Mind Escape show

Mind Escape

Summary: Mind Escape is a Podcast dedicated to exploring the mysteries of life. We tackle such subjects as Ancient Civilizations and Megalithic Structures, Consciousness and Near Death Experiences, Psychedelics and Philosophy of Mind, Ancient Mysteries and Esoteric Knowledge, and The Universe.

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 Detroit Music Scene with Chris Mcintosh Episode #15 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:52:32

"Detroit Music Scene Podcast" Today we chat with Chris Mcintosh the man who recorded some of Detroits best rock and jambands. In his home studio known as Mctech he used his knowledge of gear, electronics, acoustics, and personal skill to craft some all time albums like Bump's "Incredible Consequence", Simplicity's "Life After Life", and The Natives of the New Dawn. He also contributed musically on top of recording and producing. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Flood Myths Episode #14 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:55:57

"Flood Myths" Noah's Ark, Epic of Gilgamesh, Yima and the Vara, Viracocha, and Enoch and the Nephilim. Today we look at all the great flood myths and story from across the globe. There are many similarities in these myths and stories that we will analyze and speculate on. The most famous one most people know is the story of Noah's Ark. Mesopotamia's flood myth is known as the Epic of Gilgamesh. These myths are even found in ancient North American and South American texts like the Incan myth of Varicocha in which he sank the people around Lake Titicaca. There is also the story of Yima and the Vara from Zoroastrianism texts which we can speculate maybe the ancient underground site we know as Derinkuyu. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 The Origin of Comedy with Danny Emmerson Episode #13 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:50:27

"The Origin of Comedy Podcast" Today we look at Comedy, It's origins, and It's future with our buddy Danny Emmerson. We will look at the people who invented Comedy the ancient Greeks. Comedy started as greek satirical plays written by Aristophanes and some are still being preformed to this day. We will look at the golden age of comedy and debate the best Saturday Night Live cast. With the current Social and Political climate mixed with PC culture on College campus' it is making it ever difficult for comedians to push the boundaries that created the comedy giants that we love from the 70's-00's. People need to relearn to be able to laugh at themselves and society and use it as a tool to heal. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Ancient Egypt and Spirituality with John Hogan Episode #12 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:09:22

"Ancient Egypt and Spirituality" Ancient Egypt is the subject as we sit down with our uncle and my Godfather John Hogan. John Hogan is well versed in Ancient Egyptian culture, The Great Pyramid, Dynastic Pharaohs, and their religious history. We will talk about the father of monotheism Akhenaten and his importance to the history of Egypt and humanity. King Tut erased his fathers footsteps by going back to a polytheistic structure or the old ways. We will also discuss my grandfather and his connection to ancient Egypt and John will tell a phenomenal story about his father (our grandfather) at the end involving unexplained event during the Korean War. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Phish and Vibration with Chris Emmerson Episode #11 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:21:15

"Phish and Vibration" Phish! Today we are joined by our good buddy and fellow jamband musician and Phish aficionado Chris Emmerson. We will take a look at music and its effects on society. We will discuss our favorite band Phish and some of our other favorite jambands and shows. We will also talk about vibration and it's effect on our consciousness and the effect it has on large groups of people at the same time. Why is the jamband scene the final frontier for live music. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Eastern Philosophy and The Vedas with Chris Emmerson Episode #10 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:32:01

"The Eastern Philosophy and Vedas Podcast" Did the Indo-Aryans write the Vedas? Today we have our Buddy Chris Emmerson on who has been studying and practicing Vedanta, Yoga, and Eastern Philosophy for years. We will talk about Sattvic, Tamasic, and Rajasic. We will also discuss The Bhagavad Gita, Mahabhatara, and the Ayurveda. Does the Eastern Spirituality concepts of Brahman, Atmen, and Prakriti hold value today based on science and consciousness breakthroughs since their inception? *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Artificial Intelligence of The Future Episode #9 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:49:11

"Artificial Intelligence of The Future" Ray Kurzweil, Dr. Ben Goertzel, and Elon Musk are leading the way for a possible human and machine hybrid future. Artificial Intelligence is here! Today we discuss the current Artificial Intelligence movement and the effect it has on our society and our future. Ray Kurzweil is leading the push to make AI conscious and integrate them into society. Not everyone is sold on robots and Artificial Intelligence and there is a growing fear among some that we will lose control of our creations or worse yet create monsters capable of destroying everything humanity has built. Shows like Black Mirror and Joe Rogan podcast are bringing these questions and issues to the forefront of society. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Lost Civiliations and The Younger Dryas Era Episode #8 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:43:06

"Lost Civilizations and The Younger Dryas Era" Where is Atlantis? Where is Hy Brasil? What constitutes a Lost civilization? Are lost civilizations still waiting to be found? Today we take a look at lost and ancient cities and the difference in landscape of how things were before and after the younger dryas. We will talk about the land bridges Sundaland and Doggerland that GrahamHancock highlights in his book Fingerprints of the Gods. We will also ponder Atlantis and talk about whether Plato's work on Timaeus was an allegory or was it historical from the knowledge he learned while traveling to Ancient Egypt. Finally we will analyze Ireland's Atlantis aka Hy Brasil. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 TTSA and Ruwa UFO's with Chris Emmerson Episode #7 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:13:51

"TTSA and Ruwa UFO's" Are the recent To The Star Academy Sightings reliable? Is Tom Delonge credible after his recent JoeRogan interview? Do Aliens Exist? Have Aliens ever been here? Or have they been here the whole time? Today we have our good buddy Chris Emmerson back on after he invited himself when he heard we were going by discussing Aliens and UFO's. We will talk about Dr. Steven Greer's disclosure movement and his documentary Sirius and Unacknowledged. We will go beyond ancient aliens. We will analyze the Ruwa, Zimbabwe UFO sighting at a school in 1994 that scarred a whole group of kids that witnessed the event. We will discuss Tom Delonge's newest initiative To the Stars Academy and his recent controversial appearance on the Joe Rogan Podcast. We will also speculate who or what Aliens or the Grey archetype could be. Enrico Fermi once asked the possibilities for life are nearly infinite then where is everybody? *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Lucid Dreams and Vedanta with Chris Emmerson Episode #6 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:01:11

"Lucid Dreams and Vedanta" How do you lucid dream? What is a lucid dream? Today we ponder lucid dreams with friend of the show Chris Emmerson. He is currently studying Vedanta and practicing lucid dreaming based on a set schedule. R.E.M is an important part of sleep, but what it does and why we do it is still a mystery. Also are we slowly releasing DMT as we sleep creating our own personal dreamworld? Or is our Pineal Gland being activated at night based on lack of light getting through to it as it regulates our circadian rhythms? *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Drugs and Shamanism with Danny Emmerson Episode #5 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:53:01

"Drugs and Shamanism" Today we have our good buddy Danny Emmerson on to discuss drugs and shamanism. Before this episode he ate a potent edible and took him on a journey as we talk about the current societal climate surrounding the Cannabis and Psychedelic movement. Is medicinal Marijuana the answer for the future in terms of the medical and phycological communities. Can psychedelics cure Depression, OCD, and other disorders? *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 The Urantia Book Episode #4 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:58:23

"The Urantia Book Podcast" I am excited for this episode we will analyze the Urantia Book which to me is one of best spiritual compositions to be written in the last century or possibly ever. Dr. William Sadler and his wife had a huge part and was the catalyst for bringing this book to the masses. It is long and it marries Religion, Science, and Philosophy in a way that has not been seen since the scientific revolution. The syntax and structure is amazing not to mention it does not contradict itself once in the papers. The most mysterious thing about it is the way it was conceived and written which I urge all of you to look into. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Edgar Cayce and Mysticism with Chris Emmerson Episode #3 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:56:04

"Edgar Cayce and Mysticism" Today we will introduce you to our good buddy and 1st guest Chris Emmerson. He is well versed in Eastern Philosophy, Rudolf Steiner, and Edgar Cayce. We will speculate on our own ideas of consciousness and talk about what the mystics and ancient texts have to say. We will also talk about free will vs determinism. Also what does family karma do with our daily lives and what can we do to keep it in balance. We will talk about Edgar Cayce and how credible was he really. Finally we will touch on Rudolf Steiner and his work through the anthroposophy movement. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive episodes and interviews https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Megalithic Structures and Precession Episode #2 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:01:42

"Megalithic Structures and Precession" Today we take a look at megalithic Structures like The Great Pyramids and Gobekli Tepe. Gobekli Tepe with less than 5% of it excavated has already been a treasure trove of ancient knowledge. Gobekil Tepe is setting the modern human timeline back with it being 12,000 yrs old possibly dating back to 10,000 B.C. We will also discuss The Great Pyramid of Egypt since there is no evidence of the exact way it was built. There is no way that slaves were involved in it's construction. It had to have been skilled laborers with a passion for the project to create that masterpiece. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive episodes and interviews https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Consciousness and Beyond Episode #1 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:15:30

Consciousness and Beyond Episode #1 "Consciousness and Beyond" What makes us Conscious? What is Consciousness? Is it a byproduct of evolution or something divine? Since man has been self aware he has pondered the meaning of life and our possible origin. At some point in our evolution our brain sizes have tripled. There are theories as to how this happened, but nothing concrete. This is most likely the origin of consciousness as we know it. Mike and Maurice’s Mind Escape is a podcast dedicated to Science, Religion, Archeology, Art, Music, Esoteric works, and everything interesting in between. We are cousins who grew up in the suburbs of Detroit and have always had the thirst for the unknown and mystical experiences. The mission and goal of this podcast is to spread knowledge and also to learn and grow through interviews and free flow discussions. This is our 1st episode and we hope you enjoy as we wade through the uncharted waters of our minds. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive episodes and interviews https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com


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