The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast show

The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast

Summary: This podcast's for anyone wanting to explore the big issues, stretching your thinking in relatable ways. Well known personalities, Stuart ‘The Wildman’ Mabbutt and photographer William Mankelow, who aren't experts, but have opinions, authentic views and no scripts. Join them on meandering conversations about nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. Sometimes joined by guests, or discussing listener questions between themselves. Always full of fun anecdotes and a bit of silliness. 

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  • Artist: The People's Countryside
  • Copyright: The People's Countryside


 Ethical Debate on Animal Rights | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:25

How do misconceptions about the meat and dairy industries, like the one Suzi shared about cows producing milk because they are pregnant, contribute to the way we view and treat animals in our society? Listen in to this episode, as your regular hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow, joined by Suzi Darrington who once again takes her seat in the listener's chair, as they take a deep but relatable dive into this compelling listener question posed by Nigel in Blackbird Leys, Oxford, England:  "What have Vegans got against eating butter and eggs, or drinking milk? How do those things hurt animals?" Throughout the episode, Stuart, William, and Suzi explore the complexities of veganism, ethical consumption, and the importance of raising awareness, without alienating individuals.  Among other things they discuss the ethical implications of consuming products meant for other animals' babies, the environmental aspects of different diets, and the ethics surrounding the treatment of animals in the meat industry. At one point Stuart plays the role of the devil's advocate, prompting a question: should vegans dictate to meat eaters when the production processes of vegan food are not entirely sustainable either?  What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Unearthing Meaning in Everyday Monarchy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:06

In this engaging episode, co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow discuss the following question sent in by Ronny from Denchworth, Oxfordshire, England: “I saw parts of Charles's and Camila’s coronation, and when they stood on the balcony at Buckingham Palace afterward, both wearing crowns, Camila especially seemed to be waving to the gathered crowds in a very stilted and mechanical way. Is this reflecting how their reign is going to be?” Stuart takes us on an exploration of consistency, longevity, and reliability as key attributes of a successful monarch, setting the stage for a deep dive into the ever-evolving societal hierarchy. Is there a fundamental human need for a leader, even in isolated cultures? William poses a profound question: Have we forgotten that, despite our technological advancements, we are still fundamentally animals, driven by instincts and desires? Stuart wonders about the underlying motivation behind Ronny's question, believing there's a story concealed within. In conclusion, the co-hosts challenge us to contemplate the value of our daily actions. Is what we do today any significance in the grand scheme of things? With a reflective lens, they ponder the essence of our existence, urging us to unearth the meaning in the mundane. Is it all worth it?  What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Why Is the UK at the Centre of World Maps? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:14

Join us for an insightful and engaging exploration of maps, time zones, and their connections to our shared history. Is the centre of the world map a reflection of colonial legacies, or is it a matter of practicality and tradition? Listen in to find out! This is the podcast where we explore thought-provoking questions from our listeners. In this episode, Debs from Didcot, Oxfordshire, England, sparks a captivating discussion with her question: "Most world maps have the UK at the centre. Is this because of the time zones or a subtle link back to our colonial pasts?" Your co-hosts, Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow, embark on a journey to uncover the complexities of map representation, time zones, and their historical connections. William kicks off the conversation by highlighting how maybe the centre of a map depends on where you buy it, and how it can vary between an atlas and a map. Stuart directs the focus to world maps, and the relationship between their layout and time zones, suggesting a connection to colonial history. The discussion delves into the concept of perspective, William speculates on how our perspective could change if viewed from an extraterrestrial standpoint, alluding to common sci-fi and alien invasion depictions. To add an interactive element, William recommends a practical experiment: turning your phone's map so that south becomes the top. It's a thought-provoking exercise that challenges preconceived notions about map orientation.. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Embracing Inner Fullness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:22

In this compelling episode, co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow embark on another journey of self-discovery, sparked by a question sent in by listener Derrick from West Hendred, Oxfordshire, England. Derrick’s question is as follows: “We hear we should live life to the full. What exactly is that? How do we know if we are doing that, or wasting and frittering our lives away?” Stuart kicks off the conversation by exploring the societal tendency to pass judgement on how others choose to live their lives. This judgement, he notes, often reflects our own internal insecurities and judgements about ourselves. William chimes in with a personal anecdote, sharing how he's been questioned about his pursuit of learning the Finnish language, despite having no immediate plans to relocate to Finland. He suggests that such pursuits serve as an exercise for the brain, forging new neural connections and pathways, and expanding horizons. The co-hosts contemplate the idea of a "full life," with William emphasising that it can encompass a myriad of meanings and activities. Stuart delves into the psychology behind our judgments, and the ways they connect to our own self-perceptions. In conclusion, Stuart underscores the elusiveness of definitive answers, and encourages listeners to reflect on the concept of a full life, and draw their own conclusions. William's parting advice is to strive to live the best life possible, and to be kind to yourself along the way. During this episode Stuart mentions the Wildman On Wheel fundraiser, here a link to that fundraiser: What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 The Planet Can Be Cooled | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

A short bonus episode this one. Having listened to a previous episode, listener and collaborator Tommy Serafinski has been in touch.  Tommy and William also collaborated on another podcast series too, Have You Ever Considered? Have You Ever Considered? “Hey guys, I'm writing as a listener after listening to your recent episode ‘Climate Contradictions’. Indeed the planet can be cooled by dispersing into the atmosphere sulphur dioxide. Of course, there would be some slide effects (for example the sky would be red - seriously, like in the movies) but overall it's quite easy to do. The number of flights required to achieve noticeable cooling of the planet (1 degree, etc) is actually a tiny fraction of what any old commercial airline operates. So the danger is actually that it's too easy to do and some rich nations (Saudis anyone) could decide on their own for the rest of the world to cool down the planet. Apparently, calcium carbonate also could be used for that purpose but I didn't read any deeper analysis about that. You can read about this (and much much more) in this excellent book. If you'd like to buy it - of course use my affiliate link - see, ended up not being entirely disinterested! Cheers, Tommy”. Stuart raises as an action, that we should read the book which Tommy has recommended. William suggests that the idea of cooling the climate down, according to conspiracy theorists, is already happening, with the use of what they call chemtrails creating more cloud cover to reflect more of the Sun’s energy back into space. He raises how we’re in a time where feelings trump facts, and even that some people still wonder if we can really be impacting the climate negatively? Then goes on to talk about the effect of grounding all the flights in the US when 9/11 happened, when the average temperature went up by a degree. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Cracking The LTN Controversy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:50

In this bonus episode, co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow dive deep again into the world of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), addressing a question from long-time listener Hedley Thorne. They were once again joined by Suzi Darrington in the listener’s chair. Hedley’s question is as follows: "LTNs, I believe, are a relatively recent invention, and so what has brought about the requirement for them, and what are their positive and negative effects on the local community and businesses?" Low Traffic Neighbourhoods or LTNs have become a hot topic, polarising communities and sparking protests, particularly in the picturesque city of Oxford. Right from the start, Stuart and William tackle the basics of what LTNs are, and why they evoke strong reactions. Special guest Suzi Darrington, a familiar voice in the Listener Chair, joins the conversation once again. The trio discusses the historical use of roadblocks in Oxford, with William shedding light on the fact that LTNs are not a new concept. Suzi is quick to highlight the positive aspects of life with LTNs, seeing them as a crucial step toward building better public transport links. She also delves into the recent anti-LTN protests in Oxford, and how they are tied to the idea of the 15-minute neighbourhoods. Stuart raises the question of whether this is merely about reinstating local communities. William explores the role of media, and the impact of ingrained habits when it comes to LTNs. Stuart makes a key point: LTNs aren't banning cars; they're just gently nudging traffic in different directions. Suzi shares her experiences using public transport and cycling around Oxford, highlighting the advantages of reducing car dependency. William mentions businesses that claim LTNs have caused their closure, but Suzi points out that these neighbourhoods emerged during the COVID pandemic, and there are other factors at play. Stuart calls for transparency, requesting to see the businesses' financial records to gauge the direct impact of LTNs. William argues that many businesses, not just recently, but for years, have failed to adapt to changing circumstances. Stuart emphasises the significance of location for businesses and suggests that they might need extra assistance in relocating and adapting. The episode concludes with a discussion about what the council should do. The consensus is to persevere with LTNs, with Suzi highlighting the enthusiasm of the younger generation for addressing the climate crisis and their willingness to embrace change without ingrained habits. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Brainwashed By The 7 Main Polluters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:00

“We’re brainwashed into thinking we as individuals can save the world, when I’ve heard 7 companies are responsible for most of the carbon humans have ever emitted. Is getting out on the streets and protesting the only answer?” That’s the listener question sent in by Eve, in Haslam, Nottingham, England for co-hosts Stuart and William to explore. Stuarts states right off the bat that there is never just one singular answer to anything. We’re distracted at times by the big corporations, it's true, and we can feel pressured into doing things as individuals, which can take the onus away from the big companies to do anything themselves. The big quandary we have is that there really needs to be a big change in how we all live, but how on earth do we go about that? Stuart’s conclusion is that street protests are one but not the only answer. We need to do our best to transition in as many ways as possible, because it’s very hard to change the wind of change when they’re coming at it from many different routes. William is amazed by who owns and influences what, and what one company owns when you drill down. For example, Goodreads is run by Amazon, and how many breakfast cereals does Pepsi have a stake in? It’s very difficult to avoid the 7 companies that Eve has alluded to, as their tentrills are everywhere, so is protest the only answer William inquires? Yes, in a way, but there are many ways to protest. Stuart elaborates on this point, for example abstaining from using a particular product is an act of protest. You can protest by just talking about it, and by keeping it in the public eye and not letting it get buried. An action your co-hosts came up with for this particular episode is to try to seek balance, but also not sticking with the status quo either. We like to give you an ad free experience. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠ or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Social Media’s Reality Distortion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:29

Suzi Darrington is once again sat in the ‘Listener’s Chair’ alongside Stuart and William for this listener question from Ronny, in Denchworth, Oxfordshire, England. “Are young people's perception of reality distorted by the cultural influences of their preferred social media platforms?” Suzi talks about the different phones she had when younger, saying her first smartphone was at the age of 12. Her generation grew up with social media, and has always had it as a big part of her life. She’s never had a phone that didn’t have social media on it. In the past you’d have to dedicate time to social media, she now carries it around in her back pocket. This makes her feel a bit trapped, but acknowledges she puts it on herself. The conclusion is social media is an addiction, it taps into addictive behaviours, similar to how fruit machines entice people. The next generation are getting much shorter form content, that’s more addictive, and Suzi can see how this kind of content could shape views. There's a growing community of men who hate women, with the social media world reshaping reality. Suzi delves into the reality of how these men hate women, and how they look up to individuals who perpetuate those thoughts. Her conclusion is that she’d need to be really self aware to fully understand the impact Instagram has had on her, with the content being so clean and saturated. She feels Instagram has placed a pressure on how she looks and gives her an unrealistic expectation of reality. Even the content that’s supposed to show reality, itself has been curated and selected. Social media has a bigger influence on her when she isn’t busy. When she’s got things to do, she uses it less. After re-reading the question Suzi talks about how each social media platform has a different feeling, and in fact over her lifetime these platforms have changed. Material that is against what you believe is pushed to you just to get a reaction, as it keeps engagement on that platform’ It engenders arguments, which in turn distorts people’s perception of reality. Suzi feels that social media is heading towards more short form content, more outrage, trying to keep people on the platforms as much as possible. Consuming, commenting, reacting. Tik Tok has been accused of causing frenzies of activity, and yes, social media can be a great place to connect, but a bad place to feel you truly belong. William raises an action we can all consider is to do nothing, and feel comfortable with being bored, and to change the word to want rather than to need. We need to stop filling our time with ‘stuff’ and activity, and spend time actively just sitting and being. Stuart asks where this kind of thinking and behaviour is going? Both he and William lived before the advent of social media, which prompts Suzi to ask what they actually did with their time. They just got on with life! During this episode this fundraiser is mentioned, check it out What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Should Landlords Be Demonised? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:29

Regular co-hosts Stuart and William are joined by Suzi Darrington. an Oxford University Crankstart Intern with them in the summer, who returns to the ‘Listener’s Chair’ to give her two pennies worth and because this question really resonated with her. She will be back again in future episodes. The following question came from listener Derrick, in West Hendred, Oxfordshire, England. “Should landlords be demonised as they are after all providing homes. Even if they put the prices of rents up too much though and no one can afford them, the homes are still there though, and could be turned into AirB&B’s?” Is the core of this issue how we look at renting and home ownership? Stuart compares the property ladder to a pyramid scheme: people jump on this ladder believing they’ll make money but that horse has bolted. He says people don’t like moving and mentions the north/south divide as well as the unfair distribution of property in the UK. The North East has a lot of empty houses because the population has moved out. How can we get people to move to places that have a surplus of housing, and make it fair? Also, the social housing that building companies should create often falls short of the target. How can we change that?  William feels a home is a sanctuary where you feel safe, not a transient place you just exist in. He mentions how the major UK supermarkets were pulled up by the government for potentially profiteering from the cost of living crisis. Are landlords profiteering too? He says we need more equality and a wide variety of properties, particularly affordable rental places. The social housing stock is low, and the bar to be eligible for a home is high. William compares going up the property ladder with going up in society. He asks where the drive for homeownership in the UK comes from. He and Stuart conclude that it goes way back. We live on a crowded island and are protective of our property. William cites the episode with guest Heli Paulasto where the discussion was framed around the different attitudes around the right to roam between Finland and the UK. He points out that in the past large housing estates were built, e.g. in Glasgow, with no amenities, and that it still happens with housing projects today. He goes on to raise the idea of the 15-minute city. Suzi looks at the sinister side of all of this. We appear to be shifting in attitude towards a more privatised service industry in every aspect. She believes we have an obsession with ownership, an unachievable dream particularly for the younger generation. She asks is the desire to own our own home a reflection of sovereignty and is this baked into the British character?  They conclude with a conversation around why people move or stay, the mistrust of immigration, and the impact of air b&bs. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Are Anti Cycling Issues Undoing Pro-Cycling Measures? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:29

“We seem to be cycling less since Covid. Councils really encouraged us to cycle more during the lockdowns, but it seems to be they too easily undo the pro-cycling measures when anti-cycling issues are raised by motorists and others?”. That’s today's listener question up for discussion, sent in by Rob from East Lockinge, Oxfordshire, England. We always give an ad free experience on this podcast. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  As someone who cycles himself, co-host William believes that the Oxford City Council are at least trying to be more cycle friendly. He doesn’t label himself as a cyclist but more as someone who cycles. Using a bike is just one method he uses to get around the city.  William feels that the Oxford City Council are more pro cycling. He wonders if the perspective of this question sent in by Rob, in a rural area, shows the trend in the countryside, where again more people were potentially cycling during the lockdown and have gone back to driving more now that we are back to more “normal times”. As far as William is aware, bus usage levels haven’t recovered since COVID, and he believes that overall, COVID has had a major effect on all our lives, particularly how we travel around. Maybe more people are now opting for the car, which can feel like a safer environment than going back to public transport. Co-host Stuart raises that during COVID he became aware that more sections of the road were being given to cyclists, and maybe those are now being removed in some areas. He goes on to suggest that potentially more people are now taking the bus or driving, rather than cycling, but also that he knows people who picked up the cycling habit during COVID which they’ve kept up. He feels that to explore this topic more, we need maybe a local councillor, as this debate is bigger than he and William. William wonders though whether a councillor would want to be a guest on the podcast, as their words are always picked apart by people. Stuart suggests that what has changed is that many people’s lives are busy again, so it could just appear that people are cycling less. This whole idea needs to be monitored fully to really find out the answer to this question. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠thepeoplescountryside@gmail.comHelp us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠ or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Future Pandemic Governance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:00

In another thought-provoking episode of The People’s Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast, your co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow dive deep into another discussion, prompted by a question from listener Gavin, from Grove, Oxfordshire, England. The question Gavin poses is: ”In the UK there are governmental subcommittees reviewing the benefits and costs of decisions made around the Covid-19 science during the pandemic in the UK. Its hard to do this when using hindsight as the decisions our government and other world governments made were done in real time, with less information. If decisions had been made with the benefit of the hindsight we’d have now, would the experience have been any better? Is this review an impossible task?” Stuart kicks off the conversation by reflecting on the Scottish government's response to the pandemic, pointing out that criticisms have emerged, suggesting a need for a more people-focused approach, rather than just infection rate-focused decisions. He highlights the inherent challenge governments face in real-time assessments of the impact of their choices on the public and emphasises the importance of proactive support measures. However, William provides a fresh perspective, shifting the conversation from what should have been done to, what we can and should do in the future. He acknowledges the value of hindsight, but also its limitations, arguing that the review is a vital tool for shaping responses to future pandemics. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠ or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 It’s Black History Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:59

Join co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow as they mark the onset of Black History Month, which kicks off on October 1st. Black History Month is a time to honour, celebrate, and reflect upon the profound impact of Black individuals on our local, national and international history and culture.Find out more by going to --- Send in a voice message:

 Uncomfortable Truths When Unearthing The Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:45

Join hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow in this thought-provoking episode, sparked by a question from listener, Rob from East Lockinge, Oxfordshire, England. Focusing on the world of museum culture, they delve deep into the complex issue of artefact ownership, colonialism's lingering legacy, and the stories we choose to tell. The question sent in by Rob is as follows: “British museums could ultimately close if they start returning artefacts and exhibits obtained due to colonisation? It could be the thin end of the wedge with loads more things being returned to their original cultural owners. If the floodgates are opened institutions like Cambridge University could also be returning stolen colonial treasure as it were, that they use for educational purposes.  Even though there's no law enforcing the return of items, it is perhaps a good time to really progress this, especially as more new requests are coming in from the original owners. Do you feel telling the story of these items is best done collaboratively and fairly? Not in a protectionist approach that risks distorting the item's story and its cultural relevance now, today?” During this episode Stuart reminds us of the profound impact of colonialism on the industrial revolution, and on the very fabric of society in the UK, and how confronting this history is essential for finding answers to the questions posed. He asks, who do these collections of items in museums really serve? We need to be telling the whole story, including the good and the bad. William delves into the significance of understanding the origins of these items and the permissions granted for their display. Is an item's educational value determined by its backstory and the care taken in its presentation? What lies at the heart of a museum's mission? As always this podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠ or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Are Humans Just Another Giant Panda? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:12

How can we discern genuine eco-friendly intentions from greenwashing in large businesses, and is it inevitable that there will always be a level of suspicion when it comes to their environmental efforts and motives? Are we, as a society, at a point where we can still make choices to change our future, or have we already passed the point of no return in addressing pressing environmental issues, like E-waste? Join co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow in yet another thought-provoking episode, as they delve into the complex world of E-waste, and its environmental implications. This conversation was sparked by the following question from Derrick, West Hendred, Oxfordshire, England: “E-Waste is growing 3 times faster than the population. Eyes roll when we’re told big business is going sustainable as it's just out to make money. I feel though we need to urgently decouple growth and enviro sustainability, for them and us, it's not an either or. Perhaps enviro sustainability can still mean growth, just not as much? Some even say Hydrogen fuels are a distraction, but it does seem to fill a gap that electricity can’t access. Maybe hybrid fueling is the way forward for business, consumers and us?” As the discussion unfolds, the hosts delve deep into the human condition, the potential for meaningful change, and whether we have already crossed the point of no return in shaping our livable future. Stuart even presents a unique analogy, suggesting that human society resembles a multi-level marketing business, or even a pyramid scheme. Stuart introduces the idea of the reusability of lithium, while William highlights the challenge of discerning genuine eco-friendly intentions from greenwashing in businesses. The conversation takes a philosophical turn, exploring the concept of growth, not just in terms of monetary wealth, but as personal and human development. They also ponder whether humanity is on a collision course with its own demise, akin to an evolutionary dead-end like the Giant Panda finds itself in. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠ or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:

 Shaping Beliefs And Perspectives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:55

Who truly sets the standards for how countries should behave, and can we influence change without imposing our beliefs on others? Are bans on countries with societal unfairness hosting major events a solution, or does it inadvertently create echo chambers and hide underlying issues? In this thought-provoking episode, co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow engage in a candid conversation, sparked by a question from listener, Kate in Rowstock, Oxfordshire, England, whose question is as follows: “A workman on my roof was shouting his views to his work colleagues the other day, do you agree with him? He said (and I’ve edited out his prolific swear words, 3 in one sentence at times. Not much room left for what he was saying!) During the football world cup in 2022 players and the sport were politicising the event by ramming the rainbow and gay rights down our throats. Some countries frown upon homosexuality, and that should be respected. Protest brings about change but is using sport that way a step too far? Surely the debate is better maintained by banning countries hosting and competing in these events if they have unfairness in their society, like Qatar does? Or will that push discrimination underground? Who decides if another countries views are wrong? Many powerful countries who criticise others have rules others don’t like either so are they really purer than pure? Surely dialogue and reason is the way to go? Although if we want diversity why do we hit countries over the head because of extreme beliefs? Gay, women, abortion, its all hypocritical. No culture is right but are we talking about fairness?” Stuart kicks things off by sharing his observations on profanity and intelligence, suggesting that there's more to it than meets the eye. William then raises the important question of cultural relativism, challenging our preconceived notions about what's right and wrong on a global scale. They both agree that timing plays a crucial role in using platforms like sporting events to protest effectively. Stuart emphasises the need to confront and engage with beliefs different from our own, while William suggests a practical approach of questioning the origins and motivations behind people's opinions, to facilitate meaningful dialogue. Every country has beliefs that other countries don’t have, don't agree with. For example the UK largely deny how things are connected with colonialism. Stuart believes there is a lot of homophobia that is wrapped up in pretend acceptance, and he feels that is why we haven’t moved on as a world society. This episode is a reminder that meaningful change begins with dialogue, and no disagreement has ever been resolved without people discussing and challenging their beliefs. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠ We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers. This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice.  Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends ⁠⁠ , support our work through Patreon ⁠⁠ or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: ⁠ --- Send in a voice message:


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