The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

The Durenda Wilson Podcast

Summary: Durenda Wilson is the owner/host of her podcast and is a wife to one for 34 years, mom to eight, and nana to 10. She has homeschooled all of her kids from the beginning. She loves to share simple, effective approaches to motherhood, homeschooling, and life in general. These tools are a result of many years of walking with the Lord and finding freedom in letting His voice quiet all the others.

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  • Artist: Durenda Wilson
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 All rights reserved.


 Answering Your Questions: Part 1 (Podcast 40) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:51

Many of us long for an older mom to help us navigate motherhood, homeschooling, etc. For months I've been collecting questions that YOU have wanted answers to!  We talk about chores, homeschooling, mom guilt, busyness and more. There were so many questions, I had to divide this into two podcasts! I also invited our oldest daughter, Brittney to join me.  I love that she can give her perspective as both a mom of littles AND the oldest child of a large homeschooling family! Our prayer is that God will speak to your heart through this question and answer time and that you would hear HIS voice above all others!(For the list of resources mentioned in the podcast, go to this podcast on

 Why Chores Are Essential (Podcast 39) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:15

Of all the questions I receive, the topic of chores is on the top of the list!  Moms and kids are frustrated, angry, and resentful when it comes to this issue and today I'm going to tackle it from top to bottom! Having 8 kids in 12 years can bring a mom to her knees and her home into disarray, but God taught our kids (and me) SO much through working together. The benefits of having our kids do chores are countless!  I'll talk about many of them in this podcast as well as how we scheduled them.  More than anything, I want you to be encouraged that investing in this area is not only lightens our loads as moms but is an essential part of our kids' education! (For resources mentioned in the podcast, see the notes for this episode at Age Appropriate Chore Chart

 Read Aloud Family With Sarah MacKenzie (Podcast 38) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:29

Many of you may know Sarah Mackenzie from Read Aloud Revival! Sarah and I have been friends for a few years and I LOVE her!  She is the REAL DEAL! You may be familiar with her first book, Teaching From Rest. It's been a huge encouragement for homeschool moms everywhere! Sarah recently published Read Aloud Family and it's been a huge bestseller!  I believe it's because Sarah articulates what is already in the heart of moms everywhere.  We WANT to connect with our kids.  We WANT meaningful relationships with them, but we are overloaded with information on HOW to do that. In today's podcast, we are going to talk about one of the simplest ways to begin to connect and build relationships with our kids: reading out loud to them.  Many of us can feel disillusioned by the idea that we have to spend copious amounts of time reading to our kids in order for it to count, but Sarah debunks that myth! She shares tips to help make this time happen and we talk about the countless and sometimes surprising blessings of making reading out loud a priority!DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST ON MY BLOG FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE COPY OF READ ALOUD FAMILY(To find resources mentioned in the podcast, please go to the show notes at

 The Mystery Of History With Linda Hobar (Podcast 37) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:19

After homeschooling for over 23 years, I can count on one hand the curricula that I have used over and over again and recommend to moms all the time.  The Mystery of History is one of those and there are many reasons as I share in this podcast. If you are wondering about the importance of history, how it relates to our faith and how it can be used as a springboard for many of the most important conversations you will have with your kids, then you will enjoy today's podcast! Today Linda Hobar (author of The Mystery of History) joins me to tell a little bit more about her background as a homeschool mom and how she ended up writing a world history series!(You can find resources mentioned in the podcast and information about the giveaway at

 Encouragement For The Anxious, Weary Mom (Podcast 36) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:33

Anxiety is something we all deal with at one point or another.  For some us, it's literally an ongoing battle. There are no easy answers, but, as Believers, we can be assured that God WILL take care of us in the midst of whatever is making us anxious.Today's podcast comes from literally weeks and weeks of seeking God's face in the midst of anxiety.  Whenever I find myself in places that I cannot get away from, places that seem to compound my feelings of anxiety, but that God is clearly having me walk through, I have to ask Him, "What is it that I can only see or hear in THIS particular place?"Our trials are not haphazardly placed in front of us.  God is sovereign over our lives and nothing is outside His scope of control and care for us.  He doesn't waste anything hard that He asks us to walk through.If you are feeling anxious and weary, join me in looking to the ONLY One who can bring clarity and wisdom. Know that you are not alone and that you ARE loved!A friend of mine challenged me awhile back with this:"When by His grace we break through the shame and boldly unveil our weaknesses, grace rushes in and shows God's power to those around us. "-Kimm CrandallMay you be encouraged and may you know God's power and presence as you listen.(Resources mentioned in the podcast are available at

 The Development Stages Of Kids And Their Learning With Dan Marcone (Podcast 35) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:01

We all go into parenting with some amount of baggage and we hope our kids will have less of it than we did, but what does that even look like?  We know what NOT to do, but what DO we do?  We love our kids, but how to we nurture and raise them to be emotionally healthy adults?  And if we are homeschooling, how do we address obstacles that inevitably show up along the way? I went into motherhood and homeschooling with a very basic understanding of child development and even that little bit of information has proven to be very helpful over my 27 years as a mom.  I've learned even more as we have homeschooled our children for the last 23 years. Today, Dan Marcone, M.A., LMHC, is sharing some very, very important information about the development stages of kids and how it relates to their learning.  You will want to grab a pen and paper and take notes because this podcast is chock FULL of great information!(Resources mentioned in the podcast available at

 Taming Our Kids' Tongues (Podcast 34) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:26

Who hasn't had a kid who struggles with whining, lying, complaining, being disrespectful, etc?  Join me as I talk with Ginger Hubbard, author of "Don't Make Me Count to Three", "Wise Words for Moms", and her new release (April 24th), "I Can't Believe You Just Said That!",  Ginger will share PRACTICAL ways we can help our kids tame their tongues.  We want to go beyond just getting our kids to behave.  As Believers, we want to reach the HEARTS of our children and Ginger shares some simple, yet effective tools!

 Navigating The Post High School Years (Podcast 32) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:01

Not every young person knows what they want to do when they graduate from high school. In fact, those that do are the exception, not the rule.  However, there is SO much pressure for our young people to make decisions they are simply not ready to make.  College is becoming less and less relevant and our kids are finding themselves floundering.  Because of this pressure, many students go through the motions of continuing education without owning what they are doing and others just become paralyzed and do nothing. Today I am talking with our 19-year-old son, Luke, as we share our experience of navigating the post-high school years.  Luke is our 5th born, 3rd son) and, as you will learn from our conversation, has learned that this journey looks different for every family AND for every child. You will be encouraged as we talk about what it looks like to walk through these post-high school years TOGETHER!

 Redefining Education; An Interview With Isaac Morehouse (Podcast 31) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:05

Did you know that the model for the public school system was created during the Industrial Revolution, essentially preparing students to be factory workers? Our kids need something drastically different to prepare them to succeed in the 21st century.  As homeschoolers, we have that opportunity!  But what this means is that we need to be willing to think outside the box. Today I am talking with Isaac Morehouse, founder, and CEO of Praxis, a highly successful apprenticeship program that can't keep up with the demand for its graduates. Isaac was homeschooled and shares how homeschooling was an incredible asset to him (probably not in the ways you think).  He is on the front lines and well connected to what companies are looking for in employees, so he speaks to the opportunities we have as homeschoolers to truly prepare our kids for the future. I guarantee this podcast will be the biggest encouragement you've heard in a long time! (For links and books mentioned, go to

 Creating High School Transcripts (Podcast 30) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:36

Whether you’ve got kids in high school or you are fact-gathering for the upcoming high school years, you will love the experience and wisdom that Cheryl shares in this podcast on creating transcripts for your high schoolers!Cheryl is a mom to 8 kids ages 28 down to almost 3. She has graduated 3 so far. She brings with her a multitude of years in education, both before children and as a homeschooling mom.This podcast might seem a little overwhelming to some, so listen with discernment as not everything mentioned may be a good fit for you!(As you are listening, please make note of any more questions you might have. We would be happy to do another podcast to answer those, if need be!)

 Age Of Opportunity: Homeschooling Middle and High Schoolers (Podcast 29) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:06

"Just you wait until they're teenagers!".  I heard this a lot when we had several little ones.  I hated it. My friend used to call these people the "just you waits."  I couldn't help but think that God had something better for our kids and our relationships with them.  The teen years hold challenges, but I was right, these years can be both productive and enjoyable! As homeschooling moms, it's easy to freak out as we prepare our kids for high school and question whether or not we can actually pull of homeschooling all the way through high school.  Today I talk with my friend, Cheryl Bastian, also a mom of eight (ages 2-29) who worked in education before she had children and has been homeschooling for well over two decades. You're going to be both encouraged and equipped through this conversation as we talk about how important perspective is in navigating these very precious years with our kids! (For more, go to my website:

 Learning Lifestyle Revival with Holly Giles (Podcast 28) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:32

Today Holly Giles joins me as we talk about what it looks like to homeschool from where you are and to follow your children's interests.  You will love Holly's encouraging stories as she shares how God led her family to homeschool and how her children are thriving through a lifestyle of learning! Holly is a wife, mother, and storyteller. She has a passion for helping families discover their own learning style and use it to nurture their children's God-given gifts. The importance of a strong family relationship is woven in each message. Holly gleans from her own life with boys, embracing the outdoors and navigating the challenges of a special needs child, to tell stories, woven with humor, that are sure to encourage the weariest of souls. Nature is her springboard to inspire you to a more abundant life at home. Holly is the author of Blaze New Trails, creator of the Learning Lifestyle Revival, and opens her home and life to you at (More info on

 Why Homeschooling Works (Podcast 27) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:50

Homeschooling has become not only a viable educational option, but often a preferred one, but what is it about homeschooling that actually makes it work?  What are the foundational aspects that give our children the advantage of becoming life long learners? After homeschooling for over 22 years (5 graduated and 3 still school age), I can tell you that it's not what you might think! In this podcast, I share a perspective that I hope will both inspire you and be the encouragement you need to press forward in your homeschooling journey. (For more, please go to my blog

 How Moms Impact The Culture (Podcast 26) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:24

We are busy trying to raise decent human beings and that is a very REAL and very influential role.  At the same time, we live in a world that desperately needs hope.  HOW can we, as moms, help facilitate that? The enemy's tactics are clever.  If he can keep our focus somewhere else, we will miss countless opportunities.  But what if we adjusted our lens and became very focused on what REALLY matters? PLEASE listen in as I share something that I believe God is calling every believing mom to grasp and understand because He wants to use us to rock the world.(For more, please go to

 The Urgency Of Motherhood (Podcast 25) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:35

So many times we refer to ourselves as "just moms", but God created motherhood and considers it a place of honor.  The word honor means distinction, recognition, privilege, glory, prestige, merit, importance, notability, respect, esteem, approbation. We need to understand that being a mom is an honor. It is a privilege. The culture shouts otherwise, but God honors moms. He loves them. He leads them gently (Isaiah 40:11). Motherhood isn't a diversion from the important IS the important work. Between the two of us, my friend Sherri and I have 12 kids, over 50 years of motherhood and over 40 years of homeschooling experience. Listen in while we talk about the Urgency of Motherhood!(About halfway through there is a glitch in the recording.  Hang in there for a little bit...we do come back!) Check out my books on Amazon...The Unhurried Homeschooler and Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart!More encouragement on my


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