Mind Escape show

Mind Escape

Summary: Mind Escape is a Podcast dedicated to exploring the mysteries of life. We tackle such subjects as Ancient Civilizations and Megalithic Structures, Consciousness and Near Death Experiences, Psychedelics and Philosophy of Mind, Ancient Mysteries and Esoteric Knowledge, and The Universe.

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 Near Death Experience with Ryan Hay Episode #30 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:00:00

"Near Death Experience Podcast" Today we take a look at our buddy and Musician Ryan Hay's path from near death experience to the synchronicities that lead him back to music and the release of his new album and art movement in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ryan and his wife hold events and concerts at their house in Grand Rapids as well as other regional venues. Check out his music and website PinkSkyMusic.com *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Rudolf Steiner Early Life with Andrew Tischler Episode #29 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:56

"Rudolf Steiner Early Life Podcast" Today we talk Rudolf Steiner with Philosopher and Artist Andrew Tischler. Rudolf Steiner is probably most famous for his Anthroposophy movement at the turn of the century, but today we look at his early life and path that lead him to his later work. We will also touch a little on Rene Decartes, the Cartesian method, and the Philosophy of science. What did Steiner's work tell us about the metaphysical and what can we do to carry the tradition? *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 The Drake Equation and Fermi Paradox Episode #28 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:31:10

"The Drake Equation vs Fermi Paradox Podcast" Today we look at the two end of the spectrum. The Drake Equation and The Fermi Paradox. Frank Drake came up with the equation for probability of life in the universe. Enrico Fermi asked the question if the universe is teaming with life based on probability where is everyone? "Two possibilities exist; Either we are alone in the Universe or we are. Both are equally terrifying." -Arthur C. Clarke *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Gnostic Gospels Episode #27 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:45:30

"The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Gnostic Gospels Podcast" Today we discuss the Dead Sea scrolls which were found by found by a bedouin shepherds in a cave in Qumran in 1947/47. We will also discuss and breakdown The Gnostic Gospels from Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They were found in 1945 and were buried in some pottery between the 3rd and 4th century. In contrast to the those two works we will also discuss the Codex Gigas aka the "Devil's Bible" and the interesting story and history behind it. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Ancient Egyptian Gods with John Hogan Episode #26 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:02:21

"Ancient Egyptian Gods Podcast" Today we take a look at Ancient Egyptian Gods, Ba, and Ka. We will analyze the polytheism structure leading up to Akhenaten and the beginning of Monotheism. We will look at why Osiris is portrayed and depicted always as green in Egyptian artwork. We will also analyze Ba and Ka and what they understood about consciousness and awareness. John Hogan is very well versed in Ancient Egypt and the spirituality associated with it. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Biocentrism Episode #25 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:34:40

"Biocentrism Podcast" Today we take a look at Dr. Robert Lanza's Theory of everything Biocentrism. Dr. Lanza uses the Double Slit Experiment, Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment, and Quantum Entanglement's "spooky action" as Einstein described it to Highlight the scientific side of his theory that we create consciousness and the universe around us. With a background in Biology he uses that point of view to explain consciousness. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Phan Experience Series with Sarah Emmerson Episode #24 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:36:35

"Phan Experience Series" Today we discuss Phish & Phish tour with Sarah Emmerson. This is the first episode in our Phan Experience Series. We will talk with Sarah about the Highs and Lows of her years of touring and how she got into it. She also had the pleasure of attending Big Cypress the seminole Phish Festival to celebrate the millennium (Pun intended). *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Nikola Tesla Episode #23 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:32:22

"Nikola Tesla Podcast" Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison. Today we are focusing on Nikola Tesla, but will also discuss Elon Musk and Thomas Edison. Nikola Tesla was a visionary and his technology and inventions are still be used or acting as blueprints for current or new technology today. AC Power, WiFi, Free sustainable renewable energy, and The Tesla Coil. Elon Musk is considered a modern visionary, but compares himself to Thomas Edison from a business standpoint. Edison while he brought great products to the masses he lacked the scientific discipline and vision Tesla had and also stole from him among other shady dealings. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 The New Nazca Lines Episode #22 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:02:31

"The New Nazca Lines Podcast" Happy 420! We will also take a look at the recently discovered Nazca Lines in the Nazca desert in southern Peru. Finally we will discuss Nibiru and the fear monger David Meade who has claimed many times of the last few years that Nibiru is coming and then end is near. *Update: We are still here lol *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Wild Wild Country Review with Chris Emmerson Episode #21 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:16:42

"Wild Wild Country Review (Netflix)" Today we take a look at the documentary by the Duplass Brothers Wild Wild Country. It follows the path of Delusional Spiritual Leader Bhagwhan Shree Rajneesh, His psychotic assistant Ma Anand Sheela, and the crazy kundalini cult he took from an Ashram in India to the small town of Antelope, Oregon. They took over a county in Oregon, Influenced elections, dispersed thousands of homeless people, and committed the largest mass poisoning in U.S. history to influence elections. Bhagwan aka OSHO tried gain enlightenment by satiating his desires and embracing materialism while trying to create a concept he created known as a Buddha Field only to be exposed, taken down, and deported. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Rudolf Steiner with Rick Emmerson Episode #20 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:57:31

"Rudolf Steiner Podcast" Today we discuss Rudolf Steiner with Rick Emmerson. Rick Emmerson is a Detroit area musician and part time philosopher. He has appeared in the Academy award winning documentary "Searching for Sugar man". We will discuss how he discovered Rudolf Steiner's work for the time and what effect it had on his life. We will also discuss EGO and why it can be a good thing in contradiction to the modern psychedelic and eastern philosophy idea dissolving the EGO. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Film History with Danny Emmerson Episode #19 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:07:51

"Film History Podcast" Today we discuss film with Danny Emmerson. We will look at the downfall of Film and Movies and the rise of TV Series and Binge Watching. With Netflix, Hulu, On Demand, and better product available quicker Film and movies is failing the test. Hollywood has been reduced to remakes, sequels, and Books being made into movies. With their lack of imagination in combination to the rise of technology and options Hollywood has created their very own enemy out of sheer ignorance. HBO shows, Netflix original series, and Hulu are the new kings of entertainment distribution. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Government and Society with Brian Moore Episode #18 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 01:13:56

"Government & Society Podcast" Today we take a look at the economy and politics with Brian Moore. In the current climate civility and rationale are almost unheard of. With the rise of social media people are no longer speaking face to face and are attacking each other online from the safety of their homes. Everyone has a voice and it's clear maybe that shouldn't be the case lol. Agreeing to Disagree has become a lost art and a much needed commodity in these trying times for the sanity of our nation. Science, research, and biology are under attack for the sake of being politically correct and are ignoring things we know to be truth like the Earth being a Sphere. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 String Theory and Our Solar System Episode #17 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:39:40

Today we look at the dynamics of string theory and our solar system. We know of 3 Dimensions for sure. Length, Width, and Height, but what if there are infinite dimensions and we can only perceive 3? Quantum Physicists are pushing the agenda for String Theory, M Theory, and Super String Theory. SuperString Theory needs 10 dimensions, M-Theory needs at least 11 dimensions, and Bosonic String Theory would need 26 dimensions. Is the Calabi-Yau manifold an accurate model for 6 collapsable dimensions? A lot of these theories are mathematical and probabilities based with no tangible proof. We will also look at the weirdness that is our Moon and some of it's anomalies. We will look at our sun the power plant of our solar system. We will also analyze the asteroid belt. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com

 Detroit Music Scene with Chris Mcintosh Part 2 Episode #16 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:46:45

"The Detroit Music Scene Podcast" Today we chat with Chris Mcintosh the man who recorded some of Detroits best rock and jambands. In his home studio known as Mctech he used his knowledge of gear, electronics, acoustics, and personal skill to craft some all time albums like Bump's "Incredible Consequence", Simplicity's "Life After Life", and The Natives of the New Dawn. He also contributed musically on top of recording and producing. *If you enjoy our podcast and want to help us grow, check out our Patreon account and enjoy the exclusive material not heard anywhere else. https://www.patreon.com/MikeandMaurice MikeandMauriceMindEscape.com


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