē-kō-ˈfe-mə-nist a movement that applies feminist principles to ecological issues #ecofemmag ECOFEMINIST magazine is the heart of the web for all who acknowledge the current state of the world and accept responsibility for their part in it. These men and women are feminists. They see the connection between the repression of women and the devastation of our planet and her resources. We unite, take a stand, and together peacefully strive for Thriving Mother Earth. You know you can’t do it all, but you do your part. Your part is important, valuable and a major contribution towards good. Thank you. We’re here to remind you that what you’re doing is enough and that you are enough. ECOFEMINIST magazine focuses on the positive movements that are spreading across the world, but not without acknowledging where we are right now. We believe it’s important to continuously remind ourselves of the current reality. Albeit briefly, but it’s a necessary step in motivating ourselves to change the world. There is massive change happening in the world. Change coming from individuals, communities, businesses, non-profits, women, men and children. We’re eager to tell these stories. With sustainability, natural living, health, wellbeing, nature, spirituality, yoga and much more being a part of a larger movement. It's a great time to be alive! Keep listening to hear about all the good in the world! Are you someone or do you know an ECOFEMINIST with a great story and do you want to be featured in ECOFEMINIST? @ecofemmag

The AutoImmune Hour

The AutoImmune Hour

Did you know there are over 100 conditions that people are suffering from every day that compromise their immune systems and if it’s not one of the “big ones” like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis you might be told it’s all in your head….

Your host for The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio, Sharon Sayler knows, she’s heard that over and over again. It was her struggles to find the right answers that created what friends call an “irrational-passion” to encourage and inspire others to live well, whole and complete… and that is how The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio was born… the premier location for information to empower you to live well, thrive and create a happy, healthy, wealthy life regardless of your diagnosis.

Sharon shares with you her own and others’ courageous stories and solutions to live well after you hear the words “you have an autoimmune condition….”

We are a community based on compassion, comfort, confidence, courage and quality information. Our mission is to inspire you through others’ courageous stories and solutions to life’s unexpected diagnosis.

The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio believes:

~ Everyone has unlimited potential regardless of the current situation;

~ We can reinforce the courage, strength, and confidence in everyone;

~ It’s imperative to always share authentic and transparent points of view.

Listen live every Friday at 7:00 PM ET on

Sakalchya Batmya / Daily Sakal News

Sakalchya Batmya / Daily Sakal News

रोजच्या धकाधकीच्या आयुष्यात आता सगळं माहित असणं गरजेचं झालं आहे. रोजचं तापमान काय त्याबरोबर, कांदा आणखी किती रडवणार, भाजी आणखी किती महागणार, पेट्रोल खिसा रिकामा करणार का, याच्या जोडीला जगात काय चाललंय याचा आढावा गरजेचा झाला आहे.

या सगळ्याची माहिती तुम्हाला मिळणार आहे सकाळच्या 'पॉडकास्ट' वर. त्यात तुम्ही ऐकणार आहात महत्वाच्या ३ बातम्या. याशिवाय हेल्थ, लाईफ स्टाईल, एंटरटेंनमेंट, बँकिंग, ट्रॅव्हल सारख्या क्षेत्रातील अपडेट्सही मिळणार आहेत. चला तर मग आता ऐकायला सुरुवात करुया... सकाळ पॉडकास्ट.

In the hustle of our daily lives, it is also important to keep a tab on whats happening around us.  News such as the petrol prices, vegetables prices, daily weather and all other things that directly impact our daily lives seem to be lost in the information overdose.

To bring your attention to what matters, Sakal brings to you Sakal Chya Batmya. A crisp and brief podcast focused on providing you with 3 important news of the day. Along with, special features on banking, travel, lifestyle, health and entertainment for you. Subscribe Now!

Morning news, daily news, news in marathi, sakal news 

Produced by: Ideabrew Studios

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Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast

Jason Zuk, The Social Psychic Radio Show and Podcast

Originally this podcast focused exclusively on topics surrounding Spirituality. With recent events and the turmoil concerning the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department along with the murders of countless others, a major paradigm shift is underway within our society. This show will expand its programming to include topics that highlight our desire to eradicate inequality, systemic racism, and to gain greater accountability from our elected leaders and the law enforcement community so that we as a society can improve the lives of millions. Jason offers a unique perspective as an Attorney and Psychic Medium and within the context of Spirituality. As an attorney, Jason is licensed to practice law in Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and New Jersey. He received his legal training by earning his Juris Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University and by attaining a Masters of Law (LL.M.) in International Law and Comparative Law from Georgetown University. Jason realized his psychic abilities immediately following his grandfather’s death in 2004 after he began to experience significant spiritual events that caused his mediumship abilities to flourish over time. Jason believes by coming together from a spiritual approach we can engage in healthy and constructive dialogue with the goal of gaining a greater understanding and awareness of these complex issues so that true reform can result. Jason supports the Black Lives Matter Movement. While Spiritual Topics will continue to be an important part of the show, Jason will also present topics addressing the desire to protect our Environment, Reform our Criminal Justice System, and Safeguard every Citizen from Police Brutality. "We the People Means EVERYONE."

The Freedom Formula for Physicians | How Doctors Cut Debt & Slash Taxes |  Business Of Medicine | Financial Education

The Freedom Formula for Physicians | How Doctors Cut Debt & Slash Taxes | Business Of Medicine | Financial Education

My name is Dave Denniston. I started podcasting in 2014 as my way of paying back physicians for helping my family with our miracle child, Evangeline, who was born at a mere 12.4 ounces/ 23 weeks gestationally. Through this journey, I've had the honor of interviewing Dr. Jim Dahle (The White Coat Investor), Dr. Kevin Pho (KevinMD), Dr. Pamela Wible, Dr. Dike Drummond, Dr. Nii Darko, and so many more. This is my personal podcast, dedicated to physicians. It is focused on “financial freedom” and just as importantly, how physicians can engage in healthy & a prosperous mindset! My philosophy is that we can all learn from others and who better to talk to physicians than other physicians and experts in various areas! I want to see every physician lower their taxes, destroy their debt, and enjoy a joyous, liberated lifestyle so that they can focus on what they love most- their families, their patients, and the activities that give them joy. I speak and interview folks on a whole host of issues that are important to physicians- burnout, how to protect their families, divorce, taxes, medical school debt, how to be a blogger & author, how to start an independent practice, and much more. I also occasionally speak about the resources that I am discovering. My goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life. If you are a physician- or aspire to be- then this podcast is for you! I typically post once per week, sometimes more often. Make sure to subscribe and stay tuned. The best is yet to come!

Whole You, Consciously Creating a Business and Life You Love Podcast

Whole You, Consciously Creating a Business and Life You Love Podcast

Hayley Hobson is an internationally known author, life coach and inspirational speaker. Her book, A Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils launched this year and Get It Done, 31 Ways to Release Your Inner Boss launches this spring. As a life coach, Hayley passionately empowers others to create lifestyle transformations by supporting clients in becoming the best possible WHOLE versions of themselves. Hayley teaches that by consciously controlling our thoughts, we create results we desire in our personal and business lives. Whether at home in the mountains of Boulder, CO or relaxing at her beach house in Cardiff By The Sea, CA, Hayley enjoys spending time with her husband, former world-ranked professional triathlete, Wes Hobson, and their two daughters, Makenna and Madeline. Her vegan lifestyle incorporates juicing, fitness and spirituality. In addition to Hayley’s coaching programs and online courses, she is a sought-after speaker at many global business events. Her programs, presented in more than 50 countries, weave together life coaching principles with strategic business practices. As a Wellness Advocate, Hayley Hobson is credited with achieving the highest ranks in her company in the shortest time. Today she holds the highest rank of Double Presidential Diamond. Hayley is an influence among an expanding network of peers. Her main charitable focus is the building of an orphanage in Haiti that when complete will house up to 25 children. Hayley Hobson has been featured in The Network Marketing Times, The Four Year Career, Positively Positive, and Natural Health Magazine. Her social media following exceeds hundreds of thousands. Look for Hayley on Instagram, Facebook, and right here on iTunes.

Sleep Meditation Podcast - Fall asleep Fast

Sleep Meditation Podcast - Fall asleep Fast

Everyone has trouble falling asleep occasionally. We spend so much of our waking hours stressed out as we constantly try to juggle the balance or our careers, relationships and health. We all need a good night’s sleep in order to have the energy and mental clarity we need the next day to get things done, but turning off your mind just because it’s bedtime can be a challenge. For many people, bedtime has become a time to worry, stress or toss and turn as they try harder and harder to fall asleep. Tracks To Relax is turning bedtime into relaxing “me time” by providing powerful Guided Meditations that are designed to relax both mind and body quickly at bedtime. The time between when we go to bed and actually fall asleep is a great time to undo some of the knots in our mental rope and feed our subconscious mind with positive information, visualizations and suggestions. Our audio sessions will lift you up, make you feel more empowered and even help you make self improvements all while you relax completely and drift off into a wonderful sleep. We have audio sessions for Getting Back To Sleep - Falling asleep quickly and easily - Breaking bad habits - Boosting Self Confidence - Stress relief - Making positive changes - Reduce worrying - Remove emotional blocks - Managing blood pressure -Lose weight - Positive Healing -Chakra balancing - Getting unstuck - Increase Motivation - Goal setting - Deep relaxation - Fun relaxing fantasies - Law of attraction - Increasing self esteem - Positive affirmations - Progressive muscle relaxation - Positive thinking - Reduce Food Cravings - Improve Relationships - Stop Insomnia and more! View ALL our sleep meditation sessions on our Patreon page by visiting

The Practice of the Practice Podcast | Innovative Ideas to Start, Grow, and Scale a Private Practice

The Practice of the Practice Podcast | Innovative Ideas to Start, Grow, and Scale a Private Practice

Joe Sanok from the blog covers everything it takes to make your service-based private practice more awesome. It’s what you wish you had learned in graduate school. Learn killer ways to grow your referrals, save tons of money, and have some fun along the way.

Joe has been featured on the Huffington Post, Yahoo Health, ZynnyMe, PsychCentral, and Sirus Radio.

Joe has an extensive background in several clinical settings including foster care, residential, home-based, college counseling, and private practice. As the owner of Mental Wellness Counseling in Traverse City, MI he has grown his practice and taught others to do the same. As an expert in the field of growing counseling private practices, Joe exposes all he knows to help you with marketing, branding, consulting, and a deeper level of awesomeness.

Joe knows that we’ve all been there, we dream of our small business taking off and we know that it should...but it doesn’t. We want more referrals and the independence that comes from a small business. Through marketing, website developments, and other business-focused tips, Joe helps you to grow. There are simple changes that you can make that will ensure your grow as a professional, expert and as a small business owner. Joe engages and encourages listeners through real-life examples of failure and success. These discussions are for the 21st century counselor who wants to be on the edge of technology, marketing, and expanding their private practice or small business! Plus, there is super sweet music throughout the podcast.

Spark Joy

Spark Joy

Welcome to Spark Joy, co-hosted by certified KonMari Consultants Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci. Spark Joy is the podcast dedicated to celebrating the KonMari Method and the transformative power of surrounding yourself with joy; and letting go of the all the rest. Made popular by Marie Kondo, author of the bestselling book The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, the KonMari Method is a revolutionary professional organizing technique and way of life. Join us as we explore the world of KonMari and how the method impacts your home, health, wealth, family and well being. Each week Spark Joy engages thought leaders and innovators in the KonMari universe. We share our experiences as KonMari Consultants, working with clients from all walks of life: families, empty nesting folks downsizing, young people setting up their first homes, and others. Look forward to practical tidy tips that will help you execute your own KonMari journey with ease and joy. Spark Joy wants to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at, email us at to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter via @sparkjoypodcast.Thanks for tuning in, and we hope your day sparks joy! NOTE: Spark Joy the podcast is not endorsed by or affiliated with KonMari Media, Inc. The opinions expressed on the show's episodes represent the views of the co-hosts and guests alone, and do not represent the corporate position of KonMari Media, Inc or the KonMari consultant community.

Fifty Shades of Gender

Fifty Shades of Gender

We get curious about all things gender, sex and sexuality, as well as relationships, feminism (the inclusive kind), mental health and kink, and all that makes us humans unique and diverse. From body positivity to body dysmorphia, it’s all welcome here. Come with us on a journey of inclusion, acceptance and respect. This podcast is for you if: • You're curious and want to learn more about experiences of gender outside the gender binary; • You are questioning your gender, or • You have a loved one who is, and you want to learn how to best support them. Other topics we cover on this podcast include neurodivergence, disability, parenting and family, transitioning, hormone therapy and other medical affirmative interventions, (extreme) body modification, BDSM, attraction types including asexuality and aromanticism, and much more. There is a content warning for sensitive subjects at the start of the episode if it applies. Esther (she/they/fae) is a creative rebel, intuitive designer, and queer mystic. She's also an artist, writer, truth seeker, and gentle activist. Generally non-conforming, she likes to refer to herself as a ‘rebel with a cause’. Her motto is “do YOUR thing, YOUR way”, and she passionately believes that authentic, unapologetic and at times radical self-expression is the most important gift we can give to ourselves – and to the world. Wanna know what it takes to be a better ally to gender-diverse folks? Register for our upcoming allyship course and receive FREE resources about gender-neutral language and pronoun examples: Find us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: @50ShadesGender Find us on YouTube. LinkedIn & Patreon: Fifty Shades Of Gender